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  • Convergence - Are you Prepared?


    Clif High is a bit of a brain-box who some of us may have problems following once he gets going, but if you can keep up (or just let it wash over you!) he does make a lot of sense.

    Here he is on terrific form, even if he does attempt to converge a multitude of topics (that might usefully form a series of lectures) covering seemingly all of human existence past present and future, in less than an hour.

    As you might expect, there are a lot of converging concepts here, and that convergence will be resisted by the controlling powers because they will be exposed.

    He is also reassuringly grounded...

    "I'm not taking any of this sh*t that's coming out seriously, but we are winning"

    Brace, Converge, and Enjoy!

    (57 minutes)


     Martin Armstrong:

    (93 minutes)


     Joel Skousen:

    (64 minutes)


     Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:


  • Fulford on Friday - 15/04/2022


    Benjamin's Friday round-up explores a number of aspects of the current geopolitical scene, both regarding the immediate situation, and how he sees the world morphing into a number of separate power blocks which will cooperate within whatever body is set up to succeed the current United Nations.

    Followed by the usual Q&A session, which should be of interest to many.

    As always, a modest subscription is required (25 minutes).


  • In Black and White - Medical Conflicts of Interest


    "ICAN’s attorneys have done some more digging since we warned in 2020 that the Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs) overseeing vaccine trials were compromised by financial ties to Big Pharma"

    It's a long list.



  • This Might Explain a Few Things that have been Bothering us


    Watch right through.

    As many times as necessary.

    "... the average person dies on day 9 of Covid-19 hospitalised treatment... "

    (47 minutes)


    The above video has provoked a whole barrage of controversy, understandably, since it would upend all the narratives of the last two years - if true.

    A lot of it is undoubtedly true, in terms of the use / abuse (according to your persuasion) of remdesivir.

    Remdesivir is alleged by leading alternative medical authorities to cause organ failure.

    Here we have a leading champion of non-pharmacological healing,

  • Grand Jury Update - Covid Court of Pubic Opinion


    This is a follow-on from the Grand Jury investigation that took place in early February.

    Two useful videos here, the first from 24 February, which is a general round up of the state of play and how we might progress it around the world.

    It's up to us to begin to reinvent the failed institutions, to take over from the existing collapsing institutions as they fail.

    Fail they will because of the shots, but also because

    "We are creative, they are puppets"

    Discover how the proponents of the NWO likely propose to persuade us all into a one world government through systemic collapse, chaos, shortages, even starvation.

    (60 minutes)


  • Glyphosate - Reminder


    It's been a while since we published an articles on glyphosate, but that isn't because this herbicide has gone away.

    Glyphosate has been removed from domestic Roundup, but that of itself doesn't necessarily imply that this domestic product is now safe. The fact that the manufacturer is continuing to use glyphosate in its agricultural products, despite losing lawsuits that allege harm from glyphosate exposure, may be taken by some to indicate that the company puts its profits before health issues; that in turn would not imply that the non-glyphosate version of Roundup has been meticulously reformulated with safety as a priority.

    Indeed the company has "said the removal of glyphosate from these products is 'exclusively to manage litigation risk and not because of any safety concerns' ”.

    Did they think

  • UK Declares Disengagement from Russia


    The Friday UK Column report notes a number of interesting points, primarily Liz Truss renouncing any engagement with Russia at the same time as President Zelenskyy more or less offers Russia most of what they said they want in their negotiations over the future of the Ukraine.

    Is it not now time to get behind the negotiations to restore peace? 

    And is the ICC investigation into "Russian war crimes" going to take precedence over the long-standing complaint against the British Government for the alleged criminal handling of the Covid situation in the UK?

    And of course whilst the main highlights are from the Ukraine situation, they offer the usual selection of stories from around the world and the UK.

    (73 minutes)




  • The Rockefeller Re-engineering of Humanity


    "Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. is a retired neurosurgeon and author whose trailblazing research has tirelessly documented the fact that there is an epidemic of neurological disorders in the western world which are directly connected to toxins in our environment, and how this relates to the larger global eugenics program behind population reduction"

    "... the last refuge of the individual is their own thought, and that is the target... to remove your ability to think on your own"

    Note the exchange about the H1N1 "pandemic" and vaccine starting at 58 minutes.

    (65 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Absolutely Nothing in this Report will be Believed


    This is an extraordinary presentation by an extraordinary person.

    She has (according to her presentation) been laid low with cancer several times and managed to recover before her surgeons came to operate.

    That alone must qualify her for an audience.

    I can't say whether she is right, but I do think that there is something to the fact that the human race has survived for millenia before the pharmaceutical companies were set up.

    What do you think?

    (37 minutes)


    PS: I have no connection with anybody selling anything - these links are provided for your interest and information only. There are links beneath the Bitchute video page for those who may be

  • "Absolutely Nothing in this IPCC Report is True"


    Like a scratched record (sorry millenials, before your time) the UN's IPCC keeps replaying the scares of the past with ever increasing desperation.

    It won't change the truth, and the truth will out.

    CO2 is not the enemy.

    No CO2 = no plants, no plants = no food. 

    More CO2 = more crops, more food to feed the world's hungry.

    We don't need GMO, we need CO2!

    Water is a bigger greenhouse gas than CO2. How about we get rid of all the water?

    Anyway, in case the truth of this still escapes you, the Daily Exposé reviews the latest nonsense from the IPCC.

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