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  • Eat Your (Edited) Genes


    Maybe you welcome gene-edited plants (initially), or maybe you don't, depending on your faith in "the science" to bring us safe and improved foods.

    If "the science" is exemplified by the rigor displayed recently by the global medical establishment then maybe we shouldn't be queuing up to applaud this latest initiative.

    Of course there is scientific rigour and rigor mortis, and sadly it may be necessary to remind some of our appointed scientific experts of the difference.

    In rigor mortis, the limbs become stiff and inflexible (much like the assurances of late from our medical establishment, politicians, and other appointees to high public positions, when confronted by independent experts and lay people alike) whereas in science, the rigour originates from the practice of gladly submitting any particular theorem to any and all challenges freely accepted, and seeing whether or not it stands up to the evidence of experiment and experience, and the application

  • Open the Gates for Pandemic Prevention


    Bill has laid it all out for us - all we need to do is just read his book to receive his wisdom - fortunately it has been published just at the right time to help us deal with the very serious threat of Monkeypox. Can this threat be countered before it becomes a pandemic?

    Of course all the usual suspects are queuing up to tell us how he is totally wrong and his solutions have been disproven, most recently by the response to the Covid pandemic, but we should remember that this isn't just Gates speaking, he has a great wealth of authoritative people behind him (the WEF, the UN, the WHO, plus sundry similar bodies that characteristically don't make the headlines, such as the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome etc, plus many distinguished academics such as Professor Neil Ferguson, and the full weight of the pharmaceutical industry), so we should pay close attention.

    For an untimely review of this book by some who do seem always to be at the forefront of those usual suspects,

  • Monkey Pox - or Monkey Business?


    On the face of it monkeypox is an unlikely candidate for a pandemic - it spreads slowly, by contact with an infected person, is not normally fatal and can be mild enough to escape much notice.

    The Daily Exposé has a theory:

    "The main points to take away from this are that the alleged monkeypox disease is extremely rare, has rarely been seen outside of Africa, and has never been recorded in multiple countries outside of Africa at the same time"

    "So with that being the case, do you not find it strange that we are suddenly being told that cases of monkeypox are now being recorded in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, France,

  • 75th World Health Assembly - Geneva


    First Up

    Children's Health Defence brings us what must be a very strong contender for the 'Platitude of the Year Award': "Health for Peace and Peace for Health".

    "Strengthening preparedness for and response to health emergencies are a key theme of the Health Assembly"

    No surprise so far then.

    First up: a 44 minute discussion of experts on monkeypox - but you can skip the first 7 minutes because these were terminated abruptly by "technical problems" and the session restarted.

    Followed by:

    "Opening of the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly with Dr Tedros" and other assorted worthies (2 hrs 50 minutes)

    "Second Plenary Meeting May 23 at WHA75" (39 minutes of Dr Tedros)

    "Intro Video" (3

  • "All Jabs Tested Found to Contain Nanorouters"


    Many of us have watched videos of strange particulates found in the "jabs" and have heard speculations about what they may portend.

    Ricardo Delgardo of La Quinta Columna (or for us Brits La Quinta Columna via Google Translate) explains the results of his investigations in this video.

    "Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and the toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs"

    "... this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using .. the new 4G, 4G plus and 5G technology... "

    "All vaccinated people send their data to an external server controlled by artificial intelligence...

  • Why We Need to Stop the WHO's Pandemic Treaty


    The WHO are pushing at an open door with their proposed pandemic power grab treaty, upon which we have reported before.

    The World Council for Health (a kind of anti-WHO alternative body) lay the implications out for us and suggest what we should be doing to oppose this.

  • Thoughts on Toxic Perfectionism


    This article took me back to my own student days in the late 60s early seventies. But my purpose is not to reminisce.

    We were encouraged to think that students go to uni, and workers go to work, but we are all students now. Indeed, those of us who no longer aspire to the student mentality are tired of living, doomed to cement our ignorance and repeat our failures.

    The Daily Sceptic brings us a piece written by a student:

    The Toxic Perfectionism Young People Have Learned From Social Media and Covid Conformity

    I suppose that if I were to nit-pick (moi?!) I would disagree with the implied denigration of perfectionism - as

  • Farm Fare Failure Forthcoming?


    Make of these reports what you will, but this narrative seems to be supported by many factors currently.

    (14 minutes)


    Like/Dislike this video here.

    (15 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Potential Health Effects of SRM Aerosols


    This article is from January 2016.

    If PubMed have assessed the likely impacts then it is going on, and indeed we can see it with our own eyes.

    "Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of environmental processes that affects the Earth’s climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of climate change"

    "Geoengineering approaches include solar radiation management, or SRM, and carbon dioxide removal... "

    "SRM techniques attempt to offset effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations by reducing the proportion of incoming short wavelength solar radiation that is absorbed or reflected by the earth’s atmosphere ... Proposed SRM techniques include stratospheric aerosols, reflective satellites, whitening of the clouds, whitening of built structures and increasing plant reflectivity"

    "All SRM deployment

  • MHRA Seeking Your Views to Strengthen Conflicts of Interest Policy


    Yes really!

    Should we have more conflicts of interest or fewer?

    Should we be able to see those conflicts that are declared?

    Should there be (yet another) watchdog to verify and ensure that all such conflicts have been fully declared in line with the "appropriate guidance"?

    Given some of the dubious decisions that have graced the Covid gene therapies roll-out, this consultation deserves your serious attention.

    Will there be another survey along shortly on strengthening the statistical methods used by the regulators in coming to their flawed conclusions?

    Better still, should the proceedings of the regulators be conducted in public, and their reasoning opened up to public

  • New Zealand Daily Telegraph Blows the Lid Off Covid Vaccines Cover-Up


    Until now the official press has kept schtum on the vaccine-related damage, even as the alternative news has been outing it.

    Now the DT New Zealand has come clean with a major report which quite clearly states the problem, and acknowledges that it's not just New Zealand, it's worldwide:

    "The biggest victims of this situation are now coming together, they are uniting to support each other, they are uniting to tell their stories, and they will be SILENT NO MORE"

    "This is simply information and evidence about one particular vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine"

    "The people of New Zealand MUST know the truth about what has really happened in this country"

    "Not what we have been told... on our television screens from the government’s ... ‘single source of truth’, and not what we have been told by our

  • New On-Line UK Water Fluoridation Survey


    As previously reported, control over water fluoridation is being centralised in the UK under the Secretary of State and taken away from local authorities.

    "If it becomes law, the Bill will allow the Secretary of State, instead of local authorities, to establish new water fluoridation schemes, or to vary or terminate existing water fluoridation schemes in England"

    "... there will be a legal duty on the Secretary of State to undertake a formal public consultation before introducing any new water fluoridation schemes or before varying or terminating an existing scheme"

    Make your views known before 3rd June:


  • In Black and White - Medical Conflicts of Interest


    "ICAN’s attorneys have done some more digging since we warned in 2020 that the Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs) overseeing vaccine trials were compromised by financial ties to Big Pharma"

    It's a long list.



  • Grand Jury Update - Covid Court of Pubic Opinion


    This is a follow-on from the Grand Jury investigation that took place in early February.

    Two useful videos here, the first from 24 February, which is a general round up of the state of play and how we might progress it around the world.

    It's up to us to begin to reinvent the failed institutions, to take over from the existing collapsing institutions as they fail.

    Fail they will because of the shots, but also because

    "We are creative, they are puppets"

    Discover how the proponents of the NWO likely propose to persuade us all into a one world government through systemic collapse, chaos, shortages, even starvation.

    (60 minutes)


  • Absolutely Nothing in this Report will be Believed


    This is an extraordinary presentation by an extraordinary person.

    She has (according to her presentation) been laid low with cancer several times and managed to recover before her surgeons came to operate.

    That alone must qualify her for an audience.

    I can't say whether she is right, but I do think that there is something to the fact that the human race has survived for millenia before the pharmaceutical companies were set up.

    What do you think?

    (37 minutes)


    PS: I have no connection with anybody selling anything - these links are provided for your interest and information only. There are links beneath the Bitchute video page for those who may be

  • High Correlation between Covid Injections and Excess Mortality


    kla.tv Karlsruhe reports:

    "The pharmaceutical industry, politicians and the leading media continue to ignore the massive side effects, long-term consequences and deaths caused by Covid 19 vaccinations. However, at ever shorter intervals, vehemently concealed but frightening and shocking information is coming to the public's attention"

    "... vaccinated people are still considered unvaccinated in the first 14 days after their vaccination. Deaths due to vaccination are therefore wrongly included in the statistics for the unvaccinated during these 14 days"

    "Vaccination campaigns began in England at the

  • General McInerney Spells it Out - Third Wave Coming


    Army Generals are used to assessing battlefields dispassionately, and this one doesn't disappoint.

    Is he scaremongering?

    Impossible to say, but he's not the first to connect these points.

    Think this won't happen here? The UK has always followed the US in all matters Covid.

    "There are things that can be done... ". Starting now. 

    (NB: 5G is a generic term that effectively means "post-4G", covering a range of mostly higher frequency bands. To my knowledge nobody has yet rolled out 18GHz and higher anywhere, except possibly for Wuhan in China in early 2020, which may have accounted for the scary videos that we saw at that time. If they did roll it out in China, they rolled it back again

  • Post-Covid Compendium


    The Daily Exposé has remained on the Covid case despite the governments best efforts to indicate that the crisis is past, and despite the multiple other serious distractions currently playing out on the world stage. 

    They are right to do so, there is much unfinished Covid-associated business to attend to and we neglect it at our peril.

    Fully Vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement; and the newly published Pfizer Documents prove Pfizer & the FDA knew it was happening in February 2021

  • Fluoridation - Boon or Bane?


    Fluoridation of water supplies has been with us for many years - so many years in fact that the origins of the practice have receded into the mists of antiquity for most practical purposes.

    Now the UK Parliament intends to inflict this practice upon us whether we want it or not.

    Did we vote for it? - no, we have in fact often voted against it, which is why perhaps the government has determined that we must do as we are told and drink it anyway. Enough of this voting nonsense!

    So what are the arguments for and against fluoridation?

    Robert Carnaghan writing somewhat inauspiciously on 1st April for the Daily Sceptic delves back into history to unearth the original arguments:

    "For about 70 years it has been claimed that fluoridation reduces dental decay, and that it is safe. Although there is abundant evidence showing that in fact it is neither effective nor safe,

  • WHO Do They Think They Are?


    First a disclaimer - despite the date, this is not an April Fool's article. If only it were!

    We have mentioned this impending bid for world domination by medical fiat before, but this Epoch Times article does a good all-round job of providing the details such as are available, so it's a worthy inclusion. 

    Highly recommended.

    "the WHO wants to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and to extend it into the health care systems of every nation"

    "The pandemic treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy
