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Fulford Report Monday 15 April 2024
Drones, cruise missiles, and coke bottles?
With the ICC in the Hague not playing ball with Israel, the conflict in Gaza entering the end-game, and Iran showing the temerity to answer back for Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus, the media are in full-on propaganda mode today.
One certainly gets the sense that things are not going Israel's way nearly as much as they would like.
"This theater though, hides a very real war that is... heading for a climactic battle... "
There is plenty this week to pique your interest.
"Greatest Military Demonstration in Modern History"
George Galloway interviews Scott Ritter on Iran's recent response to Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Damascus.
"Why announce it five hours in advance?"
(20 minutes)
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Alternative View... from Greg Mannarino.
Sounds about right.
Nuclear - The Inevitable Confrontation?
One thing which it would appear we can all agree on - even if subliminally - we cannot trust our politicians. The old joke about "how do we know when a politician is lying?" and the fact that we deem it necessary to elect them anew every 5 years speaks volumes.
Add on top the events of recent years when many previously accepted "truths" were abruptly stood on their head, and we were implicitly told to forget them, simply put this notion of trust squarely centre stage for us all to see.
So with the Green New Deal floundering in a dearth of rare earths, and impossible mining requirements, yet many still believing the CO2 catastrophe nonsense, and Zionists the world over seemingly bent on more war... nuclear, both as weapons, and as a source of power that might actually provide an opportunity to close the green delusion power gap, seems destined to take centre stage once more.
But (leaving aside the weapons!) is nuclear as safe as it's cracked
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Scott Ritter - the EU Crumbling Begins?
No, he's not talking about the military situation, but the economic situation. Money talks, and lack of money suffocates.
Fascinating stuff, and entirely logical - it's obvious that Europe needs affordable reliable power, so... sanctions on Russia are a disastrous own goal. How to wriggle out?
And some still want the UK to rejoin ..?!
(17 minutes)
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The Choice Between War, War, or War
Another take on the Israel - US - Iran - Syria - Mid-east situation from Mark Sleboda "professional cynic and realist".
(24 minutes)
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"A Charnel House of Needless Death"
"This four part series is intended as your briefing, under fire, to prevent a new European War, a collapse of the dollar, and the continuance of the mind destroying surveillance state"
LaRouchePAC are taking the battle for all our futures to the US People and to Congress.
"On Tuesday, April 9th, the U.S. Congress will return to Washington. $61.4 billion in new funding for the Ukraine War is the main item on the “must pass” Washington agenda"(my emphasis)
UK and US governments really are committed to war with Russia, regardless of the inevitable consequences. War with a Russia that by any measure has already been grievously provoked. Russia knows who has done that provoking, but has not yet responded.
Be in no doubt that they will respond at a time of their choosing.
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Scott Ritter Analyses the Israeli Strike on Iranian Diplomatic Mission in Syria
The strike on Iran's diplomatic mission in Syria made headlines, but Scott explains exactly why he believes that this strike was a very deliberate and precisely timed act with results very favourable to Israel.
But that's just the start of his analysis... what follows is a masterclass in the Middle East situation, not to mention the wider world of global geopolitics... including (but not limited to) the Ukraine.
It's a long haul, but hugely informative.
(1hr 47)
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Col Macgregor Reviews the Ukraine Situation
The end is nigh? Let us all pray so.
Ukraine needs TLC and reconstruction, not indefinite war.
(27 minutes)
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Douglas Macgregor Reviews the Israel-Gaza Situation
Whilst this unthinkable but totally one-sided conflict drags remorselessly on, Col Macgregor is valued for his experience both of matters military, and matters US political and geopolitical.
Yes, it's complicated...
(18 minutes)
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Is the UK Government Knowingly Supporting Genocide in Gaza?
The Guardian reports that legal advice to the government has been given that the Israeli actions in Gaza breach international law...
"... according to a leaked recording obtained by the Observer"
“I remain convinced the government has completed its updated assessment on whether Israel is demonstrating a commitment to international humanitarian law, and that it has concluded that Israel is not demonstrating this commitment... "
If this is true it may go some way to explain the recent vote by the UK at the UN Security Council for an immediate ceasefire to lead to negotiations on a permanent cessation of hostilities.
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Down with those Dreadful Populists!
The EU is notoriously dismissive of its populist parties, and the UK is well out of it (at least legally out of it - politically it is obviously still a work in progress, that some suspect may outlast the EU itself).
I suppose that the British have a bit of a reputation for independent thinking - although not always right-thinking. I suppose that our struggle for independence (ie: getting out from under) has been going on ever since the Romans invaded, and for all I know it may even predate those times.
But it is now clear that independence is a multi-layered concept - we regained our legal nationhood from the legal clutches of the EU, but not yet our political independence from their top-down political thinking - that very plainly still has to be resolved, and that resolution is a battle not only for our nationhood but also for fundamental truth and integrity within our governing institutions. We need to recognise and understand who really governs us, and how they do it, before we will be able to
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Baltimore - Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapsed by Collision
This will have huge and lasting ramifications for the USA as Baltimore is a major East Coast port handling massive imports from Europe and trans-Atlantic trade (see the segment starting at 24 minutes).
The Port of Baltimore is now out of service until further notice - none of that trade can resume until the debris has been cleared from the channel, and all the I-695 traffic will have to be diverted inland until a new bridge can be installed...
If you wanted to create maximum chaos then this would be a good place to start, although this does appear to be an accident.
(31 minutes)
The Moscow Attack According to Scott Ritter
Many people will have a view about the recent deadly attack on the Moscow entertainment venue, but Scott Ritter is a well-informed commentator with a life-time of experience. Always worth listening to.
Sadly the sound quality is poor, but it's not disastrous.
"The Russians know everything".
Watch and weep - the perpetrators never stood a chance, rather like their victims. Will this go down as an object lesson in how not to mount a terror attack?
(67 minutes)
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Fulford Report - Monday 25 March 2024
Assuming that there will be an end-game (and that time only goes forwards) we would always be technically correct to say that "the end-game approaches". The fact that this journey is a great deal longer than many of us expected doesn't change that, although it does compel us to re-evaluate our assessment of both length of journey and progress so far.
Given that NATO (both official and unofficial) seem hell-bent on continuously poking the bear until he reacts out of anger rather than premeditation, it is reasonable to suggest that the bear isn't going to volunteer for further poking without calling out those who are orchestrating the poking - and those who provide the hardware and expertise needed to do that poking are not difficult to identify.
To suggest that that calling-out will at some point be issued in kind, is simply to anticipate the obvious - actions speak louder than words.
"The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event
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Global Extinction by Rays from Space?
Call me old-fashioned, but what if everybody is missing the point?
Whilst we are worrying about farmers' livelihoods and our food supply, the WEF and all its nonsensical edicts, the jabs that can do no wrong (despite pages and pages of "extremely rare side-effects"), is there yet another deadly menace that we should be worrying about, perhaps above all others?
When I was a lad I read a book, I think by amateur astronomer and author Patrick Moore,which told a story about evil rays from an outer planet (I think Saturn) which were being beamed to Earth (possibly via Mars?) and caused everyone to go quite mad and kill each other through wars etc. Does anybody recall the title?
Well, maybe he wasn't entirely off-beam in that! We certainly can detect a war fever which seems to have infected our body politic, that is so insistent that Russia must be fought and Israel "defended" at any cost - despite clear indications that their chosen defence now amounts to
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It's All About Our Children - They are Under Attack
Neil Oliver spells it out.
"Children are a product, for sale"
"All mass movements are hostile to the family"
"The concept of the family is under attack"
(18 minutes)
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The View From Moscow
Since no western media seems interested in what Mr Putin thinks, even though he has (by whatever means) achieved another incumbency as President of the Russian Federation, it must be appropriate to understand his views.
If he is a friend (recognising that by some miracle we are not yet at war with Russia) then his views are important to us, and if he is an enemy, then "know thine enemy".
Zero Hedge brings us up to date.
Catastrophic Confusion & Obsessive Covid Disorder
It has taken 4 years to move from Obsessive Covid Disorder to a point where we may now perhaps indulge in some rational argument about what really happened in 2019-20, and how we might actually more sensibly work in the future.
Leaving aside all the technical virological and counter-measures arguments, it is apparent that the situation management of early 2020 where "the science" met "the government" in a conflicting and fast-changing muddle of overthrown pandemic preparedness and panic (which saw much of the former somehow displaced by much of the latter), this contribution by the good folk at the Global Warming Policy Foundation is, if not completely timely, at least on target.
What has Covid got to do with Global Warming? Both involve serious interaction between "government" and "science", so should be subject to a set ofcommon principles.
The authors' primary contention is
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Explosive? Is that Too Mild a Word?
Once again Richard Vobes' channel challenges the integrity of the "Establishment".
From a little local malfeasance we are led right to the heart of government, and even beyond.
"The only way now to move forward on this... we need to instil trust back into our government... how can we trust people to make decisions for us if they have a... personal financial motive... the system won't work"
(That used to be recognised as a "conflict of interest", a situation seemingly now habitually honoured in the breach rather than the observance)
You won't believe where else he says this goes.
"I'm going to explain the things that I think need to happen... "
"Wellundoubtedly this is the reason that there is the disparity between the rich and poor...
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End of the Old, Start of the New?
Undoubtedly - but which "Old" and which "New"?
And will the "New" be an improvement on the disappearing "Old"?
And importantly, who is to judge?
I would also ask - did the "Old" actually exist? (Or did we merely perceive it to exist?)
Many people today are having their perceptions shaken, on a scale from "not a lot" to "OMG!", to the extent that if we could, it might be useful to be able to grade the upset level on some sort of measurable scale, much like the Richter scale is used to indicate the force of an earthquake.
And "earthquake" is an appropriate metaphor for occasions when our whole world-view is being inexorably revealed to be substantially the reverse of the truth.
What we previously perceived was what "those behind the curtain" wished us to perceive, whereas what we are now beginning to perceive is the
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