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  • Circling the Wagons around the Growing Abyss


    Once more Benjamin Fulford publishes his Monday report on the slow financial strangulation of the mafia that we can now believe has been and is still just about ruling the world. Or the western parts anyway.

    As always, worth reading. (Although you will need a modest subscription - recommended - to read the full article, the free section is still informative).

    With the Omicron scariant being remorselessly puffed right across the western world (despite seemingly having no discernible effect on real sickness levels), European leaders are apparently queuing up to hint that the Nuremberg Code is now obsolete and should be scrapped. What are they afraid of?

    "In other words, she admits she’s a war criminal who wants to carry out medical treatment based on lies and against people’s will"

    Of course they still

  • American Heart Association: mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk


    American Heart Association Journal 'Circulation' publishes Abstract 10712 concerning the effect of mRNA jabs on the heart:

    "Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)"

    "Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients"

    "We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination"


  • Useful Perspective on the New Scariant - and Covid Chronicles Announcement


    As so often we turn to Ivor Cummins for a cool look at the topic of virus variants.

    Those with not very long memories will still remember the fuss surrounding the Alpha and Delta variants - the fact that this new one is the Omicron (greek for letter 'o') variant tells us how many letters-variants we have skipped-ignored since those days. Why were we not told?!


    Like / Dislike this video here. Or not - perhaps he upset someone?

    Also here Ivor and Donal discuss the facts on the ground in South Africa - how does the real impact of the new variant on South Africa contrast with the reaction of the rest of the world, and likely knock-on effect of the new travel restrictions on South

  • Excess Lockdown Deaths in the UK - 10,000 Due to Cancer?


    In an age when it sometimes seems that nobody is allowed to do anything as simple as climbing a ladder without first commissioning a risk assessment, it does seem extraordinary that our UK government did not even attempt a cost-benefit-analysis-cum-risk-assessment before implementing its various lockdowns. After all, the dangers to the nation could hardly have been greater, so surely some serious justification was required before we overthrew decades of pandemic planning?

    Even if there was no time in February/March, there was opportunity to review that first lockdown in retrospect to assess whether it was successful in mitigating the pandemic impact whilst minimising the side-effects. After all, at the very least we should have used it as a learning opportunity to inform future pandemic planning.

    So must we conclude that the government didn't and still doesn't want to know whether the benefits outweighed the costs?

    The Epoch Times reports on the latest

  • EU Green Lights Pfizer's Jabs for Kids From 5 - 11


    EU regulators have approved the Pfizer vaccines for children down to age 5 (although this doesn't seem to have made the BBC yet - perhaps they are too busy bulling up the "worrying new variant" from South Africa).

    I can't begin to imagine how they are justifying this, but those who may be taking this seriously (yes it is serious) might like to view the Tucker Carlson Robert F. Kennedy Jnr conversation.

    Apparently this decision still needs to be "rubber-stamped" by the EU Commission, which I have little doubt will oblige with

  • Tucker Carlson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jnr


    If you ever wondered whether the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart, or why all the world's governments threw all previous pandemic planning and statistical good practice out of the window when Covid-19 was declared, then this is for you.

    "... a systematic demolition of our Bill of Rights"

    "... a coup d'état against democracy globally"

    (53 minutes)

    Read the book: The Real Anthony Fauci

  • FDA Still Cannot Confirm the Levels of Aluminium Adjuvant in Childhood Vaccines


    This update follows on from ICAN's original request for this information about the varying levels of aluminium adjuvant found in childhood vaccines.

    "Six months have passed since the FDA received two petitions demanding that the agency assure that vaccine manufacturers are disclosing accurate information regarding the amount of aluminum adjuvant in their childhood vaccines.  The FDA’s response after half a year is that they 'have not been able to complete [their] final responses at this time'"


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    If you like the above (and his style

  • The Zelenko Protocol for Covid-19


    Dr Zelenko has been much in the news recently and Mikki Willis (of Plandemic fame) has provided an 8 minute interview with the great man.

    In addition to his thoughts on the Covid pandemic, he also describes his protocol for the prevention and prophylactic treatment of early stage Covid, a protocol which doesn't involve the use of any contentious drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, since many pharmacies in the USA were either unwilling or unable to provide these.

    (9 minutes)



    So what does this protocol involve?

    Elemental zinc, vitamins C and D3, Quercetin ("

    Vaccinating Children Aged 5 - 11 - Risk-Benefit Analysis


    Children's Health Defense publish a cooked-up unscientific risk-benefit analysis for the Pfizer vaccine in 5 - 11 yr olds.

    So why should anybody pay attention?

    Because the Pfizer-FDA analysis was even less scientific. The entire trial cohort consisted of only 1528 children in the vaccination group and 757 in the placebo group.

    Bearing in mind that we are talking of an age range whose risk of serious adverse outcomes from Covid itself is in the region of vanishingly small, this number of trial participants is nowhere near large enough to provide useful data (unless a participant actually dies). Since no participant suffered a severe adverse event we can say (unscientifically) that the incidence of serious adverse events from the vaccine might well be less than 1 in 1500. Although it might also be a bit larger than 1 in 1500, given random

  • UKSHA Data Shows Infection Rates Over Twice as High in the Vaccinated


    Following on from their article on excess deaths currently occurring in Scotland, the Daily Sceptic turns its attention to the statistics for the UK. 

    Vaccine effectiveness is estimated by comparing rates of disease in vaccinated individuals to rates in unvaccinated individuals

    these raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness

    Well, tell a child not to do something...

    "The CDC distinguishes 'vaccine efficacy', estimated from controlled studies, from 'vaccine effectiveness', which is used 'when a study is carried out under typical field (that is, less than perfectly controlled) conditions'. It is therefore not appropriate for the UKHSA, a Government agency, to insist that its data “should

  • Meet Aaron Siri


    Is Siri the latest Loudspeaker gizmo that will let you navigate the internet by voice alone (and allow Silicon Valley to diagnose your voice-print to collect your health status)?

    No, he's ICAN's live flesh and blood attorney.

    Here he is in conversation with Del Bigtree (the Highwire host who shouts a lot) discussing the various legal campaigns that ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) has undertaken in recent years - and what an informative conversation it is!

    (1 hr 45)


  • Fixing Your Health - Perhaps Easier Than You Imagine!


    I went through my own health crisis around the turn of the century, and in the process learned that

    1. my doctor knew nothing much about health 
    2. he was adept at prescribing more drugs
    3. one of the primary functions of the NHS is to act as the sales arm of big pharma (at tax-payers' expense)

    Ivor Cummins is not a doctor, but he can read scientific papers. The result is that whilst I undertook my healing through an ad hoc trial and error process, he approached his research via a methodical search of the scientific literature. The good news for science is that that approach worked - the bad news is that we need specialists (such as Ivor) who are prepared to put in the vast numbers of hours necessary to search for and decipher the real truth, and then put it together in an accessible format for us normies to understand.

    Happily Ivor is one of those who

  • Petition to the International Criminal Court to Prosecute Crimes Against Humanity


    Dr Richard Fleming interviewed on Brighteon explains his petition to the ICC to encourage them to take up the complaints that have been made to them by various international lawyers (including some from the UK).

    "everything is unravelling..."


    Together we are stronger than ever, and together we will make the difference for the future of our children.

    Visit https://www.flemingmethod.com/.

    Sign the petition.

    Share it everywhere.

  • White Coat Summit Asks All the Right Questions


    Dr Ryan Cole MD (pathologist, immunologist, virologist) tells it like it is. 

    "The spike is the toxin""we see a 200 times increase in myocarditis in our society right now"

    "this is a poisonous attack on our population and it needs to stop now"

    "... cannot find that for which they do not look"

    "Billions of dollars spent on advertising... where's the funding for real science?"

    "Where are the autopsies?"

    "They don't want you to see what we're seeing"

    "the shots dysregulate your immune

  • NHS - The App - Passport to Social Control?


    Once More Stew Peters burnishes his credentials as a global interviewer by taking on the features of the NHS App.

    Some thought that it would be expanded to cover a lot more than our health, but here already?

    Stew tells it like he sees it:


  • The Bigtree Review of the W.H.O. 2019 Global Vaccine Safety Summit


    Del Bigtree of the Highwire brings us a review of the W.H.O. Global Vaccine Safety Summit. December 2019.

    This reminds us that the vaccine hesitancy problem was a feature before the Covid vaccines burst upon us, before they were mandated by various bodies both private and governmental around the world, and before sections of populations were motivated to march in their thousands around the world to defy the demand that the whole world should be vaccinated. Indeed the W.H.O. Safety Summit took place before the pandemic even (officially) started.

    It was taken so seriously that the W.H.O. debated it in front of the cameras.

    Did the W.H.O. heed the advice of their Summit?

    This is just two quotes, still topical today, almost two years later:

    "I spend a lot of time talking... with tech companies (Facebook, WhatsApp ... Weibo) they have a lot of fingers pointing at

  • Vaccine Ingredients Include ...


    This is an article from an source unrelated to the subject matter, but which nevertheless includes cross-references to its original sources, of which there are a variety, including well-respected medical publications.

    It ties in with other information that has been surfacing recently (for example, that Japan discovered that their Moderna vaccines were contaminated with microscopic shards of metal). It appears to be reasonably carefully researched.

    So what do we get? We get an analysis of all the ingredients that were found in the leading four vaccines, broken down by vaccine company.

    It's quite a list, with both surprising and worrying contents, including a whole list of ingredients that were not declared by the vaccine companies concerned, notable among these being graphene oxide and

  • Jabs for Kids to be Approved?


    We have covered the proposal to vaccinate all kids from 12 years upwards previously (here here and here).

    The JCVI agreed with our standpoint (although they drew the line at saying that vaccines were more dangerous than Covid, they recognised the high level of uncertainty and the insignificance of the likelihood of any

  • FDA "Approval" for Pfizer Jab Encounters a Storm


    Dr Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters Show identifies "at least 20 crimes in the package insert" for this "FDA approved" vaccine:

    "they disclose nothing of what they are legally obligated to do"

    "available data... administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy" and "it's not known if it is excreted in human milk"

    RedPil78 claims to have read the whole letter from the FDA to Pfizer, and claims that the "new" approval amounts to nothing more than a long-winded restatement of the existing emergency use approval:


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