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In Down the Rabbit Hole 7 - The Conscious Cosmos we introduced Dr Steven Greer, who has been investigating paranormal activity and the relationship with undisclosed government projects for decades. 

Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it is a fact the Donald Trump publicly announced the formation of the United States Space Force whilst in office, and it is the stuff of legend that the US military has been unable to account for prodigious quantities of money that have mysteriously "gone missing" over many years.

"Connect the dots" as they say.

This is where UFO controversy meets real world politics and global conspiracy theories - and I don't use that term in any disparaging sense - nobody ever abolished conspiracies to my knowledge nor did anyone ever have that power.

The UN and the WHO are busy negotiating a new pandemic treaty that would ostensibly give them power over all nations to dictate their response to the next pandemic - as declared by the WHO. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus does not inspire me as a medical expert but does concern me as a political appointee of dubious background. Anyone willing to place all their eggs in his basket might consider that they would be well advised to restrain their enthusiasm, even before considering how the last pandemic has cost untold numbers of lives, and divided the world on the topic of "vaccines" and national health institutions as never before. 

Consider also that many of the world leaders who are queuing up to sign this treaty turn out to be graduates of the Klaus Schwab Young Global Leaders academy and that the WEF web-site seems to have a particular aversion to mentioning the "d" word ("democracy" - there, I said it). It seems that this proposed treaty may not well aspect our prospects for a happy healthy prosperous and utopian future. 

And lastly, independent journalist Benjamin Fulford has not discounted a fake "alien invasion" as the last gasp on the part of the Khazarian Mafia that many believe have held the world in its deceitful thrall for centuries. 

Dr Greer's viewpoint is not necessarily as outrageous as many might think. Perhaps we should be aware of what he has to say:

(82 minutes) (note - the subtitles become unsynchronized part-way through - don't let them distract you)

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