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Greater Reset!

  • Fulford Report - Monday 22 July 2024


    As may be expected, Ben's report this week majors on the fall-out from the Trump non-assassination last week.

    Whilst things are clearly careening along a new and unexpected trajectory, it's not over until it's over.

    Modest subscription required.

    More than ever, discerning the truth from the reportage is an endeavour undertaken more in hope and faith than in confidence these days.


  • Not a Health Service


    "Our" NHS has become such a byword for IPE (inefficiency, perversity, and evil) that I hesitate to publish anything any more about this great national organ of waste and dashed hopes, but it does seem necessary to remind people occasionally that any trust beyond the fixing of minor emergencies may be misplaced, and even most minor emergencies may be better fixed at home with a little forethought.

    That's not to say that there are no good people left in the service, but like all bureaucracies it is run by rules regulations and protocols dictated by "managers" who have no clinical expertise, or by remote expert groups who may display affinities for funding from pharmaceutical producers that may not be aligned with clinical best outcomes.

    It has now become so big, so removed from the patient, and so devoted to inappropriate funding that the advent of a new government

  • New Climate Peril - World's Deserts may be Shrinking!


    The Daily Sceptic reports that due to an excess of CO2, previously arid areas of the planet may be lost to vegetation.

    So in addition to all the other perils of CO2, we must now consider the shrinkage of arid areas of our landscape due to the unwanted encroachment of green vegetation.

    Clearly there is no time to be lost - these deserts must be covered in solar farms immediately in order to prevent further loss of habitat for desert-dwelling fauna and stop further combustion of carbon-based fuels.

    Read about the new Global Greening Peril.


  • Is Power being Returned to the People?


    The reported attempt to assassinate President Trump seems somehow to mark a watershed moment in the evolution of our world.

    Where America goes, the western world follows.

    So far it's been all downhill, but is the momentum somehow now reversing?

    (26 minutes)



  • The Shot Heard Around the World - and the Aftermath Incoming


    A very American presentation by military veterans and patriots, two hours of analysis of events and informed speculation on the future.

    Not to mention a hefty dollop of spiritual awakening for those still labouring under the delusion that our governments work for us...

    "... there's some things I can tell you, and there's some things that you have to experience for yourself... "

    Maybe, just maybe... did Trump get his retribution in first?

    (2 hours)



  • World in Psy-Ops


    Following the assassination attempt on President Trump (or "the Donald" if you don't buy the term "President" just yet, even though Victor Orban certainly does) Ben Fulford's weekly report this Monday paints a picture of global struggle behind the scenes that nobody wants to admit to in public. From which we may deduce that these struggles are not yet settled.

    Was the failed removal of Mr Trump a visible manifestation of these struggles spilling into the open? How could it not be?

    We certainly have reached the stage now where we know almost nothing for certain, and need to be prepared to re-evaluate our position on almost anything as new reports come to the surface.

    In case you missed it, the US now has a military government

    (Modest subscription required for

  • Have the World's Political Classes Lost the Mandate of Heaven?


    Across America and Europe, politicians squirm and wriggle to persuade voters to vote for them, or failing that, to wrangle the political rules to keep the levers of power within their own grasp.

    Along with notions of "service", integrity is out of the window, and with them goes the "Mandate of Heaven".

    (15 minutes)



  • What Were Mr Orban and Mr Putin Up to in Moscow?


    The EU and NATO were obviously displeased by Hungarian Prime Minister Mr Orban's recent visit to Moscow to discuss how to end the conflict in the Ukraine.

    Are these two really the only European leaders who want to see an end to this catastrophe?

    Danny Haiphong reports:

    (25 minutes)

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  • BRICS Declares Independent Financial Future


    Put another way, the dollar as reserve currency is toast, and is still toast.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Down the Rabbit Hole - To Our Incoming Future


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    Yes, it's a crash course in conspiracy theories... or as some would have it, conspiracy truths. I never planned it that way, but there it is.

    You may then be advised to take a breather, and come back to

  • Fulford Report - Monday 8 July 2024 - Populists Deliver Left-Wing Governments?


    Ben's report this week reviews recent geopolitical events, indicating that this is likely to be an eventful summer.

    After Macron and Starmer, who will be next to be installed in place of the Biden?

    All this and more in today's report - modest subscription required for full access.


  • Martin Reviews his Wayward Past


    But he is using his experience to reflect upon the way in which spirituality affects and transforms everything it touches.

    Food for thought indeed.


  • The View from Moscow


    Pepe Escobar reviews the recent years' events, and Russia's reaction to them.

    (22 minutes)


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  • : U.S.-NAVY-BRIEFING: R.R.385-460-312-U.S.


    "I'm zeroing out the balance of the National Debt from 1999 to 2024, because there is no president..."

    "I'm authorising the US Dept of Navy to stop the electromagnetic pulses to create the brainwashing of the citizens on the North American continent..."

    "To shut down your radio wave frequencies of the mind-control being run by the US Dept of Navy, otherwise known as DARPA, globally, to brainwash the citizens to think that there is an actual presidential election, that here is an actual US government (nothing can be further from the truth) so we need to lift the evil facing of the mind-control system that the US military has engaged against the people, a very dangerous thing that you boys are playing there, there are some of us who know what's going on, we're onto the Stockholm syndrome and our minds are free. Those of us with claims of the life, our minds are free, we have moral compass, we value God and Christ-like concepts, we value being accountable for what we do. We're

  • Colours Well Nailed


    Martin Geddes pays another visit to his alma mater, where his visit prompted a discourse for our benefit on the remarkable spell that this venerable institution seemingly still labours under, unawares.

    Unawares that is except for the maintenance personnel that actually still make it functional, in its misguided way.

    Personally I find the greatest difficulty in accepting that some people really are incapable of seeing past the nonsense of the day to identify the underlying causes, but then I was schooled in the unforgiving world of computing, where such a handicap would have led to a change of employment in relatively short order. Also I never strayed far from the low end of development / implementation to the more remunerative but foggier heights of consultancy, salesmanship, and occasionally, straight BS. Of course that is not to impune honest consultants and salespersons, merely to observe that a proportion might certainly be considered to have fine-tuned too far their offerings... caveat

  • Chemtrails Banned in Tennessee


    Well, it may be on the other side of the Atlantic but a precedent is a precedent.

    If they are doing it in the States then they are doing it here, as we can all see should we be inclined to lift up our eyes and look at what is going on above our heads.

    Now it is true that making something illegal doesn't necessarily mean that enforcing that ban will be easy, or even possible (as our own government may in due course find out when its legally mandated "Net Zero" targets come due but unfulfilled), but it is the first step.

    Interest of Justice has the story.


  • Fulford Report - Monday 1st July 2024


    Mainly concerned with the extensive fall-out from the Trump - Biden match, this week Ben runs us through the aftermath, including the speculation about who might inherit the poisoned chalice once "Joe Biden steps down".

    The war of attrition continues...  (modest subscription required)


  • Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Explained ... Do Try to Keep Up!


    We have featured a few articles recently by : POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould and no doubt many will be doubtful that his activities could actually be central to our legal existence.

    So here we have another explanation (inevitably from the American point of view, but we are talking here of a global system so it doesn't only affect Americans).

    The Quantum Grammar so-called is key here because it supersedes / overrides the original way of writing contracts, since it is unambiguous. No doubt we will all get used to it in time...

    (81 minutes)


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  • Bring Back the Hanging Gardens of Babylon


    We have approached this topic before, in a memorable interview (below) by Del Bigtree with Zach Bush back in 2020 which covered a variety of current-day ills.

    "That this is the exact opposite of what the U.N./W.E.F. want –  which is to force people into fifteen minute prison cities with rural areas left to carbon sinks – is just another example of reality flowing like water around fascist-erected obstacles"

    This is how the world should be developing:

    "if only 11 percent of current farmland were turned to restoration, all of the supposed excess carbon emissions of man

  • The Elohim Worship Cult is Dead - Long Live Our New Humanity!


    "If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure"

    So are we going to go through a tribulation of scarcity and starvation? Only if we allow them to destroy our agriculture and international food supply chains.

    Polymath Clif High muses on the rise and fall of civilisation as we have known it, based upon top-down control by self-appointed elites,and considers its rebirth as something more grounded and, of necessity, based upon hard realty.

    Hopefully also based upon new systems awareness and bottom-up control by "we the people" who will no longer tolerate absurd and destructive leadership by those who are supposed to be our representatives, but who actually represent the vested interests of the moneyed classes
