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Lucky Dip

  • The Hypocrisy of UK Realpolitik


    UK foreign policy has long made very little sense if regarded dispassionately - is it there to boost the interests of the UK, or is it there to create peace and fairness in the world?

    Or some other objective(s)?

    Noah Carl writing in the Daily Sceptic points up the glaring inconsistencies in UK Foreign policy, which treats Russia as Big Baddy (because it's fighting in a neighbouring country) and Saudi Arabia as a Great Goody (although it has been bombing and fighting in neighbouring Yemen for years).

    Indeed, our determined reluctance to even consider that a negotiated peace in the Ukraine might be advantageous and should be pursued speaks volumes.

    Now, this is undoubtedly a bit simplistic, but it's also true and longstanding (Russia has always been regarded as a potential

  • Zero Gas, Zero Carbon, Zero Food, Zero Life


    What's not to like?

    The European governments have driven themselves into this cul de sac simply by their knee-jerk reaction to Russia's activities in the Ukraine - activities that should have been predictable given the history of that region.

    The UK may be outside the worst of it for now but if we keep stoking the flames of war by sending ever more arms to Zelenskyy (which he may be using to shell a nuclear power plant!), we won't be outside for long.

    There is no reason (other than paranoid NATO generals and a corrupt-beyond-belief US administration) to continue this war - we should be pressuring Zelenskyy to sue for peace on the basis of self-determination for the regions involved. The UK acknowledged this principle when we gave the Scots their IndyRef - we have no cause to prolong this war further and it is demonstrably not in our or Europe's

  • Weather Modification


    From a chemtrail-doubter comes a fresh look at weather-modification in general - from those who basically admit to it.

    Of course, it would seem that there are also those who may not admit to it... but that topic is for a different article.

    From a straightforward if possibly incomprehensible kind of guy, his surprise is what really took my attention.

    (34 minutes)


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  • What's Effective and What's Not


    A thought-provoking contribution from the Dutch Duo, part 24 of the Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal.

    A timely contribution to our tactical thinking, so we may be better prepared for the autumnal resumption of spiritual conflict.

    (32 minutes)



  • Reflections of One Who Has Come to Terms with Betrayal and Human Failure


    Betrayal and failure.

    We of the older generations have (almost) all been there now.

    We live with the scars, we count our blessings, we become more centred in the moment, and we move on.

    We may not even know how much of our story is actually true, we only know what we have read or been told about such matters, by "experts" and "journalists", some of whom were (we now realise) most certainly propagandists.

    This is a reflection on life from Martin Geddes, who knows that to defeat the ungodly we must embrace and be honest about our humanity, warts and all. No less is demanded of us, although no more either, other than to endure in honesty and good-natured generosity to the end, whatever or whenever that may be.

    I salute him for showing us the

  • Dr Zach Bush Explains the Basis of Good Health


    We have featured the ideas of Dr Zach Bush previously but his ideas bear repetition.

    As an IT man myself I have no particular insight into matters medical, but even in IT, as in all things, having an insight into the broader environment within which a particular system exists is pretty much essential for success.

    Just as an aircraft designer won't produce a workable design without knowledge of the characteristics of the atmosphere, or a ship designer won't be successful without an understanding of how waves and weather work, so an IT systems designer won't produce a good system without an understanding of the information needs and personnel groupings and characteristics within which his specific IT system will have to operate.

    So it comes as no surprise to me if the human body is intimately adapted with the

  • Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love ... Update?


    This is a song that has been updated over the years, by various artists, and might well have been updated by Gilbert and Sullivan ("arcadian shepherds do it"?) had they created their masterpieces a century or so later (incidentally, where are G&S when we need them?!).

    Perhaps in the light of latest research we should now include "Staphylococci and Bacilli subtilis do it" - "let's fall in love"!

    But how would we know? Might we see them canoodling down the pub of a Friday evening? Should we be searching social media for their soppy postings

  • Is Life Merely a Soap Opera Immersion for You?


    The Tory Party launches it's competition to entertain us with its unspeakables in pursuit of the highest impotent and untenable office.

    Will the contest make any difference?

    There are thousands of civil servants in the Cabinet Office - more than enough to run rings around the whole palace of Westminster, let alone around a couple of dozen Cabinet Ministers. A Prime Minister presiding over a cabinet of wannabees stands no chance.

    Neil Oliver dissects with his customary logic and clarity.

    (up to 1hr 58)


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  • Happy Holiday Heatwave!


    As we contemplate the approaching heatwave (don't panic! It's summertime and it's perfectly natural), a little light entertainment in my inbox is welcome, especially if it doesn't involve the contortions of our body politic with which, for reasons which elude me totally, many do still seem to like to torture themselves by following, endlessly discussing, and hopelessly grouching about, without any notion of actually putting an end to it.

    So it may seem unlikely that I am amused by a newsletter about climate change which does indeed touch briefly upon the machinations of our political leadership (UK and elsewhere), whilst pointing up some inconvenient facts from the historical record which the climate fact-checkers seem to have unaccountably overlooked - and all done with lighthearted good humour!

    If I had to choose between Greta Thunberg and Dr John Robson, I know where I would put my

  • Everything About the Georgia Guidestones that You Didn't Want to Know


    And the good news is that there is no background muzak!

    Just a monologue delivered straight to camera, at a pace that most normal people will find comfortable. All done with the brash confidence and enthusiasm of youth with barely any hesitation deviation or repetition. In fact, a superb lesson in minimalism that many other channels would do well to follow.

    Actually I could agree with a great deal of what the guidestones 'say' - but I doubt very much that I would agree the interpretation or implementation that the authors had in mind. In particular, who would step forward to say what 'society' / 'the people' want, or should want? I'm sure there would be no shortage of self-appointees. 

    Personally, I also agree with 99.9% of the content - but he's another James/Jim/Jimmy, so what's not to like?!

    (13 minutes)

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  • Miriam Cates MP on the State of Sex Education in Schools


    It's a long time since I was at school, but it probably is true that this presentation by Conservative MP Miriam Cates on the state of sex education in our schools should be required viewing for all parents.

    "Pre-pubescent 11 yr olds are not straight / gay / or bisexual, they are children"

    "... gender ideology is highly contested, it doesn't have a basis in science, and no-one had heard of it in this country just 10 years ago... "

    "... it's therefore the duty... to tell children the truth - those that teach the child that there are 64 different genders, that they may actually be a different gender to their birth sex, and they may have been born in the wrong body, are not telling the truth... "

    "... it's not compassionate wise or legal to teach children that contested ideologies are

  • A Conversation Beyond the Fringe


    It's hard to categorise this interview except to say that it's quite extraordinary.


    (28 minutes)



  • Stop the Fraud! Government Must Do Something!


    My email box today included yet another worthy exhortation peremptory demand - this time to sign yet another petition to government to save us from fraud ourselves.

    Apparently too many of us are falling for scams, and it's up to the government to do something about it - in this case to "Create a new Fraud Minister to help tackle fraud".

    Likewise "Make it law that all UK banks have to pay back in full all victims of fraud".

    In other words, the fact that I've been scammed is nothing whatever to do with me and somebody else must ride to my rescue.


    I note that they are not even calling for more police to investigate frauds and catch the criminals responsible, which might seem a useful response.

    Total Financial Dominance?


    Larry Fink, Black Rock, and...  Aladdin?

    Watch, listen, learn...

    Conflicts of interest? (Nothing to worry about... ).

    "No-one can compete without Aladdin"

    'You will own nothing, and be happy'

    (8 minutes)


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  • The Flight of the Bumble Bee


    Prepare for lift-off!

    You'll never look at a jet aircraft in the same way again...

    (24 minutes)


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  • A Voyage Around the Great American Deception


    American history is littered with events large and small including political assassinations (JFK being the most notorious), Unidentified Flying Objects (or Unexplained Aerial Phenomena as we must now call them), unexplained crashed phenomena (AKA Roswell), alleged false flag events (most notoriously 9/11), and much else that defies agreed explanation. 

    That's a pretty broad spectrum of alleged phenomena, linked only by the inability of the various concerned parties to agree on their true nature.

    This video doesn't solve all the problems but it does present a reasoned and logical exploration that may help us all to think about the bigger picture.

    (28 minutes)


    Meta-fraud - the Word for Which We Were All Waiting


    I suppose it's a simple concept verging on the trivial, but the effects may be far from trivial if it gives us the ready means to identify the problem of our age - a problem which is subtle enough to escape the multitude that work with overly simplistic assumptions.

    One illustration of this would be the alleged mortgage swindles that afflict many British mortgages that were never set up with the correct signatures in the first place.

    Another illustration is the ursurpation of the sovereignty of the people by Parliament, on the pretext that the MPs represent us and our interests.

    So what exactly is meta-fraud?

    "The wrongfulness becomes normalised, and given the passage of decades, centuries, and even millennia assumes an aura of being beyond question"


  • Clif High - Deep Dive from Evolution to Devolution


    Clif High is always good value - he is so knowledgeable that we are sure to learn something interesting, and he has this knack of putting matters into historical context so that it makes sense.

    Here he is with Sarah Westall expounding on a range of topics that defy coherent description, but which all impact on the current state our world today. You won't even notice as he segues effortlessly through his topics to explain his perceptions.

    Part One

    (51  minutes)


    Part Two

    (98 minutes)