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Great Reset

  • When is mRNA not mRNA?


    I suppose I naïvely thought that all the possible permutations and combinations of Covid possibilities had been explored by now, but it turns out I may be wrong.

    Only logic, based on evidence and sound assumptions, will expose the truth eventually. Yes, we are finding that all assumptions, both explicit and implicit, must be identified and tested.

    In this case, the assumptions about "lipid nano-particles" "mRNA" and the "spike protein".

    Don't get too alarmed by this content - after all, if you are still upright, still functioning, and still curious,  this strongly suggests that your immune system is taking care of you, whatever the truth of the assertions herein presented.

    (76 minutes)



  • Fulford Report (pre-written) - Monday 31 July 2023


    This week Ben offers us a rather startling list of all the many and various secret societies with which he has been in contact. 

    It's pre-written because he is currently on holiday.

    It is startling primarily in its length.

    Still, it's a big world, so maybe that's only to be expected, and in a world which we can now see has been run primarily by secret services / societies rather than the governments of the day, this is information of which we should be aware.

    Modest subscription required.


  • mRNA Results ... of Injection of Women and Mothers-to-be


    "... we exposed the most vulnerable to new risks that outweighed by far the original pandemic risks"

    "Today, more and more [results] of coronavirus measures pop up in our official statistics but few are interested to know"

    This is something that we should all know, as it strikes at the heart of humanity's future.

    Read the report.

    Watch the video:

    (56 minutes)



  • All You Never Wanted to Know About 5-6-7G Wireless Bands


    Featuring an all-star cast of technocrats:

    Prof Ian F. Akyildiz

    Prof Josep M Jornet

    Nanotechnology being used today to connect people's bodies to the internet of things

    Terahertz frequency band enabling Teranets

    Biological embedded computing devices (internet of bio-nano things)

    Covid jabs: "small-scale bio-nano machines to monitor all health" 

    All connected up via low earth orbit satellites, and yes, they benefit from geo-engineering...

    This is a crash course introducing the communications side of the incoming technocratic control grid - you may wish to halt the video and take snapshots of the diagrams.

    Keep Calm and Carry



    This is one of those terms that has been sculling around for some time without many people paying much attention or gathering much understanding. Will currency be gold-backed? Are debts going to be forgiven? If so, how and why? 

    Often associated with its big brother GESARA - the difference being simply that N is for National and G is for Global.

    So if you want to know more (and I recommend it, as its probably coming down the tracks as fast or faster than CBDCs) then this set of videos from 2021 (when we were otherwise distracted) is for you.

    If you aren't a fan of "the Donald" then brace to suspend your disbelief for a short while... if you want to get ahead, follow the money!

    This is an American viewpoint, but the principles are relevant to Global GESARA as well. I'm thinking that NESARA will be introduced in the US first, with the rest of the world following shortly afterwards.


  • Global Insanity Incoming?


    The WEF-UN partnership has become infamous for its gatherings at Davos wherein they talk about all kinds of far-fetched nonsense a long way from one's everyday life, and it's tempting for us feet-on-the-ground plebs to treat it as nonsense whilst we get on with our said everyday lives.

    Still, they are an exceptionally well-connected bunch, they have no concept of recognising democratically elected governments (except to "penetrate" them to work in the WEF-UN's own interests) and seemingly have all the money in the world to spend to bring their fantasies to fruition, fantasies that we are beginning to realise threaten our lives in countess ways.

    Stop World Control has done a neat job of pulling together the threads by which their power-grab will be accomplished, and a salutary presentation it is.

    "The billionaires who claim they want to save the planet, are the very ones who have been destroying it"

    Was Covid a Military Operation?


    The implications of that question are far-reaching indeed.

    If true, then the world we live in today is not the world we thought we lived in yesteryear.

    It implies that the military is running many countries world-wide, and not just in the USA. That the civilian governments are subservient to the military and not vice versa. That democracy across the world is a sham. That a "one-world" military is already here and already out of control.

    In fact I find it pretty hard to come to any other conclusion once all the evidence is taken into account.

    It also begs the question - just who does this military work for? 

    The Brownstone Institute,

  • Another Sweet Conspiracy Theory?


    As if we didn't have enough conspiracy theories already, do we really need another one?

    Well, maybe we do. The track record of conspiracy theories being found to be true has a consistency that is somewhat startling, so I think we should take them seriously.

    This is about an alternative sweetener, but with a difference. Many are already aware of the dangers of artificial food additives / substitutes, particularly artificial sweeteners. Avoidance of artificial sweeteners (and artificial anything else) is, it would seem, a good idea.

    But what of a natural sweetener such a stevia? Wouldn't that be a perfect alternative to the evil sugar? What could possibly go wrong? 

    (9 minutes)



  • Clif High - the End of the World as We Knew It?


    Clif hasn't posted on his BitChute channel since May, but he is back on YouTube with uploads of earlier works, in no particular order.

    In this one from January 2023. He was ruminating on how this year would turn out, it is audio only (although the piccies are nice and an occasional caption fills a gap in the audio - blink and you'll miss it).

    He does start the recording (but doesn't always) with the date, so listen up for that.

    Did he get 2023 right so far?

    (31 minutes)


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  • Here's "the Science" on Electric Cars


    In summary, don't.

    That's all you need to know (but don't forget the fire risk from exploding lithium-ion batteries) about the green transition.

    To make appreciable emissions savings over the life of an electric vehicle is next to impossible by many estimates - and those estimates may be optimistic. Does it really make sense to spend money retooling the entire automotive industry (money that may well not be costed into these estimates) on this basis, for a transition that may well turn out to be unfeasible due to the specific resource constraints?

    Still, if you need more convincing, Matt Ridley writing for the Daily Mail

  • Is Europe Importing the US "Race" Troubles?


    In the USA we have had racial tensions for centuries, tensions which were fanned recently under the "Black Lives Matter" rhetoric which tried to shame everybody into apologising for the alleged crime of being "racist". Rioters were seen using conveniently placed piles of bricks (strange where those came from) to create their mayhem.

    We have also had an unfamiliar but relentless campaign to improve "diversity" - a word which has seen previously unimagined levels of interpretation applied apparently in order to make acceptable practices which hitherto have been considered unacceptable by many. Tolerance is being stretched.

    All over the western world now we see governments with seemingly one accord welcoming or at least accepting huge numbers of immigrants from diverse cultures without too much concern about integration assimilation or the capacity of our infrastructure to cope, and apparently no concern at all about how that will be perceived by the native population.


  • La France Profonde, La France Multiculturelle


    Rebel News delves deep into the recent troubles in la Belle France, providing a more nuanced glimpse into the sentiments that are actually driving the recent events.

    Journalism is not dead, it's just hiding in unofficial places, where I suppose it has always had to be if it is to be truly independent.

    (33 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    More at France on Fire.


  • Passport of the Undead for the Undead


    In case you may have been hibernating under a stone somewhere and haven't picked this up, I thought I might cover the latest good news from on high.

    The undead EU have now teamed up with the undead WHO to bring us the undead idea of the undead digital vaccine passport that will miraculously free all those undead who agree to the WHO's terms and conditions

    (ie: continuous vaccination no-questions-asked for the remains of life against every real / bogus disease Tedros may take it into his head to announce, with whatever ineffectual and unsafe jabs big pharma may collude with our governments to offer us)

    from international travel restrictions.

    Or from any other transport restrictions that may in time demand these passports for our safety.

    Your local tramway for instance, or the taxi from the station, or maybe you'll have to show it to the phone of the

  • A Masterclass on How We got Here


    I never had the time or inclination to delve into the intricacies of communist-socialist-fascist-neo-con internecine warfare, but after reading this magnum opus I have come to a better understanding of the words "dialectic" and "cybernetics". I'm not sure that this makes me a wiser person, but it highlights the tendency of elites everywhere to invent a jargon that only the initiates understand, and thereby keeps everyone else out of the loop.

    Canadian historian Matt Ehret is a veritable walking encyclopedia of historical knowledge and yet somehow seems to remain a well-grounded human person, a feat that I suspect eluded most of the characters whose progress he has studied.

    In this article he takes us on a ride through about the last 150 years right up to Prigozhin's recent

  • "Global Disclosure" - The Cosmic Hoax


    Dr Steven Greer has made a name for himself over the years investigating the alien phenomena that have over the years graced our newspapers and more recently the internet, with varying degrees of lurid sensationalism.

    Whether we believe in aliens or not, we might admit that the idea of a fake alien invasion would likely be the scam of the year decade century millenium all time.

    Would we put it past our Military Industrial Political Complex?

    We featured this video last year, but as the current attempt to impose a world government under the unaccountable UN seems to be encountering unprecedented public opposition, a reminder may be timely.

    (82 minutes)

  • Part 27 - Rule of the WEF - End of Homo Sapiens Sapiens


    An interesting presentation that we should take seriously...

    But they are few and we are many, and we are no longer afraid. Fear is what they want - but too many are now aware of their plans.

    In reality, I suspect that their own plans are actually beyond their powers to implement. I'd even say, beyond their technology - they just don't know it yet. 

    That's not to say that they couldn't do a great deal of harm in trying. After all, they already have with their jabs, abortions, propaganda, and take-over of education, big pharma, the media, and governing institutions worldwide.

    See what you think.

    (32 minutes)


  • Fulford Monday Report 26 June 2023


    As we might have hoped, Ben's report manages to cover the Wagner goings-on of recent days, and brings quite bit of new info (new to me anyway!). I think it may well be new to most, certainly (if not totally unexpectedly) it pulls an entirely new angle.

    It all helps to paint the picture, and with "stuff" happening at seemingly ever-increasing pace it's certainly welcome.

    Not only that, he drops some quite explicit cues indicating what may now be imminently in the works... you have been warned.

    Highly recommended this week.

    Modest subscription required

  • A Short History of Global Control


    Ivor Cummins, whose excellent contributions to keeping us sane throughout the Covid years were huge, here discusses the origins of the New World Order with Dr Jacob Nordangard. Unlike his Covid presentations there is no discussion of numbers on charts and graphs - it's a comfy relaxed fireside chat this time - albeit quite a long one - but there are a lot of conspiracy theories scams to cover...

    (1 hr 55 mins)


    Like / Dislke this video here.


  • The UN Coming to a Council Near You?


    Sandi Adams of Glastonbury Council fame, interviewed by Brian Gerrish of UK Column, explains her view of current developments (some might say undevelopments) which appear locally but which seem to emanate (via various obscure routes) from UN Agenda 2030.

    Whilst Agenda 2030 is discussed at UN level, or even at national level, Joe Citizen doesn't take much notice, but when it comes into Joe's own backyard he sits up and takes notice. 

    And it is now coming into our backyards everywhere.

    The countryside's farmers are going to be replaced by countryside management - but management on behalf of whom? One thing seems for sure, it won't be for those who actually live on the land.

    (68 minutes)


  • Sustainable


    "Sustainable" is the watchword of the United Nations and its coterie of panels, organisations, partners, hangers-on, philanthropaths, bought-and-paid-for "scientists", multinational QUANGOS, and other dubiously-minded oligarchs and think-tanks.

    They are legion, they are diplomatically immune, they are as one with the "beautiful people" of the entertainment industries, and likewise as one with the global media moguls. Astonishingly, they are as one with the world leaders of nearly every nation, with one Klaus Schwab openly boasting of "penetrating the cabinet" of far-flung "democracies". Shouldn't democracies be choosing their own leaders?

    But one mountain remains to be climbed - they are not yet as one with the people.

    The people for whom they profess the expertise to micromanage us to the nth degree, to modify planet and people to make both "sustainable", to direct the future as they see fit. The evidence is above us in the artificial jet-trails that
