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  • Democracy on a Knife-Edge


    Financial advisers and their newsletters are not normally regarded as founts of political truth, being not primarily concerned with politics, but with investment opportunities.

    That seems to have changed, and I don''t apologise for featuring this piece today, since it is 99.9% about the current state of world politics (and you can pass over the 0.1% investment note without really noticing). 

    Why so? The truth these days is that political overreach has far more sway over investment returns than the usual economic and commercial factors. In fact, almost everything you can think of has been politicised for better or for worse, including your sex at birth, your pronouns, "pandemic preparedness" and climate

  • Lahaina - 5 Months on


    If anyone doubts that the USA government is pulling out all the stops for the displaced of Lahaina, this report should clarify the matter.

    Nick Sotor reports from Maui for Redacted:

    (12 minutes)


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  • Will Legislation Overcome the Laws of Nature?


    It's a silly question really - the laws of Nature are "immutable", at least as far as human beings are concerned.

    So perhaps the government really have set themselves up for an epic fail, even by their own abysmal standards of creating projects that don't work and/or don't come in on time and within budget (yes, such things are possible given reasonable project planning and management that respects the laws of Nature).

    The question of course, given that the Government is (at least in its own thinking) all powerful, how much damage it will wreak to the nation and to the population in its attempt to support the unstoppable legislation when it meets the immovable object of the laws of Nature?

    And in fact it's much worse than that - it's not just one Government that is hell-bent on this disastrous course, it is pretty much all (largely western) governments, all besotted by the pronouncements of the UN-WEF partnership and their various unaccountable

  • Sergei Lavrov - Whither the Ukraine Conflict?


    If you would defeat your enemy - or make peace - first understand your enemy.

    Sergei Lavrov explains Russia's current position to the UN Security Council.

    First the short version:

    (31 minutes)


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    The full report of the same:

    (2 hrs 7 mins)

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  • A few Days old, but MPs are Discussing the Government's Latest Bill


    Not all MPs are knee-jerk supporters of this Government Bill.

    "A bill to prevent public bodies from implementing their own boycotts against Israeli goods has passed through the Commons, despite opposition from Tory MPs"

    That our government is even contemplating such a Bill seems inconceivable.

    If they don't want public bodies to take partisan sides in such matters, then that may well be arguable, but a one-sided ban favouring one specific party that may conflict with a local democratic mandate?

    (9 minutes)


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  • Ever Wondered How Much CO2 is Released by War?


    Lots of course. But how much is "lots"?

    S & P Global Commodity Insights has crunched to numbers for us, at least in so far as current wars are concerned.

    Our governments are apparently always perfectly able to accommodate several contradictory notions at the same time, so they will unhesitatingly act to "keep us safe" by going to war (not bothering about democratic mandates of course - no time for that) on behalf of their favourite protagonist(s), whilst at the same time telling us that we must achieve NetZero CO2(however they might eventually decide to define that in measurable terms)so out with the gas and in with the heat pumps frozen windmills and darkened solar panels.

    So far, two months of conflict in Gaza have generated "the equivalent of 75 coal power plants operating for a

  • Will the Houthis of Yemen Defy the UK-US Coalition?


    The news pages are full of analysis of the latest strikes against the Houthis. On the face of it, it's a most unequal war - but so is the Israel-Gaza conflict, and it's not clear after three months how that is going to end (other than in more death, more destruction, more bitterness, more recrimination).

    "I don't know what the US and UK can achieve in a couple of hours of bombing that the Saudi led coalition could not achieve against the Houthis in eight years" - a conflict that also generated accusations of genocide...

    (13 minutes)


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  • Russia Reacts to UK-Ukraine Agreement on Security Cooperation


    Dimitri Medvedev (deputy chair of the Russian Security Council) responds to the Sunak-Zelenskyy agreement:

    ""What does this mean? It means only one thing – they risk running into the action of paragraph 19 of the fundamentals of Russia's state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence"

    Zero Hedge reports.


  • Madness ... or Badness?


    Neil Oliver tells it like it is - regardless.

    He raises so many elephants in the room that we aren't supposed to notice that I lost count.

    Madness, or badness? Does it even matter? The time for us to deal with all these is fast running out...

    (12 minutes)


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    Once again, Neil speaks for us all.


  • It's the Britkrainians!


    Britain and Ukraine have signed an


    So the UK continues to poke the bear with a broken stick.

    Does Rishi work for the British people and if so, where is his mandate to continue this failed proxy war?

    If not, then for whom does he work?

    These are not idle questions, they go to the heart of our democratic system. Do we

  • War on Yemen


    It is clearly seen as axiomatic these days that there is no need to negotiate a peace deal when you can simply send aircraft to bomb the unruly natives into submission. It's quicker than tiresome and complicated negotiations involving multiple parties where we don't really understand the issues involved, and it looks & feels like decisive action - initially.

    History demonstrates that you still end up with negotiations eventually, and never mind that the Saudis have been bombing Yemen for years without managing to resolve very much, despite being right next door by comparison with the UK, and familiar with the local issues.

    The Telegraph reports:

    (4 minutes)


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  • Israel Presents its Case at the ICJ


    British barrister Professor Malcolm Shaw KC represents Israel at the ICJ.

    (3 hrs 11 mins)


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