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Great Reset

  • Shortages in the Shops in Perspective


    "CIB chairman Edward Spalton reflects on the current supply-side shortages from a historical perspective"

    Those too young (or too old and forgetful!) to remember the 1970s may be interested in his recollections of the impact on the UK when we joined what was then known as the "Common Market".

    Food prices rocketed and supply chains were severed and rebuilt, and meanwhile there was a certain amount of chaos as over time people discovered the ramifications of joining the EEC.

    We are in such a period now, but on a much larger, indeed global, scale.

    Once again, this has been precipitated by our politicians pursuing pet projects -

  • Clif High and Greg Hunter - Red October - Collapse of Financial System, Big Health etc


    1932/33 on steroids? Not only Big Finance but also Big Health / Big Pharma?

    Breakdown of civilisation as at the end of the Bronze Age? 

    "... the disease itself is not causing that but the vax is..."

    "... we are already seeing an outrageous level of increase in death..."

    "... they're giving it[ivermectin] out in hospitals to people that have been vaxxed - they're not telling anybody, but they're doing it"

    "... there is a... level of vitamin D that you can have circulating in your blood that guarantees that you will not get the disease... they are saying that it's 50 nanograms per millilitre..."

    "... even if you've been injected... vitamin D... will... close the A2 receptor down... so the spike protein can't... attach..." 


  • Covid Crisis - Part of a Plan?


    TCW (formerly The Conservative Woman) recently published a "translated transcript* of a presentation entitled ‘Uncovering the Corona Narrative’ by the German author and journalist Ernst Wolff, which he delivered in late August".

    It's a far-reaching and incisive analysis of why the crisis appears to have unfolded as it has, makes sense of the inconsistent and self-contradictory pronouncements and instructions issued by those in positions of authority, and relates the whole to the financial end-game about to play out as many years of (deliberate) financial mismanagement come inevitably home to roost.

    Whether his analysis represents the whole truth (see below) is another question, but certainly he nails a considerable part of it.

    It's not all doom and gloom.

    "The plan of the elites, the visions of Klaus Schwab, are condemned to fail, and this is for several reasons"


  • A Gold-Bug's View of the Financial Future


    Matterhorn Asset Management are in the gold business - and that (a) means they know a lot about it and (b) it would be surprising if their interests did not colour their opinion of where the financial world is bound this autumn and henceforth.

    That said, it's hard to fault their logic, and equally, it's hard to know if there are any truly different options that are being left out of the discussion. We need to check out the assumptions underlying the argument.

    The primary assumption is that the system of fiat money (not backed by any asset) will continue.

    Is there reason to suppose that it won't? Well, yes - the petrodollar system that underpins it is breaking down since Russia China and others started offering to trade oil in other currencies - so the US dollar is losing a primary support. What if (as some

  • Compendium of Corona Conspiracy


    Things are coming together. All the various strands that have been painstakingly deconstructed and reverse engineered are now being reconstructed and reintegrated by diligent independent researchers so that we may finally view the whole, with all its terrible import.

    The Covid-19 virus was the scare, the vaccines are the bio-weapon, the peoples of the world are the sheep whose lives health and freedoms are being destroyed, and the survivors reprogrammed to the New World Order's liking using 5G 6G etc - or so the story goes. 

    Is it true? Will anybody believe it?

    Readers of this site will find previous articles that corroborate some of the content, and there are more references within the document.

    Could we do anything to stop it?

    Now may not be the time to blindly and blithely assume that this is all a storm in a teacup that will be forgotten by next year and we can

  • Biden Implosion Ahead? Heralding a New World, or new Chaos?


    Readers will know that I try to feature content by journalist Benjamin Fulford because he presents a totally different world-view from almost everyone else (I would leave out the "almost" but maybe I just haven't run across the others yet).

    He charges a modest fee for his wisdom - we must all make a living somehow - but you can read the introductory section for free. Sadly it gets pay-walled before reaching the interesting bits!

    Is he reliable? I have no idea, but he sure is interesting!

  • Nigel Talks Hot Air?


    Nigel returns to the politico-financial fray to talk green and financial - of course the two topics are inextricable, each one feeding off the other in a symbiotic dance of wealth-transfer from the 99% to the 1%.

    Nigel being Nigel, he does not beat about the bush:

    "The biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that we've ever seen"

    Welcome back Nigel, we have missed you.


    Like /Dislike this video here.

  • Might the Great Reset Have a Silver Lining?


    I make no apology for featuring Clif High again - he has been working on what has turned out to be the "great reset" for years and his knowledge of this topic and his unrivalled ability to explain it in terms that most can readily understand is exemplary.

    In this video he and David Morgan (expert in precious metals markets) team up with interviewer Jean-Claude to explain how they think the future may unfold in these related areas.

    Fascinating stuff:

    (100 minutes)

  • "Man of God" - Megacities on the Way


    I'm going to be very careful here and provide no comment whatsoever.

    Make your own judgement.

    44 pages with pictures.

  • The Pandemic as Viewed by An IT and Telecoms Expert


    Martin Geddes is a British IT and telecoms expert who isn't afraid to tell it as he sees it.

    We have featured some of his work before.

    This is how he sees Covid:

    "a letter by 93 Israeli doctors who wrote in April that “not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them

    "1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code"

    “... This, in turn, led us to where we are now, allowing the State to administer an experimental vaccine to our children, and soon even to babies"

    Plus a great deal more and more links than you can shake a

  • Following "The Gauntlet" - The Litany of Offences


    The "Man of God" has issued (via Charlie Ward / Simon Parkes) a new document which establishes a litany of the complaints of the American People against their governments.

    Many of these complaints are relevant to other nations as well, although some are couched in terms specific to the American way of government.

    There are more document releases to follow.


  • Is an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?


    This is of course all "conspiracy theory" as it's difficult to corroborate, but I think that Mr Fulford has a story to tell of which we should be mindful - it may or may not turn out to be true (or we may never know) but it is another interpretation of what may be coming toward us.

    Benjamin introduces himself as a Canadian journalist who has lived in Japan for some time - and he here he presents some of his extraordinary tale:

  • AustraliaOne Throws Down the Gauntlet!


    There's a lot of provocation going on around the world and Australia is not being left out of the action!

    Here is Riccardo Bosi giving his message to the Australian people - it's worth your time, as he is equally issuing a call for peaceful resistance to all the western world:

  • Special Counsel John Durham - Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer Whose Firm Represented Democrats in 2016


    Special Counsel Durham has been much talked about but has been secluded in obscurity more or less ever since his appointment.

    Now we have reports that the first indictment is forthcoming:

    We have the same report from Epoch Times. Good to know that he didn't disappear in vain.

  • Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Throws Down the Gauntlet at Boris' Feet


    It has come to something when a German doctor (retired) throws down the gauntlet to the British prime minister in public.

    This is nothing to do with disrespect, it has nothing to do with politics, it has everything to do with speaking the plain truth.

    I salute him.


  • All Aboard the Happy Education Train - Toot Toot!


    Many would suggest that state education never recovered after Crossland's abolition of the grammar schools. But he was a politician, so what did we expect?

    But is there any fundamental reason why a Comprehensive shouldn't produce excellent results? Apart from that age old aphorism "Jack of all trades, master of none" of course.

    There are clearly many attributes that a good school must possess, and specialisation may be only one among the many. So what attribute should we value most highly? 

    I would suggest that "a good teacher" must rank very highly indeed - but what makes for a good teacher? One of the best teachers I ever had was teaching outside his subject-matter but used to keep one lesson ahead of the class! So subject-matter competence need not always rank very highly. 


  • Great Reset - Down Under Style?


    The UK as we have previously remarked has been getting off lightly with the pandemic when compared with many other countries, and certainly when compared with 'down under' where troops have been supporting the police in their Covid enforcement duties.

    By all accounts quarantine camps have been pressed into service and vaccines have been mandated.

    But how will the government respond if the police decide that they don't want the vaccines and break ranks?

    Independence Daily explores the possibilities.


  • The Human Hive - Deep Woo Progress Dissected


    This is a deep dive into one person's view of the current state of the world.

    Beware strong language - if you don't like strong language (and the occasional slurping of coffee) you will almost certainly be offended by the concepts presented.

    The parallel between an insect hive and the way the world works (and has worked for many years, possibly centuries) is striking, and I think it provides quite a clear model for what we are going through at the moment.

    Still with us? Plenty of woo below, so - dive in!

    "... over these next few months, we will see the degradation and collapse of the Federal Reserve Central Bank system"


    See also:

  • Vaccine Certificates - Passport to Digital Enslavement?


    All the (well-justified) fuss over the issue of vaccination of teenagers should not be allowed to distract us from the other undeclared battle in the war on our freedoms - government control of our activities and finances through a digital passport allied to a government crypto-currency account maintained at a central bank.

    The vaccination pass is just the first step along that route. It would enable each citizen to be given a digital identity which could then be linked to our financial identity at the central bank, and used to permit or deny our purchase of tickets - travel tickets, theatre tickets, event tickets, whatever tickets.

    Once shops and supermarkets are equipped with entry turnstiles (already pioneered on the London Underground) we could be denied all shopping rights. In fact, you wouldn't even need the turnstiles once cash has been outlawed, you could just be denied purchase rights at the till (although the shop might prefer to deny you entry in the first place).


  • What Might the Greater Reset Look Like?


    It has been apparent to many that the current world is heading for a reset of some kind.

    Our erstwhile carefree post-war existence looks set to be ending soon, either in a world-wide tyrannical technocratic clampdown of progressively less freedom and more compliance, culminating in outright loss of all meaningful freedoms, or there will be a counter-revolution to reverse this downward spiral and restore individual freedom to its full-flowering potential.

    The choice is pretty stark.

    We have on this site posted several interpretations of how the downward spiral may be unfolding under the "Great Reset" menu. We have also posted a few articles under the "Greater Reset" menu that attempt to illuminate how a greater reset may unfold, but I think it fair to say that much less is currently known about how
