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  • The Cass Review Reviewed


    The Free Speech Union discusses the free speech aspects of the Cass Review:

    "The Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (The Cass Review) was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement in Autumn 2020 to make recommendations about the services provided by the NHS to children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender incongruence."

    "The Gender Identity Development Service for children and adolescents is currently managed by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust"

    (1hr 44)

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  • The War on Dutch Farming


    The war on farming takes many forms - in the UK it is a low-key war conducted mostly under the radar of publicity - in the interests of "saving the planet" of course - who could possibly object to that? Still, all the measures being implemented ("rewilding", buying out the land of farmers who want to retire, with tax-payers' money of course) seem to work in one direction only - to reduce the amount of farm produce being grown.

    In the USA one Bill Gates has been buying up farmland like there is no tomorrow - does he know something that we don't?

    In Holland they do things more brazenly, by outright compulsory purchase of farmland, because it produces too much nitrogen (nitrogen?! Me neither). Dutch farmers are not amused.

    Behind it all of course stand Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum of global plutocrats, aided and abetted by their erstwhile "Young global leaders", now safely embedded in governments throughout the world.


  • Beneficial Ownership - Beneficial to Whom?


    Dr Mike Yeadon is a thorn in the side of the perpetrators of the "pandemic".

    He is (in my estimation) an honest man thrust into the limelight because he could not with integrity stay silent.

    There are many like him, sung and unsung.

    Here Mike takes on new ground. There's only so much one can say about the quaxxines after all, and there are other scams afoot... such as the global scam to "legally" take all our savings in whatever form they may be - bank balances, stocks and shares, retirement plans, ISAs, ETFs... the list is long.

    But the common thread in all of these savings schemes is the idea of "beneficial ownership" - the idea that some institution actually takes care of these investments and holds them on our behalf.

    It's very convenient, very effective, and so far has worked pretty well, so

  • Scott Ritter on NATO's 75th Summit + the Middle East Conflict


    Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. What will NATO's response be?

    Scott Ritter reviews the state of play...

    "... we haven't spent the money necessary to build the systems that can overcome Russian jamming... "

    "... the British are the funniest ones of all - they talk big - My God, Keir Starmer's out there thumping his chest like he's Superman... everything about them is a joke... there's not a single military in NATO today that can go to the Ukraine and survive more than a couple of weeks - not even the United States ... "

    "We are getting to the point right now if the United States deploys those systems in 2026 where the Russians, if they lower the threshold of nuclear war, may pre-emptively strike with a nuclear weapon"

    The section on Israel-Gaza begins at 1hr 26.


  • The Neil and Ivor Show


    Neil Oliver and Ivor Cummins - what could be better?

    (59 minutes)


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  • Bonner on Borrowing


    An interesting review of current and past world events from Fortune and Freedom, as Bill Bonner discusses historical and current affairs with John Butler.

    Two knowledgeable old-timers who have seen most of it before. 

    "... this is the biggest problem ever to face the country and there's virtually no mention... "

    (NB: this is not financial advice)

    (22 minutes)

    A History of Conspiracy

  • View from the East - Whither Europe?


    The Russian International Affairs Council is not an institution that many of us in the UK are familiar with, but maybe we should be.

    Even if we think that Russia is "the enemy" - know thine enemy!

    So I welcome this interesting analysis by Dmitri Chenin on the current state of world geopolitics and how he considers we got here.

    It would have been better still if he could have brought himself to address the role played by Israel - a strange omission since it is central to the complex situation in the Middle East. 


  • What Were Mr Orban and Mr Putin Up to in Moscow?


    The EU and NATO were obviously displeased by Hungarian Prime Minister Mr Orban's recent visit to Moscow to discuss how to end the conflict in the Ukraine.

    Are these two really the only European leaders who want to see an end to this catastrophe?

    Danny Haiphong reports:

    (25 minutes)

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  • Nigel Speaks!


    "All I was doing was taking the p**s out of them"

    "We have a quasi presidential system imposed upon a parliamentary system"

    "The whole thing's corrupt as Hell"

    (54 minutes)


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  • BRICS Declares Independent Financial Future


    Put another way, the dollar as reserve currency is toast, and is still toast.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Down the Rabbit Hole - To Our Incoming Future


    This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

    Yes, it's a crash course in conspiracy theories... or as some would have it, conspiracy truths. I never planned it that way, but there it is.

    You may then be advised to take a breather, and come back to

  • European Power Chaos


    But chaos is OK, since volatility can be turned into profits! (And losses of course, but maybe those are just for losers).

    This article does however underscore the notion that intermittent renewables also mean intermittent chaos over a continent-wide grid that must somehow deliver power from wherever it originates to wherever it is required at the synchronised (or not) flip of many switches over a vast area.

    Add in the need to actually snatch profit from wherever it may be (fleetingly) available in the process, and one begins to understand the hellish nature of today's European energy supply grid. Is the grid being run to produce profits, or power?

    But its OK, because it's "saving the planet", and never mind the kids in the Congo and no doubt elsewhere who still mine in dreadful conditions the cobalt needed for the battery

  • "Russia is Not at War with Ukraine!"


    So says Scott Ritter in a statement that many may find incomprehensible - but there is a difference between all-out war and the limited conflict that Russia prefers currently in the hope that a negotiated peace may be found.

    This is a long video, but as always with Scott, it's informative.

    It also covers a great deal more about the USA and its relationships with the world's nations, relationships that are perhaps not best served by current USA leadership, as well as eventually discussing the current situation, military and political, in the Ukraine.

    (66 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - Monday 8 July 2024 - Populists Deliver Left-Wing Governments?


    Ben's report this week reviews recent geopolitical events, indicating that this is likely to be an eventful summer.

    After Macron and Starmer, who will be next to be installed in place of the Biden?

    All this and more in today's report - modest subscription required for full access.


  • The Covid Twist that Nobody Talks About


    As conspiracy theories come, this is a very good one. Or a very bad one, depending on your point of attention.

    We have reported before on the basic premise here, that the Department of Defense was driving the Covid "pandemic" response and not the HHS/CDC/FDA civilian health regulators in the USA.

    So too did UK Column.

    But was the same or similar true in the UK and elsewhere in the world? 

    If so, why was it hushed up?

    And who are the JBC anyway?

    The Daily Sceptic

  • Martin Reviews his Wayward Past


    But he is using his experience to reflect upon the way in which spirituality affects and transforms everything it touches.

    Food for thought indeed.


  • Down the Rabbit Hole to ... mid July?


    Readers not yet introduced to my "Down the Rabbit Hole" series are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing...

    Clif High is a polymath who does seem to have a habit of being right about an extraordinary number of things - and indeed he did forecast an "event" for October 2023 (which turned out to be the Oct 7th Hamas insurgency into Israel). He has form.

    Here he is providing some of his background to new readers, plus a review of what he suspects may be a new event about to occur in mid July 2024.

    Maybe we should take note...

    (NB: for "woo humans" read "conspiracy theorists" or "those who are prepared to think outside the box". Oh, and "welcome to

  • View from Scott Ritter


    The situation in Israel, and the symbiotic relationship with the American "inner agency" - AKA the Deep State - and how might "the Donald" make a difference?

    (24 minutes)


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  • The View from Moscow


    Pepe Escobar reviews the recent years' events, and Russia's reaction to them.

    (22 minutes)


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  • The Undead WHO Pandemic Treaty Still On Course


    Interest of Justice warns that the WHO-Big-Pharma-Big-Government complex is still set on entrapping the world within its unending schemes to fake new scamdemics and inject us all with experimental products:

    "... the “Pandemic Agreement” is structured to be a framework convention, much like the Framework Convention On Climate Change... such a framework convention would set up an ongoing Conference of the Parties that would meet on a yearly basis to adopt protocols... largely without public input and outside of public scrutiny"

    This "would force countries to fund novel experiments and censorship in WHO declared emergencies", not to mention opening the way to rolling out more fake vaccines on gullible publics.

    No surprise there then, just more of the same unwanted and unnecessary top-down global experimental medical interventions paid for by the governments around the world from taxation on their unsuspecting
