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  • Aaron Siri Testifies in New Hampshire on Covid Response Efficacy


    Lawyer Aaron Siri testifies before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.

    Part 1:

    (87 minutes)

    Part 2:

    (75 minutes)



  • Meet the New Boss - Same as the Old Boss?


    With a new Prime Minister and a new Parliament (inclusive - finally! - of Nigel Farage), what does the future hold for the UK?

    And how is the Net Zero programme relevant? And immigration?

    Nick Hubble reviews our prospects from a safe distance in Japan:

    (28 minutes)

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  • : U.S.-NAVY-BRIEFING: R.R.385-460-312-U.S.


    "I'm zeroing out the balance of the National Debt from 1999 to 2024, because there is no president..."

    "I'm authorising the US Dept of Navy to stop the electromagnetic pulses to create the brainwashing of the citizens on the North American continent..."

    "To shut down your radio wave frequencies of the mind-control being run by the US Dept of Navy, otherwise known as DARPA, globally, to brainwash the citizens to think that there is an actual presidential election, that here is an actual US government (nothing can be further from the truth) so we need to lift the evil facing of the mind-control system that the US military has engaged against the people, a very dangerous thing that you boys are playing there, there are some of us who know what's going on, we're onto the Stockholm syndrome and our minds are free. Those of us with claims of the life, our minds are free, we have moral compass, we value God and Christ-like concepts, we value being accountable for what we do. We're

  • Inflation or Unemployment? Or Justice?


    Independence Day seems unlikely to bring us any independence, given the choices offered by those in charge.

    We have overspent, and must pay the bill

    One way or another. It's the iron law of banking, and it's the government that overspent so they must pay it down.

    They don't have the money? What did they do with it? Oh yes, they sent a lot of it to the Ukraine to pay for the war against Russia that the Ukrainians are somehow fighting on our government's behalf, then they sent it to Israel for munitions to bomb the people of Gaza.

    Did we vote for either of these wars?

    In previous years they sent it to Afghanistan, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Kuwait,Libya,

  • EDI = Self-Censorship - and We Pay For It!


    EDI 30 years ago used to be Electronic Data Interchange, but since the internet made that passé, the TLA has been co-opted for "Equity Diversity and Inclusivity".

    And there's a whole media and financial industry sprung up to enforce it. Who financed that?

    It isn't clear that EDI has any positive financial implications, since in business, getting the best person for the job is likely to achieve the best financial results, all other things being equal; but since when did crusading politics care for financial results in the real world?

    So who is paying for all this now?

    We are.

  • Colours Well Nailed


    Martin Geddes pays another visit to his alma mater, where his visit prompted a discourse for our benefit on the remarkable spell that this venerable institution seemingly still labours under, unawares.

    Unawares that is except for the maintenance personnel that actually still make it functional, in its misguided way.

    Personally I find the greatest difficulty in accepting that some people really are incapable of seeing past the nonsense of the day to identify the underlying causes, but then I was schooled in the unforgiving world of computing, where such a handicap would have led to a change of employment in relatively short order. Also I never strayed far from the low end of development / implementation to the more remunerative but foggier heights of consultancy, salesmanship, and occasionally, straight BS. Of course that is not to impune honest consultants and salespersons, merely to observe that a proportion might certainly be considered to have fine-tuned too far their offerings... caveat

  • Covid "Vaccines" Trials in Context


    "... my written testimony submitted to Congress explaining why it was sheer folly to think that the Covid-19 vaccines were going to be properly safety tested before or after licensure"

    Many acres of internet pages have by now been written by many and various authors devoted to all manner of theories about how the Covid jabs were developed, approved, marketed and distributed. This is but the latest in a long line, but it takes as its baseline the traditional notion that the usual regulatory bodies, that normally regulate vaccines and pharmaceutical products, were similarly responsible for the Covid products (other authors may disagree).

    Even so, it is still damning.

    In fact, it seems to be a dreadful litany of

  • UK Column News 1st July 2024


    Special Edition, recorded live at Sounds Beautiful Festival:

    Lots of truth and good advice in this edition!

    (83 minutes)



  • Chemtrails Banned in Tennessee


    Well, it may be on the other side of the Atlantic but a precedent is a precedent.

    If they are doing it in the States then they are doing it here, as we can all see should we be inclined to lift up our eyes and look at what is going on above our heads.

    Now it is true that making something illegal doesn't necessarily mean that enforcing that ban will be easy, or even possible (as our own government may in due course find out when its legally mandated "Net Zero" targets come due but unfulfilled), but it is the first step.

    Interest of Justice has the story.


  • "Chaos Event" Incoming?


    Are we in for a big disruption shortly?

    Are we anticipating a crisis, and being put "on a war footing"?

    Whilst we are without a government (not to mention somewhat distracted) due to the election, this could be bad time for war to break out...

    "... as long as the bankers... control the monetary system... politics... won’t matter much. The levers of control must be broken and the process to doing so, while now underway, will be a fierce battle"

    OK, I've abbreviated this quote because in full it is specific to the EU, but is the UK any different?

    ZeroHedge has the story

    And whilst on

  • Fulford Report - Monday 1st July 2024


    Mainly concerned with the extensive fall-out from the Trump - Biden match, this week Ben runs us through the aftermath, including the speculation about who might inherit the poisoned chalice once "Joe Biden steps down".

    The war of attrition continues...  (modest subscription required)


  • Liz Philips Speaks!


    "I think the whole thing is part of a play..."

    Richard Vobes talks with Liz Philips, who (for those that don't know) used to work closely with Nigel Farage in his UKIP days.

    "... farmers are being paid not to farm - Come On! Wake up everybody!"

    It's your view that counts...

    (46 minutes)


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  • Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Explained ... Do Try to Keep Up!


    We have featured a few articles recently by : POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould and no doubt many will be doubtful that his activities could actually be central to our legal existence.

    So here we have another explanation (inevitably from the American point of view, but we are talking here of a global system so it doesn't only affect Americans).

    The Quantum Grammar so-called is key here because it supersedes / overrides the original way of writing contracts, since it is unambiguous. No doubt we will all get used to it in time...

    (81 minutes)


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  • Gene Therapies - the Train-Wreck Continues


    The gene-therapy not-a-vaccines always seemed to me to be contentious, as they seemed designed to ruin us - by turning our own immune systems against us.

    So if there is a protein that out our body should attack, is it really sensible to modify our own cells to produce it?!

    If the "gene-therapy" modification that was designed to persuade one's cells to produce that protein lands anywhere in one's body (which it would have to to be effective) then that part of the body will be attacked by the body's own immune system. And if it continues to misbehave (booster jabs anybody?) then the immune system will continue to attack it. So we get a smorgasbord of "side-effects", many of which will cause death, that are inevitable and designed-in.

    So it's no surprise that there are many and copious "side-effects" listed for the gene-therapy not-a-vaccines, and that the numbers of excess-deaths from all causes are rising, seemingly inexorably, following the 2021 global

  • Bring Back the Hanging Gardens of Babylon


    We have approached this topic before, in a memorable interview (below) by Del Bigtree with Zach Bush back in 2020 which covered a variety of current-day ills.

    "That this is the exact opposite of what the U.N./W.E.F. want –  which is to force people into fifteen minute prison cities with rural areas left to carbon sinks – is just another example of reality flowing like water around fascist-erected obstacles"

    This is how the world should be developing:

    "if only 11 percent of current farmland were turned to restoration, all of the supposed excess carbon emissions of man

  • The "Climate Change" Scam Exposed


    "Those contracts must be interesting, not that anyone can see them. The first thing they do is act as whacking big first-time tax deductions. The second thing they do is act as an annual tax deduction because those trees are eating CO2. Very clever. International interests buy our land (and yours) and use it to not pay taxes. While banking some of the most valuable assets on the planet"

    This is what happens when big government cosy up to big corporations to rig the cash flows.

    "imagine these people embedded in every single industry. Because they are"

    "All that activist does is strategize on how to destroy that business. And they are paid, through environmental organizations funded by BlackRock"

    Climate Change is Big Business, but it's rigged business, not free

  • The Elohim Worship Cult is Dead - Long Live Our New Humanity!


    "If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure"

    So are we going to go through a tribulation of scarcity and starvation? Only if we allow them to destroy our agriculture and international food supply chains.

    Polymath Clif High muses on the rise and fall of civilisation as we have known it, based upon top-down control by self-appointed elites,and considers its rebirth as something more grounded and, of necessity, based upon hard realty.

    Hopefully also based upon new systems awareness and bottom-up control by "we the people" who will no longer tolerate absurd and destructive leadership by those who are supposed to be our representatives, but who actually represent the vested interests of the moneyed classes

  • We Already Know the Result of the Election


    Does anybody have that nagging feeling that it doesn't matter which Party we elect to manipulate the fabled "levers of power", the result will be the same?

    Or let me put it another way - does anybody not have that nagging feeling that it doesn't matter which Party we elect, the result will be the same?

    So what kind of democracy is this?

    Well, there are some folk who claim to know exactly why the election result won't matter, and that's because they know exactly who will be in the driving seat whatever election result we deliver on 4th July.

    Sadly, it's a story that seems to be as old as the hills, and a story that should be discussed all around the world, and yet somehow we never noticed it before? Or if we did, perhaps our attention was distracted...

  • The Playground of the 4th Dimension


    Richard Vobes is famously open to challenging our interpretations of the world in which we live, and in this interview with Allegedly Dave  he delves deep into the rabbit hole to pull out...   well, you'll just have to watch the video. Stand by for some staggering revelations.

    (61 minutes)


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  • Yanis Reviews the Release of Julian Assange


    One of the very few of the world's politicians for whom I have the greatest respect, Yanis Varoufakis - leftie Greek politician, economist, and scourge of the EU - explains his view of the sudden release of perhaps the world's most famous journalist.

    (18 minutes)

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