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Andrew Wakefield is the notorious doctor who in the late 1990s first raised a query about whether or not the MMR vaccine was linked to the rise in autism.

The result was a firestorm of disapproval and denial.

Later on the inimitable Del Bigtree of the Highwire took up the cudgels to bring the truth to the people in the teeth of officialdom and the media, but it's not often that we can hear from the man whose life was for ever changed by that original suggestion that vaccines might not have been as safe as we were told that they were.

Now he tells us how the global authorities have been allegedly vaccinating people against pregnancy ...

On the plus side both he and Clive are delightfully calm and measured in their delivery, even as they discuss the possible horrendous consequences. 

And yes, they do touch on the monkeypox issue - sorry, but there is obviously no escape from the latest must-have health scare imperative.

" ... there are 1000 film scripts being written now, films in production that will tell the truth of what actually happened ... " 

(46 minutes)