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  • Total Financial Dominance?


    Larry Fink, Black Rock, and...  Aladdin?

    Watch, listen, learn...

    Conflicts of interest? (Nothing to worry about... ).

    "No-one can compete without Aladdin"

    'You will own nothing, and be happy'

    (8 minutes)


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  • Mark Steyn Interviews for Post at the BBC?


    Well, I'll let you come to your own decision about that suggestion .

    (55 minutes)

    Mark follows on from the news report.


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  • The US Supreme Court Delivers Judgements


    a) The infamous Roe vs Wade judgement has been overturned - this in effect permits individual states the right to determine their own laws relating to termination of a pregnancy.

    b) The Second Amendment covering the citizens' right to bear arms has been upheld, with the New York restrictions on "concealed carry" being overturned as restricting the right to self-defence and therefore incompatible with the Constitution.

    Two resounding (if much delayed) victories for the traditional American Constitution.

    Some of the dissenting opinions are interesting not because they dissent but because the reasoning behind the dissent fails to

  • The Flight of the Bumble Bee


    Prepare for lift-off!

    You'll never look at a jet aircraft in the same way again...

    (24 minutes)


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  • The Agro-Industrial Empire Strikes Back


    Agro-chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides are big, big business, dominated by big companies.

    Of course, big business supported by big government is an almost unstoppable force where money speaks louder than votes and the transparency over the flows of money is less than obvious.

    And the bigger (and thus more remote) the government, the more easily obfuscated the transparency becomes.

    Whilst the big players seek to distract us with lurid (and some would say absurd) claims of CO2 trashing our climate, the damage being done to our farmland flora and fauna by industrial pesticides, and to the very soil itself by overuse of artificial fertilisers, goes unheeded - until the shelves in the shops are emptied.

    The EU is an object-lesson in how to construct a government that reflects the priorities of big businesses (with regulated access to lobbying the Commission directly) rather than the priorities of the

  • Breaking News - Istanbul and Tehran


    Apparently, according to Amir, the Mossad have been busy embarrassing the Iranians...

    I note his remarks on Mohammed bin Salman's relationship with president Erdoğan.

    (15 minutes)


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  • UK Trafficking


    I'm not able to verify any of the assertions in this video (dated 15 June), but she seems genuine and if there is substance to her assertions and if you have any information, then you have someone to report it to, and if you don't then no harm done.

    (30 minutes)

    "UK Government Child Trafficking"


  • UK Column Update 23 June 2022


    Just to remind everyone that UK Column in addition to its usual slots on Monday Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes now does a Thursday slot a well.

    Today Brian Gerrish takes us through matters Ukrainian war, Ukrainian destruction and reconstruction, the Falklands, the Russian enclave in Kaliningrad (ably assisted as so often by Alex Thomson); also the Uvalde Texas school shooting (which Mark Anderson still hasn't given up trying to understand) and lastly Debi Evans with her much awaited report on the goings-on within the MHRA-UKHSA-Bill-&-Melinda-Gates-Foundation axis (we can trust them, they're independent).

    Next up, door to door polio vaccines for all kids?

    "Vaccine-derived poliovirus has the potential to spread, particularly in communities where vaccine take-up is lower"

    So... the vaccinated may ... spread the vaccine-derived virus... to the unvaccinated...

  • A Voyage Around the Great American Deception


    American history is littered with events large and small including political assassinations (JFK being the most notorious), Unidentified Flying Objects (or Unexplained Aerial Phenomena as we must now call them), unexplained crashed phenomena (AKA Roswell), alleged false flag events (most notoriously 9/11), and much else that defies agreed explanation. 

    That's a pretty broad spectrum of alleged phenomena, linked only by the inability of the various concerned parties to agree on their true nature.

    This video doesn't solve all the problems but it does present a reasoned and logical exploration that may help us all to think about the bigger picture.

    (28 minutes)


    Summer Solstice Update from Israel


    Israeli Government falls, all governments contrive to send fossil fuels by the least direct route possible, and the Iranian bomb approaches... not to mention the coming world war in Europe. Well, why should he not have an opinion on that as well?

    (19 minutes)


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  • Straight from the Horse's Mouth


    John O'Looney, undertaker, recounts his experience with the NHS.

    "They're insane mate, you wouldn't believe it... "

    "Whether people choose to believe it or not I really don't care, I know what I know... "

    And more...   "It's only going to get worse as well... "

    "... literally, they've drowned from kidney failure... "

    "... I've never seen so many people 'not need' a post-mortem who've died suddenly, that just never happened... years ago... if you dropped dead suddenly, you didn't have a choice... you had a post-mortem and that was it... "

    Forewarned is forearmed.

    (59 minutes)


  • Neil Oliver Lays It Out


    No pussy-footing around the half-truths here.

    With his normal measured delivery of unmistakable truth and logical consequence, Neil sets the standard for unfolding the most complex of topics in the most comprehensible fashion.

    "... a crime syndicate, a cartel, a bunch of gangsters... "

    (10 minutes)


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  • This is not a Turn-down, This is a Take-down


    As everybody knows there is a public narrative, and there is a unspoken agenda, effectively cloaked by the public narrative (or so say all of us conspiracy theorists!).

    This is the financial war between the "insiders" and us the "outsiders".

    And who better to spell it out for us than Catherine Austin Fitts, who has been trying to wake us all up for some time.

    "If you look at what these guys are up to, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Do not fear death. Fear slavery in a transhuman society"

    "They knew. They knew a week ahead of time"

    "There was only one choice, and that was to lower life expectancy"

    "When you get your pension, will it buy you a carton of

  • Meta-fraud - the Word for Which We Were All Waiting


    I suppose it's a simple concept verging on the trivial, but the effects may be far from trivial if it gives us the ready means to identify the problem of our age - a problem which is subtle enough to escape the multitude that work with overly simplistic assumptions.

    One illustration of this would be the alleged mortgage swindles that afflict many British mortgages that were never set up with the correct signatures in the first place.

    Another illustration is the ursurpation of the sovereignty of the people by Parliament, on the pretext that the MPs represent us and our interests.

    So what exactly is meta-fraud?

    "The wrongfulness becomes normalised, and given the passage of decades, centuries, and even millennia assumes an aura of being beyond question"


  • Legal Updates from the Bernician


    Alert readers will know that the Bernician has form in taking the powerful to court, firstly in seeking redress for mortgage fraud, and secondly for seeking to prosecute those responsible for the so-called "Midazolam Murders".

    In late May he published an update (yes, it took me this long to catch up) covering both the TGBMS Class Action to end institutionalised mortgage fraud, and the Private Criminal Prosecution for the Midazolam Murders, which has been relentlessly obstructed by the courts so far.

    Whilst the TGBMS (The Great British Mortgage Swindle) is being progressed via the Land Registry and the Lloyds Banking Group board, the private criminal prosecution is reportedly going before a Grand Jury, a somewhat archaic institution that is nevertheless valid legal procedure.

  • Creeping Normalisation of the Control Grid


    France and Germany lead the charge with restrictions "for your own safety" that supplant our individual judgement with the top-down one-size-fits-all mentality of the benevolent state.

    "Outdoor public events have been banned in an area of France as a record breaking heatwave sweeps across Europe"

    "German Federal Government is considering making face masks compulsory in October, just because it’s October"

    Remind me, where are the studies that show that wearing a mask is beneficial to health?

    The Daily Sceptic reports on the madness.


  • Vaccines - No Escape from Down Under?


    "The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000"

    "Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters"

    "PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems."

    I'm sure you don't really want to read this, but closing one's eyes and burying one's head in the sand is merely the avoidance of perception, it doesn't stop the reality.

    Actually, they have been at it for years, and not just in Australia:

    "... six method of virus dispersal

  • Clif High - Deep Dive from Evolution to Devolution


    Clif High is always good value - he is so knowledgeable that we are sure to learn something interesting, and he has this knack of putting matters into historical context so that it makes sense.

    Here he is with Sarah Westall expounding on a range of topics that defy coherent description, but which all impact on the current state our world today. You won't even notice as he segues effortlessly through his topics to explain his perceptions.

    Part One

    (51  minutes)


    Part Two

    (98 minutes)