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  • Unequivocal Safety Signals for Heart, Blood, and Reproduction


    I wonder if this latest scientist to break cover and criticise the quaxxines will fare any better than all the previous attempts to pierce the wall of unreasoning "safe and effective" repetition that so infuses our "truthful and unbiased" (but ever vigilant for "misinformation") media corporations?

    Who will hold the media to account?

    "the MHRA is at pains to emphasise that the Yellow Card data cannot be used to calculate true rates of adverse effects or to compare the safety of the different vaccines"

    "I view the MHRA’s statements as a challenge"

    "Some 18 months after the first FOI request, the MHRA has at last released information gathered by the C-19YC scheme that is sufficiently detailed to allow independent analysis and calculation of safety signals"

    As so often, it falls to the Daily Sceptic to

  • A Polite Interview with Mr Bourla in Davos


    Lots of questions, but it'snot so much what he says, as what he doesn't say.

    In some interviews, body language is all.

    (6 minutes)


  • Anecdotal


    I  guess that people will just have to keep making these videos until the penny drops and the public takes matters into their own hands.

    Read the full article here.

    (82 minutes)


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  • Stop the Shots. Now.


    UK Column News Monday 16 January.

    UK Column leads with more medically-qualified testimony.

    How long before MPs can question the narrative before being thrown out of their party?

    (84 minutes)

    At 28 minutes: Public Order Bill

    At 33 minutes: 'Wellbeing' in Scotland

    At 44 minutes: Tanks for you know where

    At 65 minutes: Sanctions on Iran



  • Covid Vaccines Were Controlled by the Pentagon and Big Pharma from the Get-Go


    If you think you understand our world, then you are wrong.

    Vaccines are matter for medical regulators, right?

    Apparently not.

    "the informed consent rules have been amended under Obama - subjects don't have to be informed of what's going on if it is deemed not in their best interests"

    I wonder who does the deeming here?

    We don't have any emergency but they keep extending it because they need it to bypass all the normal medical rules.

    (17 minutes)


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  • Thought for Health - or Docility for the Masses?


    This film is an education for our times.

    Fluoride - friend or foe? 

    Science - friend or foe?

    Propaganda - friend or foe?

    Governments - friend or foe? 

    Corporations - friend or foe?

    Is there anything new under the sun?

    Everything you never wanted to know about fluoride, where it comes from, who's involved, why it's added to our water supplies, what it does for to us.

    "The phosphate company pretty much polices themselves... "

    "... who in the world would want to drink water with this stuff in?"

    "... how do you shut down people's

  • Sodium Valproate "Under Constant Review"


    UK Column News brings us the update on Sodium Valproate, the epilepsy drug that when given in pregnancy is suspected of damaging the baby.

    But don't worry that 20,000 are still taking it, it's under constant review.

    And how have numbers of nurses gone up whilst the numbers of beds has gone down?

    This is a broadcast that majors on the state of "our" NHS today, but there's space at the end for matters Ukrainian (at 49 minutes) and UK constitutional reform (at 75 minutes).

    (84 minutes)



  • The Dark Waters of Blackpool


    There is no easy way to introduce this article.

    I must simply let it speak for itself.

    It behoves us all to understand how this kind of situation comes about, and we must be prepared to think the unthinkable if that is where the logic and the evidence takes us.

    How many other towns have this problem?

    How many agencies of the state are devoted to addressing these problems?

    How much success are they having (download)?

    Died of Climate Hysteria


    I can't believe that in England of all places I'm writing this headline, but perhaps the lunatics really are in charge of the asylum.

    I'm not by myself - the level-headed evidence-based conservative press that still exists, albeit not the mainstream, is reporting the same.

    First reports that I heard came from Canada, but it seems this is not confined to the Canadians.

    Indeed, its roots may well go back to an establishment in the UK which some years ago came up with the Liverpool Care Pathway, subsequently dropped as completely unethical.

    Still, if at first you don't succeed...

  • Deaf and Dumb from No Known Cause?


    The correlation between excess deaths and certain vaccine roll-outs has been asserted by a number of independent observers during 2022, only to be met by an extraordinary wall of silence from the official bodies who we have always assumed are charged with maintaining the health of the nations.

    The first rule of statistics is that "correlation does not prove causation", although some may unhelpfully shorten that to the similar-sounding but fundamentally different "correlation is not causation". 

    Correlation may well indicate causation - or it may not. Of itself it is unlikely to stand in a court of law as sole proof of causation, but it neither does it deny causation.

    So from the point of view of a regulatory body, correlation warrants further investigation - no ifs, no buts.

    Similar correlations across several nations enormously strengthens the case for further investigation.


  • Forget the Conspiracy Theories - What Were the Safety Considerations?


    The Covid argument has become mired in emotional warfare - in fact, it was always so enmired from the beginning.

    Nevertheless, even if we merely make the general pedantic safety case for the introduction of any new product you can think of, there is an established approach to ensuring that the product introduction will not cause excessive problems through being unsafe, and ensuring that any such (inevitable in the general case) problems will be mitigated rather than exaggerated. Fail-safe is a watchword for a reason.

    Martin Geddes reviews the Covid Vaccine roll-out history from this viewpoint alone, and asks whether the normal type of precautions (such as might be appropriate for any commercial product, let alone the major pharmaceutical product of the century) were applied with due care.

    It's abundantly clear that they were

  • The Real Meaning of "Sustainable Farming"


    Setting the scene for the battles to come, Kate Mason explains the real intentions behind the UN's Sustainable Development Goals for Farming for 2030.

    Farming WEF-style that is.

    "We are in the middle of one of the largest psychological operations of our time, to invert our understanding of what is healthy... a focus on altering our perception of food from something that is grown naturally in the earth, to something that is synthetically engineered in laboratories... farmers are being demonised whilst massive corporates are dominating the markets with synthetic foods... "

    That isn't even the half of it.

    (17 minutes)


    More Medicos are Slowly Coming Out


    Good if belated news - more medicos are accepting that the vaccines are more dangerous than the disease, and calling for them to be stopped.

    Dr John Campbell, who strikes me as an honest man trapped for years within our brainwashing system of NHS big pharma big government collusion, has caught up with the facts as we knew them many months ago.

    Yet yes, there is truly more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety and nine just men - welcome to the club John Campbell, your example will encourage others to reconsider, until the truth becomes generally accepted.

    At that point the understanding of the causes of the absurd demonisation of the unvaxxed can begin.

    (4 minutes)




  • Don't be Left Behind in 2023 - iPhones are So Last Year!


    Order your Brain Implant now - whilst stocks last!

    This will be such a boon - think of the money that will be saved by not having to install surveillance equipment everywhere! With everyone linked up the authorities will be able to track us all without cameras and the like, estimate our speed, check up on who we are talking with, and in general know  what we are thinking at all times so that we will be well protected.

    What could possibly go wrong?


  • Premeditated Genocide? Really?


    The evidence does seem to be mounting that the true intent and origin behind the Covid mRNA "vaccines" is quite different than we have been led to believe.

    I have no direct information but here are three reports which all seem to point in a similar direction.

    First up: State of the Nation bases its analysis on the American VAERS dataset, whereon anybody can report a vaccine adverse event (but maybe only < 10% do).

    "It’s of paramount importance to understand that every single physician and scientist in America has access to the official government data and information posted on the VAERS website"

    including "every department throughout the U.S. Federal Government, the U.S. Armed Forces and all affiliated NGOs", "every public corporation and private company, every medical center and hospital, every healthcare insurance company and risk

  • A New Birth for a New Year?


    This is a video you would not believe.
    Dr Brian Ardis tells it like it is (in America!).

    If this doesn't get you fired up, then nothing will!

    (54 minutes)



  • Christmas World Review from UK Column


    Friday 23rd December UK Column News covers a lot of territory, and effectively brings us up to date on many fronts.

    A review of 2022, predictions for 2023, review of the UK's Online Safety Act, of course a review of the situation in the Ukraine, and perhaps a less familiar arena - the ongoing attempts to crush the Syrian people through sanctions and direct action.

    Oh yes, and CBDCs and the digitisation of everything.

    And those are just the highlights.

    "Where are those funds going? Where are the weapons going?"

    To the laundry...?

    The disruption will intensify.

    Very pertinent (123 minutes).


  • Highwire Review December 2022 - 298 Bringing the Heat


    Highwire Episode 298 - Bringing the Heat

    A sitrep on where we have been,where we are now, what may be coming...  

    Yes it's long (but visit the highwire.comnext Tuesday/Wednesday when they will have loaded your preferred clip).

    (2 hrs 50 mins)



  • The Federation of State Medical Boards


    AKA "The International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities".

    Maajid Nawaz explains the power pyramid that controls the global medical profession.

    "Both the international one and the American one are registered to the same office in Texas

    "The body that regulates all the medical boards and councils around the world...  it's... a private company... "

    "... the entire thing is a stitch-up... "

    (The first twelve minutes suffice to make the point if you're short of time)

    (96 minutes)



  • Andrew Bridgen MP Spells it Out


    More or less net zero MPs in attendance.

    They are what pass for "our representatives" in Parliament.

    (22 minutes)


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