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Some Legal Distinctions that May Surprise
An interesting excursion around the basics of modern law - we should all be aware if we are to take responsibility for our own lives.
OK, this is US-centric but much of it also applies to the UK.
It also sheds more light on the relationship of courts to banks and postmasters...
"You know what we haven't done the last 100 years?"
"We haven't corrected any of their errors"
"This government works off of unrebutted presumption"
"What is the legal definition of the word 'legal'?"
"It is the undoing of God's Law"
"Policy Revenue Collection Agent"
Do not miss...
(2 hrs 25
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It's Not Over Until It's Over
In the UK it's spring going on summer - down under it's autumn going on winter.
An epic rant from Australia, pointing out that those in power have no intention of relaxing their agenda, and that the populace in certain countries are demonstrating that they have no intention of taking it any more.
All that needs to happen is that the powers that be cut off the food and fuel supply.
"You do not want to be in the cities when this happens"
"... we don't know how crazy it's going to get yet... "
(62 minutes)
New Normal Pandemic Dictatorship
Once again, Neil Oliver nails it.
(9 minutes)
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The Cosmic Hoax
In Down the Rabbit Hole 7 - The Conscious Cosmos we introduced Dr Steven Greer, who has been investigating paranormal activity and the relationship with undisclosed government projects for decades.
Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it is a fact the Donald Trump publicly announced the formation of the United States Space Force whilst in office, and it is the stuff of legend that the US military has been unable to account for prodigious quantities of money that have mysteriously "gone missing" over many years.
"Connect the dots" as they say.
This is where UFO controversy meets real world politics and global conspiracy theories - and I don't use that term in any disparaging sense - nobody ever abolished conspiracies to my knowledge nor did anyone ever have that
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The New Normal Dictatorship
I exaggerate only slightly - this article is actually entitled "The UK New Normal Dictatorship" but in truth there is nothing UK-specific here.
"This makes it difficult for some people to recognise the nature of the totalitarianism that is being stamped upon our societies. This is a technocracy, more akin to the neocolonialism of a mega-corporation than history's previous autocratic military regimes"
It has actually been about the corporations for a long time, as the British and Dutch East India Companies attest.
"The G3P is a web of multinational corporations, tax-exempt foundations (philanthropists), private investors, think tanks, governments, non-governmental organisations, civil society groups and alleged charities"
It is now so complex (not to mention ever-evolving and mutating) that
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Can You Claim Back Your (Quantum?) Life?
This is an asked-slightly-tongue-in-cheek:question, but it opens up a fascinating box of quantum grammar and legal intricacy that probably escapes us all.
We have mentioned the quantum:grammar before.
I mention that because if you haven't read that yet, what follows will be utterly incomprehensible.
If you have read it, it will be only mostly incomprehensible.
It is based upon the situation in the US where every citizen is said to be pledged to the Federal Reserve as collateral against the national debt - hence every birth certificate is held by the Bank so (in simple terms) they know where to collect.
Since the US was allegedly bankrupted in 1999 I assume that means that all US citizens now
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Down the Rabbit Hole 8 - Halls of Records
Yes, this is follows-on from Down the Rabbit Hole 1 thru 7.
I'm not a fan of Dr Michael Salla (his habit of interrupting his interviewees, when I would quite like to hear what they have to say, is frankly annoying), but perhaps this video is an idea whose time has come - and he isn't interviewing!
(7 minutes)
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Stories from Lockdown
Lockdown was effectively a multi-pronged attack on our civilisation.
Family suddenly counted for nothing, the State for everything.
These are a few of the stories of individual families that were denied their humanity, perhaps even the life of a relative.
They are but a small fraction of the human tragedy that was imposed on a trusting population, and they must be heard.
Why We Need to Stop the WHO's Pandemic Treaty
The WHO are pushing at an open door with their proposed pandemic power grab treaty, upon which we have reported before.
The World Council for Health (a kind of anti-WHO alternative body) lay the implications out for us and suggest what we should be doing to oppose this.
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A New Take on White Supremacy?
It is something that most climate scientists don't much investigate, but CO2 is not the most significant factor in heat conservation and may not be the primary factor in global warming.
Everybody noticed (or used to before they started living inside when the ambient temperature outside drops to uncomfortable levels), clear and starry nights are cold and dry whilst cloudy nights are relatively warm since clouds block terrestrial heat radiation. Likewise cloudy days are relatively cold because the warm sunshine cannot penetrate the cloud layer too well.
Yes, water in the form of cloud cover is acknowledged (even by scientists) to have a greater effect on ambient temperature than CO2.
So how do the climate scientists factor in the possible variation in cloud cover over the last century?
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Clif High Delves into History, Suffers a Unscheduled Interruption
The religious persecutions of the Cathars in the dark ages is an horrific tale, and caused many to flee for their lives. Essentially the Catholic church, the "Holy Father", mounted a crusade to exterminate them as heretics (since they would not bend the knee). Maybe they were onto something, in fact it's hard to think from Clif's exposition that they could agree with the Holy Father on anything very much.
Once you have listened to this you may not agree with the Cathari either, but Clif certainly spins an engrossing story that ultimately affects him personally, the world of medicine profoundly, and the world in general totally.
If Clif is right (and I suspect he is pretty close) then we will all have a great deal to both learn, and to unlearn. There won't be any escape, so - bring it on!
(83 minutes)
Fulford on Monday 9th May 2022
If you are a follower of Fulford then let's just say that today's report is one you will not want to miss.
If you aren't yet a follower then his subscription is quite modest... and you can read the first section of his reports for free anyway.
Down the Rabbit Hole 7 - The Conscious Cosmos
In our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series we have introduced a number of concepts that many would consider outrageous (being so far outside our day-to-day experience), yet which cannot perhaps be disproved by applying facts and logic.
Therefore we cannot reject them out of hand.
Indeed in some cases the application of a little elementary logic suggests that although some of these concepts do not in general manifest in our experience, the likelihood that they do exist seems high.
We must also consider the not inconsiderable body of myth and legend with which the various traditions of humanity abound, such as angels, ghosts, star people, leprechauns, goblins, fairies, gods and demons and no doubt other entities that for the moment escape me. They will all have some basis in history even if that basis is long
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(Covid) Vaccinated Hospitalised 5 X as Often as the Unvaccinated
The obfuscation of Covid and Vaccination statistics has been a feature of the "pandemic" from the beginning, as we have rehearsed elsewhere, and this site has felt other topics to be more pressing than delving into the already delved statistical methods and flawed process that have been evident, but now the Daily Sceptic claims to have established what many have suspected - that the incidence of Covid shots has evident correlation with higher levels of hospitalisation for "non-Covid" complaints.
"The intent of this paper was to support its statements that the vaccines prevent hospitalisation. However, the paper also includes the raw data upon which the UKHSA statistics were derived, and these data tell a very different story to that presented by the UKHSA"
"Even where the data suggest that the vaccines offer some protection (the risk of admission to intensive care resulting from Covid infection) the results look like they might be an artefact created by the assumptions used by the
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EU Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate Framework - Passport to Social Control?
Go on, admit it, you're excited to read about this!
Brought to us by Global Research, this article brings us up to date with the roll-out of the most important development in the EU for many years - the accession by the EU to the Global Health Governance measures currently underway at the WHO, in the form of the Pandemic Treaty, which will codify into international law control by the WHO over pandemic preparedness in all the treaty countries.
Naturally this will be facilitated by the WHO’s QR Verification Code project, which is intent upon creating a global digital data bank of 7.9 billion people.
"Both initiatives are to be carried out concurrently by the WHO in liaison with ID2020 and the Gavi Alliance,
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Khazarian Mafia and World History
Visitors to this site may be familiar with Benjamin Fulford's reports, which frequently mention the "Khazarian Mafia".
Most of us had never heard of Khazaria, so a history lesson may be in order. Whilst I have read other reports covering some of the same territory, I would say that this article from Veterans Today is one of the most comprehensive and digestible narratives.
As VT points out, the KM have repeatedly clashed with the Russians over the centuries - maybe this simple fact sheds light on the current conflict in the Ukraine. Russia vs Khazaria has form, and neither side seems likely to back down.
The KM has also been active in the UK for centuries (according to VT), being one of the parties that had a interest in the English
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2000 Mules - Documentary
The documentary that is said to prove that the US 2020 November election was stolen.
I expect we are all fed up hearing that there was "no evidence of voter fraud".
Put the kettle on, sit back, and submit to another hour and a half of reminders of US election fraud matters.
Does it matter?
Can you imagine a bigger upheaval to world affairs than "the Donald" being restored in the most dramatic come-back in history?
No corner of world will escape the fall-out.
(89 minutes)
Correction - This video may be watched for a fee here.
Ukraine - The Point of Conflict
This article posted by Terry Boardman is an in-depth tour of the history of the global power-struggle between the elites of the UK, Europe, Russia, the far East, and (latterly) the US.
LaRouchePAC have been fulminating about the perceived influence of the imperialist UK over the USA for some time, and it is becoming obvious that an unelected elite under the umbrella of the "New Word Order" (as currently fronted by Klaus Schwab but embodied by the western world's all-powerful corporate interests and their financiers) is intent on taking control of the UN by means of medical and legal dictatorship.
Is Ukraine the tinderbox that will ignite WW3?
The world does seem to be at a dangerous
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Thoughts on Toxic Perfectionism
This article took me back to my own student days in the late 60s early seventies. But my purpose is not to reminisce.
We were encouraged to think that students go to uni, and workers go to work, but we are all students now. Indeed, those of us who no longer aspire to the student mentality are tired of living, doomed to cement our ignorance and repeat our failures.
The Daily Sceptic brings us a piece written by a student:
The Toxic Perfectionism Young People Have Learned From Social Media and Covid Conformity
I suppose that if I were to nit-pick (moi?!) I would disagree with the implied denigration of perfectionism - as
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No Natural Limits ...
Like buses, you wait a long time for them but then catastrophes come along in a bunch.
Following "Covid" and "War", sure enough along comes another one, this time financial.
If you want to know (some of) what is really going on... UK Column News today has the story, as well as more on "Covid", the involvement of the US in the sinking of the Moskva (inviting retaliation?), the expansion of the war, and the ongoing grandstanding on sanctions:
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