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  • British Health Dodgy, World Health Take-Over


    It is now well past abundantly clear that our government is uninterested in our health, but very interested in making as much money for its cronies as may be possible by a pretence of interest.

    Whilst deaths from heart failure surge ever higher, nobody seems to want to take any notice - a bit like nobody wants to take any notice of Andrew Bridgen MP when he speaks of the aftermath of the jabs on many. The jabs are the sacred juice that can do no harm, despite everybody knowing that "adverse events" are an acknowledged and indeed inevitable feature of their operation.

    A severe case of Logic Dysphoria?

    Do we have a cure for that?


  • Breaking All Records ...


    ... for maladministration?

    But perhaps as it was a "pandemic" there was neither time nor need for the bureaucrats to follow their own bureaucratic procedures for the protection of the public?

    A year after ICAN asked the question, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) responded with the time-honoured report:

    "A search of our records did not locate any documents responsive to your request"

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.

    I wonder if the MHRA falls similarly short? Would you bet that they don't?


  • MEPs for Non-Compliance!


    MEPs Cristian Terhes and Christine Anderson address the world:

    "... every single lie is being repeated... "

    (17 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Another Documentary on the Covid Pandemic


    This site has been reporting on the Covid pandemic from the autumn of 2020, and I have no wish to cover old ground on this topic, but this is a new documentary which covers most of the main points in one video. 

    If you need a reminder, or want to suggest a video that covers most of the main points, then this may be for you. Be warned, it's revelations are appalling, unbelievable, but absolutely necessary viewing for those new to the topic.

    (53 minutes)



  • Dr Reiner Fuellmich Strikes Down Under


    A New Zealand Maori Court seems an unlikely venue for holding the Deep State operatives to account, but in the world of legal precedent this may be seen as an opportunity.

    Step 1 - Assert their authority as the Maori nation (Declaration of Independence 1835)

    Step 2 - Prosecute the miscreants on the merits of the case

    Stop World Control reports...

    (65 minutes)

    (and no, she's not wearing a face mask!)



  • Dr Aseem Malhotra Tells Rebel News How It Is


    Dr Malhotra is a latecomer by some standards to the deficiencies of the medical establishment, but it seems that he is making up for lost time.

    An excellent interview.

    (19 minutes)



  • "Do your job!"


    Saturday 13th saw people converge on Trafalgar Square to draw attention to the many who suffered and died from the jabs, and to hear from the speakers who came to share their expert testimony with the crowd.

    Martin speaks for many of us in setting out his feelings, his experiences, and his reactions. Not to mention his photographs!

    The message to the Met: "Do your job!"



  • What is Covid?


    After three years and innumerable deaths, seemingly hundreds of conferences and who knows how many video reports....

    Dr Brian Ardis talks to Stew Peters to explain his snake venom theory further.

    Snake venom? Really?

    What one can say without fear of contradiction is that the layers of disinformaton and misdirection over all things Covid have been legion - was it a virus? Was it 5G? Was it developed in a lab? Was it developed in China, Ukraine, Sudan, the USA itself? Was it readily treatable with existing prophylactics? Did the jabs work? Were they safe and effective? Did they stop transmission? Did they cause untold suffering and death? If so, how?

    The deep state is nothing if not determined to own all sides of the argument - if the opposition is controlled, then who can stand in their way? 

    Now I'm not asserting that the opposition is in any way knowingly "deep

  • A Rant for Our Times from North of the Border


    The control grid is collapsing in the face of unprecedented publicity, but it will not go voluntarily, it will go only through non-compliance, defunding, and whatever small victories we can each secure through legal peaceful and persuasive means.   

    "In my long life I have never before experienced such overt political corruption, flagrant lying, censorship of free speech, authoritarian tyranny and demonic evil as we, the people, have been subjected to over recent years"

    (And that's before we get on to the grooming of our children from age 3 upward by the WHO through their network of "non-profit" foundations whose material is eagerly promulgated throughout government-sponsored

  • The EU Parliament - International Covid Summit III


    A presentation of the Covid history presented by those MEPs who were alert, conscientious, and not afraid to speak their minds, and by a number of subject matter experts in their field. We have featured many of these already elsewhere but here they are all together.

    Prepare for an extraordinary education.

    (8 hrs 39 mins)

    Watch on CHD TV.

    If you need a deep dive on the Covid shenanagins, then this is it!


  • Covid Jabs - The Collusion to Deceive is Being Exposed


    "In the days leading up to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, U.S. and U.K. health officials entered into a 'mutual confidentiality agreement' to keep vaccine adverse events under wraps"

    "It would be very helpful if our Office of Vaccines could receive additional details [redacted] from MHRA [UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency] under the terms of our mutual confidentiality agreement."

    So on the face of it, our MHRA was colluding with US FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) to hide adverse reactions to the jabs.

    That's just the tip of the iceberg.

    No doubt more evidence will come to light in due course.


  • Covid - Counting the Cost


    We know that the cost of Covid measures (value for money or not) has been sky high.

    We know that the damage to the economy, to schooling, to the elderly was enormous.

    But for a global assessment, we are indebted to UK Column for pulling together as complete a picture as I have yet seen.

    "Since Covid–19 was recognized in Western countries in early 2020, expenditures on public health in many of them have more than doubled, imposing over $500 billion in monthly costs on the global economy"

    " Food and non-alcoholic beverage prices rose by 14.6% in the 12 months to September 2022"

    "in February 2020, there were already 4.43 million people on a

  • John Mappin Speaks his Mind


    John Mappin speaks to Flyover Conservatives - but I guess many of us are flyover conservatives now.

    Very interesting.

    The tide is turning in the UK and Europe.

    (34 minutes)



  • German Press and Perseus Group Take up the Story of Vaccine Injury


    In what seems likely to mark the start of full public recognition of the harms caused by the C jabs, the German press now find themselves competing to make sure they are not left behind the curve. 

    After all, the job of the press is to report the truth and hold the powerful to account - and they have a lot of lost time to make up.

    Now that a major European country is piercing the veil of press censorship, can the others be far behind?

    The Daily Sceptic has the story.

    Also the UK story that the Perseus Group ("a

  • The Deep State - What It's Done, Where It's Going


    Dr Reiner Fuellmich, here speaking to "Man In America", gives a more or less comprehensive run-down of the events of recent years, what they may mean, and how it will likely (even inevitably) turn out.

    Whether or not we agree with the metaphysical speculations is for each of us to determine, but the overall logic expounded by Dr Fuellmich is the main show here.


    (72 minutes)



  • Covid - Lest we Forget ...


    (8 minutes)



  • Pfizer Unravelled


    "The Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species"

    "Pfizer knew... one month after roll-out... that the vaccine didn't work to stop Covid"

    "... they identify that the third most common side-effect of the vaccine is Covid"

    "Within a month or two, Pfizer was getting so many reports of adverse events... that they needed to hire 2400 full-time staffers in order simply to process the paperwork... "

    "Pfizer knew in May 2021 that the vaccine had caused heart damage in 35 minors within a week after the injection"

    "Pfizer and the FDA shared these documents"

    "These materials bio-distribute throughout your body in 48 hours"

    "Lipid-nano particles are designed

  • Mike Yeadon - Sane or Defective?


    Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews Mike Yeadon.

    There's nothing new here, except the wisdom of hindsight which allows the whole narrative to be presented as a reasonably coherent whole.

    This site has been saying much the same from 2020, inspired by the work of Dr Yeadon and others.

    But it's worth saying again now, because the fear factor has been dissipating over time, and as a result, more people will now be prepared to consider the simple facts and where they lead. It's not an argument based on complex science, it's mostly based on common sense.

    The main features of the psychological operation are discussed, and the way in which these were manipulated to achieve the compliance that was required. 

    The last people to see the truth will probably be those who have been embedded within the medical and vaccine establishments, simply because they have the greatest personal

  • Covid Vaccines - The Writing is (Finally) On the Wall


    Daily Express breaks the taboo with an article by Professor Angus Dalgleish on the aftermath of the Covid jabs.

    "Why are they still being offered when the yellow card system as the MHRA has far more yellow card adverse reactions reports than all the other vaccines ever made available over the last 50 years in the UK?"

    Many of us have been asking this for a long time, but better late then never.

    "This alone should have led to the total cessation of the vaccine programme, as was the case in the 1976 swine and flu outbreak in America"

    "I believe that we reached this point with the Covid vaccine 18 months ago"

    "We have been brought up on a diet of ‘follow the science’ through this pandemic but there now appears to have been no science performed whatsoever, at any stage - it is pure political hegemony"


  • This is Unrestricted Warfare


    Anna de Buisseret tells it like it is.

    Very measured, very logical, very basic, very informative.

    And common sense.

    Essential viewing.

    (26 minutes)