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Deep Dives

  • Geddes on Bridgen ... and Job

    To comment on this would be superfluous - Martin as always speaks eloquently for us all.

    Andrew Bridgen: a modern-day Job?


  • Spiritual War Out in the Open


    As the covert battle for world domination seems to be approaching some sort of climax, it's  nevertheless hard to see how it will end in any kind of tidy fashion. From the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, to the implosion of the Biden Pretendency, through the obscure state of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the ever less convincing and unelected government of the EU Commission, and the continuing evolution of eastern nations into the formidable union of the BRICS, the signs of change are unmistakable and everywhere.

    Beneath these affairs of state, the state of affairs for the ordinary citizen does not progress well either, but is in various stages of latent and in some cases overt turmoil as citizenry of all stripes come to terms with the notion that governmental agencies of all kinds are not after all there for our benefit, or if they are, then they are failing in their most basic functions.

    Our politicians are controlled by others, our legal system is incomprehensibly byzantine, 

  • Where Are the Great Men of Yesteryear When We Need Them?


    Sometimes it takes a man of long standing to review current events of moment, and undoubtedly the "shooting of Donald Trump" is one such event, an event that seems to have sealed the fate of the Democratic party prior to the November election 2024.

    So, a very significant event indeed.

    Perhaps the Grand Old Republican Party is now set fair to sweep the board?

    And yet, "the Donald" is said to be a man of his word - and the GOP was just as much a participating member of the Washington DC "swamp" as the Democratic Party, so perhaps there is still more water to flow under the bridge between now and November if DJT is to pull off his 2016 inaugural promise: to remove power away from Washington DC and return it to the people.

    Would merely re-electing the GOP into power come anywhere close to fulfilling that promise?

    Meanwhile, Bill Bonner reviews the historical context

  • World in Psy-Ops


    Following the assassination attempt on President Trump (or "the Donald" if you don't buy the term "President" just yet, even though Victor Orban certainly does) Ben Fulford's weekly report this Monday paints a picture of global struggle behind the scenes that nobody wants to admit to in public. From which we may deduce that these struggles are not yet settled.

    Was the failed removal of Mr Trump a visible manifestation of these struggles spilling into the open? How could it not be?

    We certainly have reached the stage now where we know almost nothing for certain, and need to be prepared to re-evaluate our position on almost anything as new reports come to the surface.

    In case you missed it, the US now has a military government

    (Modest subscription required for

  • The Cass Review Reviewed


    The Free Speech Union discusses the free speech aspects of the Cass Review:

    "The Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (The Cass Review) was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement in Autumn 2020 to make recommendations about the services provided by the NHS to children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender incongruence."

    "The Gender Identity Development Service for children and adolescents is currently managed by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust"

    (1hr 44)

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  • Beneficial Ownership - Beneficial to Whom?


    Dr Mike Yeadon is a thorn in the side of the perpetrators of the "pandemic".

    He is (in my estimation) an honest man thrust into the limelight because he could not with integrity stay silent.

    There are many like him, sung and unsung.

    Here Mike takes on new ground. There's only so much one can say about the quaxxines after all, and there are other scams afoot... such as the global scam to "legally" take all our savings in whatever form they may be - bank balances, stocks and shares, retirement plans, ISAs, ETFs... the list is long.

    But the common thread in all of these savings schemes is the idea of "beneficial ownership" - the idea that some institution actually takes care of these investments and holds them on our behalf.

    It's very convenient, very effective, and so far has worked pretty well, so

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - To Our Incoming Future


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    Yes, it's a crash course in conspiracy theories... or as some would have it, conspiracy truths. I never planned it that way, but there it is.

    You may then be advised to take a breather, and come back to

  • European Power Chaos


    But chaos is OK, since volatility can be turned into profits! (And losses of course, but maybe those are just for losers).

    This article does however underscore the notion that intermittent renewables also mean intermittent chaos over a continent-wide grid that must somehow deliver power from wherever it originates to wherever it is required at the synchronised (or not) flip of many switches over a vast area.

    Add in the need to actually snatch profit from wherever it may be (fleetingly) available in the process, and one begins to understand the hellish nature of today's European energy supply grid. Is the grid being run to produce profits, or power?

    But its OK, because it's "saving the planet", and never mind the kids in the Congo and no doubt elsewhere who still mine in dreadful conditions the cobalt needed for the battery

  • "Russia is Not at War with Ukraine!"


    So says Scott Ritter in a statement that many may find incomprehensible - but there is a difference between all-out war and the limited conflict that Russia prefers currently in the hope that a negotiated peace may be found.

    This is a long video, but as always with Scott, it's informative.

    It also covers a great deal more about the USA and its relationships with the world's nations, relationships that are perhaps not best served by current USA leadership, as well as eventually discussing the current situation, military and political, in the Ukraine.

    (66 minutes)


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  • View from Scott Ritter


    The situation in Israel, and the symbiotic relationship with the American "inner agency" - AKA the Deep State - and how might "the Donald" make a difference?

    (24 minutes)


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  • Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Explained ... Do Try to Keep Up!


    We have featured a few articles recently by : POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould and no doubt many will be doubtful that his activities could actually be central to our legal existence.

    So here we have another explanation (inevitably from the American point of view, but we are talking here of a global system so it doesn't only affect Americans).

    The Quantum Grammar so-called is key here because it supersedes / overrides the original way of writing contracts, since it is unambiguous. No doubt we will all get used to it in time...

    (81 minutes)


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  • The Crisis in Our Farming


    UK Column interview Mark Byford - providing a very worrying deep dive into how government actions and NWO agendas are seriously impacting our farming communities.

    Is food security still manageable in the United Kingdom?

    Is it manageable in those countries from which we import the balance of the food that we don't grow ourselves?

    "Most farmers do not want subsidies, what they want is a fair price for the food they produce"

    But how to get there?

    (93 minutes)



  • A Timely Evisceration of Today's Governments


    Godfrey Bloom isn't everybody's cup of tea, but his logical analysis is spot on.

    We old fellows know exactly what he is talking about, but will the younger generations realise that the world they have been taught to respect is a mirage carefully designed to keep them docile?

    Pay close attention...

    (26 minutes - opens in new window)

  • Thirty Years on Climate Change


    For a deep dive into the history of Climate Research and the latest thinking (if it can be so categorised) , look no further than the very first video interview from Climate Discussion Nexus, with Dr John Robson in conversation with Roger Pielke Jr.

    (2 hrs)


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  • Fiscal Creep? It's a Drag


    Can we count the ways in which our governments pick our pockets? 

    Nick Hubble wonders if we can recognise the half of it.

    In an election year, you would think that this might be a hot topic... but I haven't noticed it discussed much, if at all.

    Yet monetary policy as shaped by the Bank of England plus the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer is the inevitable underlying cause - the same underlying cause that has been underlying since time immemorial.

    You'd think it would be a hot topic by now, but somehow not. Perhaps it's too well camouflaged, or perhaps being taxed makes us feel somehow virtuous?!

    Maybe we should ask our parliamentary candidates...


  • Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia - Parts One & Two


    This is a History of the World as you have never been able to access before... and not for the faint of heart. Relax, it's over - if it wasn't, we wouldn't be watching it now.

    Part One: Who Are You?

    (96 minutes)


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    Part Two: Who Are They?

    (2 hrs 26 mins)


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  • GESARA NESARA Federal Reserve QFS and All That


    I could just as well have entitled this article "Clif High Strikes Again", since I imagine that there are many good souls out there who may take issue with his analysis of the current global monetary situation and how it may be likely to develop.

    The fact is that everybody can be wrong, there have been and still are forces of deceit rampant everywhere, and making a 100% correct assessment of where we are and where we are going with monetary systems is especially treacherous territory.

    Everybody can be wrong, even Clif High!

    My own intuition is that if Clif is wrong, then nobody is right, but I can be wrong too...

    So here for the bending of the mind around intractable uncertainties, Clif High explains his thinking about where the global monetary systems have been, how we came to be where we now are, and what may develop in the proximate future.

  • Why Britain Needs a Great British CBDP!


    Hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

    (1 minute)


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  • How We the People Can Change Our Democratic System!


    The First Past the Postsystem is regarded by many as unsatisfactory, and various countries use alternative systems designed to be "fairer" in that they give political parties seats in proportion to the numbers of votes that they receive at elections.

    Sounds good, no? But it cements power into the hands of the political parties, so that independent MPs become as rare as hens' teeth.

    Looking around the world, it's not obvious that these result in better outcomes. The increase in complexity simply makes it more difficult to understand (and possibly easier to obfuscate any cheating!).

    Anyway, in the UK we have a system which the incumbent MPs are extremely reluctant to change, so can we the people take the initiative and use it as is today to get what we the people want?

    So what is wrong with the way we work it currently?


  • Biggest Conspiracy Theory in the World?


    I hope that long-time readers may forgive me for featuring this film again, but events this year do seem to be building to a climax as established forms of government become ever more dysfunctional all around the world, warring parties are ever more irreconcilable, the threat of nuclear war continues to ramp up, and the WEF WHO and "global boiling" become ever more ridiculous.

    How can this be?

    It's a long story, partially explained in the video below.

    Whether or not you have seen it before, you may be shocked, and you will likely reject it out of hand as preposterous...  but wait! Since when has preposterousness been a bar to being
