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  • False Flag Attack Incoming?


    The deep state (Oh yes there is!) likes to use false flags to mould public opinion to the way they want it. Rumours of course abound, but Ole Dammegard doesn't do rumours, he does investigations, collects evidence, and applies logic.

    Here he is speaking to Michael Jaco in the wake of the recent Bilderberg Group meeting.

    So pin back your ears and learn how the world really works... and how we can recognise the warning signs.

    Be warned, this is a slow burn, but it goes much deeper than you may expect...

    (96 minutes)


  • How We the People Can Change Our Democratic System!


    The First Past the Postsystem is regarded by many as unsatisfactory, and various countries use alternative systems designed to be "fairer" in that they give political parties seats in proportion to the numbers of votes that they receive at elections.

    Sounds good, no? But it cements power into the hands of the political parties, so that independent MPs become as rare as hens' teeth.

    Looking around the world, it's not obvious that these result in better outcomes. The increase in complexity simply makes it more difficult to understand (and possibly easier to obfuscate any cheating!).

    Anyway, in the UK we have a system which the incumbent MPs are extremely reluctant to change, so can we the people take the initiative and use it as is today to get what we the people want?

    So what is wrong with the way we work it currently?


  • Biggest Conspiracy Theory in the World?


    I hope that long-time readers may forgive me for featuring this film again, but events this year do seem to be building to a climax as established forms of government become ever more dysfunctional all around the world, warring parties are ever more irreconcilable, the threat of nuclear war continues to ramp up, and the WEF WHO and "global boiling" become ever more ridiculous.

    How can this be?

    It's a long story, partially explained in the video below.

    Whether or not you have seen it before, you may be shocked, and you will likely reject it out of hand as preposterous...  but wait! Since when has preposterousness been a bar to being

  • Bandits over Clacton, Scramble! Scramble!


    The Nigel, erstwhile scourge of the EU Parliament, disruptor of cosy party politics, Britain's abrasive answer to Donald Trump, is back!

    Likely in Clacton, since you ask.

    The Tories will have their work cut out to defeat him there, in a seat once won by Douglas Carswell for UKIP. Let's hope the Electoral Commission is properly monitoring party expenses this time...

    But will Nigel pull all his candidates again if Rishi promises to leave the WEF WHO UN ..?

    Or has he learned his lesson? Will the Great British public be fooled once more? Actually, with nominations closing on Friday, he's unlikely to have time to pull such a trick this time around.


  • Fulford Report - 3 June 2024 - Summer of Discontent


    A jam-packed report this week covering much of the world and where it might be going.

    As always, treat with caution - he's managed to finger our Craig Mackinlay as an Aussie politician...  perhaps MI6 misinformation?!

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Fauci Fabrications of Fear


    Four years on, and the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability seems to have sprung belatedly into action.

    So it's finally official, it was all made up.

    So what will they do about it?

    What will we do about it?

    Vote them out!

  • Japan Breaks Ranks


    The Japanese do these things with exquisite politeness.

    Would that the British parliamentarians were so committed to their integrity.

    (5 minutes)

    Japan's Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Apologises During Today's Massive Protest Against the WHO


  • Reiner Fuellmich - Update on his Trial & the Geneva Rally at the UN


    Reiner updates us from his prison in Germany.

    "Free Julian Assange"!

    "Free Reiner Fuellmich"!

    "The mechanics of the WHO and United Nations is completely corrupted [1:01:30]"

    We will have Law and Order and Justice back!

    (9 minutes)



  • Alternative Transcendence Incoming?


    Five years ago the notion of transcendence was not exactly on anybody's lips, beyond perhaps some religious cults or eastern faiths.

    It is true that the Bible relates that Christ ascended into Heaven after reappearing to his apostles following his resurrection, but modern day Christians have in general no expectation of ascending/transcending in like manner.

    I believe that the Buddha is believed to have transcended into Nirvana, although I could be wrong about this and the precise meaning of words here is probably elusive to most modern western populations.

    It appears however that "transcendence" (whatever its meaning) may be on offer from an unsuspected source, namely technology...  according to the good folk who are intent to bring us the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

    " 'Enhanced' humans... will possess new superhuman abilities and will defeat their own mortality with routine

  • Light to Dark 2 - Where Are the Fact Checkers?


    When Sir Keir is anointed PM shortly as many claim to expect, will things get better or worse?

    Well, the cost of energy is more of less the determinant of a nation's prosperity, so if it rises then all our costs wax and our real prosperity wanes, whilst if the cost of energy falls then our costs wane and our real prosperity waxes.

    Too easy?

    Well, never mind, we can trust our politicians to make it more complicated than that, and one of the ways they do this is to cherry-pick which costs they include and which they exclude, and then to apply fiendishly complex market (-fixing) mechanisms and stealth taxes that all somehow act to increase the price we pay.

    They have had many years of practice at this so it has now become an almost impossible task to extricate the robust reality from the exquisite intricacy of the calculations.

    "The Labour Party will create Great

  • Light to Dark ...


    Well, "flaming June" is upon us, and not a moment too soon if you ask me.

    Whilst July usually marks the summer temperature zenith, June is the month that traditionally opens the doors of summer (unless May gets its retribution in first). May did manage to squeeze a couple of hot days out in our neck of the Kingdom, but its heart wasn't really in it.

    And that does kind of sum up Martin Geddes' review of the state of the Kingdom as he sees it, not from the viewpoint of the weather, but from the viewpoint of the streets.

    It's a sobering read.

    So I feel compelled to offer another perspective that may lighten the gloom of a society of many parts, not all of which may be seen to talk to each other. Not talking to each other is in fact a traditional trait of the British, who in many ways are more

  • Down the Rabbit Hole ... to the Real World History?


    (Readers are strongly advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing)

    Today's offering leads to a series of articles beginning with an piece on the the Grand Jury of the People's Court of Public Opinion (sounds like the event we covered in full in 2022). 

    This is from a Czech website (Tip - Chromium-based browsers such as Brave can translate these pages but it seems that Firefox users may be out of luck - use button at end of page address, or maybe use the browser menu button).

    This is just the first article... at the foot of each article is a link to the next (previous in posting time) article - just

  • Cameron, Blinken, Stoltenberg, Poke the Bear - Deliberate Escalation to Full-on War?


    "... citing the green-light given to Ukraine by British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron to use long-range missiles provided by the U.K. to hit targets in Russia. Following a previously-unannounced meeting with President Zelensky on May 21, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken indicated that the U.S. may follow suit" -Tass

    But there again, Zelensky is president no more, having now exceeded his tenure without bothering to call elections...  What does that make him, and why are we continuing to back him?

    Why are we hell-bent on more fighting when Russia is clearly in command of the battlefield and equally clearly not at all cowed by empty threats?

    Harley Schlanger reports.


  • We had to perform on some very shoddy elections


    OK, I admit it, this title is a slight misquote from Hinge and Bracket (which I defend in the interests of decorum, being unable to reproduce the full context of the original here). Think of it as a political oscillation between Left and Right!

    Today Nick Hubble (Fortune and Freedom), as so often, hits our democratic hoax squarely on the head:

    "Labour will consider its election victory as a mandate for its bizarre policies. Rather than as a rejection of the Conservatives for theirs.

    Given the policies are the same, this means electing Labour will only worsen our

    "We may well be stuck with Labour in the end. But perhaps we should be grateful. Because we’ve got clowns to the left of us and jokers to the right"

  • The World is Not Being Run by Human Beings


    Now there's a thought to conjure with!

    Yet another outlandish conspiracy theory?

    How outlandish do you need? If this isn't sufficiently outlandish for you, then maybe you should sit this one out...

    But it's not any old crackpot that is claiming this - it's La Quinta Columna (the Fifth Column), a notable group of scientific researchers who have made it their business to investigate "the jabs". I have to say that I find their research both painstaking and impressive, and we have featured their work previously (although not as often as I would like, as only a limited selection is presented in English).

    Today we are both in luck and in English, and although you might feel that

  • Fulford Report Monday 27 May 2024


    Another voluminous update on the collapse of the ancien regime...

    It defies summary, but there's plenty ongoing (heroic attempts to start WW3, countered by equally determined efforts to avoid WW3 - there are many people to thank in both categories), including the UK's GE 2024, should it outlast "events dear boy, events".

    Can matters get any crazier? (modest subscription required)

    Apparently Ben has even cancelled his normal summer holiday this year - and given the problems affecting the airline industry, who can blame him?


  • Palnackie Legal Update - May 2024


    The legal case surmounts a hurdle - in which jurisdiction should this case be tried?

    Previous find reports here

    It's a legally complex case involving several jurisdictions, so this High Court judgement is a welcome clarification which should make matters much simpler.

    Martin Geddes reports.


  • Election Thoughts - Neil Oliver


    Once more, Neil Oliver speaks for us all.

    Perhaps we should add "Parliamentary Democracy" to the list of hoaxes ancient and modern, joining "pandemics" and "climate change" in the hall of infamy. Somehow I suspect we will find that these are only the tip of the iceberg... 

    (16 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Is it All Coming Apart at the WHO?


    The IOJ thinks so.

    They intend ultimately to sue the WHO in a friendly jurisdiction to set an international precedent.

    (2 minutes)



    WHO's Pandemic Treaty Defeated In Epic Failure On World Stage

    Of course Director General Tedros is likely not permitted to give up, so expect further retrenchment and rule-bending, but so far, so good.


  • Royal Society Takes Itself Down


    "By their fruits shall ye know them"

    This brings a whole new meaning to the word "prestigious".

    It isn't as though criticism of Dr Fauci was limited to "conspiracy theorists" and their ilk... Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) made quite a name for himself interrogating Dr Fauci in the US Senate over far from trivial matters.

    And in MIchael "hockey stick" Mann, they have selected another figure that many clearly consider dubious, one not averse to using the courts to "protect his reputation".

    Certainly when I last looked, lawfare was no part of the "scientific
