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Lucky Dip
The Time Before the Moon ...
There's a whole raft of contentious assertions here, but my purpose is not to say "Believe!" but rather to say: "Question everything!".
Michael Tellinger is no intellectual slouch and has investigated many geographical features found in South Africa, so I respect his opinions - that's not to say that he is invariably right, and I don't think he has been to the moon to check it out at first-hand.
What is the moon anyway? What do we really know about it?
(45 minutes)
"Be Still, and Know that I am God"
The quotation is taken from Psalm 46, but here it seems quite apt as Clif High takes it upon himself to explain the basic art and technique of meditation.
What is the purpose of meditation and whither does (or should) it take us?
Is it the same as prayer?
As one who doesn't consider himself at all well versed in the topic, I will not comment further, except to say that as I sat down at the keyboard to tap up this article, the title simply sprang unbidden into my mind... make of that what you will.
The Intersection of Law, Statute, and Spirituality
The title presupposes that such an intersection exists, but of course this is arguable.
Nevertheless this is one hour of Martin Geddes explaining himself on this topic - and who better to attempt the feat than one who surprised himself by discovering spirituality in the midst of his self-imposed legal adventures?
(62 minutes)
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What Is AI?
AI is a marvellous tool with many uses, but especially perhaps at this time for the high-level scammers in our world - how so?
Almost nobody (yet) understands how it works!
So we are all fodder for the scam-artists who want us to believe that AI will "rule the world", "take over all our jobs", "always win on the battlefield" (except maybe against another AI!), be all-knowing, etc etc.
So "is AI really omnipotent and can it replace human beings" is a potentially existential question for us.
That AI has its uses is incontrovertible - that it could completely replicate the functionality of a human being is unproven as yet. Some
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The Andy Thomas Report 2024
The keynote speech from Andy Thomas at the 2024 Glastonbury Symposium is a cracker.
Now available on YouTube - if you want to know whither our world is hurtling, do not miss this session!
(62 minutes)
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The Case Against the UK Government
An excellent exposition of the governing classes of the UK, also of the current government of the UK and whither they are leading us.
It is also an appeal to the people.
It's your view that counts.
(12 minutes)
Down the Rabbit Hole and into our Fake History?
It seems preposterous that all the ancient history we have been told is fake - but it also seemed preposterous that PolPotshould murder all Cambodia's intelligentsia, that Big Pharma's jabs should be anything other than "safe and effective" for our health instead of "safe and effective" for some other undisclosed set of criteria, that our "democratically elected" government should serve vested interests first and foremost and their electorate last.
So preposterousness is evidently no bar to fakery.
The usual "down the rabbit hole" advice applies.
This is one of those stories that you are either ready for, or not.
I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1
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Into Deeper Waters on Skye
Martin Geddes is no stranger to entanglements with the law.
It being summer and relatively benign up there (I'm guessing here - it could have been tipping it down, but he doesn't mention that) he has taken a short retreat from the hurly-burly confusion of life in general, in order to sort out the next stage of his spiritual journey, upon which he (I suspect unintentionally) found himself when analysing the logic of his brushes with the judicial system.
Spirituality is not an optional extra in life, it is just that we have to find it for ourselves, and having found it, take our spiritual understanding and advancement upon ourselves.
But what does it have to do with the law?
Mr Bean to the Rescue ...
... of freedom of speech.
Well, perhaps inappropriately (in the nicest possible way) his comic portrayals of the incompetent Mr Bean were famously silent, but happily, "national treasure" Rowan Atkinson has found his voice for this video, and a very calm, courteous, and incisive voice it is.
(10 minutes)
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Twas Ever Thus ...
Yes, it's back to Plato's "Republic", and how the elites have conspired to rule over the plebs of humanity since maybe the very dawn of time...
It's a little slow, but at a speed that hopefully allows those unfamiliar with the concepts to keep up.
No need to fear going to sleep either - there is a rather annoying and otherwise unnecessarily loud drum beat now and then, just to ensure your wakefulness...
So sit back, relax, ignore the annoying uncoordinated visuals (whilst they last - you can pay attention later when they become more informative), and follow the Guardians...
(31 minutes)
The Wrecking of the Bayesian
This article appeals to me on a subliminal level - I'm not exactly sure why but it's up to you to decide what you may think of it.
Mike Lynch, as many may remember, was the man at the centre of a major lawsuit brought by HP over their purchase of software company Autonomy (Mike and his co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain were acquitted in June this year).
Apparently the yacht was the victim of a sudden squall or waterspout or some other very localised nautical event that put it on the bottom. So far so unlucky one might suppose.
"There is something of a miniature Titanic about the story"
Except that the other defendant in the HP-Mike Lynch lawsuit also died suddenly but more or less contemporaneously in a motoring incident in the UK.
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Down the Rabbit Hole, into the Crop Circles!
This is one of those videos that you are either ready for, or not.
I suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.
But this is a DTRH with a twist - it isn't my work, but it is (as far as I know) a completely new twist on who (or what) is behind the phenomenon of crop circles - and yes, the picture above really is a genuine (if highly unusual) crop
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Another Idea From Left Field
Now here's an idea that really should be discussed.
Jon Rappoport doesn't take prisoners, so as you are probably nowhere near him as you read this, I suspect you can get away with disagreeing with him if you feel so inclined.
I feature it à propos of nothing in particular, except for the idea that if "everything we have been told" is a lie, then this may well qualify!
Link that idea with the exposure of the medical industry by Covid fraud on a global scale, and what do we have?
All you never realised about water - it's much more capable than anybody realises?
And what about the ether?
Make of this what you will...
(35 minutes)
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A Short History of (Mostly English) Immigration
Well, it depends how far back you want to go...
For the purposes of this article we'll skip over the idea that the "original" immigrants may have been the Trojans, and concentrate on the very recent post WW2 period - a period roughly corresponding with my lifetime, so I know a bit about it.
Not as much however as Andrew Collingwood, who takes us expertly through to the present day on the Daily Sceptic.
Mr Bean Risks Upsetting the Guardians
The guardians of what?
Well, that's my point, and one suspects, his point too.
Sadly he may be deploying the wrong weapons in appealing to reason and logic - today's war on the people is waged by the deployment of ill-defined labels, the pressing of similarly ill-defined "hot buttons", and the stoking of unthinking emotions to boiling-point.
Still, it's good for us old-fangled folk to know that there are still those for whom calm reasoning, a logical approach, and a careful exposition of the argument are practices appropriate for public discourse.
Let's hope for a revival!
(9 minutes)
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A Brief Canter Through British History ...
A splendid visual review in 3 parts of some of the high points of our constitutional development, up to around the interwar years (and inevitably omitting much else besides).
I look forward to parts 4 onward in due course (!) with enthusiasm, as I feel certain that we cannot ignore our excursion into the EU (and eventually kind-of out of it again), not to mention the pivotal role that we played in world affairs in 20th/21st centuries, nor I suspect can we ignore the implosion of the USA and the resulting fall-out across the globe.
But let's start somewhere near the beginning... Part 1:
(13 minutes)
This video is a bit - well - "American"!
It takes a long time to get started, and being American, the good Doctor tends (to our English ears) to shout a lot, and you have to get past the intros and the "message from our sponsor" etc, but if you can stick with it, his essential message of pH balance is the message that got me out of health troubles twenty odd years ago (I read his book "The pH Miracle" as mentioned, and never looked back. Seriously!).
Even if you can't hack the video, do try the book. It's simple enough.
Another useful book which presents more or less the same basic material (but with vastly more detail) from a different perspective is "Healing is Voltage" by Dr Jerry
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Neil Oliver - A Stranger in a Strange Land - an Excellent Place to Be!
Whisper it softly... but Neil is a self-confessed conspiracy theorist!
"... the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists... "
Welcome to the club.
He then brings some extremely pertinent thoughts forward to our attention - an outstanding commentary 😎.
(21 minutes)
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Brush Up Your (Kids') Critical Thinking
Critical thinking skills have never been less adopted, and my guess is that they have never been more needed.
So what is critical thinking?
It is presumably the ability to distinguish the truth from the falsehoods and indeed outright lies that infest our modern media.
"Lies?" I hear you challenge? Surely the media doesn't lie to us?
Well, they can certainly be economical with the actualité...
Indeed, the more scrutiny one subjects an article to, the less complete it inevitably appears to be.
And what about the censorship? Such as the way that the BBC "forgot" to report the massive lockdown demonstrations numbering in the tens of thousands that took place right outside Broadcasting House... yes, I was there, and they didn't report it.
OK, that's an extreme example, but
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