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  • Net Zero Farmers?


    What do we want our farmers to do?

    Do we want them to grow food?

    Or do we want them to curate the countryside, growing trees and wildlife at the expense of food, so that we can live as stone-age hunter-gatherers?

    Most European farmers seem to have concluded that they don't want to return to the stone age, and they suspect that we wouldn't want to either.

    They also suspect that growing plants that take up CO2 isn't the disaster that has been portrayed.

    I can't think what has possessed them to think that way when the great and the good at that fount of global instruction the WEF, have so clearly determined where they want us to go, but perhaps we should, in the interests of inclusivity, listen to their

  • Parliament Debates Excess Deaths, Heart Disease (But not Cancer etc)


    The link (if any) between roll out of the jabs and increased levels of death by heart and circulatory disease was (perhaps somewhat grudgingly) debated, but no mention of excess deaths from other causes (such as cancer) which have been reported, and only a ministerial response to "write to" the MPs who raised specific queries.

    At this rate of progress we had better all start briefing our kids to ask for the full response "in due course" because we will all be deceased long before those in authority deem it necessary to actually produce the information requested.

    The Daily Sceptic reports.


  • Is There Light at the End of the Regulatory Tunnel Vision?


    Our MPs are famously inept, prone to being fillibustered by arcane rules and conventions, and strangely (unkind souls might think determinedly) blind to inconvenient truths, but surprisingly it does seem that at least some of them have cottoned on to the notion that a similar affliction has been endemic at the MHRA for some years now, as has been consistently highlighted by many  commentators on independent media, and notably by UK Column.

    If our MPs were not alerted by 77 Brigade / MI5 / Ofcom etc, then perhaps these too were asleep on the job?

    The all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on Pandemic Response and Recovery (yes, apparently there is such a group) has now, it would appear, indeed noticed. Up to a point.

    " 'far from protecting patients' the regulator operates in a way that 'puts them at serious risk' "

    Do I detect the sounds of stable doors being prepared for slamming shut well after the

  • "Farmers are Sleepwalking into the Crisis"


    We haven't heard much from our farmers here in the UK, despite the fact that European farmers across the board contnue, shall we say, to make their displeasure known. 

    Richard Vobes sets out to remedy this situation.

    Some very interesting points are raised here - our farmers too have been psy-opped in ways that we might not suspect!

    "... the challenges for the general public are astronomical..."

    (61 minutes) 


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  • Should we Add Poisonous Substances to Our Drinking Water?


    A good question, upon which much legal deliberation has already been lavished.

    An equally good question might be "and who should decide?".

    In the UK this question used to be decided locally, but in recent times the government decided that they will decide on fluoridation centrally.

    I don't remember the people clamouring for this change, so they made it entirely on the basis that the government knows best, and we locals cannot be trusted to look after ourselves.

    This almost certainly means that whereas very few local water supplies are fluoridated to date, this number will be greatly expanded until all supplies are fluoridated. In government, one-size-fits-all rules.

    Are we concerned that the

  • Summer Vacation? Choose Your Destination Carefully


    With the world psychosis ratcheting incrementally every week, the latest example of over-reach comes from the home of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - yes, the government of La Belle France has legislated for... well, watch for yourself.

    (11 minutes)


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  • The Case for Fluoride


    The Department of Health's own study (download) has concluded:

    "Before conducting our analysis, as an online public engagement activity, we invited patient, public and professional stakeholders to consider the minimum reduction in invasive dental treatments over 10 years they would consider clinically or practically meaningful. Contributors held a wide range of views, indicating this is a highly subjective judgement. However, based on their feedback, the majority would not have considered a relative reduction of 3% as being meaningful"

    The retrospective study of fluoridation in England did not assess the known harms associated with ingestion of fluoride, such as dental fluorosis, and the general neurotoxic effects of long-term fluoride exposure, so it is incomplete in as much as the downside effects of fluoride were simply not considered.


  • I Hope It's Not Catching


    Dr Angus Dalgleish explains for the Daily Sceptic quite a lot about virology that I might take the time to quibble with.

    He also reviews the WHO's obsession with disease X, noting the emergence of very disturbing stories that some conspiracy theorists may regard as fear-mongering designed to drive a popular demand for the safety supposedly derived from control of the global medical response by the same WHO that made such an excellent job of defending us against the Covid menace. 

    So is this yet more propaganda to push us into the arms of those who would rule the world, or does he have a good point to make?

    Sadly I'm not going to spoil the ending - you'll just have to read it for yourself!


  • Organised Crime Revealed in Plain Sight?


    A very hard-hitting, hard to watch report from UK Column covering chapter and verse of the Covid "pandemic" vaccines trials, and subsequent approvals under Emergency Use Authorisation by the MHRA.

    "The FoIA request was eventually granted by court order through the PHMPT's attorney, Aaron Siri. The judge in the matter required the FDA to release all 451,000 pages of information over eight months, despite the FDA planning to retain the data for 75 years"

    Yes, there's a lot of detail here but in summary form (phew!), all based on documented results from many thousands of volunteers for the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials.

    It's a long presentation at a little over one hour, but keep going because the final summary of how the "outbreak" went all the way from "we've got a

  • No Cattle, No Beef, NOCA Your Rights


    With the European (plus British and Irish) farmers on the march against government overreach, now is perhaps a good time to review the kind of steps that can be taken legally to discourage heavy-handed government measures based upon pretexts that may not actually stand up to scrutiny in depth.

    For example, take Bovine Tuberculosis, the cause of which is/was said to be the "reservoir" of the disease in wild badgers, which prompted the extensive culling of badgers in recent years. 

    Being not a farmer myself, I haven't heard of any particular widespread situation related to Bovine TB, and as far as I know the WEF has not yet mandated the destruction of our cattle for any reason other than excessive flatulence.

    But in case I am behind the curve here, I draw attention to the Bernician's

  • "This Will Go Down as a Biblical Crime"


    "We follow Government policy"

    Dr John Campbell interviews John O'Looney, funeral director. 

    It seems that the only difference between this and "disease X" is the preparedness of officialdom to talk about it.

    Nothing new here, except the latest information on official exchanges. A reminder, if any were needed, of the dedication of our governing authorities to our welfare and safety.

    (32 minutes)


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  • The WHO's Plans for Global Dictatorship to Hit the Rocks?


    Ivor Cummins - dogged as ever, has put together this remarkable piece which (a) shows what the WHO is up to, and (b) notes what exactly the Irish government has to do in order to agree to their plans...

    Life is about to get very interesting.

    (12 minutes)


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  • Care Pathways for Our Elderly


    Care pathways have become a bit of a euphemism these days for disposal of those elderly for whom the State has no further use, and who are unable to stand up for themselves. It may be controversial but there is a groundswell of opinion that doesn't disbelieve that this took place during the Covid years. 

    But does it continue today?

    Jacqui Devoy reviews the state of play with Brian Gerrish (audio only).

    "This is what's happening, they all close ranks - the police, the NHS, the Coroners, the Courts, the pathologists... once one gets uncovered they all get uncovered"

    "... if you're 80 or above... you automatically score 5...  It's very easy to put someone on... one of these... death pathways... " 

    "... Matt Hancock ignored all that and implemented NG163 anyway... NG163 is identical to the Liverpool Care Pathway...

  • Farming in Dystopia, with Natalie and Ivor


    Yes, today our cup runneth over, with Natalie from Redacted interviewing the ever-reliable Ivor Cummins about the state of farming in the Irish Republic, as well as in the UK. What a pleasure to hear two sane and competent people speaking of the unspeakable in a sane and competent, even rather light-hearted, manner.

    Of course, the farmers of the EU also get a mention... as do all the usual suspects...

    "... The only thing that can push back against that now is ... "

    (18 minutes)


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  • Is the WHO Actually Legally Established?


    Dr Tess Lawrie relates a convoluted story about the events that led to the "founding" of the WHO, a story which Is frankly too complex for me to corroborate.

    Still, if true then it is indeed a tale of remarkable manipulation that drove a coach and horses right past any normal ratification process that would be required by a democratic system of national governance.

    As a basis for annulling our membership through the courts it would likely be possible to spend an eternity in the courtroom painstakingly delving into all the events that are alleged and whether or not they would affect our membership, so it all boils down to whether either (a) we believe Dr Lawrie or (b) we don't believe Dr Lawrie or (c) we decide to check all the details out for ourselves (or can get someone to do that for us).

    Over to

  • When is an Abortion a Murder?


    There comes a time when we must call out stupidity, especially when it is clearly part of an unstated agenda, and thus deliberate.

    "... pro-abortion MPs, Stella Creasy and Diana Johnson, have tabled two extreme abortion up to birth amendments in an attempt to hijack the Government’s flagship Criminal Justice Bill"

    The "abortion debate", characterised slightly less than fully appropriately by the slogan "my body my choice" has been pushed for many years, but when parliamentarians try to insert changes to the rules (to push the envelope into the range of viable births) via amendments to other Bills, and the RCOG decide to discipline medics who report illegal abortions to the relevant authorities, something is clearly adrift with the nation's moral compass, not to mention its legal compass and medical compass.

    So without wishing to get entangled in the weeds of the abortion controversy per se (I am after all merely an ignorant male father who

  • World Cup Radiation Jump


    2024 February 9 -11 hosts the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Event, at which "world-class skiers from around the globe will gather at Lake Placid, New York for the purpose of jumping off a cell tower"

    What could possibly go wrong?

    "at the Olympic Ski Jumping Complex in Lake Placid, NY, I suddenly felt faint and dizzy, and began to lose my balance"

    Now imagine how many cell phone signals from a packed stadium will be irradiating the platform as the jumpers are poised to take off, perhaps literally for the rides of their lives?

    But it gets worse...

    Will it take deaths and injuries before somebody addresses this kind of culpable negligence? They won't be able to hide it if these athletes start falling in full view of

  • More Vaccine Data Released


    ICAN release their latest legal update, with more data collected by the CDC (but not previously released) concerning adverse reactions to the Covid "vaccines". A lot of detailed information, including lot numbers, and links to previously released data for Pfizer and Moderna.

    "ICAN recently broke the news that its legal team had wrangled detailed lot and dose data for the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines from CDC. Now, ICAN is happy to announce that we have likewise also obtained the critical lot and dose data for the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine"

  • Ever Wondered How Much CO2 is Released by War?


    Lots of course. But how much is "lots"?

    S & P Global Commodity Insights has crunched to numbers for us, at least in so far as current wars are concerned.

    Our governments are apparently always perfectly able to accommodate several contradictory notions at the same time, so they will unhesitatingly act to "keep us safe" by going to war (not bothering about democratic mandates of course - no time for that) on behalf of their favourite protagonist(s), whilst at the same time telling us that we must achieve NetZero CO2(however they might eventually decide to define that in measurable terms)so out with the gas and in with the heat pumps frozen windmills and darkened solar panels.

    So far, two months of conflict in Gaza have generated "the equivalent of 75 coal power plants operating for a

  • UK Parliament Debates Mounting Excess Deaths


    Andrew Bridgen MP addresses the debate 9:30 am this morning in Parliament's Westminster Hall.

    (33 minutes)


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    Watch the full debate here (be sure to select the first debate listed on right-hand side)

    Read the transcript.