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  • Clif High Back on Video! With Some Serious Thinking


    It's been quite a long time since Clif gave one of his own videos, but his new rig is definitely superior to the old.

    Here he takes issue with Elon Musk and Alex Jones, muses on his understanding of how human memory works (simplistic overview only, thank Heaven he didn't go into the detailed version!).

    I'm not going to try to summarise the rest of Clif's brain dump, but MK Ultra / mind control processes are reviewed, not to mention love-making, fight or flight, 1947... and aluminium oxide, chemtrails, 5G, Finns, Kalahari Bushmen + a few others, and Atlantis.

    Oh, and more...

    We are all MK-Ultra'd now.


    (52 minutes)

    Your hippo is under attack!

  • The Most Important Question in the Universe ...


    The most important question in the universe... is also the most annoying when repetitively asked by small children!

    "Mummy, why did that man tell me to cycle in the road?"

    "Because he's a policeman and you are not supposed to cycle on the pavement dear"

    "Mummy, why am I not supposed to cycle on the pavement?"

    "Because it's against the law dear"

    "Mummy, why is it against the law?"


    OK, enough of that, you get the picture. Children instinctively understand that the "Why" is important.

    Perhaps that tells us something?

    But when people in big organisations ask themselves the "Why" question and don't get any satisfactory answer,

  • Where We're Going, How We Stop It


    Ivor Cummins introduces Eddie Hobbes.

    Everything you didn't want to know about the WHO's plans for the future.

    OK, but the UK government has said that it isn't going to pass the changes in current form, and they're politicians, so we can trust them, right?

    (74 minutes)


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  • Dr Ahmad Malik Explains Beards Maltesers and Modern Medicine to Neil Oliver


    It's a nice change for Neil to abandon the rant at which he so excels to give the floor to another in a field that many now feel has abandoned the basics in furtherance of... well, what exactly?

    Highly recommended.

    (59 minutes)  


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  • How Dangerous is Nuclear (2) ?


    This is a follow-on from our recent article How Dangerous Is Nuclear? which was about the dangers of normal operation of nuclear plants.

    This article examines the dangers from accidents and disasters associated with nuclear power plants.

    Missing is any real discussion of small modular reactors whose use has hitherto been mostly confined to military purposes, which are not exactly subject to in-depth reporting when things go wrong.

    Whilst in-depth reporting on any major event (nuclear or not) often seems to be coloured by vested interests which might prefer their own failings to remain hidden, some might think that this article may be based upon an unreliable dataset. However, we are where we are, and maybe there is a useful case to

  • No Way to Run a Chip Shop, Let Alone a Country


    Have we reached "peak insanity" yet? Part of me believes that we reached it long ago, but that other irritating yet maddeningly always correct part of me avers that if that were true, things would by now be getting better, rather than worse. 

    So I must concede - no, we have not reached peak insanity just yet.

    How long will it take?

    Oh please - I gave up making such predictions long ago. You will just have to make up your own answers on this one.

    But before you do, I recommend recalibrating your expectations by reading the latest report in the Daily Sceptic about the current eye-wateringly expensive completely madcap stupidity that is certain (yes, I can confidently predict this one!) to make many more well-connected people extremely rich before it bankrupts the rest of us and fails laughably on

  • Barnet Council Street Lights in the Bin?


    Whilst I wouldn't ever share David Kurten's enthusiasm for the old-fashioned monochrome sodium lamps which made everything look strangely flat, this legal case does seem to set a precedent against the recently introduced LED streetlights (this is not legal advice).

    If you don't like the new LED streetlighting which was installed a few years ago across the realm, or if they are hard on your eyesight, it seems that there really are medical and maybe now legal grounds for having them removed.

    (10 minutes)



  • The Local War on the Global Controllers?


    Catherine Austin Fitts, interviewed by Greg Hunter, explains the plan to control the world through control of the food supply - or should I say "food" supply, since most of us wouldn't class insects as genuine food. Insects are almost certainly just the extreme version of "food" - we are already subject to engineered food - highly processed food - artificial "food" - fake meat etc made from fungi or "grown" in a lab from synthetic ingredients...  it's just thatwe can still find real natural nutritious food if we look for it, even if it is contaminated with "acceptable" levels of poisonous chemicals masquerading as fungicide, pesticide, herbicides, vaccines, etc.

    And once they control the food supply and the spending of fake money CBDCs in place of cash, then the control matrix is snapped shut around us.

    An interesting argument complete with a spirited altercation over Trump's responsibility for provision of the fake quaxxines under "warp speed". Oh

  • Medical Democide?


    Was the alleged pandemic an excuse to kill the elderly?

    Was it simple incompetence?

    Or something else?

    It's your view that counts.

    (72 minutes)


    (Presented by CHD, UK Column)

  • Let Justice be Done, Though the Heavens Fall


    Some of us may be in serious trouble...


    The Plod doing their job?

    With consequences no man may foresee?

    (3 minutes)


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  • Neil Lays it Out


    Neil Oliver with another hard to hear monologue, asking many questions that will never be answered by any of the usual suspects.

    Pfizer, Cass, NHS... to name just a few.

    Have they no shame? 

    (19 minutes)


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  • The Cass Review - Portent of Transanity?


    The Cass Review, as I need hardly remind everyone (!) is an "Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people".

    Quite why we old relics are excluded from gender identity services, or perhaps merely from the independent review, is unclear, but maybe lack of demand had something to do with it, even though that same lack of demand didn't seem to stop them including children and young people.

    Or maybe we old relics were too stuck in our ways to be manipulated into having ourselves so hideously reassigned, we may never know. Surely more research is needed?

    Anyway, the review may not have turned out too favourably for the woke crowd, for whom nothing as traditional as the concept of a man and woman getting together to create a family and further the human race independently of state control, can be left unchallenged and

  • Ivor Introduces Brian - The Truth About Meat


    I doubt that this will please those of a religious vegan persuasion, but maybe it's time to redress the balance.

    I have no intention to recommend any specific diet for anyone, as I suspect that just as "one size fits all" doesn't work, in a world of humans in such infinite variation, neither does "one diet fits all". We must all make our own dietary choices if we wish to remain healthy and defy others' expectations of an old age of crumbling health, and it's no business of anybody else what we eat, within legal bounds.

    No reasonable options should be taken off the table.

    (19 minutes) 


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  • Dial M for Midazolam


    Whilst reminding ourselves of the trials of lockdowns, behind the scenes some believe that worse horrors were being perpetrated.

    "At 6pm on February 25th, the UK Column livestreamed an eye-opening and thought-provoking symposium on the systematic use of Midazolam and morphine to end the lives of patients"

    It's your viewpoint that counts.

    (2 hrs 39 mins)



  • NHS - The Face of Fascism to Come


    Ben Rubin explains "our" NHS, for those who haven't quite realised what has been going on for many years - under governments past and present of all stripes.

    Now we know exactly why the only "cure" for the NHS which is ever promoted by politicians is to spend more money on it. (Are we looking forward to our general election later this year?)

    So where does all this money go?

    And is money laundering the only problem, or is there more... ?

    (39 minutes)

    Delingpod Revisited

  • Oregon Redefines the War on Farmers


    Rule 1 - heap up the regulations

    Rule 2 - make them as complex as possible

    Rule 3 - wage lawfare

    Something similar coming to the UK soon I don't doubt.

    (21 minutes)


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    Go figure.


  • Pandemic? What Pandemic?


    The German Government has blown the lid off the pandemic narrative:

    "Hospital occupancy in Germany fell to an all-time low in 2020

    "There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020"

    "Corona came, influenza disappeared (Robert Koch Institute (RKI))"

    "Age-standardized mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual"

    "Mortality has only increased in 2021 (Federal Statistical Office)"

    "People who died with or from coronavirus were on average 83 years old, the other deceased

  • We Can Never Have Enough Medication ...


    ... or perhaps more accurately, "enough industrial waste product", in this case from the manufacture of aluminium. It's dangerous and difficult to safely dispose of fluoride, so what better than to dilute it by adding it to our drinking water supplies "to protect our children's teeth"?

    And since it's not a regulated medication but an industrial waste product, perhaps it doesn't need "informed consent" and so forth? 

    UK Column reports.

    (58 minutes)



  • Tractors in Truro - Protests at Parliament Incoming


    It's a long drive to Truro, wherever you start from.

    Martin Geddes went to report on the Cornish farmers protest against the Net Zero Nonsense that so besots what passes for our government.

    "No Farmers No Food" signs much in evidence, and family reminiscences from years gone by.

    We are all human, and humans have families, and we all depend on our farmers.Sometimes our leaders should remind themselves of that.

    Read his report here.


  • Catastrophic Confusion & Obsessive Covid Disorder


    It has taken 4 years to move from Obsessive Covid Disorder to a point where we may now perhaps indulge in some rational argument about what really happened in 2019-20, and how we might actually more sensibly work in the future.

    Leaving aside all the technical virological and counter-measures arguments, it is apparent that the situation management of early 2020 where "the science" met "the government" in a conflicting and fast-changing muddle of overthrown pandemic preparedness and panic (which saw much of the former somehow displaced by much of the latter), this contribution by the good folk at the Global Warming Policy Foundation is, if not completely timely, at least on target.

    What has Covid got to do with Global Warming? Both involve serious interaction between "government" and "science", so should be subject to a set ofcommon principles.

    The authors' primary contention is
