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  • Bird Flu - Nothing to Flap Over


    Ok - this is one for the compulsively compliant only.

    After today I will publish such ludicrous idiocy only under Conspiracy, as I cannot in all integrity accord it any credence whatsoever. However, there may be value in following what the dangerously deluded (or fatuously frantic) would have us believe in order to push their evil products onto the uncritically, blindly, even enthusiastically, compliant.

    If you want to follow up, look under the Conspiracy, or maybe search for "Bird Flu".

    Meanwhile, the rest of us can get on with our lives.

    (16 minutes)



  • The Covid Twist that Nobody Talks About


    As conspiracy theories come, this is a very good one. Or a very bad one, depending on your point of attention.

    We have reported before on the basic premise here, that the Department of Defense was driving the Covid "pandemic" response and not the HHS/CDC/FDA civilian health regulators in the USA.

    So too did UK Column.

    But was the same or similar true in the UK and elsewhere in the world? 

    If so, why was it hushed up?

    And who are the JBC anyway?

    The Daily Sceptic

  • The Undead WHO Pandemic Treaty Still On Course


    Interest of Justice warns that the WHO-Big-Pharma-Big-Government complex is still set on entrapping the world within its unending schemes to fake new scamdemics and inject us all with experimental products:

    "... the “Pandemic Agreement” is structured to be a framework convention, much like the Framework Convention On Climate Change... such a framework convention would set up an ongoing Conference of the Parties that would meet on a yearly basis to adopt protocols... largely without public input and outside of public scrutiny"

    This "would force countries to fund novel experiments and censorship in WHO declared emergencies", not to mention opening the way to rolling out more fake vaccines on gullible publics.

    No surprise there then, just more of the same unwanted and unnecessary top-down global experimental medical interventions paid for by the governments around the world from taxation on their unsuspecting

  • Aaron Siri Testifies in New Hampshire on Covid Response Efficacy


    Lawyer Aaron Siri testifies before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy.

    Part 1:

    (87 minutes)

    Part 2:

    (75 minutes)



  • Inflation or Unemployment? Or Justice?


    Independence Day seems unlikely to bring us any independence, given the choices offered by those in charge.

    We have overspent, and must pay the bill

    One way or another. It's the iron law of banking, and it's the government that overspent so they must pay it down.

    They don't have the money? What did they do with it? Oh yes, they sent a lot of it to the Ukraine to pay for the war against Russia that the Ukrainians are somehow fighting on our government's behalf, then they sent it to Israel for munitions to bomb the people of Gaza.

    Did we vote for either of these wars?

    In previous years they sent it to Afghanistan, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Kuwait,Libya,

  • Colours Well Nailed


    Martin Geddes pays another visit to his alma mater, where his visit prompted a discourse for our benefit on the remarkable spell that this venerable institution seemingly still labours under, unawares.

    Unawares that is except for the maintenance personnel that actually still make it functional, in its misguided way.

    Personally I find the greatest difficulty in accepting that some people really are incapable of seeing past the nonsense of the day to identify the underlying causes, but then I was schooled in the unforgiving world of computing, where such a handicap would have led to a change of employment in relatively short order. Also I never strayed far from the low end of development / implementation to the more remunerative but foggier heights of consultancy, salesmanship, and occasionally, straight BS. Of course that is not to impune honest consultants and salespersons, merely to observe that a proportion might certainly be considered to have fine-tuned too far their offerings... caveat

  • Covid "Vaccines" Trials in Context


    "... my written testimony submitted to Congress explaining why it was sheer folly to think that the Covid-19 vaccines were going to be properly safety tested before or after licensure"

    Many acres of internet pages have by now been written by many and various authors devoted to all manner of theories about how the Covid jabs were developed, approved, marketed and distributed. This is but the latest in a long line, but it takes as its baseline the traditional notion that the usual regulatory bodies, that normally regulate vaccines and pharmaceutical products, were similarly responsible for the Covid products (other authors may disagree).

    Even so, it is still damning.

    In fact, it seems to be a dreadful litany of

  • Gene Therapies - the Train-Wreck Continues


    The gene-therapy not-a-vaccines always seemed to me to be contentious, as they seemed designed to ruin us - by turning our own immune systems against us.

    So if there is a protein that out our body should attack, is it really sensible to modify our own cells to produce it?!

    If the "gene-therapy" modification that was designed to persuade one's cells to produce that protein lands anywhere in one's body (which it would have to to be effective) then that part of the body will be attacked by the body's own immune system. And if it continues to misbehave (booster jabs anybody?) then the immune system will continue to attack it. So we get a smorgasbord of "side-effects", many of which will cause death, that are inevitable and designed-in.

    So it's no surprise that there are many and copious "side-effects" listed for the gene-therapy not-a-vaccines, and that the numbers of excess-deaths from all causes are rising, seemingly inexorably, following the 2021 global

  • Three Million Excess Deaths in 47 Countries?


    A Dutch study has reviewed the aftermath of the Covid pharmaceutical interventions and concluded that the statistics of all-cause mortality from 2020 to 2022 for the 47 countries for which data was available are cause for concern.

    "Their study is one of the few to examine excess deaths on a global level - a recent and disturbing phenomenon that has virtually been ignored by governments and the mainstream media"

    "Also, it is one of the few to dare point to the massive elephant in the room: the experimental COVID-19 'vaccines' that were heralded as 'safe and effective' "

    "The results showed that the Pfizer trial had a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial had a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients"

    Explosive Study ... Now Peer-Reviewed and Public


    Gateway Pundit highlights a study, once withdrawn by the Lancet, now peer-reviewed and published in Science Direct

    "The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis"

    "We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023"

    "We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination"

  • Pfizer in the Dock?


    The law takes its time, but it grinds small.

    A case to keep an eye on.

    Read the original report here.

    (29 minutes)




  • When is a "Vaccine" not a Vaccine?


    A bit late to argue the toss on this one perhaps, but better late than never.

    And a US court has effectively now tossed the notion that the Covid jabs were ever "vaccines" in the normally accepted sense of the word, despite attempts to redefine the said word during the "pandemic".

    Is the Covid scam finally beginning to fall officially apart?

    The Brownstone Institute brings us up to date.

    (48 minutes)



  • Covid Revisited


    Former CDC director Robert Redfield seems to be the latest senior figure to break cover and admit that "mistakes were made".

    The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it’s immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein

    The Daily Sceptic reports.

    Well, up to  point. This story seems to me to be a form of "limited hangout" - admit to small mistakes and divert attention from the big issues.

    Well, if inadvertently destructive vaccines are the small issue, what on earth is the big one?

    The big issue must be big, really big. So lets apply a little elementary logic.

    Fulford Report - 3 June 2024 - Summer of Discontent


    A jam-packed report this week covering much of the world and where it might be going.

    As always, treat with caution - he's managed to finger our Craig Mackinlay as an Aussie politician...  perhaps MI6 misinformation?!

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Fauci Fabrications of Fear


    Four years on, and the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability seems to have sprung belatedly into action.

    So it's finally official, it was all made up.

    So what will they do about it?

    What will we do about it?

    Vote them out!

  • Japan Breaks Ranks


    The Japanese do these things with exquisite politeness.

    Would that the British parliamentarians were so committed to their integrity.

    (5 minutes)

    Japan's Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Apologises During Today's Massive Protest Against the WHO


  • Reiner Fuellmich - Update on his Trial & the Geneva Rally at the UN


    Reiner updates us from his prison in Germany.

    "Free Julian Assange"!

    "Free Reiner Fuellmich"!

    "The mechanics of the WHO and United Nations is completely corrupted [1:01:30]"

    We will have Law and Order and Justice back!

    (9 minutes)



  • Is it All Coming Apart at the WHO?


    The IOJ thinks so.

    They intend ultimately to sue the WHO in a friendly jurisdiction to set an international precedent.

    (2 minutes)



    WHO's Pandemic Treaty Defeated In Epic Failure On World Stage

    Of course Director General Tedros is likely not permitted to give up, so expect further retrenchment and rule-bending, but so far, so good.


  • Royal Society Takes Itself Down


    "By their fruits shall ye know them"

    This brings a whole new meaning to the word "prestigious".

    It isn't as though criticism of Dr Fauci was limited to "conspiracy theorists" and their ilk... Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) made quite a name for himself interrogating Dr Fauci in the US Senate over far from trivial matters.

    And in MIchael "hockey stick" Mann, they have selected another figure that many clearly consider dubious, one not averse to using the courts to "protect his reputation".

    Certainly when I last looked, lawfare was no part of the "scientific

  • Regrettably, This Is About Covid - and Not!


    Regular readers will have noticed that I don't publish too much about Covid any more. It's not that it isn't important, but there's a lot else besides that needs saying these days.

    Still, Mike Yeadon has published an important summary (nothing new there, in either sense!) that serves as a very useful reminder that Covid was precisely conceived as a psy-op.

    Both he and I noticed quite quickly that Covid as a pandemic was seemingly exceptional in not creating any surge of excess deaths if we ignored reported cause of death. So either the cause of death was misreported, or there was no pandemic, or Covid itself somehow suppressed other normal causes of death.

    It turned out that as Covid arrived, flu flew away, just like that!

    Call me old-fashioned (thank you!) but Mike Yeadon explains it much better than
