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Great Reset

  • Matt Ehret On World History Leading to the Israel-Hamas Conflict


    Another offering from Matt, the Canadian Patriot.

    Along the way he skips us through the nefarious operations in the Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and refutes our recent understanding of the Khazaria's role in world history, thus reinforcing the notion that what we think we know is almost certainly a long way short of the whole but complex truth.

    And yes, the British (and many others) had a big hand in how we got here.

    At one hour or so, it's another opportunity to broaden our understanding of where we stand today - in the midst of a carefully planned destabilisation.

    (59 minutes)



  • Matt Ehret's Unconventional View of History


    Matthew Ehret's little finger knows more history than my entire person, so when he explains something I tend to listen.

    Here he explains to Reiner Fuellmich the origins of the wars of the last century, not to mention our current fractured times.

    Yes, the UK had it's hands in it right from the beginning...  

    If we want to know whither the world is now bound, maybe understanding how we got here is no bad idea:

    (1 hr 59 mins)



  • Dr Woldarg - the Covid View from Germany


    Dr Wolfgang Wodarg reviews his experience of Swine flu - and later Covid - from his practice in Germany.

    From the early days he and and Dr Mike Yeadon collaborated to write to the EMA to demand the suspension of the vaccine trials.

    Here he reviews with Catherine Austin Fitts the circumstances of the WHO's history of creating panic to sell "flu vaccines".

    Centralizing Public Health Control With Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg


  • "Desperate Bid to Avoid Justice"


    Ben Fulford's report this week is a must-read.

    Whatever we may believe about the current goings-on in the world, after all the hoaxes we have been offered in recent years, many of us have come to understand that they are indeed hoaxes, and that if they were hoaxes then you can bet the farm on current events being hoax-riddled as well.

    That said, it's far from clear that the Hamas-Israel fight is totally without any truth - but there is evidence that a least some of the extreme reports are indeed falsified.

    "To understand what is really happening though, we need to step back and look at the big picture because what is going on is truly biblical"

    It's not all good news, but it's most certainly worth

  • Endgame Incoming?


    Martin Geddes, who has been following the "Q" drops more or less from the beginning (and has written about them) brings us up to date on his latest thinking, prompted this time by the Israel/Hamas conflict.

    Martin has shared his journey with us on several levels via his Substack Future of Communications and via his freely available writing such as On Q as well as Open Your Mind to Change.

    More parochial from the world viewpoint, but closer to home, he has shared his differences over the BBC licence fee and the Council Tax.

    Now that the global endgame (whatever that turns out

  • La Quinta Columna on the Real Covid Menace


    We have featured the work of La Quinta Columna previously, but this presentation (March 2023) of exactly what they have determined - following extensive research - is going on is an exhaustive exposé of the linkage between the not-a-virus (graphene) and modern radio frequency radiation, how it actually works (or doesn't), and the objectives that seem to lie behind this programme.

    In short, nothing about the Covid "pandemic" is as it was presented, and it is the most outlandish conspiracy theories that are presented as largely correct.

    It's three hours of information overload that you never in a million years wanted to watch, but in these days and times it isn't advisable to close eyes and ears to unwelcome messages.

    There is a very great deal to unravel here but the simple messages are clear enough. This is

  • All Planned and Orchestrated


    David Icke may not be everybody's cup of tea but it's hard to argue with his logic. After over 30 years of investigating and following up on the problem, he may be accorded a some leeway in his presentation manner, particularly as his explanations are precise and to the point.

    Whatever the label that we use, there is little remaining doubt that the substance of his argument isn't many miles from the truth.

    A masterclass in the agenda of world domination that so many other writers and podcasters have alluded to, even begun to get to grips with, in various different terms in recent times.

    Mutually Assured Destruction incoming?

    Essential viewing that puts it all into context.

    (40 minutes)



  • Fulford Report Monday 9 Oct 2023


    With the saturation coverage of the situation in Israel in full swing in the mainstream, Ben's report today is much anticipated and brings more new information to the fore.

    As always, things are not wholly as they seem...

    And as always, a modest subscription is required.



  • WW3 is Running on Rails?


    When even Israeli Amir Tsarfati says that he doesn't feel comfortable with the official narrative, maybe it's time to take note.

    I don't know who this YouTuber is but he makes a lot of sense to me. There are far too many questions that remain unanswered for anybody to leap to obvious conclusions here. Both Iraq and the Ukraine have been awash with weapons sourced from "the west", and it's no surprise that they should turn up, by whatever route, in the middle east. 

    In a world has been run by the "security services" for years it seems this amazing surprise attack against Israel must be considered as a possible false flag attack with the objective of manipulating public opinion against the Palestinians, thus paving the way for more war in the middle east. 

    Who is to say? But the amazing alacrity with which public buildings across the world have been illuminated with Israeli colours makes one wonder - was all that expensive lighting pre-installed and ready

  • The Club of Rome


    JACOB NORDANGÅRD reviews the efforts of the Club of Rome to take over the world on the basis of scaremongering over (a) the availability of oil (it was all going to run out by 1970) and (b) the supposed overheating of the planet due to too much plant food (CO2) being produced by burning oil.

    Plants of course relish more CO2 and will grow more prodigiously, thus greening (and feeding) the world (and limiting any temperature rise real or imagined), but strangely the luminaries at the WEF-UN partnership don't share this enthusiasm, preferring to support the idea that humanity must be controlled to their technocratic prescription, which has no connection to democracy or free will whatsoever. 

    The fundamental truth is that they want

  • Special Report - Ben Fulford - Israel


    Special Report:

    Emergency News Alert; The people of Gaza are about to be sacrificed to Satan unless the world acts


  • How You Will Come to Own Nothing - and Will You be Happy?


    Prepare to revise your world-view.

    All the legal ownership in the world is up for grabs - when the system fails, it all goes - to somebody else...  the rest of us are all unsecured creditors.

    "Derivatives are financial contracts on everything imaginable and even unimaginable... they may be modelled on real things but are not real things themselves. They are untethered from physical reality... but can be used to take real things as collateral. This is the subterfuge, the endgame of it all."

    The only way out of this is a global revolution...

    (69 minutes)


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  • Dr Mike Yeadon Explains the Covid Jabs, and Much Else Besides


    A man who spent his entire career in respiratory medicine, Mike Yeadon is probably the most, and definitely one of the most, knowledgeable experts in his field.

    Here he explains in simple terms that anyone can understand, exactly what he thought about the Covid situation and the design of the vaccines, and why he thought it. It all makes perfect sense, because he is the master of his topic.

    He also comes across (as always) as a genuinely honest expert who through his outspoken presentations was a beacon of truth, helping to keep the rest of us sane throughout.

    Nothing new here, but if you want a clear understanding of why it was all done the way it was, and how he knew we were not witnessing a genuine reaction to a genuine pandemic, then look no further.

    (Part of a longer - 5 hrs! - International Mega Event on the whole topic)

    (50 minutes + subsequent

  • Double-Think Rides Again


    Neil Oliver applies his analytical mind to try to uncover what exactly has been going on in the Canadian Parliament.

    His conclusions are both shocking and unbelievable - but logically consistent and (barring some strange form of mass hysteria) probably correct.

    "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" - Arthur Conan Doyle

    (14 minutes)


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  • Every Citizen Needs the Great Reset Explained


    Technocracy has its roots in history - probably very ancient history - but for our purposes we need look back only to the Third Reich. I have to say that it's a salutary exercise to read Hitler's demands of the German nation, which at that time was reeling under the draconian war reparations treaty of Versailles, a treaty that we, if it were imposed on us, would consider crushing, inhuman, impossible ever to satiate. Clearly, something had to be done, and the German people were ready for it.

    Hitler's list isn't all negative. There are certainly items that would resonate with us today as perfectly sensible. It was though a product of its times - a time of empire, of implacable economic war of nation against nation, with Germany very much the underdog with no means to get out from under. 

    Hitler's rhetoric must have seemed like a breath of fresh air.

    I would have thought that somebody would have foreseen this - maybe somebody did. We have to ask how Hitler

  • Every City Council Needs the Great Reset Explained


    The UN-WEFC40 Cities project, to install the smart cities around the world, is introduced to the Aurora city council in Ontario, Canada.

    This presentation is a template that could be copied globally, and maybe we should be thinking to "get our retribution in first" so to speak. Sowing the seed early with your local council may be enough to obviate the need for a rearguard action later - and if it isn't, then forewarned is forearmed.  

    (8 minutes)


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  • Has Rishi Pricked the UK Green Fantasy Balloon?


    Rishi Sunak may have turned the greens purple with indignation at daring to row back on some minor part of the WEF-UN's beloved climate vendetta against carbon dioxide (and therefore against us), but does this hesitant move really signify a change of direction, or will he be overwhelmed by the furious response that he has just provoked?

    Nick and Nigel chew over the arguments.

    (17 minutes)


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  • "We Are Past the Time When Reform Was Possible"


    Neil Oliver is outspoken and indeed speaks for many - but are we really past the time for reform?

    Dominic Cummings makes a case for limited reform - it's an extensive case, but perhaps it qualifies as a limited hangout - a last-ditch attempt to persuade us that reform is coming - but without mentioning that it perpetuatesstillthe underlying problem.

    Many believe it now very obvious that those who control the Parties control Parliament, by controlling the selection of candidates for election, and by whipping MPs to vote as directed by the Party. Elections provide the veneer of competition and a largely fake responsibility to constituents. Until this changes, MPs are the Party's MPs, and the Parties are

  • The Struggle for Survival of the Oligarchs


    In counterpoint to Ivor's "Wars of the Bankers", LaRouchePAC runs us through the history of the oligarchy from Plato/Socrates through to America and Lyndon LaRouche.

    Do you think that rule by filthy-rich oligarchs is a modern phenomenon? Think again...

    "Through Plato’s writing, Socrates details all of the inherent flaws of oligarchical rule and all of the practices which will lead to its downfall"

    "The American Revolution changed human society in the most profound ways possible. It proclaimed a culture based on human freedom, equality, economic development, and ongoing upward human progress"

    The above isn't strictly accurate - it didn't change the existing societies, it set up a new beta test version of how we as free men would best govern ourselves. Like all beta tests, it

  • The Wars of the Bankers?


    Once again Ivor Cummins brings us a lucid and compelling theory - this time not by himself, but introduced by himself - behind the wars of the past centuries, and the theme underlying them all.

    It's as short and succinct as can be expected, but a bit of a roller-coaster given the extent of the timescale covered. Don't blink, or you'll miss one .

    (46 minutes)


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