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  • Lazy Crazy Days ... and Gas Pipelines


    Sabotage? Earthquake? Happenstance? Search for the Guilty? Punishment of the Innocent? Praise and honour for the non-participants?

    Neil McCoy-Ward sorts the facts from the fancies...

    (20 minutes)


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    One point he doesn't mention is the Great Reset as promoted by the WEF. If multiple huge corporates which depend upon energy and fossil fuel all suddenly find themselves with impossible business models, then bankruptcies beckon, and bankruptcies mean banks and ultimately central banks. 

    We watch how this plays out in calm trepidation

  • War Means Business - Even for European Shipping


    You could read this two ways:

    - European shipping companies are disgracefully profiting from the Ukraine war sanctions...   or

    - European shipping companies are doing their damnedest to keep the populations warm(ish) and employed despite the idiotic sanctions imposed by their rulers.

    Either way, it does highlight the total stupidity (and almost certainly worse) of our ruling classes.

    Investigate Europe has the story.


  • Ukraine - the Smothering of Bodies, Hearts, Minds, and Souls


    Celia Farber of the Truth Barrier is someone that expresses those feelings of unease and concern that many of us feel but rarely articulate - and then goes and does something about them.

    Her recent contribution on Substack reflects much that many think about the situation in the Ukraine, and then goes on to address the points raised.

    "... the hawks are literally in every inch of mind and air-space, making sure you can’t even think about wanting to understand “both sides” of the conflict, never mind the shocking, twisted history of Ukraine and the US"

    Unmissable reading.


  • Graham Phillips Reports from the DonBass 16 Sep 2022


    There has been much news in the western media concerning the success of the latest Ukrainian moves to regain territory from the Russians, so this report is welcome in so far as it provides some confirmation from the front lines.

    It's a snapshot from a specific place rather than an objective overview, but it's more than nothing.

    (4 minutes)


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  • Ukraine Update & WW3 - 15 Sep 2022


    News from Ukraine seems to be a bit thin currently - is anything happening?

    Yes, things are happening, but maybe they are not making the news.

    Maybe they should.

    Clayton Morris of Redacted reviews the latest news and scuttlebutt...

    (17 minutes)


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    It's not just about matters military - it's also about matters monetary.

    (NB: I have ended this clip at 8 minutes 30 seconds because the remainder is a sales

  • Transatlantic Geopolitics Targets EU through Germany?


    Leaked Rand Corporation document confirms (corporate) US sees the sanctions on Russian gas as a means to retain American influence (ie: control) over Europe....

    Makes sense, no? No?

    So who is manipulating whom?

    "NATO was there the whole time... "

    The "fog of war" is swirling.

    (21 minutes)


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  • The View from Israel 5 Sep 2022


    Amir Tsarfati updates us on recent happenings around the world.

    "People don't trust governments any more"

    You may or may not share his Christian beliefs but he does present an independent view of current events.

    "All over the world assassination attempts... civil unrest, military coups, it's unbelievable"

    "We are witnessing amazing things"

    (13 minutes)


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  • Who is Q? What is the Plan for the Vaccinated?


    This is a measured and calm review of the deep state and its ambitions to rule a depopulated world.

    Also the push-back from the antidote to the deep state: the Q team (whoever they may be) and what has been happening since the assassination of President Kennedy.

    This has been a clandestine war from the very beginning -  a beginning that goes back millennia at least to biblical times.

    This war is coming to a head as we live and breathe - a war to end all wars, and to end the influence of institutional evil that has been festering within the halls of power from earliest known times.  

    We indeed live in the most "interesting" of times.

    In only 30 minutes much is left unsaid, but the primary message concerns the fate of the jabbed - how will the negative effects of the injections be countered?

    Operation "warp speed" was

  • The Power Behind the Boris?


    I do recall that soon after the start of the Ukraine war, peace negotiations were held which I thought at the time showed great promise.

    Soon afterwards the negotiations were broken off seemingly for no clear reason and the fighting has been unbroken ever since.

    Now Raheem Kassam has put the clues together and suggested a likely culprit that may surprise many and few in equal measure.

    This site has remarked before that the war in the Ukraine is no business of the UK and not in any way in our interests (unless we are all suffering from the delusion that Russia is run by a power-crazed dictator who is hell bent on world domination - whilst Russia has in truth taken several limited military interventions to protect her interests, it is NATO that has invaded and bombed multiple middle eastern and Balkan

  • Canadian Intelligence Agency In Alleged Trafficking Activities


    Newly published information in book form ("The Secret History of the Five Eyes") reveals the astonishing story of human trafficking allegedly undertaken by the western intelligence services.

    (20 minutes)



  • Who Was Shelling the Ukraine's Nuclear Power Plant?


    The IAEA Inspectors in the Ukraine finally arrived at the Zaporizhzhia embattled nuclear power plant.

    An amazing story.

    Make of it what you will...

    Redacted reports:

    (15 minutes)


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  • Black Energy - What's Up with Oil and Gas?


    The failure of the so-called "green" energy initiatives of the past 20 or more years to actually supplant fossil fuels as a viable source of energy for the modern nation (let alone also supplant the vast range of oil-derived synthetic products that many of us wear on our bodies feet and furniture every day) is now as clear as it will ever be.

    Wind solar and heat pumps simply don't cut it - we need alternative energy supplies such as oil coal gas nuclear and hydro in order to power the national grids of the world.

    This give companies such as Rolls Royce an opportunity to sell small nuclear reactors in  volume to power specific localities around the grid (which would require some grid reconfiguration to enable neighbouring areas to take up the load when any individual reactor is out of service for any reason).

    But pending all the required R&D to put that in place, the only available power source to provide "base load" for the grid is oil and gas (given

  • Did the US Provoke Russia?


    Noah Carl writing for the Daily Sceptic examines this all-important question.


    Well, if Russia was indeed provoked then the western narrative, that Russia is an evil nation ruled by a power-mad despot desperate to reconstruct the old Soviet Union, does rather take a hit. It opens the door to consideration of whether Russia is doing no more than defending (a) its reasonable interests and (b) the people of the Donbas.

    As in nearly all such questions, much is lost in the mists of times past and war current, and almost nothing can be said to prove the point beyond reasonable doubt, but when so many issues all point in the same direction then the reasonable man on the Clapham omnibus might think "if the cap fits, then wear it".

    So where does the Nordstream pipeline fit into all this?

    "In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading

  • Choices About Which Nobody Asked Our Opinion


    This title does sum up the manner in which our world is being guided into an apparently chaotic and uncertain but very likely not at all tranquil future.

     reviews the European situation (although he apparently wrote this before Boris told us all to pay the higher living costs "for the Ukraine").

    Wherever you look (honourable exception: Viktor Orbán), much as they did in response to Covid, politicians are banding together to punish their peoples, this time for Russia's activities in the Ukraine.

    Oh wait (nearly forgot) and to punish them for... well, living and breathing and creating CO2, in contravention of UN Agenda 2030, i.e.: for just being

  • Ukraine Update - Scott Ritter Comments


    This is another viewpoint on this ongoing conflict in the Ukraine.

    (8 minutes)


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  • Breaking News of the Middle East - from Inverness


    Amir gives it to us straight - and it's not about peace.

    I doubt you will hear this elsewhere, I have no way to verify his report, and bear in mind also that his religious biblical beliefs are his own, but they do inform his views.

    All that said, here he is, straight from Bonnie Scotland!

    (11 minutes)


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  • Bills Getting Too Much? These Too Are On the Way


    The Save Our Rights campaign group tells it like it is.

    Never mind the gas/electricity bills (distracting as they are) - take note of these Parliamentary Bills, in the pipeline.

    These are in addition to other highly dubious Bills already signed into law, such as the UK - Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2019-21.

    None of them enhance our freedoms, all of them compromise them.

    We are under progressive attack by "our own" government.

    Where is the popular demand for these

  • The Hypocrisy of UK Realpolitik


    UK foreign policy has long made very little sense if regarded dispassionately - is it there to boost the interests of the UK, or is it there to create peace and fairness in the world?

    Or some other objective(s)?

    Noah Carl writing in the Daily Sceptic points up the glaring inconsistencies in UK Foreign policy, which treats Russia as Big Baddy (because it's fighting in a neighbouring country) and Saudi Arabia as a Great Goody (although it has been bombing and fighting in neighbouring Yemen for years).

    Indeed, our determined reluctance to even consider that a negotiated peace in the Ukraine might be advantageous and should be pursued speaks volumes.

    Now, this is undoubtedly a bit simplistic, but it's also true and longstanding (Russia has always been regarded as a potential

  • Ukraine - the View from Poland


    This site has put forward the view that the war in Ukraine could have been avoided had the Minsk agreements been respected.

    We have also suggested that just as the UK gave Scotland their ill-judged referendum on independence, so Russia might have been (and might still be) amenable to a peace settlement negotiated on the basis of plebiscite(s) in the Ukraine to establish the wishes of the populations in the affected regions, consistent with the internationally recognised principle of self-determination.

    Rather than feeding the destruction with ever more munitions (and poisoning international relations with sanctions), we should tell Zelenskyy to negotiate.

    The prime minister

  • Update from the Middle East, 12th July


    Amir is with us again with an update from Galilee on the world as he sees it, and indeed as Ezekiel saw it before him.

    Followers of Q will note that Israel is slated be dealt with last...  so perhaps the Ukraine is just the warm-up for the Middle East?

    I'm thinking that the Bible has never seemed more immediately relevant.

    (27 minutes)


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