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  • Whilst You've Been Distracted by "Russia"


    It's worth reminding ourselves that we in the UK have ongoing issues that require our attention every bit as much as the events in the Ukraine.

    The Daily Exposé brings us up to date.


  • War!


    The Daily Sceptic hosts an article by Dr James Alexander (Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Bilkent University in Turkey)  which, whilst prompted by the outbreak of hostilities in the Ukraine, is nevertheless more of a reflective discourse on the nature of wars past and present.

    He makes a number of great points but I suggest that he doesn't fully engage with his topic. That is not to criticise at all - he has done a great job of setting the current imbroglio into some much needed context - but I would suggest some significant omissions which need to be covered.

    But first, read his article.

     "The war in Ukraine is a strange war, because it is old-fashioned. It is the classic European form of war, whereby one sovereign state clashes with another sovereign state over some disputed

  • Ukraine - and the World - Thoughts of Benjamin Fulford


    It's Monday so it's Benjamin's weekly report.

    If you don't have a subscription, he's worth it (in my jaundiced opinion).

    Even without a subscription he's worth checking out, but you don't get the full works.

    His view of the world is so different from the mainstream view that we might be living on different planets. (Perhaps we soon will be... )

    We can get a clue about what motivates Mr Putin from his speech to the (virtual) Davos 2021 organised by the WEF:

    "... globalisation led to a significant increase in the revenue of large multinational, primarily US

  • Ukraine - Thoughts of Yanis Varoufakis


    Yanis Varoufakis is of left-wing sympathies, dipped his toes into politics in the UK at the time of the miners' strike in Margaret Thatcher's time (he's practically an honorary Englishman), came to prominence as Greek Finance Minister when he was struggling to get a fair deal for Greece out of the EU (he was out-manoeuvred), wrote some very illuminating books on economics, the ascent of the EU, and his time as Greek Finance minister (all of which I would highly recommend), and is one of the most well-grounded compassionate and sensible politicians that I know.

    He doesn't disappoint - in fact he comes up with some quite unexpected (to me anyway) angles which clearly deserve to be taken into account. A thoughtful contribution.

    (18 minutes)


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  • The Hard Path to Net Zero


    The GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation) highlights Sir Iain Duncan-Smith's call for an "honest and open debate on Net Zero".

    "politicians have not sufficiently scrutinised the requirements ... they must level with the public about the sacrifices required"

    Professor Michael Kelly FRS (report author):

    "The scale of this project is, in terms of resource and time, so great that a war footing and a command economy will be essential for its delivery"

    I don't recall that being mentioned before, but maybe it's what we will get anyway if we continue to poke the Russian bear over their activities in Ukraine. It strikes me that to attempt both simultaneously might be asking for an insurrection.

    The Nuclear War Threat Isn’t Coming from Russia


    Barbara Boyd of LaRouchePAC brings us up to date with her thinking on the current situation in the Ukraine:

    "LaRouche never separated issues of war and peace from the physical economicand culturalprinciples which are their ultimate determinantand that is the case here"

    "the viable nations in terms of physical economic potential now stretched from Ukraine and Russia eastward and southward, to India, to China, to Eurasia as a whole"

    "if you know how leaders in the transatlantic nations think, their recognition of their actual economic bankruptcy puts the entire world on the cusp of thermonuclear conflict"

    "in order

  • Moderna, Pfizer, Biden on the Ropes - FDA-CDC in the Dock of Public Opinion


    Sorry guys, this is (in parts) deep conspiracy theory. 

    But too many conspiracy theories have turned out to be conspiracy facts in the past years.

    For example, that the world governments are being run by a secretive Cabal.

    Now we have video of Klaus Schwab confirming that his "young global leaders" of yesterday are now prime ministers and other ministers of world governments. So a mechanism is there and Klaus is on record writing a book on how he would change the world. One need not be a genius to put two and two together, it's just not a secret any more.

    I am not a committed conspiracy theorist. But the

  • Ivermectin According to Dr Tess Lawrie


    (19 minutes)


  • Wisconsin to Up-end the Biden Pretendency?


    What with everything else going on the US Election of Nov 2020 has faded into the background a bit, but news from Wisconsin may be about to change that.

    "During his opening testimony, Justice Gableman listed a series of unlawful acts that took place during the 2020 presidential election"

    "Our recommendations are fairly predictable considering what we just covered… The elimination of WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission)… At this point, I believe the legislature ought to take a very hard look at the option of decertification of 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election"

    Gateway Pundit brings us up to date:


  • Ukraine Conflict - Very Hard but Essential Viewing


    We have seen a great deal of the "War in the Ukraine" in our media.

    This is the definitive answer.

    We get the alternative viewpoint with no holds barred. Definitely not suitable for children.

    This doesn't require any further comment from me - steel yourself and watch. 

    (6 minutes)


  • Have Childhood Vaccines Ever Been Properly Tested?


    This update received today from ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) would strongly suggest that they have not.

    "ICAN demanded an explanation for the fact that these clinical trials had too few children in the study, only reviewed safety for days or weeks, and virtually none of them included a placebo control"

    "Tellingly... Maureen Hess, the FDA’s Special Assistant for Communication, admitted that she wondered to herself 'how could this be' "


  • Update on the Bernician's Private Prosecution, and Comment on Legal Matters


    Since the Metropolitan Police decided that Mark Sexton's submission of evidence to the Hammersmith police did not provide evidence for a prosecution, we have all been waiting for an update on the private prosecution undertaken by Michael O'Bernicia.

    It seems that his case has been subject to unforeseen delays in getting his barrister's legal opinion signed off for submission to the court, but the case before the assigned judge remains in progress.

    As ever with cases of such complexity there were loose ends which prevented this legal opinion from being ready in time for consideration by the Met before they dismissed the Mark Sexton application, so I assume that any possibility of the two cases being muddled together may have been avoided.

    Michael has provided a pretty

  • Conspiracy Corner - What the xxxx is Going On?!


    This is a rather slow video, but if you have the time it does make it very easy to follow (some other presenters might wish to take note), but perhaps this is just a bit too slow. He's not rambling, it just sometimes feels like it. Everybody has their own style.

    However, you do need to be aware of some of the undercurrents such as the Q movement if you want to understand what he's saying.

    "the decertification process has been started in almost every state" (and a single state will be sufficient to remove Biden from his pretendency and reinstate Donald Trump).

    "Zuckerberg will be back in the news very soon"

    "Your attention will be shifted... to China-Taiwan any day now... "

    "WW3 is the world vs the Cabal"

    "... xx..x is just as fake as the Ukraine and everything that's

  • Bu Do - Struggle for Enlightenment


    Clif High has done with the Woo - now he is into the skirmishing.

    He has some serious comments to make about the developments in the Ukraine, not to mention the state of the "deep state" and what may be likely to happen - "we are at war now".

    Oh, and this was made on 25th February so it's slightly out of date, but overall I think that's not too significant.

    Canada, Banking, Durham, Crypto, Vaxxlash, Cashlash, Linux(!), and the oncoming Ice Age... this is quite an upbeat presentation!


    (38 minutes)



  • Net Zero Planning for Net Zero


    "The Public Accounts Committee’s report on Achieving Net Zero, published today, shows that plans to decarbonise the economy are in disarray.
    The parliamentary committee noted that there appears to be no coherent plan for delivery, and points out that the Government has finally admitted it has no idea of the cost involved"

    "For 20 years, policy has been dominated by ideological pipe dreamers, and to date they have succeeded in wrecking livelihoods and undermining national security. It’s time to look again at fracking, at nuclear, and at adaptation. It’s time to get serious about climate and energy"- Craig Mackinlay MP

    Net Zero Watch has

  • The Ukraine - and Thereby Hangs a Tale ...


    I don't have a date for when she made this video, but it was just after Zelensky was elected which would place it in late April or in May 2019. I couldn't find it on her current channel, but others seem to have preserved it for us. 

    A recent history of George Soros' involvement in the Ukraine, as investigated by Amazing Polly.

    "... all these new agencies he wants to set up, all so that Ukraine can get massive debt from the World Bank and IMF, plus be allowed to buy insurance from four other agencies who will then have all of that underwritten by the European Union; but the European Union won't underwrite any of that unless Ukraine does exactly what George Soros says in his paper"

    "as part of the new reform support architecture for Ukraine, the European Bank [ for reconstruction and development ] goes on to add more layers of bureaucracy to this... the NRC needs to support newly formed reform support teams and extend support for activity and

  • Will the Ukraine Sink Biden's Boat?


    Gateway Pundit brings us a guest post by a forensic investigator.

    The article focuses on the Biden family's and associates' links to a Ukrainian energy company, noting that this association followed the 2014 Ukrainian revolution which ousted the previous pro-Russian President Yanukovitch at the time of the Obama-Biden administration.

    "Thanks to the criminal case, the public can now review (linked here) the bank and investment account statements (3/2014 – 5/2016) detailing the exorbitant extortion payments funding Archer’s and Biden’s lavish and decadent lifestyle"

    "The mainstream media knew of the cases but was reluctant to publish information"


  • Fulford on Monday - a Huge Update


    Benjamin Fulford is an apparently well-connected and independent Canadian journalist who lives in Japan.

    His Monday report is a round-up of the latest news and developments behind the scenes, and his Friday video also hosts a Q&A session.

    Today's report covers the Ukraine situation (as we might expect) and provides a glimpse of what we may expect in the coming days and weeks.

    To read the full report (and/or view the Friday video) you will need to fork out a modest subscription (recommended).

    For my money, it's worth paying up for today's report alone . . .

    (and no, I don't have any association with his site other than my own subscription)

  • Are the Fracks in our Energy Policy Beginning to Show?


    The Daily Sceptic brings us news on rumblings within the Tory party over energy policy.

    "Some of the tremors used to justify the moratorium on shale gas exploration in Britain were 'almost imperceptible'" according to the UK regulator. "It should be resumed with 'the vigour of a national war effort', Conservative MPs said last night"

    All of which is calculated to improve our trust in neither the regulation of the fracking process, nor in our politicians.

    "The 2019 moratorium was announced by Andrea Leadsom, then business secretary, in November of that year “on the basis of the disturbance caused to residents living near Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road site in Lancashire and the 'latest scientific analysis' for the OGA"

    "But several other reports, published months later without fanfare on the OGA’s

  • Thoughts of Chairman Neil


    As per usual, Neil Oliver reflects the thoughts of the times. 

    No, actually he doesn't - he tells it how it really is.

    May we beg for forgiveness, wake up to reality, and resolve to do something about it.

    It may be a long haul, but how could we live with the alternative?


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