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  • Covid Review - What is the Truth?


    The truth has been in short supply in recent years, perhaps especially in the scientific journals, so it's with some surprise that I note the publication of this highly critical editorial by Russell L. Blaylock (retired neurosurgeon) in a prestigious journal, Surgery Neurology International.

    It's a wide-ranging and thorough review of all the horrors that the "pandemic" was used to unleash on us.

    Some relevant points below but these are a long way from illustrating the full breadth and depth of the article, which pulls no punches.

    "Cancer patients are being told they should get vaccinated with these deadly vaccines. This, in my opinion, is insane"

    "It should be noted that no studies were ever done on several critical aspects of this type of vaccine"

    "Previous experience with the flu vaccines clearly demonstrates that the safety studies done by

  • "All Jabs Tested Found to Contain Nanorouters"


    Many of us have watched videos of strange particulates found in the "jabs" and have heard speculations about what they may portend.

    Ricardo Delgardo of La Quinta Columna (or for us Brits La Quinta Columna via Google Translate) explains the results of his investigations in this video.

    "Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and the toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs"

    "... this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using .. the new 4G, 4G plus and 5G technology... "

    "All vaccinated people send their data to an external server controlled by artificial intelligence...

  • Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act


    I suspect that this really needs the services of a lawyer to explain, and happily we do have a lawyer in this video to shed some light on it.

    Does it affect you? If you drive a camper-van (to choose but one example) it may do.

    "... it's going to be really easy I think for a landowner or indeed a police officer to conclude that an individual camping on private or public land without consent is likely to cause damage disruption or distress by virtue of being on the land or potentially by virtue of their conduct... "

    Suggested viewing for anybody living permanently or temporarily in a vehicle.

    (26 minutes)


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  • Be the Change You Want to See


    A remarkable performance from Charlie Chapin AKA "The Great Dictator"!

    Somewhat incongruously delivered in the best hectoring dictatorial style, but rescued at the end by a quote from the Mahatma himself.

    Truly a message for our times:

    (6 minutes)



  • Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave ...


    ... when first we practise to deceive.

    This article from the AIER concerns the misuse of regulation to impose rules and laws made for a different purpose altogether to force corporations to comply with what amounts to little more than the personal preferences of the regulators (or others in positions of authority).

    Nobody voted for this form of coercion, yet it seems to have become a favoured way to sidestep democratic accountability by others both within and without the USA.

    For example, who can forget Mark Carney of the Bank of England forecasting that those companies that did not embrace the "climate change" narrative would be bankrupted?

    The AIER draws attention to a not dissimilar situation within the USA: 


  • Federal Reserve or National Bank?


    The Federal Reserve is the bank that famously is neither federal nor a reserve.

    So what to do about it, and why?

    What is money for anyway?

    Does it matter who controls it?

    LaRouchePAC address this thorny problem:

    (30 minutes)


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  • Nuclear Ultimatum


    Fulford this Monday pulls no punches:

    Destroy KM or face nuclear war Russia and China tell Pentagon

    "There was a noisy meeting in the Security Council at the request of Russia regarding the development of American biological weapons on its borders inside Ukraine"

    Has the show-down at the Kiev Corral finally arrived?

    Warning, some of the videos show harrowing scenes. 


  • Lies Lies and More Lies


    Martin Geddes shares his journey from unquestioning young man with a life to live, to conspiracy theorist with a bone to pick... 

    I have the advantage of him - he made the change before he achieved a measure of financial independence by retiring.

    Nothing especially new here, but setting it all out in historical perspective tells us how long (as a minimum) this lying has been going on.

    How long will it continue? That's up to us, or those of us who accept the challenge.

    Worth reading.


  • Melbourne on the March!


    Watch for the kid - star of the show!

    And the interviewer does a good turn too - vote for Avi!

    (7 minutes)



  • The Second Declaration of Independence


    Read with emotion, and seemingly some slight intoxication, but the gist is very clear.

    "... it asserts that the UNITED STATES CORPORATION was formed illegally, that it is foreign owned and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years... "

    (31 minutes)


  • Some Legal Distinctions that May Surprise


    An interesting excursion around the basics of modern law - we should all be aware if we are to take responsibility for our own lives.

    OK, this is US-centric but much of it also applies to the UK.

    It also sheds more light on the relationship of courts to banks and postmasters...

    "You know what we haven't done the last 100 years?

    "We haven't corrected any of their errors"

    "This government works off of unrebutted presumption"

    "What is the legal definition of the word 'legal'?"

    "It is the undoing of God's Law"

    "Policy Revenue Collection Agent"

    Do not miss...

    (2 hrs 25

  • It's Not Over Until It's Over


    In the UK it's spring going on summer - down under it's autumn going on winter.

    An epic rant from Australia, pointing out that those in power have no intention of relaxing their agenda, and that the populace in certain countries are demonstrating that they have no intention of taking it any more.

    All that needs to happen is that the powers that be cut off the food and fuel supply.

    "You do not want to be in the cities when this happens"

    "... we don't know how crazy it's going to get yet... "

    (62 minutes)



  • New Normal Pandemic Dictatorship


    Once again, Neil Oliver nails it. 

    (9 minutes)


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  • The Cosmic Hoax


    In Down the Rabbit Hole 7 - The Conscious Cosmos we introduced Dr Steven Greer, who has been investigating paranormal activity and the relationship with undisclosed government projects for decades. 

    Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it is a fact the Donald Trump publicly announced the formation of the United States Space Force whilst in office, and it is the stuff of legend that the US military has been unable to account for prodigious quantities of money that have mysteriously "gone missing" over many years.

    "Connect the dots" as they say.

    This is where UFO controversy meets real world politics and global conspiracy theories - and I don't use that term in any disparaging sense - nobody ever abolished conspiracies to my knowledge nor did anyone ever have that

  • The New Normal Dictatorship


    I exaggerate only slightly - this article is actually entitled "The UK New Normal Dictatorship" but in truth there is nothing UK-specific here.

    "This makes it difficult for some people to recognise the nature of the totalitarianism that is being stamped upon our societies. This is a technocracy, more akin to the neocolonialism of a mega-corporation than history's previous autocratic military regimes"

    It has actually been about the corporations for a long time, as the British and Dutch East India Companies attest.

    "The G3P is a web of multinational corporations, tax-exempt foundations (philanthropists), private investors, think tanks, governments, non-governmental organisations, civil society groups and alleged charities"

    It is now so complex (not to mention ever-evolving and mutating) that

  • Can You Claim Back Your (Quantum?) Life?


    This is an asked-slightly-tongue-in-cheek:question, but it opens up a fascinating box of quantum grammar and legal intricacy that probably escapes us all.

    We have mentioned the quantum:grammar before.

    I mention that because if you haven't read that yet, what follows will be utterly incomprehensible.

    If you have read it, it will be only mostly incomprehensible.

    It is based upon the situation in the US where every citizen is said to be pledged to the Federal Reserve as collateral against the national debt - hence every birth certificate is held by the Bank so (in simple terms) they know where to collect.

    Since the US was allegedly bankrupted in 1999 I assume that means that all US citizens now

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 8 - Halls of Records


    Yes, this is follows-on from Down the Rabbit Hole 1 thru 7.

    I'm not a fan of Dr Michael Salla (his habit of interrupting his interviewees, when I would quite like to hear what they have to say, is frankly annoying), but perhaps this video is an idea whose time has come - and he isn't interviewing!

    (7 minutes)


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    If you are drawn to this, then you may also like

  • Stories from Lockdown


    Lockdown was effectively a multi-pronged attack on our civilisation.

    Family suddenly counted for nothing, the State for everything.

    These are a few of the stories of individual families that were denied their humanity, perhaps even the life of a relative.

    They are but a small fraction of the human tragedy that was imposed on a trusting population, and they must be heard.


  • Why We Need to Stop the WHO's Pandemic Treaty


    The WHO are pushing at an open door with their proposed pandemic power grab treaty, upon which we have reported before.

    The World Council for Health (a kind of anti-WHO alternative body) lay the implications out for us and suggest what we should be doing to oppose this.

  • A New Take on White Supremacy?


    It is something that most climate scientists don't much investigate, but CO2 is not the most significant factor in heat conservation and may not be the primary factor in global warming.

    Everybody noticed (or used to before they started living inside when the ambient temperature outside drops to uncomfortable levels), clear and starry nights are cold and dry whilst cloudy nights are relatively warm since clouds block terrestrial heat radiation. Likewise cloudy days are relatively cold because the warm sunshine cannot penetrate the cloud layer too well.

    Yes, water in the form of cloud cover is acknowledged (even by scientists) to have a greater effect on ambient temperature than CO2.

    So how do the climate scientists factor in the possible variation in cloud cover over the last century?

    I'm sure it's an idea
