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Dr Zelenko has been much in the news recently and Mikki Willis (of Plandemic fame) has provided an 8 minute interview with the great man.

In addition to his thoughts on the Covid pandemic, he also describes his protocol for the prevention and prophylactic treatment of early stage Covid, a protocol which doesn't involve the use of any contentious drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, since many pharmacies in the USA were either unwilling or unable to provide these.

(9 minutes)



So what does this protocol involve?

Elemental zinc, vitamins C and D3, Quercetin ("an apple a day keeps the doctor away") (the complete information is shown at the end of the video on the last frames.

This is not rocket science.

I have been taking these items daily for years as part of my normal wellness diet - maybe not in the exact quantities that he recommends but substantially so.

Of course the good news doesn't stop there - the protocol will work for other viral infections such as the flu (now a happily distant memory since I adopted the wellness diet).

And the diet has been free from unwanted "adverse effects" ...  (although "one man's meat is another man's poison" as the alternative doctor doth aver).

It does seem that if we would all eat healthily, the pandemic could never have happened!

So what lessons should our "health service" be learning from all this?