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  • Vaccines - No Escape from Down Under?


    "The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000"

    "Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters"

    "PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems."

    I'm sure you don't really want to read this, but closing one's eyes and burying one's head in the sand is merely the avoidance of perception, it doesn't stop the reality.

    Actually, they have been at it for years, and not just in Australia:

    "... six method of virus dispersal

  • Judy Mikovits Unloads on Stew Peters


    Judy Mikovits first came to prominence when she clashed with Toni Fauci and lost.

    Since then she has remained in the background but never stopped her work.

    Here she spills the whole hill of beans on the Stew Peters show - and it's worse than anybody has so far explained.

    "What is it that they hope to... gain from all of this?"

    "What is it that is moving all these people to go along with this mass murder?"

    (33 minutes)



  • Archie Battersbee


    This case is going to appeal, but if you are so inclined, a heartfelt prayer to your deity of choice for Archie's timely recovery could help render the whole legal battle null and void.

    We know that many kids due to their youth can be remarkably resilient, and I think it appalling that the medical authorities appear determined to ignore this potential for a delayed recovery. 

    "Many individuals have failed this test only to wake up later, in one case, hours before their organs were due to be donated"

    (6 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Doctors for Covid Ethics - Fourth Symposium


    They don't do things by halves.

    Here we have seven hours of material, which I'm guessing the average person doesn't necessarily have spare at the end of the week!

    Happily someone has split the proceedings into three, which at least makes it seem more manageable, and means that skipping through to where you left off last time will be a bit easier.

    You can download the participants and schedule here.

    Part 1 (2 hrs 45)

    11 mins      Introduction

    14 mins     Dr Bhakdi  -  the Fundamental Mechanism of Damage

    24 mins     Michael Palmer  -  Irrefutable Proof of Causality


  • Saving the NHS One Doctor at a Time


    Sebastian Rushworth MD takes us on a quick tour of the doctor's patient-view, both as it is and as it might be in a better world.

    That someone should need to point out these home truths shows us a few things that we might not realise, but following on from these are some steps that we should hope that doctors would always practise as a simple matter of maintaining their professional standing.

    After all, are they doctors, or are they just the sales arm of the pharmaceutical industry?

    Food for thought indeed.


  • Is the NHS Beyond Saving?


    The NHS brooks no argument. It has been elevated by the politicians (who as a group set it up) and by the media (who should know better - it is their job as a "free press" to hold the powerful to account) to the status of sacred cow, a status so elevated that it is beyond rational scrutiny.

    And that is the key point - it is so ridiculously dysfunctional and in-your-face institutionally dishonest that in our dystopian world nobody dares point up its obvious, and some would now suggest criminal, failings.

    So it's no surprise to see the nobodies of this world stepping forward to do what needs to be done, nobodies such as UK Column, Daily Exposé, Daily Sceptic and many others too numerous to mention, but you know who you are.

    Today we have Ann Bradshaw writing in the Daily Sceptic with a review of the 

    " ‘landmark’ review into health and social care leadership led by General Sir Gordon Messenger and Dame Linda

  • Sudden XX..X Death Syndrome?


    Well, if they suddenly die, what else would we call it? 

    (6 minutes)



  • The Culling of Humanity?


    You know it makes sense... or does it?

    (31 minutes)


  • A Crime Against Humanity?


    Infertility - the alternative to genocide.

    (29 minutes)


    Draw your own conclusions.


  • So What's All This About MonkeyPox?


    Once again we turn to the indefatigable Amazing Polly for the low down on the latest medical scare currently being inflated out of all proportion by the global medical authorities.

    Do we still believe that they have our best interests at heart?

    We had somewhere around 1000 cases globally (reportedly) a few days ago, and already they are sowing the mental seeds that this is a terrible disease on a par with "leprosy and plague" not to mention malaria. Ooooh Err!

    So what's the truth?

    We won't know for a while, but their track record in "gain of function" so far doesn't suggest that this will be the BIG ONE. More probably another damp squib one. Time will tell.

    (35 minutes)


  • Depopulation Beckons?


    The Covid "pandemic" will undoubtedly go down in history as a most nefarious event that demonstrated beyond question that the very highest levels of national and global government are not beyond the reach of organised crime.

    How we deal with that situation in the future remains to be resolved, but if government by the elite doesn't work then perhaps we should try government by the people?

    Whatever that means, it must of necessity involve a huge program of decentralisation so that the "levers of power" become too many, too numerous, and too jealously owned by the locals to ever again be co-opted by the few.

    But I digress.

    The world is still coming to terms with the damage inflicted

    (a) by the virus (not very much - hardly noticeable in statistical terms) 

    (b) by the associated jabs that have been foisted upon the world

  • Andrew Wakefield talks to Clive


    Andrew Wakefield is the notorious doctor who in the late 1990s first raised a query about whether or not the MMR vaccine was linked to the rise in autism.

    The result was a firestorm of disapproval and denial.

    Later on the inimitable Del Bigtree of the Highwire took up the cudgels to bring the truth to the people in the teeth of officialdom and the media, but it's not often that we can hear from the man whose life was for ever changed by that original suggestion that vaccines might not have been as safe as we were told that they were.

    Now he tells us how the global authorities have been allegedly vaccinating people against pregnancy...

    On the plus side both he and Clive are delightfully calm and measured in their delivery, even as they discuss the possible horrendous consequences. 

    Geopolitical Update


    With world events moving quite fast we have to try to keep up, so i make no apology for yet again featuring a UK Column report from Wednesday.

    Don't get too hung up on the start of the programme where they take a (probably deserved) pop at a BBC reporter in the Ukraine - the subsequent section where Vanessa Beeley explains the way that the world's war-mongers are shaping up is quite masterly.

    It is quite clear that without propaganda, very few wars would ever have been possible.

    Oh, and Tony Blair is rumoured to be receiving a Knighthood from Her Majesty at Windsor on 13th June. Be there or be square.

    And more on matters medical and monkey p*x (or should that be b****x?). Is anything what it seems any more?

    And will there be an ambulance available when we need one? Worth watching.

    (90 minutes)


  • Del on Davos - and Monkeypox


    The inimitable Del Bigtree, along with Jeffrey Jaxen reviews the Davos powerfest - worried about the "next pandemic"? Well, yes and no.

    As Bill Gates admitted, they didn't make such a good fist of the vaccines for the last one.

    (19 minutes)



    Of course, given the burgeoning scare du jour, we can't ignore the monkeypox issue - especially as they ran a monkeypox simulation in 2021 - Del gets some thoughts from Dr McCullough. A bit of a shame that these Yanks can't debate without shouting at each other, but it's what they say that counts, not how they say it

  • Eat Your (Edited) Genes


    Maybe you welcome gene-edited plants (initially), or maybe you don't, depending on your faith in "the science" to bring us safe and improved foods.

    If "the science" is exemplified by the rigor displayed recently by the global medical establishment then maybe we shouldn't be queuing up to applaud this latest initiative.

    Of course there is scientific rigour and rigor mortis, and sadly it may be necessary to remind some of our appointed scientific experts of the difference.

    In rigor mortis, the limbs become stiff and inflexible (much like the assurances of late from our medical establishment, politicians, and other appointees to high public positions, when confronted by independent experts and lay people alike) whereas in science, the rigour originates from the practice of gladly submitting any particular theorem to any and all challenges freely accepted, and seeing whether or not it stands up to the evidence of experiment and experience, and the application

  • Open the Gates for Pandemic Prevention


    Bill has laid it all out for us - all we need to do is just read his book to receive his wisdom - fortunately it has been published just at the right time to help us deal with the very serious threat of Monkeypox. Can this threat be countered before it becomes a pandemic?

    Of course all the usual suspects are queuing up to tell us how he is totally wrong and his solutions have been disproven, most recently by the response to the Covid pandemic, but we should remember that this isn't just Gates speaking, he has a great wealth of authoritative people behind him (the WEF, the UN, the WHO, plus sundry similar bodies that characteristically don't make the headlines, such as the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome etc, plus many distinguished academics such as Professor Neil Ferguson, and the full weight of the pharmaceutical industry), so we should pay close attention.

    For an untimely review of this book by some who do seem always to be at the forefront of those usual suspects,

  • Monkey Pox - or Monkey Business?


    On the face of it monkeypox is an unlikely candidate for a pandemic - it spreads slowly, by contact with an infected person, is not normally fatal and can be mild enough to escape much notice.

    The Daily Exposé has a theory:

    "The main points to take away from this are that the alleged monkeypox disease is extremely rare, has rarely been seen outside of Africa, and has never been recorded in multiple countries outside of Africa at the same time"

    "So with that being the case, do you not find it strange that we are suddenly being told that cases of monkeypox are now being recorded in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, France,

  • 75th World Health Assembly - Geneva


    First Up

    Children's Health Defence brings us what must be a very strong contender for the 'Platitude of the Year Award': "Health for Peace and Peace for Health".

    "Strengthening preparedness for and response to health emergencies are a key theme of the Health Assembly"

    No surprise so far then.

    First up: a 44 minute discussion of experts on monkeypox - but you can skip the first 7 minutes because these were terminated abruptly by "technical problems" and the session restarted.

    Followed by:

    "Opening of the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly with Dr Tedros" and other assorted worthies (2 hrs 50 minutes)

    "Second Plenary Meeting May 23 at WHA75" (39 minutes of Dr Tedros)

    "Intro Video" (3

  • "All Jabs Tested Found to Contain Nanorouters"


    Many of us have watched videos of strange particulates found in the "jabs" and have heard speculations about what they may portend.

    Ricardo Delgardo of La Quinta Columna (or for us Brits La Quinta Columna via Google Translate) explains the results of his investigations in this video.

    "Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and the toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs"

    "... this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using .. the new 4G, 4G plus and 5G technology... "

    "All vaccinated people send their data to an external server controlled by artificial intelligence...

  • Why We Need to Stop the WHO's Pandemic Treaty


    The WHO are pushing at an open door with their proposed pandemic power grab treaty, upon which we have reported before.

    The World Council for Health (a kind of anti-WHO alternative body) lay the implications out for us and suggest what we should be doing to oppose this.
