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  • Russell-Jay:Gould and the US Election


    Many believe that the US election of Nov 2020 were stolen, even as the establishment and mainstream media insist otherwise.

    So what does Russell-Jay:Gould have to say about it? Quite a lot as it turns out.

    If you have not yet assessed Quantum Grammar - Incomprehension with Consequences? I recommend that you first do so. 

    "... the United States Post Office lapsed its authorisation to authorise the US Military, FEMA, or the civil servants around the former United States in 1999 when the US Post Office violated its own constitution in the presidential election of 2000, which means the charter and the shareholders and stakeholders for the federal contractors ended, which means that they are actually working in derelict without papers"      

    Quantum Grammar - Incomprehension with Consequences?


    This is all based upon a grammar.

    This grammar is based upon certain punctuation which appear unexpectedly (to those unfamiliar with the grammar) within the video below - if we are not looking out for this we will get rather confused!

    We are all familiar with the notion of spoken languages grammar (eg: Latin, French, German), some of us are familiar with the concept of grammar as used to define computer programming languages, but a far as I know this is the first grammar specifically introduced for legal contractual purposes.

    Words to look out for in this video:




    Russell Jay Gould (AKA

  • The Bernician Shares the Latest Delay to his Private Prosecution


    We have reported on this case previously.

    Whilst the glacial pace at which many legal cases proceed is common knowledge, the latest report from Michael O'Bernicia on his private prosecution of high-ranking folk for the "Midazolam Murders" shows just how the powers-that-be are now scraping the bottom of the excuses barrel.

    I have considered the application and I have now decided not to consider it …”

    If ever there was a case that more clearly demonstrated that "the law is an ass"(or worse) I have yet to see it - although no doubt there are learned brethren out there

  • "Proportionate Response" Headed for Britain?


    We noted a while ago that our government's obsession with stoking war rather than encouraging a negotiated peace in the Ukraine is perverse.

    UK Column reports in much the same tone.

    Ben Chapman of GB News reports (unsurprisingly) that Russia has a similar viewpoint:

    "Russian state TV appears to have urged the Kremlin to blow "boorish Britain" to smithereens over the country's support for Ukraine"

    Whilst the Satan-2 might be overkill, who can doubt that Russia would be entitled to take proportionate measures?

    "Russia has already issued

  • NATO "Senior Officers" Hostage in Mariupol


    Fulford on Friday - another useful summary of the state of the world from Ben.

    Plus some interesting nuggets on one of the "great and the good" who recently took over a major social media company amidst great angst from certain quarters.

    Onward and Upward!

    (modest subscription required)

  • We must Reimagine and Rebuild our Government without Them


    Two articles from the Daily Sceptic illustrate this with clarity:

    Losses to “Fraud and Error” From Taxpayer-Backed Covid Loan Scheme Estimated at £15 Billion. Where Did it All Go?

    Nobody asks "where did it all come from" because we know the answer - the benighted taxpayer will fund it one way or the other.

    Sure, some minor small fry have been "caught with suitcases stuffed with cash" but what about the major villains?

    So what to do? Must we join the criminal fraternity to defraud the government in order to stay afloat? Criminal activity does not attract me.



  • Potential Health Effects of SRM Aerosols


    This article is from January 2016.

    If PubMed have assessed the likely impacts then it is going on, and indeed we can see it with our own eyes.

    "Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of environmental processes that affects the Earth’s climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of climate change"

    "Geoengineering approaches include solar radiation management, or SRM, and carbon dioxide removal... "

    "SRM techniques attempt to offset effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations by reducing the proportion of incoming short wavelength solar radiation that is absorbed or reflected by the earth’s atmosphere ... Proposed SRM techniques include stratospheric aerosols, reflective satellites, whitening of the clouds, whitening of built structures and increasing plant reflectivity"

    "All SRM deployment

  • Ukraine - View from the Basements


    There is no way to verify this portrayal of life around Mariupol, you will have to decide for yourself whether to believe, reject, or something in between, but if it's a film set then it's pretty extensive.

    Is this what Boris' weapons shipments are being used for?

    "I consider it my duty to document all this, since I am lucky enough to live in such interesting times"

    (36 minutes)



  • Ukraine - Monkeywerx View - 27 April 2022!


    The goings-on surrounding Ukraine have been covered by UK Column, now we hear about the airspace situation from the man who monitors it day by day.

    He doesn't believe the press reports either.

    (21 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • The Undeclared NATO/UK War on Russia - How Will this End?


    The UK Column now explicitly draws the obvious conclusions:

    (86 minutes)



  • UK Column on the Importance of Ukraine to the World Government Summit


    The Monday news round up from UK Column focuses on matters surrounding the conflict in the Ukraine, supported by Vanesa Beeley and David Scott. Possibly even more thought provoking than usual.

    So why does Macron feature in this edition?

    I don't think you'll find such reporting on the BBC:

    Listen to the end for coverage of the  unfolding markets crash, the "family sex show" (supported by interesting funding), and so on.

    (1st 42 minutes of 85)



  • Chinese Lockdown


    Already 5 weeks long, the Shanghai lockdown morphs but continues.

    This report is from the James Neil Cooper channel.

    James has been reporting on China for years, mainly with regard to the Three Gorges Dam and associated matters such as flooding, so he is probably as well informed as anybody:

    (10 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Today's Daily Sceptic also features a couple of articles on the situation in China:


  • MHRA Seeking Your Views to Strengthen Conflicts of Interest Policy


    Yes really!

    Should we have more conflicts of interest or fewer?

    Should we be able to see those conflicts that are declared?

    Should there be (yet another) watchdog to verify and ensure that all such conflicts have been fully declared in line with the "appropriate guidance"?

    Given some of the dubious decisions that have graced the Covid gene therapies roll-out, this consultation deserves your serious attention.

    Will there be another survey along shortly on strengthening the statistical methods used by the regulators in coming to their flawed conclusions?

    Better still, should the proceedings of the regulators be conducted in public, and their reasoning opened up to public

  • Controlled G7 Regimes "Doomed"


    Monday again, so the Fulford report is out!

    Quite a blockbuster this week.

    "... if the global conflict is financial, the West has lost it already"

    "... when the US, Canada and England tried to stage a walkout of the G20 to protest against Russia, nobody followed"

    Plenty more here including the relationship between Afghanistan Pakistan and the US, and the recent ousting of prime minister Imran Khan (clue, he is devoted to cricket - if only the UK remained so devoted).

    Also the scuttlebut behind the "defeat" of Marine le Pen on Sunday... no real surprise there.

    "And much more" (yes, really) including the state of play in the Ukraine

  • The Basis for Common Law


    This is not a description of Common Law, but an exposition of the basis upon which Common Law is founded.

    Common Law is common to all nations, all genuine religions, all thinking beings (including ETs should we happen upon them!).

    It is the set of assumptions that are derived from the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" principle - in short, it embodies all the necessary principles by which we can all live with each other in harmony and equality of opportunity, and excludes any and all rules not necessary for that purpose.

    This little dissertation from the Democracy Defined Campaign elaborates on this theme with cross-reference to religious teachings of various faiths, and much historical development.


  • New Zealand Daily Telegraph Blows the Lid Off Covid Vaccines Cover-Up


    Until now the official press has kept schtum on the vaccine-related damage, even as the alternative news has been outing it.

    Now the DT New Zealand has come clean with a major report which quite clearly states the problem, and acknowledges that it's not just New Zealand, it's worldwide:

    "The biggest victims of this situation are now coming together, they are uniting to support each other, they are uniting to tell their stories, and they will be SILENT NO MORE"

    "This is simply information and evidence about one particular vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine"

    "The people of New Zealand MUST know the truth about what has really happened in this country"

    "Not what we have been told... on our television screens from the government’s ... ‘single source of truth’, and not what we have been told by our

  • Whither the Ukraine War?


    We have noted before how our government prefers to ship more armaments and weapons of destruction into this imbroglio, rather than encourage the protagonists to negotiate a lasting peace in good faith.

    The Minsk agreement of 2015 should have provided the basis for that negotiation, and still could.

    It seems that good faith is lacking in many quarters, and not just in the Ukraine.

    As this conflict drags on, should we in the UK still be stoking an impossible situation?

    Do we really suppose that Vladimir Putin is going to give up and go home any time soon?

    That simply isn't going to happen.


  • The Elephant in the Sky


    Unlike the picture, today has been free of linear artificial clouds, at least in this corner of Hampshire, but it's the first such day for a while. 

    The difference between real jet trails that are short and sweet because they evaporate, and the artificial trails that spread and disperse until they cover the whole sky has never been more obvious, perhaps because it has been rare to see them both together in the same sky. We do now, so that must be a step forward.

    Not noticed before?

    Smart-phones don't help - if you are looking down at your device, you are not looking up at the sky.

    This is not a merely local phenomenon.

    Dane Wiggington of GeoEngineering Watch has been flogging this horse for years. He has become a bit strident, but that of itself doesn't invalidate his

  • Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue


    ... and something mysterious certainly. Rather like the origins of this famous rhyme, the origins of the indigenous Australians are shrouded within the mists of great antiquity.

    Naturally, humans being inquisitive creatures, those mists simply act as an incentive for some to peer behind the uncertainty, to glimpse whatever facts can actually be reliably certified, and to construct appropriate hypotheses that may begin to illuminate our understanding of ancient history.

    So today I feature less doom and gloom and more hope and faith, as provided by Our Alien Ancestry, all the way from the antipodes, courtesy of our modern internet!

    Did you think that Australia was populated merely by savages until "discovered" by Captain Cook?


  • Fulford on Friday 22 April


    Benjamin Fulford paints an overall encouraging picture of world affairs.

    "... the only reason they're leaving that clown Johnson in place... "

    Modest subscription required. I know of no better value elsewhere.