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  • Metabolic Duo Launched!


    Ivor Cummins made waves with his clinical analyses of the statistics surrounding the Covid pandemic, and although he's not medically qualified, he brought the whole pandemic down to the fundamentals of what was going on.

    He is now teaming up with Gabor Erdosi to bring you a new source of health information - the "Metabolic Duo".

    Here he is introducing the notion. I have no doubt that it will be a resounding success .

    (11 minutes) 


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  • Covid - Lest we Forget ...


    (8 minutes)



  • King of the WEF, or King of the UK?


    As absurdity piles upon absurdity, Sir Julian Rose talks with Richard Vobes to explain the true state of affairs as they are imposed by our affairs of State - particularly with respect to our food supplies.

    "We the consumers have to take this initiative - we are the only people that can save these sorts of farmers"

    ... we want real food, we want it fresh, and we want it local, and we'll pay a fair price for it... "

    "... we could start, finally, to break down this gap between the urban / suburban and the farming community..."

    Supermarket food looks nice, but it's farm-to-consumer miles are off the scale and

     "... it's all highly destructive on every environmental level possible"

    Quite so.

    Allowing the supermarket supplies to

  • Covid Vaccines - The Writing is (Finally) On the Wall


    Daily Express breaks the taboo with an article by Professor Angus Dalgleish on the aftermath of the Covid jabs.

    "Why are they still being offered when the yellow card system as the MHRA has far more yellow card adverse reactions reports than all the other vaccines ever made available over the last 50 years in the UK?"

    Many of us have been asking this for a long time, but better late then never.

    "This alone should have led to the total cessation of the vaccine programme, as was the case in the 1976 swine and flu outbreak in America"

    "I believe that we reached this point with the Covid vaccine 18 months ago"

    "We have been brought up on a diet of ‘follow the science’ through this pandemic but there now appears to have been no science performed whatsoever, at any stage - it is pure political hegemony"


  • What Does the Vaccine Industry Think of Vaccines and "Vaccine Hesitancy"?


    Set aside your preconceptions, and enjoy this discussion on the vaccine industry, from the point of view of - the vaccine industry.

    The Pulse has done us a favour here, since most of the contributions on this debate have been, shall we say, somewhat polarised.

    Whichever side of the debate (or echo-chamber!) you may be on, "know thine enemy" is good advice.

    The UKHSA gets specific mention...

    (39 minutes)


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  • Better Way Conference 2022 Aftermovie


    A conference of health professionals, journalists, truth seekers and activists of all descriptions.

    Better Way Conference is an initiative of World Council for Health& EbMCsquared.

    View the 58 minutes of the 2022 conference, reviewing the status of the medical establishments worldwide at that time.

    "The WHO has a historical legacy of mismanagement and corruption that is rooted in conflicts of interest"

    "... WHO is all about human rights and sovereignty... they're not... what we are saying is that what you are doing is wrong... you have had your time ... and we're going to pressurise our World Health Assembly delegates to withdraw... We don't want our funding going into any organisation... that essentially is going to

  • Depleted Uranium - Over Hyped or Over Here?


    President Putin has made no secret of his opposition to the use of DU munitions in the challenger tanks that "our" government has promised to the Ukraine - but he would say that wouldn't he?

    The surprising bit of news is that DU has been reportedly detected in the UK since February 2022 when the war began.

    We know from previous experience that radioactive emissions from the Chernobyl nuclear accident were instrumental in persuading the Soviet Union to confess that it was one of their reactors that failed, but news that DU traces have been detected in the UK already is a surprise - if they can't have time-travelled back from the future, it's reasonable to suppose that one or both of the opposing forces in the Ukraine have been using such ammunition. 

    Of course supposition is not proof, and there may be some other explanation, but DU is not exactly in widespread use as far as I know.

  • Tom Renz - "GMO Food ... WILL ... Alter your Genetic Code"


    House testimony in the state of Missouri is yielding admissions that may not make it into mainstream media.

    "Redfield has admitted that, not only was SARS-COV-2 created in a lab using gain of Function research but also that this research is going on and WILL be the cause of the next great pandemic"

    "The biotech lobbyists admitted that GMO food like the type Bill Gates wants to manufacture in factories WILL actually alter your genetic code!"

    "Naturally, big Pharma and their associates oppose disclosure and informed consent"

    "They actually opposed the bill on the basis that this law would require them to admit that all of their GMO products ARE in fact impacting people’s genetic code"

    "If a GMO food is being designed with the intent to modify or knowledge that it will facilitate a

  • Completely Outrageous


    "I've started so I'll continue" MP Andrew Bridgen continues to cause indigestion in the Commons:

    (2 minutes)


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    "... outrageous conspiracy theories... "

    Quite so, impossible to disagree.

    Unhappily, as history attests, being outrageous has never been any bar to being true.


  • $ Billions In Economic Damage, Millions Injured Or Disabled


    Ed Dowd, formerly of Black Rock, and his associates have investigated the likely damage in the USA from the Covid vaccines roll-out.

    Don't panic, it's the USA not the UK, but bearing in mind that the UK has approximately 20% of the population of the US, as a first very rough approximation the UK may have suffered in the region of  20% of these figures, even if no UK officials want to depart from the now facile but uninformative "safe and effective" narrative.

    There is still work to do, and perhaps Andrew Bridgen MP has started it.

    Zero Hedge reports.


  • Sir Christopher Chope Excoriates the Government


    In a very parliamentary performance before a packed almost empty chamber, Sir Christopher addresses perhaps the most significant, most divisive and potentially devastating (for politicians) and sadly only too devastating (for the victims) topic that parliament as a whole clearly prefers not to face - almost matching the level of non-attendance that Andrew Bridgen inspired when he recently drew attention to statistics indicating the true nature of the "protection" afforded by the latest booster jabs. 

    Sir Christopher was highlighting the need to overhaul and make functional the compensation scheme for the vaccine-damaged. 

    That most of these victims have suffered from the Covid jabs is unsurprising given (a) the high numbers of the jabbed (b) the numbers who have received multiple jabs and (c) the novel nature of the

  • When is GMO not GMO? When it's a "Precision Bred Organism"


    The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023 is now law in the UK.

    Following a public consultation from 7 January to 17 March 2021 (Covid notwithstanding), the government has published its response, plus a summary of the responses received (download).

    "Defra’s view is that organisms produced by GE or by other genetic technologies should not be regulated as GMOs if they could have been produced by traditional breeding methods"


    But who is to answer this significant "if"

  • Bird Flu - Exterminate, or Rebuild on the Survivors?


    One hears many rumblings in the media about bird flu and poultry shortages, but of course there's never a problem that government intervention cannot make immeasurably worse "for our safety".

    Even if government did nothing, poultry farms would individually try differing approaches and those that hit upon the right methodology would subsequently prosper, whilst the remainder would be asking them "what did you do right?". Before long everyone would be doing right.

    Government stepping in simply ensures that everyone does it wrong, and cannot subsequently learn from those that did it right.

    (So it is with all top-down centralised control, whether we are talking chickens, beef, motorised transport, film making, pandemics, news media, religion, or monetary madness. The host of individuals operating collectively by their own individual free association, free speech, and free will and judgement is inherently superior to central diktat, since it enables all sorts

  • Injured by the Vax? You Can Still Sue


    Yes, "our" government has of course given the pharmaceutical companies indemnity from prosecution (how is that in our interests? I only ask because I would like to know) but that doesn't necessarily preclude those injured from suing for additional losses over and above the standard one-size-fits-all government-stipulated limit of £120K.

    The Daily Sceptic reminds us of this point, and notes that victims of the Astrazeneca jab are indeed mounting legal action against the pharmaceutical company for damages above that limit.

    "Lawyers representing the group, who are pursuing personal injury compensation in addition to a Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme claim, argue that the AstraZeneca vaccine was 'not as safe as the public were entitled to expect' and that the case is not about finding fault 'but about the reasonable expectation of safety'. They claim people were provided with a false picture of safety and efficacy and expect the number joining the lawsuit to increase."


  • MPs Linked to Drug Firms?


    This Guardian article from June 2021 may or may not have relevance to the behaviour of our MPs in Parliament at Andrew Bridgen's recent Friday 17th debate on the safety and efficacy of the Covid booster shots.

    “In the context of health-related APPGs, payments from the pharmaceutical industry represent institutional conflicts of interest as they create circumstances where the primary interest, policymaking in the interests of public health, is at risk of being unduly influenced by the secondary interest, the pharmaceutical industry’s goal of maximising profits”

    Either way, it does highlight the potential for conflicts of interest which some suspect pervade every nook and cranny of "our" governmental and medical regulatory and health delivery complex.


  • Problem - Reaction - Solution



    Andrew Bridgen MP addresses an empty House:

    (24 minutes)


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    Reaction - Solution

    Richard Vobes ruminates on the latest situation:

    (21 minutes)


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  • The Transgender Truths that We Need to Know


    Trans man Scott Nugent explodes the myths and the truths behind the transgender movement, particularly the campaigns to persuade kids that changing their gender is a good idea.

    Everybody should watch this twitter video, but be warned - it isn't for the faint of heart.

    But it is unmissable.

  • "Euthanasia Violates Fundamental Rights"


    No ifs, no buts, according to the ECLJ. 

    "This principle was reaffirmed in the aftermath of World War II, after doctors were convicted at Nuremberg for euthanizing disabled people. This principle does not provide for any exceptions to euthanasia"

    "The decriminalization of euthanasia is not only a systematic violation of human rights, but also an extremely serious cultural and legal regression"

    They point out the European Convention on Human Rights (Article 2): "No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally".

    The ECLJ is mounting a campaign to  remind the UN of its responsibility to support the right to life, especially for the vulnerable, the elderly, and/or the disabled.

  • The UK Has a Third World Medical System?


    Ukrainian refugees (it is reported) will fly back to the Ukraine for medical attention. Rather than face the NHS dinosaur, they prefer to face the risk from Russian missiles.

    For a country fighting the foe of all foes, that seems remarkably insouciant, even in places removed from the Eastern Front.

    I wonder if we Brits could do that ..?

    After all, if you are potentially facing a life-threatening problem, you might decide that the risk (and cost) is worth it.


  • After 5G - What May 6G Look Like?


    Courtesy of Technocracy News and Trends, this is a perhaps long overdue exploration of the nature of 5G and how 6G may have to perform in order to take a market position that justifies its expense.

    6G is supposedly 100GHz and higher - yet 5G mostly remains below 6GHz as currently rolled out, although the specified range is up to 100GHz - and bear in mind that domestic wi-fi routers today work at the 2.4GHz and 5GHz ranges.

    So 5G mobile telephony isn't currently much of a leap forward, although it does require many more base stations down your street for the higher wavebands (in the tens of GHz ranges) not yet copiously rolled out.

    The power requirements for 6G will also be an order of magnitude higher than the current 5G as rolled out today - the higher the carrier frequency, the greater the power transmitted (and the more careful of safety concerns we need to be - not that anybody "in charge" seems to have paid any attention to safety matters so
