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Last night I attended a local town renewable energy "workshop", billed as an exploration of how our local area might develop its potential for local power generation. No actual planning, no actual commitments, just getting local people "involved".

So being quite interested in the possibility of local power generation for local power needs (devolution of control of power provision may well be a step in the right direction), I decided to pay a call and attend.

Not wishing to come empty-handed, I printed off a few leaflets summarising some of the more obvious points of relevance to power generation on the scale to which we have all become accustomed, and as I was one of the early arrivals I spread them around the available tables, subsequently chatting to a few of the attendees and volunteer staff to explain my offering. This was noted with politeness and subsequently quietly removed, presumably lest it infect the minds of attendees with any non-conformist reality. If you can't refute it, remove it.

The meeting then progressed as per plan to review possible local locations that might be both available and suitable for power generation of the "renewable" kind (I am sparing you the bit about applying coloured stickers to maps).

I confess that at that stage I left the meeting, having other matters to which to attend, so I cannot comment on the ultimate conclusion, if any, but the part that I did observe seemed to serve the primary purpose of getting everybody to tacitly accept the inevitability of the "renewables" narrative and concentrate exclusively on the minutiae of how it might or might not be implemented in our area.

Classic avoidance technique, applied to the purpose of "brainwashing" the attendees by directing attention away from the "why" (and by extension, from the "why not") and straight into the "how" and "where".

I predict more outbreaks of these "workshops" coming to an area near you shortly. 

Was it worth my time to create a leaflet and to attend?

If you don't show up, you concede the point.