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Covid Enquiry Learns All the Wrong Lessons?
Well, if you took advice from all the people who got it wrong in the first place, what would you expect?
“Any future strategy for whole-system civil emergencies, including for pandemics, will need to be based upon the establishment of large-scale digital platforms”
"... despite England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland being at risk of the same health emergency, the data and health systems were so different that they were a barrier to effective preparedness"
So we can look forward to more centralised top-down one-size-fits-all no-contrarian-opinions-tolerated crisis management from the same team that brought us the Covid no-pandemic-excess-deaths-until-the-jabs-rolled-out scam.
And while the exact nature of the "whole system civil emergency" remains unspecified, the government and its multiplicitous agencies will need carte blanche to spy on every aspect of our lives "just in
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The UN Security Council Meeting on Gaza
(38 minutes)
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Is Power being Returned to the People?
The reported attempt to assassinate President Trump seems somehow to mark a watershed moment in the evolution of our world.
Where America goes, the western world follows.
So far it's been all downhill, but is the momentum somehow now reversing?
(26 minutes)
World in Psy-Ops
Following the assassination attempt on President Trump (or "the Donald" if you don't buy the term "President" just yet, even though Victor Orban certainly does) Ben Fulford's weekly report this Monday paints a picture of global struggle behind the scenes that nobody wants to admit to in public. From which we may deduce that these struggles are not yet settled.
Was the failed removal of Mr Trump a visible manifestation of these struggles spilling into the open? How could it not be?
We certainly have reached the stage now where we know almost nothing for certain, and need to be prepared to re-evaluate our position on almost anything as new reports come to the surface.
In case you missed it, the US now has a military government
(Modest subscription required for
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Scott Ritter on NATO's 75th Summit + the Middle East Conflict
Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. What will NATO's response be?
Scott Ritter reviews the state of play...
"... we haven't spent the money necessary to build the systems that can overcome Russian jamming... "
"... the British are the funniest ones of all - they talk big - My God, Keir Starmer's out there thumping his chest like he's Superman... everything about them is a joke... there's not a single military in NATO today that can go to the Ukraine and survive more than a couple of weeks - not even the United States ... "
"We are getting to the point right now if the United States deploys those systems in 2026 where the Russians, if they lower the threshold of nuclear war, may pre-emptively strike with a nuclear weapon"
The section on Israel-Gaza begins at 1hr 26.
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View from the East - Whither Europe?
The Russian International Affairs Council is not an institution that many of us in the UK are familiar with, but maybe we should be.
Even if we think that Russia is "the enemy" - know thine enemy!
So I welcome this interesting analysis by Dmitri Chenin on the current state of world geopolitics and how he considers we got here.
It would have been better still if he could have brought himself to address the role played by Israel - a strange omission since it is central to the complex situation in the Middle East.
What Were Mr Orban and Mr Putin Up to in Moscow?
The EU and NATO were obviously displeased by Hungarian Prime Minister Mr Orban's recent visit to Moscow to discuss how to end the conflict in the Ukraine.
Are these two really the only European leaders who want to see an end to this catastrophe?
Danny Haiphong reports:
(25 minutes)
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"Russia is Not at War with Ukraine!"
So says Scott Ritter in a statement that many may find incomprehensible - but there is a difference between all-out war and the limited conflict that Russia prefers currently in the hope that a negotiated peace may be found.
This is a long video, but as always with Scott, it's informative.
It also covers a great deal more about the USA and its relationships with the world's nations, relationships that are perhaps not best served by current USA leadership, as well as eventually discussing the current situation, military and political, in the Ukraine.
(66 minutes)
View from Scott Ritter
The situation in Israel, and the symbiotic relationship with the American "inner agency" - AKA the Deep State - and how might "the Donald" make a difference?
(24 minutes)
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The View from Moscow
Pepe Escobar reviews the recent years' events, and Russia's reaction to them.
(22 minutes)
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"Chaos Event" Incoming?
Are we in for a big disruption shortly?
Are we anticipating a crisis, and being put "on a war footing"?
Whilst we are without a government (not to mention somewhat distracted) due to the election, this could be bad time for war to break out...
"... as long as the bankers... control the monetary system... politics... won’t matter much. The levers of control must be broken and the process to doing so, while now underway, will be a fierce battle"
OK, I've abbreviated this quote because in full it is specific to the EU, but is the UK any different?
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Yesterday Ukraine, Tomorrow Georgia?
Scott Ritter updates us on the latest geopolitics.
(27 minutes)
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"I Want Poland to Remain Poland"
Words of common sense from a Polish patriot.
"Half a million Ukrainian people... died"
(25 minutes)
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A Rather Boring Analysis of Current Conflict Situation
Boring maybe, but not inaccurate I feel.
Presentation is never their strong point, but LaRouchePAC, or Promethean Action as we must now call them, do seem to be in that increasingly rare category: academics who are true to the truth as they understand it.
This is watchable, if not exactly stirring... but in today's fast-changing times we must take our truth where we can find it.
(13 minutes)
" This is the Most Dangerous Situation SInce the Cuban Missile Crisis"
Scott Ritter brings us up to date with the latest provocations - with Russian warships reported off the coast of Florida, and Ukraine hurling ever more western-supplied weapons into Russia... perhaps we should pay attention.
As always, ignore the lurid headline and hear what he actually says, which is bad enough.
(21 minutes)
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NATO Escalates the War on Russia
The Schiller institute press release for their coming conference, assuming that war doesn't break out before then.
They note the continuing escalation by NATO of the provocations towards Russia, and it's become obvious that controlling interests within NATO are intent on having that war, for whatever reasons.
Will We Get to Vote Before WW3 Breaks?
Promethean Action in their rather dry conservative way bring us their sobering analysis on the prospects for WW3.
With defeat all but accomplished in the Ukraine, and chaos in Israel/Palestine, not to mention Trump ascendant in the USA, the likelihood that the cornered beast is going to go quietly doesn't look promising.
"The ruling class realises that nothing short of its continued moves towards a global fascist dictatorship is going to stop this"
Perhaps a general election is the ultimate distraction to ensure that we don't notice what is brewing up in the background...
(14 minutes)
False Flag Attack Incoming?
The deep state (Oh yes there is!) likes to use false flags to mould public opinion to the way they want it. Rumours of course abound, but Ole Dammegard doesn't do rumours, he does investigations, collects evidence, and applies logic.
Here he is speaking to Michael Jaco in the wake of the recent Bilderberg Group meeting.
So pin back your ears and learn how the world really works... and how we can recognise the warning signs.
Be warned, this is a slow burn, but it goes much deeper than you may expect...
(96 minutes)
Biggest Conspiracy Theory in the World?
I hope that long-time readers may forgive me for featuring this film again, but events this year do seem to be building to a climax as established forms of government become ever more dysfunctional all around the world, warring parties are ever more irreconcilable, the threat of nuclear war continues to ramp up, and the WEF WHO and "global boiling" become ever more ridiculous.
How can this be?
It's a long story, partially explained in the video below.
Whether or not you have seen it before, you may be shocked, and you will likely reject it out of hand as preposterous... but wait! Since when has preposterousness been a bar to being
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Cameron, Blinken, Stoltenberg, Poke the Bear - Deliberate Escalation to Full-on War?
"... citing the green-light given to Ukraine by British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron to use long-range missiles provided by the U.K. to hit targets in Russia. Following a previously-unannounced meeting with President Zelensky on May 21, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken indicated that the U.S. may follow suit" -Tass
But there again, Zelensky is president no more, having now exceeded his tenure without bothering to call elections... What does that make him, and why are we continuing to back him?
Why are we hell-bent on more fighting when Russia is clearly in command of the battlefield and equally clearly not at all cowed by empty threats?
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