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Legal Legal Repeal

  • "In El Salvadore, Globalism is Already Dead"


    President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele addresses CPAC after his recent re-election victory.

    "The next person into the United States must not only win an election, he must have the vision, the will and the courage to do whatever it takes"

    "... we have to remove corrupt judges and corrupt attorneys and prosecutors"

    (24 minutes)


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  • Should we Add Poisonous Substances to Our Drinking Water?


    A good question, upon which much legal deliberation has already been lavished.

    An equally good question might be "and who should decide?".

    In the UK this question used to be decided locally, but in recent times the government decided that they will decide on fluoridation centrally.

    I don't remember the people clamouring for this change, so they made it entirely on the basis that the government knows best, and we locals cannot be trusted to look after ourselves.

    This almost certainly means that whereas very few local water supplies are fluoridated to date, this number will be greatly expanded until all supplies are fluoridated. In government, one-size-fits-all rules.

    Are we concerned that the

  • Safe? Define "Safe" ...


    "Safe and effective" is a phrase that has been much bandied about (some consider recklessly) in recent years. Words matter, and need to be chosen carefully in order to clearly communicate the intended meaning.

    Some may argue that "safe and effective" was indeed a careful choice to communicate the desired meaning whilst maybe leaving some leeway for interpretation.

    This idea that words matter... well, it matters.

    If the words are not right, then the right information is not imparted, and this could be important, for example - oh, I don't know - perhaps on a planning application.

    Richard Vobes investigates... prepare for surprises.

    (71 minutes)



  • Net Zero Chance of Net Zero


    It seems reasonable to assume from their name that the Good Law Project is all about good law.

    It isn't therefore necessarily about good climate science, but the Government in its all-knowing wisdom has enshrined its binding net zero targets in law, I suppose because that's the only thing they know how to do.

    Of course, that doesn't mean to say that the targets will actually be met, but there's a good chance that it won't be this government that's in place when the targets fall due and the lawsuits begin to fly.

    Anyway, the Good Law project, mindful no doubt of the sometimes lengthy nature of legal proceedings, has shrewdly got its retribution in first and compelled the government to disclose its assessments of the risks that may bedevil these now legally binding

  • New Zealand Court Sees the Vaccine Mandate Light


    "The New Zealand Court of Appeal has ruled against the NZDF's Covid-19 vaccination mandate, citing breaches of rights"

    "New Zealand... has made a decent ruling where they decided the government did not use the least burdensome method by imposing vaccine mandates. The court was only asked to stop the mandates and it complied"

    Read all about it.


  • Today: The Julian Assange Appeal at the Royal Courts of Justice


    Journalist Taylor Hudak(Telegram link)reports today for the Interests of Justice.

    As in all such major trials, there are two agencies on trial - the defendant Julian Assange, and the British Justice system.

    The primary law involved is our extradition treaty with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - if you ask me, that fails immediately if the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should be found to be bankrupt... but what do I know? And even if it is, would/could that be acknowledged as fact in Court, bearing in mind that legal facts are those agreed upon by the parties concerned in the case.

    Read her report

  • The State of Israel / Palestine


    This topic arouses much one-sided opinion, whichever party (or none) to this long-standing conflict one may support.

    On the one hand we have Hamas who inflicted a military incursion on Israel back in early October last, resulting in some deaths and taking a limited number of hostages.

    On the other hand we have Israel who in self defence has seemingly set about an unrestricted war on the whole Gaza strip, apparently conflating "Hamas" with the entire Palestinian population so that the latter becomes the target for elimination. 

    Yes, it's vastly more complex than these over-simplified statements, but space here prohibits an in-depth analysis even were I capable to provide such a thing.

    But events move on, and the International Court of Justice in the Hague, following their original hearing of South Africa's assertion that Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza, subsequently issued a demand that Israel should

  • Summer Vacation? Choose Your Destination Carefully


    With the world psychosis ratcheting incrementally every week, the latest example of over-reach comes from the home of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - yes, the government of La Belle France has legislated for... well, watch for yourself.

    (11 minutes)


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  • In the Public Interest


    It is a basic tenet of our legal system that justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done.

    This "being seen to be done" cannot merely be interpreted as "being seen by the legal profession to be done" since the whole point of the principle is that the public should not lose confidence in the independence of the judiciary.

    Whose responsibility is it to ensure that justice is seen to be done, and what safeguards are in place to ensure that when it isn't, something appropriate is done about it?

    I am no lawyer, so will not comment on the correct legal interpretation of the case in question, but to my untutored mind it does appear that in this case, justice might not have been seen to be done. The very fact that a noted independent journalist thinks so is to my mind prima facie evidence for this.

  • No Cattle, No Beef, NOCA Your Rights


    With the European (plus British and Irish) farmers on the march against government overreach, now is perhaps a good time to review the kind of steps that can be taken legally to discourage heavy-handed government measures based upon pretexts that may not actually stand up to scrutiny in depth.

    For example, take Bovine Tuberculosis, the cause of which is/was said to be the "reservoir" of the disease in wild badgers, which prompted the extensive culling of badgers in recent years. 

    Being not a farmer myself, I haven't heard of any particular widespread situation related to Bovine TB, and as far as I know the WEF has not yet mandated the destruction of our cattle for any reason other than excessive flatulence.

    But in case I am behind the curve here, I draw attention to the Bernician's

  • Richard Vobes Nails the World's Postmaster General


    No, don't worry, nothing to do with the Fujitsu system and the Royal Mail's conflict with their local postmasters, this is your introduction to the now-space.

    So listen up as the Richard:Vobes interviews Russell-Jay:Gould, proponent of the quantum-grammar.

    "... the Post Offices of the world control the country's military... "

    "... the United Nations is a fraudulent organisation that has zero authority to do anything - because they can't read and write... "

    "... you're using a lot of terms that are completely new to me... "  (and so say all of us!)

    (57 minutes)

    Good Luck!


    The Unfolding UK Police State


    "Under this law, authorities in London have granted themselves the power to surveil, harass, and ultimately imprison any British citizens they wish on similarly suspicionless grounds"

    The National Security Act 2023 is now law (since July 2023).

    One might be forgiven for thinking that we are at war, but with whom?

    Perhaps not yet with Russia (although it does get an honourable mention) but that may simply be for want of trying, or perhaps outright incompetence. Don't encourage them.

    Perhaps with Tucker Carlson? Certainly there are those who might hope so.

    Or perhaps the EU is suspected of infiltrating its agents in a bid to

  • Traffic Penalty Tribunal Lacks Due Process?


    Further to Martin's project to expose the lack of legitimacy of the Traffic Penalty Tribunals, he has summarised the state of play as he sees it in a handy reference document.

    "The hearing was unfair as it demonstrated the TPT does not have a duty to uphold the law, or act as a court of law, but instead to bows to the opinion of the DVLA"

    "The omission of this crucial information constitutes a form of fraud, leading to entrapment"

    "The hearing was unfair as the TPT knowingly acted to aid NCC in committing a conversion tort against MG"

    The conclusion that I draw is that these tribunals have neither lawful nor legal standing and are simply...

  • The WHO's Plans for Global Dictatorship to Hit the Rocks?


    Ivor Cummins - dogged as ever, has put together this remarkable piece which (a) shows what the WHO is up to, and (b) notes what exactly the Irish government has to do in order to agree to their plans...

    Life is about to get very interesting.

    (12 minutes)


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  • False Representation?


    Martin Geddes is nothing if not persistent - but persistence is a virtue.

    The panoply of legalese that is ranged against us is nothing if not seemingly impenetrable, and we don't in general have the time or the inclination to sort our way through the entanglements in order to establish the path back to honesty and integrity, so it falls to a few stalwarts who do muster the time and inclination, and are gracious to publish their results for our benefit.

    They deserve our support.

    Of course that doesn't absolve us of our responsibility to take on the challenges ourselves - in actuality it does the reverse - but it does give us a relatively clear road-map to guide us in so doing.

    This is his latest update on his legal tussle with the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, where he is

  • "Governments Complicit in Genocide Will Not Be Able To Plead Ignorance at the Coming Nuremberg Tribunal"


    I'm not sure about "Nuremberg Tribunal", but the message is clear enough, and the LaRouche Organization singles out the United States and the United Kingdom as primary supporting players behind the stance of the government of Israel and its apparently disproportionate attacks on Gaza.

    As always, the waters of argument are muddied by the sheer volume of issues and weight of past history, but the ICJ's preliminary ruling was clear enough, stopping short of a direct verdict of genocide but making clear that all parties should pull back from the brink and permit essential supplies and humanitarian aid.

    The reverse appears to have happened, with western governments doubling down on attacks and cutting funding to the UNRWA which is traditionally responsible for bringing aid and humanitarian support to Gaza.


  • Martin's Estoppel Gambit - End of Council Tax?


    Martin Geddes continues his siege of Durham County Council, bringing up the legal Trebuchet to fling his Estoppel Notice to the miscreants cowering in their Council Offices.

    Which elicited a response that was essentially as expected.

    Which in turn enabled him to deliver what he believes should be the coup de grâce.

    This would mean an end to any further court actions, so it may be some time before we hear any further news on this front, since it will probably

  • Freedom of Expression in Legal Dystopia


    Once upon a time (and not so long ago) judges in Britain declared that freedom of speech without the freedom to offend was not worth having.

    But under what circumstances does one man's "hate speech" override another's "freedom of speech"? It's a question that our parents/grandparents would not have understood, but with which we today must grapple.

    Back in the day, Britain's judiciary used to take a robust view on people who decided to be offended by mere words. Provided that there was no incitement to commit a crime, Joe/Jemima Citizen was invited to take the rough with the smooth and grow a thick skin. It's a clear and unambiguous approach that used to put everyone on an equal footing in law, and facilitated full and frank discussion around many topics that some believe have become treacherous legal minefields

  • Reiner Fuellmich - Update from Germany


    Message (2nd February) - a recording of Reiner speaking (I assume by telephone since he is held for trial) from Germany.

    An interesting update on his trial, and the circumstances that led up to it.

    "Only one of these two narratives can be true"

    (6 minutes)


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  • How Not to Respond to a Pandemic


    Yes, this is new news of past events, but sometimes we need a reminder of just how "our" Government operates, and no doubt still operates.

    If the government would wish to reduce wasteful expenditure that clearly lies within their power to control, then maybe ensuring that their procurement systems are protected from interference, and prosecuting those who did interfere "pour décourager les autres" would be a good place to start.

    And the excuse that "there was no time because it was an emergency" does not wash.

    In any emergency, the very last thing you need is product that isn't fit for purpose, so the procurement rules on quality control should have been tightened up and rigorously enforced.