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  • GB News Leaves Neil Oliver?


    Regular readers will be familiar with Neil Oliver and his cogent rhetoric - he is utterly authentic, always on point, and never wastes a word. He presents a model of perfection to strive for, no matter how inexperienced a budding journalist may be.

    We lament the pause in / passing of his relationship with GB News, but we are confident that Neil will now be free to move on to ever greater heights of journalism. More power to his elbow seems to be pre-ordained and inevitable (although I'm guessing that he may see things slightly differently!).

    We salute him.

    (22 minutes)


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    The BRICS have met in Kazan.

    This short piece by Bill Bonner highlights some of the major differences between their modus operandi and the G7.

    As the BRICS seems to be in the ascendant these days, maybe we should pay attention?


  • COP16 Dead on Arrival?


    Interest of Justice reports:

    "COP16'came to an end' on Saturday November 2, 2024 after more than ten hours of intricate negotiations over funding for a roadmap to save nature, summit president Susana Muhamad told AFP. a link to COP 16"

    "... she had announced the suspension of the summit due to lack of quorum"

    No agreement.

    (Note - according to their link, COP16 is scheduled for December, so maybe this was a preliminary meeting)

    Never mind, you can read all about the upcoming "Nuremberg hearing" scheduled for Armistice

  • How the New World Order Was Thwarted?


    It' been a few years now since 2020 hit us between the eyes with Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, business closures, and general suspension of normal societal operation - time enough I suspect for many of us to forget about those dismal days and set about getting on with our own lives once more.

    Many of us however, myself included, have not been able to disregard what happened and get back to normal, since we understood that the whole exercise was indeed focused on destroying the "normal" and enforcing the "New World Order". Once we had seen the true face of our elites, we could not ignore it. 

    Whilst the aftermath of this drama has yet to complete its play-out, and perhaps many of us as yet still have not dared to openly contemplate the full truth about the damage wrought by the quaxxines, and the intentions of those who deliberately brought them to us, questions still arise about the intentions of the then President Donald Trump, who brought them in at "warp speed" to "save the day" -

  • A Piece for Our Times


    This article gets to the heart of exactly where our world seems to be today.

    "After disputing the classification of occupations into essential and non-essential in 2020, they now seem to apply these very terms to humanity itself"

    Perhaps we should remind ourselves:-

    “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one”  - Charles Mackay

    Perhaps it is now time for some serious introspection.


  • American Politics on Election Eve


    Withe the US Election on a knife-edge (according to some) or about to be stolen (according to others) or about to deliver a Trump landslide of epic proportions (according to yet others), and not to mention the evidence of attendee numbers at the respective Trump and Harris campaign events, I think we in the UK could be forgiven for being totally at sea on this one. Or are we?

    So today I offer a viewpoint which may or may not reflect the overall reality - which essentially is that, whatever you think of the candidates standing before the electorate, there are only the two with any realistic chance of election, and one of them will be elected (barring any fantastical hiccup that stymies the whole event - I rule nothing out!).

    So as with UK elections, you either do not vote, or you vote for the least worst option, all things considered.

  • This is Not Party Politics


    Well, not really party politics. It just so happens that the party currently in office (if not actually in power) gets to make all the traditional mistakes all over again - or at any rate gets to take the blame for them.

    As always, it's all about the money. But what is money? It is purchasing power: the power to purchase what we need, or what we desire. 

    But if what we need or desire is unobtainable... then of what use is money?

    In olden times, money represented goods that had been produced by members of the local community, goods which they then took to the local weekly market for sale. What they received in exchange was money - money that they then spent buying other goods that someone else had produced, in that same market, to meet their own particular needs. Money was simply a device for swapping and redistributing each others' goods, a

  • A Message from Iran


    Prof Marandi updates us on the latest situation.

    As always, the battle is fought in the minds of the protagonists - minds that may not be fully rational.

    "... the West is willing to annihilate the Palestinian people..."

    "If the Americans want this over, they can do it... it's not difficult... they have the means... "

    "... the United States and Europeans have no intention of stopping ... "

    "Israel can kill as many Palestinians and Lebanese as they want, but they are not going to win"

    (1 hr 38 mins)



  • Southport Censored?


    Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, has reportedly forbidden questions in Parliament about the not so recent "terror" event in Southport while criminal proceedings are ongoing.

    (Some may differ as to whether the descriptor "terror" may or may not be appropriate, but search engines don't seem to disagree) 

    But free speech in Parliament is not subject to the same rules as free speech outside Parliament - MPs are generally unrestrained. Indeed, according to

  • Farage Strikes Back!


    Forget party politics - note the arguments - there's no arguing with figures.

    No main party is anywhere close.

    Perhaps too he's starting to reprise his old iconoclastic style previously so admired by the EU Parliament? (It's about time!)

    (10 minutes)


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  • Julian Assange - CIA Plant?


    Such a suggestion requires a very authoritative source - but Ole Dammegard is just such a source, having spent many years investigating the false flags of this world - and he has had no shortage of such instances upon which to hone his investigative skills.

    But if we cannot believe the Julian Assange / Wikileaks story, what can we believe?

    See what you think...

    (106 minutes)


  • Neil Oliver Draws the Necessary Conclusions


    It's hard to argue with Neil, so I won't.

    Yes, we've heard it all before, but this is as close to throwing his toys out of the pram that I have seen our normally serene and civilised Neil approach.

    "The legal definition of genocide is the committing of acts with the intention to destroy a people"

    But is Ed Miliband stupid? (Is he even real?)

    See what you think.

    (15 minutes)

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  • Wireless Radiation - Still Unhealthy?


    It seems an age since Tom Wheeler (then FCC chairman) pledged to bypass all safety concerns and roll-out 5G to the USA and the world (in the process making a ton of profit for the US telecoms industry).

    "... Rule nbr 1: the technology should drive the policy rather than the policy should drive the technology... "

    "... if the Commission approves my proposal next month, the United States will be the first country in the world to open up high-band spectrum for 5G networks and applications - and that's damn important because... US Companies will be the first out of the gate"

    "Unlike some countries, we do not believe that we should spend the next couple of years studying what 5G should be, or how it should operate... turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future... "

    "To make this work, the 5G infrastructure... will

  • Climate Change - Distraction for the Masses?


    Dr John Robson does a splendid job of entertaining us all with perfectly simple, logical expositions illustrating just how idiotic the climate change policies are.

    He's been doing it for years and yes, it's an easy target... perhaps too easy if you ask me.

    You don't have to think very hard to understand the inconsistencies, and we've all had many years to get to grips with the obvious flaws in the logic. Yes, I know that some people will never "get it", but eventually the majority will "get it".

    So what was the purpose behind it? Why bother to foist such a vast scam on the public for so many years that we've all become inured to it?

    Is it simply to drive us all bonkers by the unrelenting idiocy being so capably presented by our politicians, to the point where maybe we feel obliged to riot in

  • "Up to $41 billion in World Bank climate finance ... is unaccounted for"


    One might believe that the World Bank would have enough bean counters to keep track of its expenditures...

    ... but maybe one might be wrong about the involvement of bean-counters.

    Given that climate finance has been a largely political hot potato seemingly since time immemorial, perhaps after all it's no surprise that politicians have taken their eye off the ball, but is the World Bank controlled by politicians or by bankers?

    Bankers one might suppose to be well-versed in the ways of auditing, so it's a bit of a surprise to note this Oxfam report  that uncovers such a gaping hole in the World Bank's climate disbursements.

    (But are Oxfam not supposed to be countering famine rather than counting expenditure designed to reduce CO2 emissions? Are they yet another outfit that has been somehow distracted from their founding purpose?).

    Clearly there is

  • Fulford Report - Monday 28 Oct 2024


    As at time of writing, this report is unusually available in full, with no need to sign in.

    Essentially it's upbeat overall, and worth reading, even if we may accept that the content represents opinion and may not be entirely 101% factual in all respects. In a world beset on all sides by deceit and distraction, that should be no surprise to anybody.

    Also not surprisingly, it centres on the Americas and the Middle East.

    Make of it what you will.


  • The Ultimate 'Down the Rabbit Hole'?


    Before we begin, I offer the standard "Down the Rabbit Hole" introductory advice for those unfamiliar:

    I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4

    That said, let's dive in.

    I hesitate to claim that this really is the "ultimate" in Rabbit Holes, but I don't know of, nor can I at present

  • A Short Historical Perspective on "They" - Matt Ehret


    Matt Ehret, Canadian, historian, and all-round deep mine of all things historical, tells Dell Bigtree from whence he believes "they" (that rule the world) came, how they developed, and how they brought us in the western world, and in particular (but by no means only) America, to our current state of global crisis.

    If we would improve the world, we really need to get some understanding of the course of the last 500 years. This is a conflict that has been brewing for a long time.

    "... the idea of utilising finance for economic warfare does go back to the days of the Roman Empire as well... "

    (97 minutes)


  • Distract - Deflect - Cash In


    Two examples arrive today of the way in which demand is drummed up for Big Pharma drugs.

    A) The Telegraph reports that the dastardly NHS is refusing to fund the latest "wonder drug" for Alzheimer's dementia.

    "Regulators have declared the new treatment for the disease safe for use but the rationing body has immediately ruled that it is too expensive for NHS patients"

    "Immediately"! The unfeeling apparatchiks! Still counting the pennies whilst we die a slow and highly undesirable death!

    Hope Emerges from the Chaos .. ?


    Once again, humanity lives through extraordinary times - although this time, there are many for whom the extraordinary passed with the passing of the scamdemic, and for whom "normalcy" (we must thank our American cousins for that word!) has resumed.

    None the less, "normalcy" did not resume for those who recognised the enormity of the crime, and a global movement for the re-establishment of... well, definitely not the previous "normalcy", but the genuine freedom and justice that has been crushed by stealth over a long period, perhaps over centuries. For them, nothing but destruction of the control matrix and a new beginning founded upon the notion of free men and women, free to choose to contribute in whatever way best suits them and their society, will suffice.

    Brave new world indeed.

    Our friend and compatriot Martin Geddes
