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We have been hearing about the WHO's power grab under the guise of "pandemic preparedness" or "global health emergency of international concern" (a rather wider definition that could encompass almost anything from corona-sniffle to climate change to alien invasion).

In summary, it means that Tedros can, merely at his own personal whim and fancy, declare such an emergency, and then all the countries that have signed up to the WHO will be obligated to obey all his diktats, regardless of ... well, anything really ... we could be locked down, locked up, forcibly injected, put on a restricted diet of meal-worms and crickets, even mandated to kill our first-born, all on the arbitrary say-so of the WHO (primary paymaster: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Clearly this is utterly preposterous, but our politicians have been preposterous for many years, and this is merely, as preposterousness goes, the next level up.

We even have a minister for levelling up!

We have had full national referenda for less - but I suspect that they won't want to try that again.

(27 minutes)


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