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Great Reset

  • "Some Form of Normality" is Coming?


    Dave Cullen casts a wearied Irish eye over the latest covidiocies to be inflicted upon these isles in the run up to whatever Christmas has in store for us.

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    Here he is again, putting two and two together to make . . .     well, you decide!


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  • The Covid Face of Socialist Tyranny


    Now does seem to be the time to wonder why our supposedly democratic UK government is so hell-bent on locking everyone down, despite the now pretty clear fact that "the pandemic" blew itself out in June.

    But wait - the second wave is upon us! Cases are shooting up! Deaths are rising! Not just in the UK either, all of Europe is within its grip!

    At this point I call upon the ever beguiling and unflappable Ivor Cummins to straighten out the facts from the hysteria:


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    To confirm his point, here is the graph of excess deaths of all causes for England (PHE's Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report - up to wk 42):


  • An Honour and a Privilege - 2021?


    Now pay attention - Computing Forever brings up a very difficult prediction that we probably should not ignore:


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  • QFS - Fake News or New Frontier?


    I have included articles on the reported Quantum Financial System because I've seen this topic reported from several different sources over time. That doesn't mean that I think it true or that I think it false - but I suspect that we might be unwise to discount it entirely because if it turns out to be true it may turn the world financial system upside down. 

    That the US government is actively pursuing "quantum supremacy" is not really in doubt. It is therefore by no means impossible to believe that a US-government backed quantum financial system might be in gestation under Trump (although it would seem to be the last thing that the central banks would want currently if it would put them out of business, so we might not expect it to be advertised just yet).

    Reports that it is supported by off-planet technology

  • QFS - Quantum Financial System


    If you can follow this lot then please let me know and explain it to me!


    Like / Dislike this video here. OK - Youtube didn't like it . . .

    Watch the latest update on Bitchute.

    As far as I can understand, this is an attempt to make the Central Banks and World Banks obsolete, by introducing an independent world monetary system based on sound asset-backed money rather than free-rolling debt issued by the banks.

    It is nothing if not

  • IMF calls for Bretton Woods Monetary Renegotiation


    Simon Dixon checks out the recent call by the IMF for a new Bretton Woods style negotiation between the Central Banking and World Powers to work out a new world monetary system to replace the old broken and bankrupt one:


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    It looks as though this reset may be upon us very quickly - best to get prepared!

    It may not be the only game in town though - the Quantum Financial System may have stolen a march on the new Bretton Woods proposals - see other articles in the Great Reset menu.

  • Great Reset