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Lucky Dip

  • Northern and Southern Dystopiae


    A tale of two cities .. well, one city and a town I suppose would be more accurate.

    Whilst by no means typical oftowns and cities across the nation, perhaps these may be thought to become so if we simply extrapolate current rates of deterioration for a few more decades. Of course there will always be better places to dwell (where else would the well-to-do live?), but as pointers to the typical urban homescapes ofthe future, perhaps these vignettes serve a purpose, a reminder that local civilisation involves purpose as well as, perhaps more than, comforts.

    When one purpose fades, how to find a new purpose? This seems to be a relevant question that somehow doesn't get much asked, yet surely it needs to be the first question for which any aspiring politician hopeful of election

  • Be Afraid, Be VERY Afraid!


    There are times when I wish that the would-be authorities in this world would get their story straight.

    One moment it's bird flu (beware of the chickens!), the next it's bird flu (again) (beware of the cows!), the next it's animal flatulence (beware of the cows - again - lest we die in a self-immolating world catastrophe).

    Hens teeth! It's enough to make us all jittery about the incoming epidemic of mad cow disease now very obviously affecting the judgement of the Great and the Good who continue to push these absurd notions.

    Will nobody vaccinate them against this new peril?

    Or was this one somehow inadvertently omitted from the UN Agenda 2030 / 2050 plans for global domination? Where is Bill Gates when they need him? 

  • Dr Shiva Speaks About his Movement


    Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, "inventor of email", candidate for US Presidency, opponent of the Deep State, and uncompromising champion of a global grass-roots movement to make the Deep State obsolete, explains his movement at a weekly "town hall" Zoom meeting.

    (2 hrs 25 mins - less if you start at the 27 minute mark,  thus skipping the individual introductions at the beginning)


    Find our previous articles on Dr Shiva here.

    I know of no other campaigner who impresses me with such logical analysis and effective organisation - worth paying attention.

    https://vashiva.com/    ...

  • The First Monologue of 2025


    Neil Oliver starts the New Year by speaking directly for us, for the British now compelled to recognise that our leaders are no longer ours (if they ever were), who despair of Parliament and all its malignant works, and who now seek and recognise our kith and kin where'er they may be found - and whilst they remain still plentiful (though depleted) within these sceptred isles, they are no longer to be found amongst its politicians, power-brokers, official media, and national institutions.

    Yet, indeed, 

    When the Old Order Falls, What will Arise?


    It's a good question. Times and tides wait for no man. The tide of perfidious intent of our passing World Order is ebbing, and a tide of new consciousness will - must - replace it on the rebound.

    Whose consciousness will determine the nature and thrust of this new incoming?

    If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!

    Martin Geddes looks forward to the remainder of 2025...

    (8 minutes of visual effects - get in the mood here!)

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  • History is Bunk?


    This little video suffers from some rather intrusive "background" music, but also asks a lot of pertinent questions that should stop us and make us all think a bit more about the "knowledge" that we take for granted.


    (37 minutes)


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  • In Case You Didn't Know ... Dominic Cummins Spells it Out


    Dominic Cummins, "enfant terrible" of the Boris government, explains the workings by which the UK government is run.

    What does this tell us about the current "government"?

    Does it amount to institutionalised fraud, protected by plausible deniability?

    Or worse?

    (3 minutes)




  • A Message for Christmas


    Put aside for now the notion of goodwill toward all men. This may be Christmas but the quotation actually reads "Glory to God in highest realms, and peace on Earth; goodwill among men" (Luke 2,14 - Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible).

    We don't yet have "peace on Earth", so "goodwill among men" is not yet universal.

    There is yet the small matter of justice to be served for those whose deaths and disabilities were received at the hands of those who fraudulently persuaded them to take a "medical intervention". Until then, the war continues.

    General Washington's audacious victory at Trenton on Boxing Day 1776 reminds us that though the odds may seem stacked against us, victory is not impossible.

    Roll on

  • Behold 2025!


    Those well known storytellers of future events give us their views on the incoming year - so settle down, pay attention, pin back your ears, and prepare yourselves for a year like no other...

    (Disclosing use of altered or synthetic content)

    (33 minutes)

    Like / Dislike this video here.

    (This article is purely for entertainment purposes)

    See also another

  • "Don't Just Sit There, Undo Something"!


    This could be an exhortation for that post-prandial moment - Christmas Dinner has been consumed, the family is gathered around the hearth (well, those that still have one), mellow feelings of satisfaction and togetherness suffuse the atmosphere, and everyone makes due allowance for everyone else's faults and foibles.

    In many families this will be a traditional time to hand out and undo the Christmas presents, wanted and unwanted, appreciated and unappreciated, but nevertheless welcomed with gratitude for their generosity - not necessarily in terms of price paid, but in time thoughtfully taken, for time is the ultimate arbiter of value in this world.

    It's rare, but sometimes someone has the opportunity to give something of such vast value to so many that the mind recoils in surprise - indeed marvels in amazement that not only were they able to accomplish it with such deceptive ease, but that nobody actually had to pay anything for it!

    Perhaps all it needed

  • Send in the Drones!


    Neil Oliver drones on... 

    ... is there any other topic this week?

    He even delves into conspiracy theories and paranormal effects, not to mention parapsychology and other big nasties.

    We on this site continue to trust that the world will continue to get weirder, and ever more interesting!

    (17 minutes)


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  • Alien Invasion? Fake Alien Invasion?


    By now, many of my readers may be wondering if I have flipped and inadvertentlyseverely disarranged my marbles, but help is to hand - I am not alone!

    Whilst I have been at some pains to explain precisely why I feature some of the more out-of-ordinary stories, it is a natural and normal device of life to look askance at anything really unusual that we might find threatening or otherwise, and to discount the possibility on the basis that if it lies outside our experience of a lifetime, then it's unlikely to be true.

    It's a rule of thumb that serves us reasonably well... until it doesn't.

    So what are we really to make of talk of "Alien Invasion"?

    "Since most elected politicians and heads of state have participated in

  • Predictions for 2025 (How can you go wrong?!)


    Friday 13th may not be the most auspicious of times to present predictions, but hey, they aren't mine!

    Perceptions, as always, are key.

    And no, this is not financial advice(!)

    If I do have any advice to offer. it would be to ask:

    "what possible changes might be in the works in 2025 that might turn the (possibly unstated) underlying assumptions upside down?"

    2025 may be the year in which our thought processes will be required to break "outside the box".

    (52 minutes)


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  • Ontological "Physics"


    Ontological Physics: A Beginning. by Clif High

    Warning: Math involved.

    High risk of brain-fade.

    Enter at your own risk...

    Read on Substack
    Electricity in the Ontological Model


  • Time to Chop Wood ...


    Another whimsical piece, this time from Bill Bonner of Fortune and Freedom.

    God, Climate Change, kids, and the arrival of a Family Get-Together make for an unlikely but thought-provoking mix.

    So step back from the daily grind and relax...

    (This is not financial advice)


  • A Brief Excursion to Old Salem


    Offering a welcome step away from the constant news of "wars and rumours of wars", and back to a time nearer to America's foundation, Martin Geddes treats us to a pertinent comparison between Old Salem as it was founded, and modern "Old Salem" which seems to dwell in a different spiritual country.

    It shouldn't take an Hercule Poirot to spot the incongruencies, but in this case it perhaps does take a visitor from Old Blighty. I wonder what someone from old Moravia would make of it today.

    We identify with the New Moravians

    I am also mindful of the notion that perhaps "God" or "the Universe" often reflects back to us the spirituality that

  • The Truth About Vaccines - Settle Down Del!


    Del Bigtree, scourge of vaccine providers, arrow in the heel of Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Propaganda (AKA sorcery), brings to light "a meeting of the world’s top health officials, and their shocking admissions about vaccine safety" all "caught on camera".

    Del isn't every Brit's cup of tea as (being a Yank) he tends to shout rather a lot for our taste, but hey, he's been absolutely right about vaccine safety, he has probably done as much as any man alive to bring these issues to public attention, even where practical to take them to court, and he's more than entitled to his moment of I-told-you-so.

    (1 hour)

    Watch The Highwire Episode 400.

    Buy your own ear-muffs...

  • Reflections on Scamdemics of all Kinds


    Mike Yeadon on his Telegram Channel pulls up a couple of interesting articles that go to the heart of the factors that make a scamdemic possible - or in opposition, impossible.


    First up - how they may likely have done it first time around, the 1918 Spanish Flu (and did much the same the Covid time around). At least we were (mostly) spared the spraying of poisonous substances everywhere (unless perhaps we lived in certain parts of China).

    Secondly - how to avoid falling for it all. The number one attribute that parents and teachers must develop in our kids to equip them to spot and sidestep these pan-societal illusions with an appropriate degree of nonchalance.

    As the immortal

  • Fighting AI with AI - the Future?


    Chemtrails - are they untouchable?

    Clif High thinks not, and is refining a lawsuit to test the principle.

    I have posited previously that laws and statutes are simply a form of artificial intelligence that seeks to define the rules within which we must operate for best outcomes, and to enforce them through the courts (albeit a long and tedious process).

    Latest technology has now automated the AI process using computer algorithms capable of presenting their results in human-accessible form within an acceptable time-frame and at comparatively modest cost.

    Clif's approach is to pit the latter against the former - imagine the effect of thousands of  likewiseemboldenedcitizens all filing lawsuits to redress wrongs that are currently too difficult and/or ruinously expensive to address by conventional means!


  • Economics ABC - XYZ


    The "dismal science".

    When I was an undergraduate back in the...ies, we had to study economics. We had a huge tome devoted to the topic, and it was clear that if it was a "science" it was unlike any other.

    Happily I don't think we were examined on it (except perhaps in the first year). You could probably have written what I learned on the back of an envelope (the internet would come later - much later). Not because I didn't read it (although I didn't read all of it by any means) but because it contained a great deal of what I considered "waffle", worthy neither of record nor of my time.

    Now we understand that economics (unlike physics, although that too may be about to undergo a roots up revaluation/revelation... ) is dependent to a huge extent upon human psychology - and humans are not logical machines, but are driven by all sorts of factors, inclusive of irrational beliefs (as notoriously cultivated by wannabe dictators and cult leaders of all
