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  • Covert Weapons for Civil Wars


    As far as I know there is no suggestion that the these weapons were used in LA, but they do seem to be available should the authorities (or anyone else with access) decide that they might use them.

    Nor is there a suggestion that anybody has specific plans to use them on the civil population.

    Still, forewarned is forearmed...

    (18 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - Monday 13 January 2025 - War in LA?


    Of course the prime focus this week is on the fires in LA - the similarities with the fires in Maui at Lahaina being noted.

    The difference of course is that the victims in Maui were not from the affluent classes, so maybe the motivations were more complex...

    An informative article this week, as usual covering multiple topics.

    (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • The Covid Jabs Evidence of Harms Explained in Comprehensible Bites


    This site has maintained that the Covid "pandemic" was a hoax from beginning to end.

    Why? Because "they" went to absurd lengths to fix the statistics to make it appear so. If there was a real pandemic, why the need?

    Dr Yeadon even believes that the whole "science" of virology is unproven, which would set the cat amongst the pigeons big time. I don't go as far as to assert that, since I don't have the evidence, but I suspect that he's right...

    There is so much apparently wrong with the Covid jabs that we might feel non-plussed about where to start.

    Dr Mike Yeadon (whom I have followed since 2020) has done a lot of good work in this area, and you can find his substack here.

    The Republic Restored


    "We have not had a Republic since at least 1871.. "

    "We the people have been brainwashed, programmed, tricked... "

    "... NO! We are the government, 'We the People'... "

    " How do you have a Territory get a Statehood? Here's the checklist... "

    " They were able by November 2010 to get the Republic restored "

    "... he was on President Biden's clemency list... "  

    (57 minutes)



  • Trudeau's Prorogation Hands Power to the Blob?


    Wait - didn't he just resign?

    Well, it's one way to bypass Parliament.

    And how does the dodgy legal history of Canada affect matters?

    Lisa Miron explains... (42 minutes)

    "... he doesn't think he needs to get elected... "


  • California Burns, Brownstone Reviews the March of the Technocrats


    The fires of Maui have come to California. Published pictures allegedly (one can never be sure these days) show extensive areas burned-out.

    There are reports that fires were set deliberately, starting up in several locations simultaneously.

    Bur fire hydrants are dry - the fires cannot be fought. Unlucky? Or deliberate?

    The similarities with Maui, whilst not exact, are clear, and no doubt as time passes we will see more clarity. One other thing is clear: in normal circumstances, a population burned out of house and home is effectively dispossessed and cannot fight back.

    The recent report from Maui illustrates the point. When authorities remain tight-lipped and inaction rules, we are forced to ask what is going on.


  • EU's Foundations Crumbling?


    The start of the new year has gone badly for the EU, but can anybody really maintain that this was unforeseen?

    The gas supplies from Russia to Germany and by extension to the EU via the Ukraine has been turned off. It doesn't matter whom you blame for this, what matters is that this has turned off the EU's ability to maintain its (ever declining) standard of living.

    Energy is the lifeblood of industry, and Germany's seemingly unstoppable post war industrialisation has suddenly - well, truly not so suddenly - ground to a deathly silence of shuttered factories and closed shops.

    To say that this could not have been foreseen is risible - the war in the Ukraine (with Germany's largest supplier of low-cost energy!) was not

  • Fulford Report - Monday 6 Jan 2025 - War Incoming?


    The recent multiple false flag attacks get some analysis, Congress is supposed to ratify the Trump presidency today 6th Jan (but will there be Congressmen available to do this?), the fog of war has literally descended across the US and elsewhere (fog in winter? Who'd a thought it?), and China is up to no good (just for a change).

    Yes, apparently things are happening, but to what ends remains as impenetrable as ever.

    Have matters reached peak pandemonium yet?

    I fear not quite, but what do you think?  (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • Update from Prof Marandi in Iran


    The situation in the Middle East has changed dramatically with the fall of Syria, so to whose advantage does the new reality (in so far as we understand it) actually work?

    One might suspect that it may fall to Turkey, since they took the trouble to send in their army, something that they have not previously done.

    (36 minutes)


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  • Syria - It's Complicated


    Scott Ritter brings us up to date with his thinking on Syria.

    In the immediate aftermath of the Syrian collapse, Scott seemed uncharacteristically a bit less than surefooted in his analysis, but he has plainly been working to fill in the gaps in his knowledge.

    Today he updates us on the historical complexities of a region to which power rivalries dating back beyond WW1 have not been kind.

    (16 minutes)


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  • Happy New Year of Financial Delinquency


    "The popping of this everything bubble will be written about in history books, like the South Sea BubbleTulip Mania Bubble, The Mississippi Bubble1920s Stock Market Bubble, and Dotcom Bubble" - only quite possibly worse...

    "While the controllers continue to pump the stock and crypto markets, luring more suckers in at all-time highs, in the real-world average Americans are in deep trouble, as the fake pandemic savings have evaporated and trying to sustain themselves, amidst Biden’s 20% to 40% inflation, on credit cards has run its course, with default rates now at fourteen-year highs

    The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth


    We should be so lucky!

    These days there are so many versions of the truth available from a multiplicity of sources that it's become an adventure to merely establish what we think might be the truth of only one of the many stories that are daily offered to us.

    At least in times bygone, most of the few media outlets tended to offer much the same story (albeit with left/right leanings as befitted the particular outlet) so we felt that if a number of independent sources told much the same story. then it was likely substantially correct. 

    In fact, it now seems that far from being independent, they all got their headline stories from the Deep State's Ministry of Truth, and the conjecture is that this may have been going on ever since Zionism became an international thing; valid or not, the mainstream compulsion to support Israel's version of events in Gaza and elsewhere does little to dispel the idea.

    Some even go

  • Where Does the King's Speech Leave the State of the Nation?


    The King has delivered his Christmas Message to the nation - so where are we now?

    Just as this site doesn't do party politics, we don't do religious division, which stands a high chance of immediate degeneration into arguments over religious dogma. We prefer arguments over evidence and logic, and whilst we recognise that hard undisputed evidence may sometimes be in short supply, logic suffers no such shortfall.

    This little video was created by a Christian of the Catholic denomination (I assume Roman Catholic). In our historically Protestant country, Catholics, like anybody else of any faith or none, may yet speak the truth!

    Here we find

  • Straight Advice on Ukraine for "the Donald", from Scott Ritter


    Scott Ritter reviews the prospect for the war in Ukraine when Donald Trump takes the reins in the US.

    Moving on, he comments on the latest options for the Middle East, then a tail-piece on North Korea.

    (82 minutes) 

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  • Welcome to the Evolving Multi-Cult-de-Sac


    OK, with Christmas done and dusted, now is the time to return to the hard realities... well, certainly hard as opposed to easy, but maybe not hard as in 'we can physically hit it and we hurt'.

    So set aside all that left-over Christmas pudding that we couldn't face down on top of all the previous courses (not to mention glasses) that we faced down pre-yesterday (there, I gave us a day already to recover), we have serious, and yes, difficult, concepts to bend our minds around going forward. And best to get our poor heads around it whilst still feeling at least slightly mellow, so we may approach it in relaxed fashion and regard it without the usual 'that's way too hard for me just now' feeling that means that we never get started.

    This is, fairly exceptionally, one for the dyed-in-the wool conspiracy theorists, so listen up. The rest us can sit back, relax, and continue in mellow tranquillity with whatever we were going to do today - this is way too deep for us.

    Fulford Report - Monday 23 December 2024


    Turkey (no, not the Christmas dinner fowl) is much in focus this week as President Erdoğan is reported to be seen as "encircling" Israel...   so it's the battle of the Zionists against the Islamists that's taking shape. Not that the "Christian" religions are faring any better - it seems that bankruptcies hold no religious preferences.

    So how will Turkey fare in taking advantage of current Middle-Eastern geopolitics to rekindle some of the old Ottoman Empire?

    And just what is Elon Musk the maverick mogul up to just now? (Modest subscription required for full access)


  • Will We Be Saved by a Crisis?


    With governments around the world in crisis, how will the clashes between countries / power blocks evolve?

    The aspects to this are economic, and political/military. Now that money-printing nears exhaustion, what will transpire?

    Will governments go to war to impose a command economy, feeding the war in place of the aspirations of their people? How that would turn out is best not tested, but may be inevitable.

    The Middle East is pivotal, and showing no signs of settling down.

    (49 minutes)


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  • Our Horrible Historical Origins


    Ivor Cummins and Dr Jacob Nordangard discuss the ideologies that have shaped our history since good Queen Beth and her spymaster John Dee.

    Are today's events not but continuation of a centuries old movement?

    Religions, rituals, dogma, secret societies, freemasons... it's not what you believe that matters, it's what they believed that counts.

    Some hold similar beliefs today, and who is to say they are wrong, in the dawning age of ontology where physics is based upon consciousness?

    (56 minutes) ...

  • Solstice Update - Scott Ritter & Pepe Escobar


    Ukraine / Syria centre stage, and President Putin setting out his analysis.

    There's much power-play going on behind closed doors, largely unknowable. The only thing obvious is that there is no going back to the status quo ante.

    And what exactly is "Greater Turkey"?

    First up: Pepe Escobar

    Then Scott Ritter at 61 minutes.

    (187 minutes)


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  • Germany Dismisses its Government


    French and now German governments gone, what better time for Starmer to rejoin the UK into the collapsing EU? Would you bet against it?

    "German lawmakers voted to dissolve the existing government by a vote of 394 to 207, with 116 abstaining"

    No small margin then.

    "... the political uncertainty could last for months"

    Is this what happens when green pie-in-the-sky meets putting bread on the table?

    Oh dear. Russia is beginning to look like a bastion of stability, with China not far behind.

    Still, with the EU Commission and the EU Parliament, what need for national governments?

