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  • A Speech for Our Times - Winston Marshall


    Winston Marshall debates politics with Nancy Pelosy at the Oxford Union.

    A man to watch - he should go far - the further the better!

    (15 minutes)



  • The Great Reset is Taking Shape ...


    It was either going to be the New World Top-Down Order of the Blair - Cameron - May - Boris - Bush - Obama - Clintons - Kissinger - Schwab - Rockefellers - Rothschilds brigade of Khazarian Zionists and Eugenicists, or it would be the opposite, an expertly crafted and skilfully engineered demolition, on behalf of the freedom of the people, of the centralized power structures of those self-appointed global elites who thought that they would rule the world - AKA the global corporate oligarchs (Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum (now "in partnership" with the United Nations) the list goes on... ).

    How were these centralized power structures built in a world of democratic governments? By ancient secret societies and modern secret services of the world who, whilst nominally under

  • Where We're Going, How We Stop It


    Ivor Cummins introduces Eddie Hobbes.

    Everything you didn't want to know about the WHO's plans for the future.

    OK, but the UK government has said that it isn't going to pass the changes in current form, and they're politicians, so we can trust them, right?

    (74 minutes)


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  • More from Clif High


    These are audio only, so you can kick back and watch the ceiling whilst you attempt to keep up.

    They are rather like brain dumps, so pay attention.

    Transition from "complicated" to "complex" 

    (21 minutes)


    Medbeds, Chemtrails, Nesara/Gesara, Space Aliens Worship Cult, We are running the media now, Drone Attack - Glorious 12th incoming, impact of fiat currencies on Baby Booms / Busts, and the Shift of the Ages (not to mention the Vatican)

    (21 minutes)



  • Clif High Speaks to Dr Naomi Wolf About the Universe


    Clif is the only man I know who has (a) been able and (b) dared... to explain the mysteries of the universe, our place within it, and how 3D life death and time work to school us to ever greater perfection and power over the ages, all without resort to religious dogma. A dangerous man indeed, especially if you are of a dogmatic persuasion.

    All presented in the most matter of fact manner and based on his own experiences, rational thought, evidence, and logic. He bridges the gaps between "sciences" "religions" and "spirituality" (demolishing some long-held popular notions in the process) - whether we think he's onto something is up to each of us, but for my money (OK, his work is free of charge) he's one of the best revolutionary philosophers out there.

    As a bonus he runs through his current projects and keys us up for the incoming events that his work leads him to expect. Don't dismiss out of hand, he was right about last October...

    It's a bit of a

  • Ukraine Update


    Scott Ritter delivers the latest news from Ukraine.

    News of the offensive has been long awaited, but now it's here - it's just that it's the Russian offensive, not the Ukrainian.

    And it's looking like rolling over the Ukraine well before any effective response can be mounted.

    Yes, it's a war of evidence, information, and logic, as well as logistics and kinetics.

    NATO seems to be in a hole, but will they stop digging? Or will there be an escalation of desperation?

    (25 minutes)


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  • The Grid Connection - a Right or an Entitlement?


    John Droz Jr reviews the imbalance of influence in today's politics with regard to "Green" initiatives, asking how the one-sided influence of paid lobbyists in our political system is balanced in the interests of the public at large.

    The public at large however is also subject to influence from many quarters, primarily from the mainstream media in all its forms - articles from (biased / unbiased) sources, advertisements, but also direct suggestions for "home improvements" (possibly sponsored by local government / national government and often communicated by unsolicited phone calls that may well be illegal), not to mention from their "elected representatives" especially at election time when they presume to tell us what policies we should be demanding.

    Maybe it's time for the public at large to organise policy forums that review our political parties' policy offerings from the point of view of the man in the street (and a coherent fully formed analysis,

  • How Green is my Valley?


    Well...   it depends. 

    How many data centres can it accommodate?

    And how many "renewable" wind turbines can be installed in order to power these centres day in, day out, with a vast uninterruptible electricity supply?

    Or are our governments encouraging us to rely on unreliable intermittent "renewables" for our own needs whilst burning fossil fuels to power their spyware centres?

    If Mother Earth is going to hell in a handcart because of all the CO2 emissions, then how can we afford all the data centres required to monitor all the messages on the internet? Who needs them, and what for?

    "This growth has accelerated in orders of magnitude, driven by one, the number of data centers requesting to be connected to our system, two, the size of

  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 May 2024


    "The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways"

    "There are many other signs of KM defeat we will discuss below. The implications of this are far bigger than most people realize"

    So, will the ancien regime go out with a bang or a whimper?

    Will we even need to notice?

    Modest Subscription Required...

  • Down the Rabbit Hole ... to the Greatest Reset Ever Told


    (Readers are strongly advised to read my other 'Down the RabbitHole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the RabbitHole 1, before continuing)

    Pascale Najadi plunges into the murky waters of the deepest darkest most ancient conspiracy theories - and the most... unpleasant... beyond doubt.  

    Pascale is a little difficult to follow in some places, and many, perhaps the majority, will take time to come to terms with all this. To say that it  is "the greatest story ever told" is probably an understatement.

    It's also the first time I've ever seen Riccado Bosi permit himself to be upstaged!

    It is rather long; and many will say "utter nonsense", but maybe,

    The Green Dream Radiation Machine?


    This is an interesting Substack which makes the case that "renewable" power sources may in practice release just as much or even more radiation into the environment as nuclear reactors, when assessed over their working lifespan.

    Whoa! How does that work?

    As so often with "renewables", we encounter the hidden hypocrisies of "outsourcing" the dirty secrets overseas. This time it's not about child slave labour in the Congo, but pollution in China (and possibly elsewhere).

    Nothing surprises me any more... until next week...

    Time to shut the world down and take stock?


  • The Green Dream Fantasia Machine


    Last night I attended a local town renewable energy "workshop", billed as an exploration of how our local area might develop its potential for local power generation. No actual planning, no actual commitments, just getting local people "involved".

    So being quite interested in the possibility of local power generation for local power needs (devolution of control of power provision may well be a step in the right direction), I decided to pay a call and attend.

    Not wishing to come empty-handed, I printed off afew leaflets summarising some of the more obvious points of relevance to power generation on the scale to which we have all become accustomed, and as I was one of the early arrivals I spread them around the available tables, subsequently chatting to a few of the attendees and volunteer staff to explain my offering. This was noted with politeness and subsequently

  • Dr Ahmad Malik Explains Beards Maltesers and Modern Medicine to Neil Oliver


    It's a nice change for Neil to abandon the rant at which he so excels to give the floor to another in a field that many now feel has abandoned the basics in furtherance of... well, what exactly?

    Highly recommended.

    (59 minutes)  


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  • How Dangerous is Nuclear (2) ?


    This is a follow-on from our recent article How Dangerous Is Nuclear? which was about the dangers of normal operation of nuclear plants.

    This article examines the dangers from accidents and disasters associated with nuclear power plants.

    Missing is any real discussion of small modular reactors whose use has hitherto been mostly confined to military purposes, which are not exactly subject to in-depth reporting when things go wrong.

    Whilst in-depth reporting on any major event (nuclear or not) often seems to be coloured by vested interests which might prefer their own failings to remain hidden, some might think that this article may be based upon an unreliable dataset. However, we are where we are, and maybe there is a useful case to

  • The End is Nigh, and the New Hard Behind It - Fulford 6 May 2024


    It's all over bar the mopping up?

    Who has a mop big enough?

    Reinventing the World isn't exactly a minor operation, so we must pray that (a) somebody somewhere has a transition plan and (b) everybody involved is involved on the basis of mutual respect and mutual cooperation for the good of humanity.

    It's a tall order, but someone has to tackle it, and the usual suspects are neither suitable nor (hopefully) available any more.

    And we the people must step up if we don't want another top down global bureaucracy of the elite to decide how the future is to be run.

    Maybe it doesn't yet qualify as "Bibilical", but it will have to be the biggest reinvention of global governance since the invention of royalty if it is to persist.

    "The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum...

  • Trump - He has Covid Questions to Answer!


    This isn't the first time that we have highlighted the Trump response to the pandemic, and it may or may not be the last.

    Why are we so keen on getting answers? Trump is possibly the most famous/infamous and certainly polarising  American politician (we could probably say global politician), and he looks set to win another term as US president if we assume the 5 Nov elections are going to take place. And if they don't take place then it's a racing certainty that whatever circumstances arise to prevent it will have to be globally disruptive...

    Whatever we may think of Trump, being ignored is not his style, so failing an assassination, he is going to be with us for a while yet.

    So as the election season ramps up in North America, the Brownstone

  • No Way to Run a Chip Shop, Let Alone a Country


    Have we reached "peak insanity" yet? Part of me believes that we reached it long ago, but that other irritating yet maddeningly always correct part of me avers that if that were true, things would by now be getting better, rather than worse. 

    So I must concede - no, we have not reached peak insanity just yet.

    How long will it take?

    Oh please - I gave up making such predictions long ago. You will just have to make up your own answers on this one.

    But before you do, I recommend recalibrating your expectations by reading the latest report in the Daily Sceptic about the current eye-wateringly expensive completely madcap stupidity that is certain (yes, I can confidently predict this one!) to make many more well-connected people extremely rich before it bankrupts the rest of us and fails laughably on

  • How Dangerous is Nuclear?


    Given that the green transition seems to be in deep trouble for lack of resources (amongst much else), why the reluctance to develop nuclear?

    Because it's dangerous.

    But given that so much of what we have been taught (climate change, pandemics, quaxxines) isnow being challenged and indeed found wanting by many, should we not be reviewing the supposed dangers of nuclear radiation from nuclear plants seriously? Is this danger really as great as we suppose?

    Well, I don't know, but it does seem that governments around the world are taking different views on this, given the panicked rush to renewables isn't working out too well, and that France seems to have made an adequate job of running its electricity supply on nuclear, to the point where it can export this power to other countries.

    And alongside

  • It Won't Happen Because It Can't Happen


    What won't?

    The Green Energy Transition to Net Zero Happening within the official timescale dictated by what passes for our Government.

    Who says so?

    An independent financial publication whose team represents both the pro renewables and anti renewables viewpoints (both being relevant to the purpose of investing our private savings).

    Why won't it?

    Nobody did the due diligence on the planning.

    To be brutally honest, has any large scale government sponsored project ever come in anywhere near on time within living memory? Can anybody think of a bigger UK national project than our transition to Net Zero?

    So why the surprise?

    And, given that this target date is enshrined in law, who will go to gaol?


  • "This is Not Another Four Year Election"


    I believe that that statement was uttered by "the Donald" on taking office in 2016. Well he was right, it has been almost eight years since he made that statement, and whilst lots of water has flowed beneath the bridge since then, "we the people" seem to be still saddled with the seemingly ever more incompetent (some would say venal) bunch of politicians that we have always had to endure since time immemorial.

    So this is the presentation that explains exactly why it has taken so long, put together by a couple of self-taught experts (one military legal, one financial) who know their onions. It's not rocket science, but it does take some concentration to track the thread.

    And yes, there's a lot of moving parts to this operation.

    The result? It's back to basics... and let justice be done though the heavens fall!

    "...  this is not for the next four years, this is for the common good of everybody and our
