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  • How Fares the Russo-Ukraine War?


    Scott Ritter and Danny Haiphong bring us up to date.

    "The collapse is happening as we speak... "

    (23 minutes)


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    This discourse is all about the possibility of nuclear war - if peace cannot be found.

    (33 minutes)


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  • The Intersection of Law, Statute, and Spirituality


    The title presupposes that such an intersection exists, but of course this is arguable.

    Nevertheless this is one hour of Martin Geddes explaining himself on this topic - and who better to attempt the feat than one who surprised himself by discovering spirituality in the midst of his self-imposed legal adventures?

    (62 minutes) 

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  • What Is AI?


    AI is a marvellous tool with many uses, but especially perhaps at this time for the high-level scammers in our world - how so? 

    Almost nobody (yet) understands how it works!

    So we are all fodder for the scam-artists who want us to believe that AI will "rule the world", "take over all our jobs", "always win on the battlefield" (except maybe against another AI!), be all-knowing, etc etc.

    So "is AI really omnipotent and can it replace human beings" is a potentially existential question for us.

    That AI has its uses is incontrovertible - that it could completely replicate the functionality of a human being is unproven as yet. Some

  • Cold Comfort - The Truth Will Reset Your Interglacials


    Another blast of reality to disperse the miasma of fear uncertainty and doubt about Climate Change, from the ever evidence-based John Robson.

    Full report here.

    (21 minutes) 


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  • The Ivor Cummins "Incoming Totalitarian Compact" Report from the UK


    Whilst Andy Thomas has been reading the runes from all corners of the global "conspiracy theorists" experience, Ivor has been interpreting the pronouncements of the Great and the Good of the UN and UK - but not necessarily finding it great & good...

    "... and what's more, we want your kids to uproot it for us"

    (12 minutes)


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  • The Andy Thomas Report 2024


    The keynote speech from Andy Thomas at the 2024 Glastonbury Symposium is a cracker.

    Now available on YouTube - if you want to know whither our world is hurtling, do not miss this session!

    (62 minutes)


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  • The Hidden Hands Behind the Ukraine Story?


    This guy explains the Atlantic Council interests, and much else besides, that led up to the coup in the Ukraine that was designed to impoverish Russian interests, lead to the take-over of Ukraine, and perhaps then of Russia herself.

    The Atlantic Council being the New World Order branch concerned with marshalling Corporate interests, NATO, western governments and secret services to further the NWO's geopolitical ambitions.

    If you thought that the Hunter Biden interest in Burisma was innocent, then this will open your eyes.

    Take your time, this connects a lot of dots...

    (49 minutes)



  • Fulford Report - Monday 2 Sept 2024


    Apparently it isn't true that nothing is happening - behind the scenes the story is very different

    (Modest subscription required for full access)

  • The Case Against the UK Government


    An excellent exposition of the governing classes of the UK, also of the current government of the UK and whither they are leading us.

    It is also an appeal to the people.

    It's your view that counts.

    (12 minutes)

    Watch on X.


  • Just Where Is the A-Team When We Need Them?


    It has been a summer of discontent, a summer of downward spiral on many fronts - Ukraine, Middle East, UK & US Politics, UK and global economics, the list goes on.

    Neil Oliver lays out the situation as only he can - fearlessly truthfully and eloquently:

    (10 minutes)


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    It seems to me (as a long-time fan of the TV series in which a loyal team of bickering ex-US Army misfits come together from the "wrong side of the tracks" to right the wrongs of a situation by bravado, deception, cunning and rank ingenuity) that now is the time for the

  • Edinburgh, City of Minor Protest


    Martin Geddes reports on the scene of protest in Edinburgh, and finds it - well, I suppose the word is disappointing, although he doesn't describe it so.

    "When the message is uncomfortable, most people don’t want to get involved, even if it costs them their life and liberty"

    I'm not so sure about that - mass spontaneous demonstrations require mass incoming discomfort to get everybody out at the same time; and whilst dreadful, both the ongoing calamity in Gaza, and the ongoing venality of those in government, have inevitably become as ubiquitous as background music. They lack the punch of NOW to galvanise the people.

    Nevertheless there were still those who chose to be seen and heard. 

    And there are many who continue to make their views heard by other means, primarily on social media.

  • Down the Rabbit Hole and into our Fake History?


    It seems preposterous that all the ancient history we have been told is fake - but it also seemed preposterous that PolPotshould murder all Cambodia's intelligentsia, that Big Pharma's jabs should be anything other than "safe and effective" for our health instead of "safe and effective" for some other undisclosed set of criteria, that our "democratically elected" government should serve vested interests first and foremost and their electorate last.

    So preposterousness is evidently no bar to fakery.

    The usual "down the rabbit hole" advice applies. 

    This is one of those stories that you are either ready for, or not.

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 

  • Politicians Turn to National Grid for Net Zero Advice


    May the Lord be praised, the government is reported to be asking National Grid for advice on how they can support the Net Zero religious cult's objectives.

    With not long to go before the 2030 deadline, will they ensure that the "Fourth Turning" becomes an extinction event, or will they listen to the advice proffered and adjust Net Zero expectations accordingly? (No prizes for guessing the correct answer) 

    Go on, you know you want to!

    (NB: this is not a party political article taking aim at the current governing party. We regard all the parties as equivalently compromised in their support for "Net

  • How "Sustainable" is my "Green" Hydrogen?


    "Green" hydrogen? Hydrogen is hydrogen isn't it? "Green" simply indicates the method of production, usually by electrolysis, the splitting of water into its constituents hydrogen and oxygen.

    So wind farms can be used to generate electricity when the wind blows (but not too hard!) and the power can be stored as hydrogen gas. Sounds pretty simple really, so where is all this additional CO2 supposed to come from?

    Well, perhaps it's not actually CO2 that's the problem here...

    And lest we forget, even if we in the UK do miraculously achieve "Net Zero" (whatever that is and by whatever astronomical cost in economic and human survival terms it might be achieved) by 2050, it won't make a measurable difference to global temperatures even on the IPCC's highly dubious

  • Bob Moran Speaks - the Telegraph, the "Pandemic", the Future


    Bob Moran, famous / infamous cartoonist, most noticeably for the Daily Telegraph, in an in-depth interview with UK Column.

    Bob now makes his living as an independent cartoonist, whilst making his work freely available to independent publishers - our own site is indeed indebted to him for this service and we use several of his cartoons to adorn relevant articles - thanks Bob, you are much appreciated!

    A very thought-provoking interview touching on almost everything that Bob experienced both pre- and post-Covid, and where he sees the world going now.

    "Nobody had more reason to riot than they did in 2020"

    (87 minutes)



  • The Fourth Turning is Upon Us?


    "Fourth Turnings NEVER de-intensify. There will be blood, death, and war on an enormous scale before this Crisis is resolved"

    "I believe the next six months will determine the course of humanity for the next century and beyond"

    "Most people are unwilling or unable to confront the brutal facts of our current reality"

    "Last week they quietly reported that 818,000 jobs they reported as existing were entirely fake. They knew they were fake when they reported them, but you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain your wealth, control and power"

    "Events have been happening at a breakneck pace and it is difficult to determine which incidents are being engineered and which are occurring naturally"


  • How "Sustainable" is my "Biomass"?


    "Biomass" (or "wood" to you and me) Is essentially the product of chopping down trees, and drying and pulping and pelleting them (using energy in the process).

    The resulting nuggets / pellets / however you want to describe them are then shipped across oceans (using more energy) and burned in power stations such as Drax in Yorkshire (creating as much CO2 as from fossil fuel).

    How is this more sustainable than just burning coal (or better yet gas or oil since these can be transported by pipeline whereas coal needs to be shipped like wood pellets)?

    We might as well have created the same amount of CO2 from burning fossil fuels and left the trees alone to remove it, saving everybody much expense! 

    And are we really replanting and regrowing the "biomass" sufficiently fast to replace the "biomass" that we are burning away? Is anybody checking, or are the loggers just coining it? And if

  • Big Pharma on the Ropes?


    Now that Trump has teamed up with RFK Jr, it looks like the gloves are finally coming off - and in public.

    This goes back a long way.

    How long? Probably as long as the 1918 flu pandemic in which (a) nobody could demonstrate transmission of the disease via "bodily fluids" (but boy, did they try!) and (b) more (US) soldiers reputedly died of the vaccine (the term warp speed hadn't been invented then but I don't doubt there was an equivalent) than died of battle.

    More recently, the tetanus vaccine produced under the aegis of the WHO would seem to have something very "unfortunate" to hide - but as Mike Yeadon tends to say these days, maybe "mistakes were not made"?

    I haven't any information about the tetanus vaccines used outside Africa, but Big Pharma's reputation being what it is... why

  • Into Deeper Waters on Skye

    Martin Geddes is no stranger to entanglements with the law.

    It being summer and relatively benign up there (I'm guessing here - it could have been tipping it down, but he doesn't mention that) he has taken a short retreat from the hurly-burly confusion of life in general, in order to sort out the next stage of his spiritual journey, upon which he (I suspect unintentionally) found himself when analysing the logic of his brushes with the judicial system.

    Spirituality is not an optional extra in life, it is just that we have to find it for ourselves, and having found it, take our spiritual understanding and advancement upon ourselves.

    But what does it have to do with the law?


  • Who Assesses my Benefits Claim?


    Well, according to Big Brother Watch, maybe nobody. It might all be handled by machines. If not now, then soon.

    Does anybody know how the AI works? Nobody accessible to the public.

    "Black box algorithms and secretive AI tools sit at the heart of the UK's welfare system - with little accountability. Our investigation offers a glimpse into life inside the UK’s poverty panopticon"

    So here's a simple enough question:

    If the tools of the process are opaque and protected by commercial confidentiality, how can the process be accountable to the public that it is meant to serve? And if not accountable, how is a realistic challenge possible?

    I have postulated before that government is simply a
