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  • William Hurt - Reflections on 9/11


    Received today from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:


    RIP, William Hurt. Thank you for speaking the truth about 9/11.


    We at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of William Hurt earlier today.

    In addition to his extraordinary body of work as an actor, William was a producer of AE911Truth’s most recent documentary film, The Unspeakable, and a passionate supporter of 9/11 Truth.

    Last November, in what may have been his final public expression, William penned a hauntingly moving article about his coming to terms with what he

  • 5D or 5G? Scientific or Spiritual?


    I've tagged this as "lucky dip" rather than "conspiracy" because it doesn't really fit the category of "conspiracy" - some might think it "delusion" but I don't have a category for that as it's too broad a description - so "lucky dip" it is.

    5G has been a topic that many have associated with an alternative cause of Covid-like symptoms - not in all realism too difficult as the Covid symptoms are pretty generic, and some of the reports from New York in the early days were quite suggestive of radiation poisoning (pneumonitis rather than pneumonia). I'm comfortable discussing such matters because I'm working within a "scientific" or "engineering" paradigm based upon facts logic and measurement and (relatively) clear definitions. 

    5D (fifth dimension or 5th density) has often puzzled me (as an engineer) primarily because the engineering attributes of dimension (a

  • Sanctions Bite in Reverse - by Design?


    The City of London’s Murderous Sanctions Policy: Targeting the American People!

    LaRouchePAC draw some reasonable conclusions from the sanctions regime being imposed on Russia.

    "The Biden collective’s insane sanctions policy against Russia ...is not hitting Russia—they figured out long ago how to survive a maximum sanctions regime"

    Follow the money...

    "Did you know that the prices now put on raw materials needed for human survival have almost nothing to do with physical value, but with pure speculation on spot markets controlled by the globalist modern British Empire?"

    "In one day this week, Tuesday, March 8th, the price of nickel on the London Metals

  • Is the Covid Narrative About to be Collapsed?


    That's a vital question which if answered in the affirmative should have profound repercussions.

    The Mail Online report headlines that "one scientist" has doubts about the PCR test.

    Our readers know that's a bit of an underestimate

    The MO knows it too:

    "... those scientists willing to give credence such concerns have been shouted down on social media, accused of being 'Covid-deniers', and even sidelined by colleagues"

    "Today, in the first part of a major new series, The Mail on Sunday investigates whether 'the science' that The Government so often said they were following during

  • Vitamin D - Who Would Have Thought It?


    For those who may be worried about the alleged adverse effects of certain injections on our immune systems, GreenMedinfo publishes results from a "large nationwide study involving 12,786 men 50 years or older and 13,085 women 55 years or older. It was a randomized double blind, placebo-controlled trial"into the efficacy of a daily intake of 2000 IU (50 mcg)of vitamin D and Omega 3, over a period of five years.

    "The clinical importance of this trial is high because these are well tolerated, non-toxic supplements, and other effective treatments to reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases are lacking"

    "Strengths of this study include its size and diversity; its design as a prospective, placebo controlled, randomized trial -- the "gold standard" for medical drug studies"

  • Net Non-Zero Agenda Officially Birthed


    Does this herald the (eventual) scrapping of the Net Zero agenda?

    The Mail Online reports the setting up of a Task Force to invade Russia - no wait, I got that wrong - to boost the UK's energy self-sufficiency and keep energy bills down. It won't come soon enough but it's a start.

    The task force's focus will be on oil gas and nuclear. 

    Pending the birth of this new elephant, here's an idea - why not make peace with Russia, acknowledge that the "war" is not with the Ukrainians but with the Azov battalions and US bio-labs, accept Putin at his word that he wants self-determination for the Ukraine and offer our assistance to ensure that happens, and open the way to resuming gas supplies from the Russian Federation?

    Peace and security all round, by

  • Draft Terms of Reference - Covid19 Official Enquiry


    The Daily Sceptic brings us up to date with the official thinking (and remarks thereon).

    "1. Examine the COVID-19 response and the impact of the pandemic… and produce a factual narrative account"

    "2. Identify the lessons to be learned from the above, thereby to inform the U.K.’s preparations for future pandemics"

    As the author notes, the scope has been drawn sufficiently widely to cover just about everything, including the "development and delivery of therapeutics and vaccines". That might or might not include whether any therapeutics were suppressed, and whether the vaccines were actually proven effective - both highly significant issues.

    It will also consider "preparedness and resilience" - will it determine why the lessons from

  • New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations?


    Harley Schlanger of the Schiller Institute announces a petition to set up a new international architecture covering financial and security matters globally (and take over from the existing failed United Nations structures that have no legitimate authority from the peoples of the world).

    Use of sanctions as a weapon of mass destruction is not acceptable.

    We must have a shift based on the "Peace of Westphalia".

    (6 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Ukraine Biolabs Linked to Australia?


    None of the first section would seem to incriminate anybody, although the circumstances may certainly be thought worth investigating.

    There's a lot of questions here, but no answers. Use discernment.

    The rest of the video is a long sitrep (situation report) covering the "alternative" news status - how much of this you want to sit through is your choice, but if you want to know what the other half of the world is thinking, it's a snapshot.

    (63 minutes)



  • On-Line Harms Bill - A Discussion - Q&A - Together


    Alan Millar, Toby Young, Jennie Bristow

    (96 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • UN Security Council Debates Threats to International Peace and Security


    Meeting today, Friday 11th March.

    Watch on UN Web TV:

    Under-Secretary General -
    Dept of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs - situation summary - starts at 30 minutes

    High Representative for Disarmament Affairs - biological weapons - starts at 39 minutes

    High Representative for Disarmament Affairs - nuclear power plants - starts at 45 minutes

    (the above is mostly reminders of procedure and associated formalities)

    Statement on biological weapons by the Russian Federation - starts at 47 minutes

    "... we discovered a truly

  • Fulford: The Time for Talk is Over, Now We Need Action


    Benjamin Fulford's Friday video starts with an appeal to the French army (in French!).

    He also asserts that the Ukraine army (as opposed to the Azov battalions) are working with the Russians to secure the country and root out the mafia. 

    He also has Switzerland in his sights, and ends with the plea for action now to rid the world of the remaining criminals in high places. The KM is now running on fumes and propaganda.

    Oh, and look out for the fake Alien Invasion . . .

    Worth watching if you have a subscription that covers.

    Those without a subscription could watch the special 

    Everything You Wanted to Know about the WEF but Were Afraid to Ask



    (15 minutes of illuminating the illuminati - highly recommended )


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Climate Change Paper Puts Lid on Global Warming Scare


    We have reported much the same conclusion asserted a year ago by Dr Happer, but it's always good to see independent research which produces supportive results.

    Here the Daily Sceptic reports on  "a recent paper from the German physics Professor Dieter Schildknecht from Bielefeld University".

    Personally I gravitate towards a comment made beneath that article:

    "Unfortunately, not one scientist had the right, and obvious,

  • Damning Pfizer Data Release


    It's over a year since the Covid experimental "safe and effective" vaccine roll-out and now, but only after court hearings, we get to see the data that the company submitted to the FDA in its application for emergency approval.

    If this is how Pfizer conducts its operations then it has no future.

    The Daily Sceptic reports:

    "Pfizer’s submission to the FDA was for a vaccine that would provide: 'Active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 16 years of age and older.' This purpose of the drug is stated repeatedly. That’s what it’s supposed to do ... This means it has failed on its own terms, and it is unclear why this should not invalidate the authorisation in the eyes of the approving body"

    There is much more, including things that Pfizer knew as a result of the initial trials but failed to make public, including that the vaccine "does not stay at the injection site but

  • War Leads into the Great Reset


    Technocracy News and Trends posits that the war in the Ukraine is simply the next stage in the onward slide into the WEF's Great Reset.

    "Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war"

    Disruption to supply chains, shortage of fuel (and thus everything else), chronic inflation and destruction of the monetary system, and the inevitable mass unemployment. 

    "With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labour force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order"

    But don't worry, the boffins at the WEF, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundtion et al will have a technological solution to plug the survivors seamlessly into the 

  • What's up Behind the Curtain?


    Overt hostilities focus the mind - and the propaganda.

    In war the truth is obscured by all sides in favour of the narrative that the protagonists want you to believe. Veteran journalist John Rappaport does his bit to enlighten us on the history of the CIA, and how that might be relevant today.

    He's always worth reading.

    If you can, read in conjunction with Kim Goguen's chat with Benjamin Fulford.

    And don't miss the video below!

    So who is Kim Goguen?


  • Benjamin Fulford and Kimberly Goguen


    This is one hour of independent journalism in the true sense.

    Readers who follow our site may be familiar with Benjamin Fulford's work to give us his view of the world that we find ourselves in. He is what I would call a true and honest traditional journalist who has his feet planted firmly on the solid ground of evidence.

    Kimberley Goguen seems like a Very Important Person we should remember. 

    However, some of us may need to be prepared to suspend some of our disbeliefs...

    This is where our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series (ideally, take them in numerical order) meets reality.

    This is a

  • The Price of Freedom - Reminder


    We in the UK have smugly assumed throughout my lifetime that our authorities prize freedom of the individual over central one-size-fits-all control by the State. Indeed we have been encouraged to believe this through the many films about the last war in which British heroes were lauded for their indomitable spirit in many situations of great adversity.

    And yet we were stripped of our most basic freedoms in a trice when Covid was officially recognised as a "pandemic". Don't go to work, close your business, mask up, sign in everywhere you go, walk this way around the shop, "sanitise" your hands at every opportunity, don't visit anybody outside the officially authorised and absurdly restricted bubble, and certainly not any "loved one" within the "care" of a state-regulated institution.

    Irish Judge John Philpot Curran: “It is the common fate of the

  • Is the Pandemic now Dead and Buried?


    Patrick Wood (Technocracy News and Trends) reviews the political narrative landscape and shares some of his thoughts past and present with us.

    The global power struggle between East and West is now literally a struggle for power (gas and oil - nobody is struggling for control of the windmills as far as I am aware). The green imperative is threatening our warmth cooking and transportation.

    The single-minded focus on the Ukraine has drawn attention away from the imperative to deal with the perpetrators of the pandemic crimes against the people.

    As we note elsewhere, the WHO are sailing on serenely into a future where they will effectively reign
