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  • President Putin Addresses the Federal Assembly


    This is a comprehensive review of Russia's understanding of the history leading-in to the war in the Ukraine. Whether you support Russia or the West, this is an essential update from the principle protagonist.

    Will we see a similar wide-ranging response from a western leader? 

    (1hr 54 mins)



  • Undead WHO "Pandemic" Treaty Incoming?


    Where America leads, the UK follows.

    This treaty has been subject to much (conflicting) reporting of late, but this is the latest.

    The WHO Director-General (currently Tedros) can unilaterally declare a pandemic.

    Member states of the WHO would then be obliged by treaty to implement all measures dictated by the WHO.

    (14 minutes) 


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  • Russia-Ukraine Explained in 4 Minutes


    A brief exposé of the history behind Russia's intervention in the Ukraine.

    (4 minutes)


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  • HAARP - Played by Angels or Demons?


    The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have made the news recently, but there have been many others around the world in recent times.

    Much speculation has been centred on the assertions that at least some of these have been created deliberately. How on earth is that done? By using electromagnetic waves at enormous power to mess with the ionosphere, it is asserted that earthquakes below the heated area may be triggered. You wouldn't need power to move the tectonic plates, just enough to trigger release of the building tension between adjacent plates.

    The HAARP (high frequency active auroral research program) installations around the world are supposed to be for monitoring and research purposes, but they are connected to electrical supplies capable of massive power - such as might be required to attempt such feats as to trigger an earthquake.

    Ukraine - The Untold Story?


    The Western media companies like to portray Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine - but is that so?

    As ever, the true situation seems to be more complicated, or perhaps less reported.

    Mike Whitney writing for Global Research paints a different picture that certainly adds additional nuance to the situation, or even overturns the western narrative completely:

    "... has anyone in the western media reported on the fact that Putin invoked UN Article 51 before he launched the Special Military Operation?"

    "No, they haven’t, because to do so, would be an admission that Putin’s military operation complies with international law"

    Worth reading.

  • Ever Wondered What a Hot WW3 Looks Like?


    Ukrainians are finding out.

    This is not for the faint of heart, but it is where US UK and EU funds and materiel for the Ukraine ends up.

    Is it value for money?

    (8 minutes)


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  • Why Was the Army Deployed Against British Citizens?


    77th Brigade - Oh what a tangled web the government has woven.

    "Countering Covid misinformation" was evidently a pastime endemic across media, social media, and government, none of which seems to have had a robust lawful basis in the traditional British sense of supporting our freedom of speech; nevertheless the government seems to have deemed that none of that was enough to suppress contrary opinions so they would have to utilise the army - despite that being explicitly a forbidden tactic absent the consent of Parliament.

    Nevertheless questions were it seems asked in Parliament - so if Parliament was aware and yet did nothing, does that constitute implied consent?

    Perhaps nobody knew what the appropriate constitutional provisions were and how a correct challenge should be made? Or were they all too busy working from home?

    Nor was this solely an exercise in support of the pandemic in any case - "77th

  • Nordstream 2 - The Miscreants Identified? - 2


    Ian Rons writing for the Daily Sceptic has some serious issues with the Seymour Hersch revelations reported recently.

    All good information no doubt, and well beyond my powers to unravel, so (as always) readers must come to their own conclusions.

    One thing seems certain - there will be more argument over the "who dunnit" aspects of this caper that seem sure to keep the pundits buzzing a while longer.


  • Nordstream 2 - The Miscreants Identified?


    Independent longstanding journalist Seymour Hersch claims the laurels for the first definitive description of how the culprits took down the Nordstream 2 pipeline...  and who they were.

    Also the incoming war with China, events in Haiti, and - boosting Australia!

    Redacted reports:

    (1 hr 20 minutes)



  • Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Revisited


    "It almost seems that the leaders have been selected for incompetence ... "

    That's a quote that I think will resonate with many.

    "... In an already ongoing military conflict we should not provoke the other side in attacking these harbours... "

    "... we are in a situation where very easily things can turn very nasty at short notice... "

    (70 minutes)



  • "People are Dying in Huge Numbers"


    Monday's UK Column News reports on the devastation being wrought in the Ukraine by Russia.

    The meat-grinder closes around Bakhmut whilst NATO argues over provision of a handful of tanks.

    Where is the sense of proportion?

    "NATO is suffering from its own propaganda"

    Where is the truthful fearless and unbiased BBC?

    (87 minutes)


    Well the BBC may be missing in action but Graham Phillips reports from Soledar as best he can following the Russian advances.

    The following text is from Graham's Telegram channel:


  • The Fulford Report Monday 23 Jan 2023


    "This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime"

    "Years of research uncovered the fact Rockefeller interests are behind many, many crimes including the spread of cancer. At the beginning of the 20th century, only one out of 19 people got cancer. Now it is one out of every two people. Needless to say “curing cancer” is now one of the most profitable businesses of the pharmacidical corporations they control"

    "The Rockefellers also stifled human progress by suppressing energy technology that threatened their control via oil"

    "This is a desperate attempt by the Rockefellers to prevent bankruptcy by forcing everyone to use digital central bank currencies they plan to issue"

    "The bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board means the entire US financial system is

  • Zeitenwende Works?


    Another (albeit indirect) comment on Ukraine's ability to "win the war", this time from a source that does seem to subscribe to the "Ukraine good, Russia bad" narrative.

    In the spotlight is Germany, whose Herr Scholz doesn't seem to have his heart in this war.

    In a situation where some suspect the Nordtream pipeline destruction was perhaps engineered by the USA to keep Germany from allying too closely with Russia (Germany + Russia = unstoppable?) it might be considered not unreasonable (even if unmentionable) that Herr Scholz may be looking to the future and thinking that with allies like Joe Biden, would a rapprochement with Mr Putin really be any worse than Germany's post-war subjugation by / alliance with NATO? Or might it be vastly preferable?

    Unherd brings us their analysis.

    Either way,

  • So How Will the Ukraine Fare when NATO Sends them our Obsolete Tanks?


    "This is much worse than they're telling you" - tell us something we don't know.

    Colonel MacGreggor brings us up to date with the likely effects of the latest promises of tanks and munitions that will send Putin back to Moscow with his tail between his legs.

    Lack of tanks however may be the least of their problems.

    (19 minutes)


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  • Is Poland Losing the War in Ukraine?


    Independent journalist Derek Monroe tells Redacted how the country is affected by the large numbers of migrants from Ukraine, and what the government is making of it.

    (18 minutes)


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  • Concerned About WW3? It'll be a Breeze


    Once more Clayton Morris of Redacted brings us up to date with the machinations of the Great and the Good in the USA.

    All out war with Russia? What could possibly go wrong?

    (11 minutes)


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  • One Nation Under Blackmail


    Whitney Webb speaks to James Corbett about the deep state fusion of intelligence agencies and mafiosi that seems to have come to rule not just the USA, but perhaps the whole of the western world.

    "... these are the people that are running most governments in the world today"

    (63 minutes)



  • Know Thine Enemy


    Like him or loathe him, he is one of the principle and most influential world leaders of today.

    We would be wise to hear what he has to say.

    (9 minutes)

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  • Ukraine - An Historical Perspective


    This is a welcome diversion from the run-of-the-mill accusations of Russia bad, Ukraine good.

    The world is more complex than that.

    There aren't many considered and alternative voices out there that we can find, but these two protagonists do make a good fist of commenting on the current situation and setting what passes for our current western leadership into an historical context.

    Would that we could find such a discussion in the mainstream media.

    "This will put an end to NATO"

    Time for strategic thinking - what is our purpose, what is actually achievable, how could we best achieve that, what do we need to do?

    Before Ukraine and perhaps others are totally destroyed, we need people who are prepared to address the facts on the ground and do what is necessary - politically and militarily. 


  • The Big Story Behind the War in the Ukraine


    A new year, so take a step back to look at the story behind the tragedy unfolding away from our eyes in the Ukraine.

    Martin Armstrong, longstanding economist and investment manager, reviews the history behind the fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of Putin, the fall of the Ukraine, and the subsequent events that brought us to where we are now.

    "Follow the money".

    An outstanding conversation that tells us (or reminds us) of much that we should know if we want to make sense of this unfolding conflict.

    Essential viewing.

    (61 minutes)


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