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Great Reset

  • Neil Oliver & Russell Brand Put the Ukraine into Context


    "We are being manipulated as never before in history"

    (10 minutes)


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     And now for something completely different...

    Russel Brand gives us an arm-waving rant on the Ukraine. Or actually on the state of the West's relations with Russian nationals. He would be easy to dismiss if he didn't seem to be on the right track...

    (15 minutes)


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  • Sanctions Bite in Reverse - by Design?


    The City of London’s Murderous Sanctions Policy: Targeting the American People!

    LaRouchePAC draw some reasonable conclusions from the sanctions regime being imposed on Russia.

    "The Biden collective’s insane sanctions policy against Russia ...is not hitting Russia—they figured out long ago how to survive a maximum sanctions regime"

    Follow the money...

    "Did you know that the prices now put on raw materials needed for human survival have almost nothing to do with physical value, but with pure speculation on spot markets controlled by the globalist modern British Empire?"

    "In one day this week, Tuesday, March 8th, the price of nickel on the London Metals

  • Everything You Wanted to Know about the WEF but Were Afraid to Ask



    (15 minutes of illuminating the illuminati - highly recommended )


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  • War Leads into the Great Reset


    Technocracy News and Trends posits that the war in the Ukraine is simply the next stage in the onward slide into the WEF's Great Reset.

    "Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war"

    Disruption to supply chains, shortage of fuel (and thus everything else), chronic inflation and destruction of the monetary system, and the inevitable mass unemployment. 

    "With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labour force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order"

    But don't worry, the boffins at the WEF, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundtion et al will have a technological solution to plug the survivors seamlessly into the 

  • What's up Behind the Curtain?


    Overt hostilities focus the mind - and the propaganda.

    In war the truth is obscured by all sides in favour of the narrative that the protagonists want you to believe. Veteran journalist John Rappaport does his bit to enlighten us on the history of the CIA, and how that might be relevant today.

    He's always worth reading.

    If you can, read in conjunction with Kim Goguen's chat with Benjamin Fulford.

    And don't miss the video below!

    So who is Kim Goguen?


  • The Price of Freedom - Reminder


    We in the UK have smugly assumed throughout my lifetime that our authorities prize freedom of the individual over central one-size-fits-all control by the State. Indeed we have been encouraged to believe this through the many films about the last war in which British heroes were lauded for their indomitable spirit in many situations of great adversity.

    And yet we were stripped of our most basic freedoms in a trice when Covid was officially recognised as a "pandemic". Don't go to work, close your business, mask up, sign in everywhere you go, walk this way around the shop, "sanitise" your hands at every opportunity, don't visit anybody outside the officially authorised and absurdly restricted bubble, and certainly not any "loved one" within the "care" of a state-regulated institution.

    Irish Judge John Philpot Curran: “It is the common fate of the

  • Is the Pandemic now Dead and Buried?


    Patrick Wood (Technocracy News and Trends) reviews the political narrative landscape and shares some of his thoughts past and present with us.

    The global power struggle between East and West is now literally a struggle for power (gas and oil - nobody is struggling for control of the windmills as far as I am aware). The green imperative is threatening our warmth cooking and transportation.

    The single-minded focus on the Ukraine has drawn attention away from the imperative to deal with the perpetrators of the pandemic crimes against the people.

    As we note elsewhere, the WHO are sailing on serenely into a future where they will effectively reign

  • War!


    The Daily Sceptic hosts an article by Dr James Alexander (Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Bilkent University in Turkey)  which, whilst prompted by the outbreak of hostilities in the Ukraine, is nevertheless more of a reflective discourse on the nature of wars past and present.

    He makes a number of great points but I suggest that he doesn't fully engage with his topic. That is not to criticise at all - he has done a great job of setting the current imbroglio into some much needed context - but I would suggest some significant omissions which need to be covered.

    But first, read his article.

     "The war in Ukraine is a strange war, because it is old-fashioned. It is the classic European form of war, whereby one sovereign state clashes with another sovereign state over some disputed

  • Ukraine - Thoughts of Yanis Varoufakis


    Yanis Varoufakis is of left-wing sympathies, dipped his toes into politics in the UK at the time of the miners' strike in Margaret Thatcher's time (he's practically an honorary Englishman), came to prominence as Greek Finance Minister when he was struggling to get a fair deal for Greece out of the EU (he was out-manoeuvred), wrote some very illuminating books on economics, the ascent of the EU, and his time as Greek Finance minister (all of which I would highly recommend), and is one of the most well-grounded compassionate and sensible politicians that I know.

    He doesn't disappoint - in fact he comes up with some quite unexpected (to me anyway) angles which clearly deserve to be taken into account. A thoughtful contribution.

    (18 minutes)


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  • The Hard Path to Net Zero


    The GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation) highlights Sir Iain Duncan-Smith's call for an "honest and open debate on Net Zero".

    "politicians have not sufficiently scrutinised the requirements ... they must level with the public about the sacrifices required"

    Professor Michael Kelly FRS (report author):

    "The scale of this project is, in terms of resource and time, so great that a war footing and a command economy will be essential for its delivery"

    I don't recall that being mentioned before, but maybe it's what we will get anyway if we continue to poke the Russian bear over their activities in Ukraine. It strikes me that to attempt both simultaneously might be asking for an insurrection.

    The Nuclear War Threat Isn’t Coming from Russia


    Barbara Boyd of LaRouchePAC brings us up to date with her thinking on the current situation in the Ukraine:

    "LaRouche never separated issues of war and peace from the physical economicand culturalprinciples which are their ultimate determinantand that is the case here"

    "the viable nations in terms of physical economic potential now stretched from Ukraine and Russia eastward and southward, to India, to China, to Eurasia as a whole"

    "if you know how leaders in the transatlantic nations think, their recognition of their actual economic bankruptcy puts the entire world on the cusp of thermonuclear conflict"

    "in order

  • Moderna, Pfizer, Biden on the Ropes - FDA-CDC in the Dock of Public Opinion


    Sorry guys, this is (in parts) deep conspiracy theory. 

    But too many conspiracy theories have turned out to be conspiracy facts in the past years.

    For example, that the world governments are being run by a secretive Cabal.

    Now we have video of Klaus Schwab confirming that his "young global leaders" of yesterday are now prime ministers and other ministers of world governments. So a mechanism is there and Klaus is on record writing a book on how he would change the world. One need not be a genius to put two and two together, it's just not a secret any more.

    I am not a committed conspiracy theorist. But the

  • Highwire Round Up - Episode 256


    No, nothing to do with Bayer's RoundUp.

    This is the Highwire's take on recent and current global events, and no, not just health issues.

    Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jaxen as usual, discussing the protests around the world, the situation in Canada, the events in the Ukraine, back on more familiar territory with the appointment of a new head for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) who intends to prioritise "fighting misinformation" (well, he does come from Google).

    It's time to start a new paradigm - cheaper health insurance for the unvaccinated - that should put the cat amongst the pigeons.

    Oh, and seguing seamlessly into climate change safety, personal carbon allowances, how would that ever work... ? Oh, the WHO's international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness which is

  • The Inexorable Onward March to Inhumanity?


    "From the WEF 2018. This is the most frightening thing I've ever watched..."

    "In 2018, before COVID-19 mandates, vaccine passports, and government overreach, Yuval Noah Harari spoke about the power behind human data and how humanity being contained to its human form may soon be a thing of the past"

    "... once we have algorithms that can understand me better than I understand myself they could predict my desires manipulate my emotions & even take decisions on my behalf. & if we are not careful, the outcome might be, the rise of digital dictatorships

    "control of data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships. By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself"

    Red Voice Media brings us a

  • Another Climate Theory Debunked (Yet Again)?


    Chris Morrison writing for the Daily Sceptic pulls the plug on the Climate Change hysteria with his latest piece about the "settled science".

    "Historically, the claim of consensus is the first refuge of the scoundrel; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming the matter is already settled"

    Of course the science is never settled.

    "There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Hamlet.

    Science is progressed by the mavericks that question (and take down and rebuild) "the science", not by the dullards who meekly concur with the "consensus" so beloved of their paymasters.

    Albert Einstein seems to agree - "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created

  • Technocrat Covid Network Exposed


    Dr Mercola, writing for Technocracy News and Trends, draws our attention to the German Club of Clear Words video in which the links between the various parties primarily pushing the dubious Covid messaging world-wide are explained.

    "A very small group of criminal collaborators are at the top of the Great Panic of 2020. Using disciplined network analysis, the players and patterns emerge"

    There are no prizes for guessing some of these names but it comes as no surprise to learn that many of them are associated with the WEF's Great Reset:

    "Every conceivable aspect of life and society is scheduled to be “reset” according to their plan. Ultimately, that’s where this criminal COVID enterprise is trying to take us"

    The video is in German but you can use the settings control to subtitle it in (auto-translated) English:

  • Smart Cities - Another Windfall for the "Private Sector"?


    The Biden Infrastructure Bill (or the "Build Back Better" Bill) looks like another bill that the people will have to meet, either through increased taxes or inflation.

    And of course this will mean government contracts to big business - the bigger the better in order to keep the thing manageable - and to ensure that taxpayer's money goes to the correct recipients.

    " 'This is going to be huge' Andres Carvallo, CEO and co-founder of smart-grids and smart-cities consulting firm CMG Consulting"

    Will all this be in the public interest? You bet - although the answer may depend upon whom you ask. As always, the journalists will ask the right people the right questions.

    So is this yet another transfer of wealth (not to mention control) from the people to the oligarchs who run the "private sector" (a sector so private that nobody seems to be quite sure who the ultimate owners are)? Unless you have an occasional

  • New Zealand Lifts the Lid?


    The Daily Sceptic brings us the good news - the good folk of New Zealand have been making life difficult for their prime minister Jacinda Ardern:

    "Inspired by truckers’ demonstrations in Canada, thousands of protesters have blocked streets near the parliament in the capital Wellington for two weeks with trucks, cars and motorcycles, piling pressure on the Government to scrap vaccine mandates"

    Jacinda has promised to lift restrictions "after the omicron peak has passed" ... but not because she has been swayed by anything so vulgar as popular opinion:

    “ 'But when that happens, it will be because easing restrictions won’t compromise the lives of thousands of people – not because you demanded it' she said, addressing protesters"

    Perhaps she didn't get the memo that omicron isn't any worse than a mild flu / bad cold, but then it may have been mislaid in the ongoing imperative to turn

  • Post-Ottawa Message to Canada


    (9 minutes)


    This comment by David Sacks is pertinent, even if a little academic since the timelines of the solutions don't match those of the persecuted:

    It feels like being banished from the medieval village left to die

  • Fulford on Monday - the End-Game Approaches?


    This is my usual reminder to check out Benjamin Fulford this Monday - I don't think you will be disappointed this week.

    A modest subscription is required to view the full article, but these's enough of interest even for non-subscribers.
