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  • Monkeypox Mania


    Yes, the conspiracy theorists are working overtime on this one - and after the last one, who can blame them?

    "... now all of a sudden we're looking for the world's basket of pathogens that we can say are out-breaking convenient as we time the fatalities associated with the injection"

    "... now we're taking all the symptoms that those people are going to present with, and we now have a convenient narrative that says it's a new pathogen... "

    Ridiculous of course... but wait - would you bet against it?

    (25 minutes)



  • Bob Moran Speaks - the Telegraph, the "Pandemic", the Future


    Bob Moran, famous / infamous cartoonist, most noticeably for the Daily Telegraph, in an in-depth interview with UK Column.

    Bob now makes his living as an independent cartoonist, whilst making his work freely available to independent publishers - our own site is indeed indebted to him for this service and we use several of his cartoons to adorn relevant articles - thanks Bob, you are much appreciated!

    A very thought-provoking interview touching on almost everything that Bob experienced both pre- and post-Covid, and where he sees the world going now.

    "Nobody had more reason to riot than they did in 2020"

    (87 minutes)



  • Big Pharma on the Ropes?


    Now that Trump has teamed up with RFK Jr, it looks like the gloves are finally coming off - and in public.

    This goes back a long way.

    How long? Probably as long as the 1918 flu pandemic in which (a) nobody could demonstrate transmission of the disease via "bodily fluids" (but boy, did they try!) and (b) more (US) soldiers reputedly died of the vaccine (the term warp speed hadn't been invented then but I don't doubt there was an equivalent) than died of battle.

    More recently, the tetanus vaccine produced under the aegis of the WHO would seem to have something very "unfortunate" to hide - but as Mike Yeadon tends to say these days, maybe "mistakes were not made"?

    I haven't any information about the tetanus vaccines used outside Africa, but Big Pharma's reputation being what it is... why

  • The PCR Test, Covid, and Mpox


    Interest of Justice have pulled together a nice video which goes into some simple detail about why the PCR Test is not actually and could never be a valid test for a disease.

    The PCR process is not a test, but a process for amplifying a specific genetic sequence if it exists in a sample, The inventor, Kari Mullis, stated unequivocally that his process could not be used to identify an infection. There are a number of reasons for this which are mentioned in the video below.

    (59 minutes)


    As explained in the video, it's not about the details of cycle thresholds or anything else, its about the WHO's support of a "test" that is incapable of identifying an infection.


  • The People's Vaccine Inquiry


    Who are these uppity people who dare to set up independently of the official government Covid-19 Public Inquiry? Don't they know that the government have all this stuff in hand? OK, the official enquiry may have had to delay certain aspects due to the time that is unavoidably necessary to deal with all the many complexities of the subject matter, but that is after all inevitable.

    Bear in mind that it is easy to get lost in all the ins and outs of who did what to whom in this complex matter.

    Still, if you must read about these entirely unofficial views, there is a website that they have set up that you can access here (although you may find the content somewhat inclined toward those unproven "conspiracy theories").

    You could instead ask just one simple question... was the "gold standard" PCR test as supported by the WHO accurate, and if

  • Is Ivermectin All It's Cracked up to Be?


    It would seem so - but does it have a nasty sting in the tail?

    Interest of Justice (with a little help from Dr Mike Yeadon and Sage Hanna) examine the psychology, and find it... interesting.

    "Coincidences are genuinely rare. When they happen like this, you would be a mug to assume they’re innocent"

    This is deep enough to make one seriously inclined to suggest that this is a rabbit-hole too far, that nobody would be that devious. Sadly, whilst this train of thought may have appeared reasonable only a few years ago, today we should perhaps have learned better.

    Any project that appears to have invested heavily in fake "gain-of-function research" over multiple countries in a bid to cover the tracks of a fake pandemic caused by a fake virus (yes this sounds preposterous but it fits the

  • Yawn ...


    OK, are you sitting comfortably? Are you having a lie down? Or are you busy getting on with life?

    Well, pay attention, because the WHO has been working tirelessly to defend us from emerging perils, and has now discovered that (wait for it... ) there is a new and dreadful virus that unless we all do exactly as the WHO tells us we will surely die!

    Now look, I know that the last time they pulled this stunt it really did look for a time as though there really might have been an actual threat to world health, but sadly on that occasion it turned out to be a bit of a damp squib that only seemed to kill those at or around average life expectancy with assorted comorbidities. Even though governments around the world did their best to scare us all into compliance with fake tales of asymptomatic transmission, by labelling anybody who died of/with a positive test (which

  • Crimes Against Humanity vs Genocide?


    Interest of Justice are nothing if not ambitious - and maybe they have an appropriate jurisdiction in Costa Rica in which to pursue their ambitions.

    Taking the United Nations (World Health Organisation) to court is not without its problems - they probably have more money than any possible challenger on earth. They are also well-practised in the dark arts of propaganda, obfuscation, and psychological manipulation over many years, as Climate Change attests.

    Still, if somebody is to take on this task, then a maverick outfit like Interest of Justice may be as good as any.

    How would it be done? 

    Watch this space.


  • PCR Test Must be Stopped from Being Used as a Diagnostic Tool


    The ball is now in the courts (so to speak) of each nation.

    Portugal has already ruled against the test as a diagnostic tool, but was ignored internationally.

    The WHO has declined to rule - not surprising since it was their "gold standard" Covid test.

    So each nation can have its own court case now.

    The IOJ reports.



  • PCR Tests Useless - Depending on Your Objective


    Yes this is a hoary old topic that still hasn't seen the light of day in the mainstream media - but the legal processes in Portugal are not necessarily any faster than elsewhere.

    We did report on this some time ago I feel sure, but the appeals process had to be exhausted before the original verdict was upheld.

    Yes, the PCR test as applied in Portugal (and nearly everywhere else) is effectively useless. Its use is therefore criminally negligent at best.

    Of course, if your objective is to convince everybody that they may be suffering from a deadly pathogen and we all need to be injected with an untested experimental novel "vaccine" then maybe things start to make

  • Covid Enquiry Learns All the Wrong Lessons?


    Well, if you took advice from all the people who got it wrong in the first place, what would you expect?

    Any future strategy for whole-system civil emergencies, including for pandemics, will need to be based upon the establishment of large-scale digital platforms

    "... despite England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland being at risk of the same health emergency, the data and health systems were so different that they were a barrier to effective preparedness"

    So we can look forward to more centralised top-down one-size-fits-all no-contrarian-opinions-tolerated crisis management from the same team that brought us the Covid no-pandemic-excess-deaths-until-the-jabs-rolled-out scam.

    And while the exact nature of the "whole system civil emergency" remains unspecified, the government and its multiplicitous agencies will need carte blanche to spy on every aspect of our lives "just in

  • Bird Flu - Nothing to Flap Over


    Ok - this is one for the compulsively compliant only.

    After today I will publish such ludicrous idiocy only under Conspiracy, as I cannot in all integrity accord it any credence whatsoever. However, there may be value in following what the dangerously deluded (or fatuously frantic) would have us believe in order to push their evil products onto the uncritically, blindly, even enthusiastically, compliant.

    If you want to follow up, look under the Conspiracy, or maybe search for "Bird Flu".

    Meanwhile, the rest of us can get on with our lives.

    (16 minutes)



  • The Covid Twist that Nobody Talks About


    As conspiracy theories come, this is a very good one. Or a very bad one, depending on your point of attention.

    We have reported before on the basic premise here, that the Department of Defense was driving the Covid "pandemic" response and not the HHS/CDC/FDA civilian health regulators in the USA.

    So too did UK Column.

    But was the same or similar true in the UK and elsewhere in the world? 

    If so, why was it hushed up?

    And who are the JBC anyway?

    The Daily Sceptic

  • The Undead WHO Pandemic Treaty Still On Course


    Interest of Justice warns that the WHO-Big-Pharma-Big-Government complex is still set on entrapping the world within its unending schemes to fake new scamdemics and inject us all with experimental products:

    "... the “Pandemic Agreement” is structured to be a framework convention, much like the Framework Convention On Climate Change... such a framework convention would set up an ongoing Conference of the Parties that would meet on a yearly basis to adopt protocols... largely without public input and outside of public scrutiny"

    This "would force countries to fund novel experiments and censorship in WHO declared emergencies", not to mention opening the way to rolling out more fake vaccines on gullible publics.

    No surprise there then, just more of the same unwanted and unnecessary top-down global experimental medical interventions paid for by the governments around the world from taxation on their unsuspecting

  • Aaron Siri Testifies in New Hampshire on Covid Response Efficacy


    Lawyer Aaron Siri testifies before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.

    Part 1:

    (87 minutes)

    Part 2:

    (75 minutes)



  • Inflation or Unemployment? Or Justice?


    Independence Day seems unlikely to bring us any independence, given the choices offered by those in charge.

    We have overspent, and must pay the bill

    One way or another. It's the iron law of banking, and it's the government that overspent so they must pay it down.

    They don't have the money? What did they do with it? Oh yes, they sent a lot of it to the Ukraine to pay for the war against Russia that the Ukrainians are somehow fighting on our government's behalf, then they sent it to Israel for munitions to bomb the people of Gaza.

    Did we vote for either of these wars?

    In previous years they sent it to Afghanistan, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Kuwait,Libya,

  • Colours Well Nailed


    Martin Geddes pays another visit to his alma mater, where his visit prompted a discourse for our benefit on the remarkable spell that this venerable institution seemingly still labours under, unawares.

    Unawares that is except for the maintenance personnel that actually still make it functional, in its misguided way.

    Personally I find the greatest difficulty in accepting that some people really are incapable of seeing past the nonsense of the day to identify the underlying causes, but then I was schooled in the unforgiving world of computing, where such a handicap would have led to a change of employment in relatively short order. Also I never strayed far from the low end of development / implementation to the more remunerative but foggier heights of consultancy, salesmanship, and occasionally, straight BS. Of course that is not to impune honest consultants and salespersons, merely to observe that a proportion might certainly be considered to have fine-tuned too far their offerings... caveat

  • Covid "Vaccines" Trials in Context


    "... my written testimony submitted to Congress explaining why it was sheer folly to think that the Covid-19 vaccines were going to be properly safety tested before or after licensure"

    Many acres of internet pages have by now been written by many and various authors devoted to all manner of theories about how the Covid jabs were developed, approved, marketed and distributed. This is but the latest in a long line, but it takes as its baseline the traditional notion that the usual regulatory bodies, that normally regulate vaccines and pharmaceutical products, were similarly responsible for the Covid products (other authors may disagree).

    Even so, it is still damning.

    In fact, it seems to be a dreadful litany of

  • Gene Therapies - the Train-Wreck Continues


    The gene-therapy not-a-vaccines always seemed to me to be contentious, as they seemed designed to ruin us - by turning our own immune systems against us.

    So if there is a protein that out our body should attack, is it really sensible to modify our own cells to produce it?!

    If the "gene-therapy" modification that was designed to persuade one's cells to produce that protein lands anywhere in one's body (which it would have to to be effective) then that part of the body will be attacked by the body's own immune system. And if it continues to misbehave (booster jabs anybody?) then the immune system will continue to attack it. So we get a smorgasbord of "side-effects", many of which will cause death, that are inevitable and designed-in.

    So it's no surprise that there are many and copious "side-effects" listed for the gene-therapy not-a-vaccines, and that the numbers of excess-deaths from all causes are rising, seemingly inexorably, following the 2021 global

  • Three Million Excess Deaths in 47 Countries?


    A Dutch study has reviewed the aftermath of the Covid pharmaceutical interventions and concluded that the statistics of all-cause mortality from 2020 to 2022 for the 47 countries for which data was available are cause for concern.

    "Their study is one of the few to examine excess deaths on a global level - a recent and disturbing phenomenon that has virtually been ignored by governments and the mainstream media"

    "Also, it is one of the few to dare point to the massive elephant in the room: the experimental COVID-19 'vaccines' that were heralded as 'safe and effective' "

    "The results showed that the Pfizer trial had a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial had a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients"

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