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  • Destruction of the Twin Towers - Roland Angle's Review


    Roland Angle, board Chairman of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, talks about why the destruction of the twin towers has lost none of its contentious attributes in the nearly 23 years since it happened in 2001.

    On the one hand we have the official government enquiry which attributed the collapse of the three World Trade Centre buildings (WTC1 WTC2 WTC7) to fire, and on the other hand we have the professional qualified engineers that were (and are still) adamant that fire alone could not possibly account for the observed collapses - and indeed that video evidence strongly suggests that they fell into their own footprint as a result of controlled demolition.

    We have covered the events of 9/11 and the subsequent controversies previously, but the official narrative remains the

  • Fulford Report Monday 20 May 2024


    Another Monday, another Fulford Report.

    Headline event is the helicopter crash with the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and others. It's probably too soon to be certain of the facts but it certainly isn't going to stop speculation nor reduce tensions in the area.

    Meanwhile the ICC turns up the pressure on both Israel and Hamas leadership, and President Zelensky is president no more as his term has expired. And Russia wants him for "war crimes".

    Lots of new angles this week! (Modest subscription required)

    As always, make of it what you will.


  • President Putin Reviews the Global Situation at a Press Conference


    Whatever you think of Mr Putin, if he is your enemy, then know thine enemy. Otherwise, know what he says anyway.

    Maybe we should hear what Mr Biden would say at a similar press event.

    "There will be no more negotiations"

    (36 minutes)


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  • Clif High Back on Video! With Some Serious Thinking


    It's been quite a long time since Clif gave one of his own videos, but his new rig is definitely superior to the old.

    Here he takes issue with Elon Musk and Alex Jones, muses on his understanding of how human memory works (simplistic overview only, thank Heaven he didn't go into the detailed version!).

    I'm not going to try to summarise the rest of Clif's brain dump, but MK Ultra / mind control processes are reviewed, not to mention love-making, fight or flight, 1947... and aluminium oxide, chemtrails, 5G, Finns, Kalahari Bushmen + a few others, and Atlantis.

    Oh, and more...

    We are all MK-Ultra'd now.


    (52 minutes)

    Your hippo is under attack!

  • Another Scott Ritter MasterClass After Events in Slovakia


    I wasn't going to present yet another Scott Ritter rant (just yet), but this one, prompted by the attempted assassination of Robert Fico, prime minister of Slovakia, is (as always) informative, sometimes surprising, and broadens out perhaps inevitably into the ramifications of the current state of the Ukraine war and the prospects for peace negotiations now that Russia has put an arrest warrant out for Zelensky.

    And if not peace, then what?

    (50 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here - Do read the comments...


  • Lord Frost Speaks


    Lord Frost is the man who was perhaps most central to actually getting us out of the clammy embrace of the European Union. As such he has a track record which demands some respect.

    OK, our exit was "negotiated"  in probably the worst possible way, but I believe that aspect of the process wasn't within his brief.

    I suppose that many hope or have faith that Lord Frost is not a typical politician, but is perhaps a more traditional politician for whom his responsibilities to the peoples of these isles matters. We need all the help we can get, even from politicians within the system, so perhaps we should wish more powers to his elbow.

    None of which is to say that I would expect him (if elected) to make much difference - the forces of darkness seem to be too far embedded within the woodwork of our institutions for one man to overthrow, and overthrow does seem to be what we need.

    Still, what do I know? Never say

  • Ukraine - War Without End?


    Some believe that the war has already ended.

    Some think all the West needs to do is to send more money munitions and equipment, and train more fresh Ukrainian conscripts of just-about-fighting age to work them.

    Some believe we should send our own troops to "confront Putin" (but it is fairly obvious that we have already done that to some extent, so we are already at war with Russia).

    I suppose some even think that a few nukes aimed at Russia would do the job, even at this late stage, but we won't go there today.

    One thing I think we can rule out is "war without end". Russia has made it plain that that isn't going to happen, and, well, she seems to hold all the cards...

    "The lack of manpower in Ukraine cannot be solved. It is a product of endless death paid for with our tax dollars. NATO has prolonged the fighting with funding and arms, but not to win, only to

  • Come the Revolution, What to Do and How to Do It?


    Martin Geddes has been contemplating the incoming Greater Reset. 

    Well, it is abundantly clear that somebody needs to, and would we trust the current incumbents at Westminster anywhere near the fabled levers of power ever again? It's a reasonable expectation that many of the extant people posing as authorities will be removed as being part of the problem, so cannot preside over the solution.

    My first comment is that since the US military seems to have us all under (so far undeclared) martial law, the initial take-down of the criminal elements of the establishment must be conducted by the military themselves in accordance with the military laws in effect.

    Why are we in the UK talking about the US military?

    Because this revolution is not local

  • Ukraine Update


    Scott Ritter delivers the latest news from Ukraine.

    News of the offensive has been long awaited, but now it's here - it's just that it's the Russian offensive, not the Ukrainian.

    And it's looking like rolling over the Ukraine well before any effective response can be mounted.

    Yes, it's a war of evidence, information, and logic, as well as logistics and kinetics.

    NATO seems to be in a hole, but will they stop digging? Or will there be an escalation of desperation?

    (25 minutes)


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  • The End is Nigh, and the New Hard Behind It - Fulford 6 May 2024


    It's all over bar the mopping up?

    Who has a mop big enough?

    Reinventing the World isn't exactly a minor operation, so we must pray that (a) somebody somewhere has a transition plan and (b) everybody involved is involved on the basis of mutual respect and mutual cooperation for the good of humanity.

    It's a tall order, but someone has to tackle it, and the usual suspects are neither suitable nor (hopefully) available any more.

    And we the people must step up if we don't want another top down global bureaucracy of the elite to decide how the future is to be run.

    Maybe it doesn't yet qualify as "Bibilical", but it will have to be the biggest reinvention of global governance since the invention of royalty if it is to persist.

    "The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum...

  • Russia Russia Russia and WW3


    Ivor Cummins introduces Alex Krainer, who as a hedge fund manager put two and two together to make WW3, didn't like it, and decided to do what he could to expose it.

    Do you remember Bill Browder and Sergei Magnitsky? Follow the money...

    This doesn't bring anything critical to the table today, but does hark back to the period following the fall of the USSR, when Putin was trying to undo the damage to Russia that resulted from Boris Yeltsin's opening of the country to the sale of its assets to western oligarchs through agents like Bill Browder. Had those sales been completed, then without a shot being fired the UN-WEF would have owned Russia as well as the West. Yes, Putin was one of Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders, but we now know that he didn't follow through as Klaus intended, quite the reverse. Putin stood in the way

  • Scott Ritter Delivers a Short History of the Ukraine


    There's a good deal of background that most people in the West don't appreciate today, yet this history provides the context from which the current war in the Ukraine has arisen, "... a war decades in the making".

    Add in the activities of the CIA...   and you have perhaps a primary understanding of the history of Eastern Europe since the fall of the USSR through the eyes of Vladimir Putin.

    "The system of government was inherited from Boris Yeltsin, and Vladimir Putin... was not able to totally purge this corruption from the Russian enterprise. He is now going to do this"

    "Everything the West thought they were trying to achieve... backfired... Russia emerges as one of the strongest most cohesive nations in the world"

    "What do you think Minsk was about?"

    Oh, and...

    "Africa is

  • The Quest to Reveal the Global Criminals


    I have tended to avoid featuring Ole Dammegard for no other reason than that his presentations tend to be on the rather long side, and I try to keep matters short (believe it or not!) as I am well aware that not everybody has the time to sit through long videos.

    Still, Ole is an old hand at investigations (especially of false flag operations), and a source that I greatly respect, so his latest contribution is very welcome; indeed I suspect timely, as the wheels of revelation do seem to be gaining both traction and speed now. His story serves to provide an overview that perhaps brings together a number of historical events into a coherent narrative. 

    "It feels to me like they're almost following the Book of Revelation... as a manual..."

    But then again, perhaps he's just a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist. But still, he's a very logical and precisely thought out conspiracy theorist. Recommended. Actually, highly

  • The Local War on the Global Controllers?


    Catherine Austin Fitts, interviewed by Greg Hunter, explains the plan to control the world through control of the food supply - or should I say "food" supply, since most of us wouldn't class insects as genuine food. Insects are almost certainly just the extreme version of "food" - we are already subject to engineered food - highly processed food - artificial "food" - fake meat etc made from fungi or "grown" in a lab from synthetic ingredients...  it's just thatwe can still find real natural nutritious food if we look for it, even if it is contaminated with "acceptable" levels of poisonous chemicals masquerading as fungicide, pesticide, herbicides, vaccines, etc.

    And once they control the food supply and the spending of fake money CBDCs in place of cash, then the control matrix is snapped shut around us.

    An interesting argument complete with a spirited altercation over Trump's responsibility for provision of the fake quaxxines under "warp speed". Oh

  • "Everybody Woke Up Today ... We Have No Defence ..."


    Scott Ritter explains exactly why he believes that the Iranian response to Israel demonstrates that the balance of military power has been reversed.

    (53 minutes)


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    This next video is an extended analysis of the military and geopolitical situation in the wake of the exchange of hostilities between Israel and Iran - including what it means for Europe and the Ukraine.

    Yup, it's a Scott Ritter overload, but if you want perhaps the best analysis available, what choice do we have?

    "We Will Strike You and You Can't Stop Us"


    Scott Ritter reviews Iran's strike on Israel and explains the message. We await events as Israel gears up to respond... shortly.

    "Israel cannot successfully attack Iran by itself"

    "... for all those people shouting... 'We need to stand with Israel'... that's like saying 'I want to buy a ticket on the Titanic - after it struck the iceberg'... "

    (22 minutes)


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  • If you would know who controls you, see who you may not criticise


    "If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise" -Tacitus

    (16 minutes)


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  • The Storm is Upon Us


    Pascal Najadi interviewed on the current state of the unseen war.

    "This is our last Communication before The Current Wartime President and our Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump addresses the world today April 15th 2024 as the Commander-in-Chief and Supreme Commander of the current and ongoing Global Defence War Earth Alliance."


    (78 minutes)



  • Fulford Report Monday 15 April 2024


    Drones, cruise missiles, and coke bottles?

    With the ICC in the Hague not playing ball with Israel, the conflict in Gaza entering the end-game, and Iran showing the temerity to answer back for Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus, the media are in full-on propaganda mode today.

    One certainly gets the sense that things are not going Israel's way nearly as much as they would like.

    "This theater though, hides a very real war that is... heading for a climactic battle... "

    There is plenty this week to pique your interest.

    Modest subscription required.


  • "Greatest Military Demonstration in Modern History"


    George Galloway interviews Scott Ritter on Iran's recent response to Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus.

    "Why announce it five hours in advance?"

    (20 minutes)


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    Alternative View... from Greg Mannarino.

    Sounds about right.