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Conspiracy Corner

  • Conspiracy Theory on Steroids? Or Cause for Concern?


    Stop World Control posits an amazing theory - but does he prove it?

    And if so, what on earth is going on?

    "Biological knowledge, multiplied by Computing power, multiplied by Data, gives us the ability to hack humans"

    "Now we are gaining the power to create life, just like God, and in a way, we even go beyond the Biblical God"

    "It sounds like the plot of a cheap science-fiction movie, but... it's... the official agenda, published and promoted, all over the world by the World Economic Forum and by their puppets in government... "

    Nothing really new here, but in today's world of smoke and mirrors, it's a fascinating and useful, scary, even essential, reminder (where is James Bond when we need him?!).

    I suggest however that it's as succinct presentable and informative a summary of the state of

  • Conspiracy Theory No Longer - We Are Being Sprayed


    No no - those are contrails, not chemtrails. The water vapour product of jet fuel combustion condenses, leaving a trail.

    Well, this last year has been interesting to say the least, as it has become quite common to see two aircraft in the same sky, one with a contrail that evaporates as it should, leaving a nice short trail disappearing behind it, and another leaving a long and spreading trail that does not disappear. Well, that's my observation anyway.

    But that argument is so last year...

    "It was reported this month that the top climate change scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has received $4 million in funding from Congress along with permission to study two highly controversial geoengineering methods in an attempt to cool the Earth"


  • A Sham and a Deceit?


    The CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) publishes their view on why the Northern Ireland Protocol is no more than "a sham and a deceit".

    Harsh words, but apparently warranted none the less.

    Surely our friends and partners across the Channel would never indulge in such measures?

    Well, of course not Minister. 


  • New World Order Incoming - Reminder


    This is a gentle reminder - this site covered the topic earlier in December, but another reminder is appropriate in the light of the severity of the threat.

    Serious threats certainly abound (war with Russia, unrest in the Middle East, expiring power supplies courtesy of sanctions on Russia that mostly hurt Europe, ever-growing uncontrolled illegal immigration (at our considerable expense), striking unions, freezing weather ...  )

    But just below the surface presented by the global news media, the World Stealth Organisation is moving laboriously on, expressing their intentions in verbiage of stultifying bureaucratic ambiguity which nobody wants to read, let alone attempt to decipher.

    Yup - I'm definitely a conspiracy theorist - but remind me - who abolished conspiracies and when did that

  • Merry Christmas EU! - From the British Government


    In 2016 against all published expectations and in the teeth of "advice" from the massed ranks of the Great and the Good globally, the UK voted to leave the EU.

    Quelle Horreur!

    How could we possibly succeed without being subject to the wise instruction of the EU Commission?

    Outside the infinite wisdom of the ECJ?

    And above all, without the doughty rhetoric of Nigel Farage in the EU Parliament to entertain us?

    What then unfolded was perhaps the most extraordinarily illuminating Parliament of political and legal contortionist thearter of modern times, which tried everything possible to appear to be leaving the EU whilst determined to remain within its control. 

    Ultimately, the Great and the Good decided that the only way they could achieve that aim was to allow Boris Johnson to "take us out" in legal terms whilst taking

  • Latest Scuttlebutt from the US 15 December 2022


    This video was posted on 15 December.

    Make of it what you will...

    (25 minutes)


  • End of Year SitRep from Riccardo


    I have no information, but I strongly suspect that what he says re Australia could equally well be said of the UK.

    Let's hope so and be ready for it.

    Once the dominoes start falling, the collapse may be brutal.

    (4 minutes)




  • The Fulford Report Monday 12 Dec 2022


    The Fulford report this week presents a round-up of recent events and a positive slant on some of them that I have not seen elsewhere.

    Modest subscription required.


  • The China Enigma


    Is the West at loggerheads with China - or is it cooperating behind the scenes?

    This not surprisingly is a story that goes back many years, and which (also not surprisingly) features a pantheon of the "usual suspects".

    Brought to us by the Corbett Report, this is a deep dive that paints the background to the current world situation.

    Settle yourself with a nice cup of your brew of choice and - plunge in!

    (72 minutes)



  • Twitter Upstages Durham


    As Elon releases a tidal wave of information on deep state election manipulations and free speech suppressions, Martin Geddes summarises for us.

    "... confirming beyond any doubt what many of us have been saying for years: there is a “Deep State” alliance of government agencies, (quasi-)private organisations, media, and intelligence professionals engaged in mass censorship to cover up organised crime, notably crimes against children and treason"

    The end becomes ever nigher...


  • A Tribute to David Ray Griffin


    "One of the great pioneers of the 9/11 Truth Movement, David Ray Griffin, passed away on November 25, 2022. He was 83 years old"

    I was interested not so much in the announcement, but in the report that he had worked at the Claremont School of Theology:

    "Fifty years ago we organized the Center for Process Studies that undertook to help scholars in many fields of study to understand that shifting from mechanistic to organic theory in the way Alfred North Whitehead had developed would benefit their work. The scientific evidence is that the world is made up of interrelated events (or processes) rather than tiny bits of separate static matter"

    Now that got my attention, because where I used to work in manufacturing, the process was key to the quality of the end product, whether that product was a TV set or a packet of teabags or a new computer system. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense - you have to perfect the process to perfect

  • How the EU/UK Poor Subsidise the Rich?


    Investigate Europe spills the beans on the ways in which EU national governments all seem to support the property-owning classes at the expense of the proletariat. 

    All part of the great governmental scam that keeps the elite subsidised and the poor in their place? Or all done for the benefit of the wider population by supporting a supply of well-maintained affordable housing?

    So who does your member of parliament work for?

    Being no expert in UK property taxation I'm not going to make any unfounded statements, except to say that (a) property investment in the UK has traditionally been seen by many as a route to prosperity and (b) I doubt if the UK government is fundamentally any different to other European governments in this matter.

    I've no doubt though that this is all in furtherance of the famous EU interpretation of the "level playing field", and its

  • What's Really Going on Inside the Information Blizzard?


    Connect-the-dots sleuth Amazing Polly lives up to her nomenclature in spades in this little monologue.

    Does she draw connections in all the wrong places, or is the world still trundling bemusedly into the dystopian technocratic command and control world slavery system, or...  is something else going on?

    Get your wet towels to hand, set aside preconceptions, dowse all distractions, and take the plunge...

    (42 minutes)



  • Make of This What You Will ...


    This is "advanced conspiracy theory" - that perhaps only a minority will find credible. I feature it not because I know it's right, but because even if nobody accepts it, those who have seen it may be better prepared if it comes to pass.

    From my viewpoint, it's all unproven theory and there are a great many strands to it. Some of those strands may be familiar, and many may seem outrageous - take from it what you will, but for me there is no real argument that the world faces a huge reset, and the primary decision is "whose reset will that be and what will it look like?".

    It's beyond my pay-grade to say what will happen with much certainty or to suggest a time-frame, but I would suggest that the WEF-UN "Great Reset" is going under the bus, along with much else.

    Does this affect the UK?

    "... we're going to see more and more militaries become actively involved in their governments... first in the background

  • BREXIT - A Personal Reflection


    A good friend of mine emailed me a link this morning with a "must read" recommendation.

    Well, one person's "must-read" is sometimes another's "must-bin", but on this occasion I agreed completely. In fact so completely that I decided to feature it for your attention also, dear readers. 

    Now it must be well-known by now that BREXIT under Mrs May (but Wouldn't) was a convoluted and incomprehensibly byzantine Hotel California agreement that defied logical analysis. That agreement was then picked up by Boris with the catch-phrase "Let's get BREXIT done!" upon which (despite those making a valiant last stand for a real BREXIT) he was voted in by a landslide.

    This is the story told by Evelyn Farr (AKA Caroline Bell) who had the temerity to analyze the said

  • If You Really Want to Know What's Going On


    The world is in upheaval.

    Governments are being seen to turn against their people, who are responding accordingly. Worldwide.

    The imprecise talk of the New World Order that has been simmering for years (along with the "war on terror") has reached a new height since the formal partnership between the WEF and the UN. The seemingly unlikely talk at Davos that had previously been ignored as absurd has been brought to the fore.

    Those not familiar with the above should probably watch the second video below before taking on the first, so if you are unaware of the implementation of the Great (unwanted) Reset by the Davos elite, then watch the second video first.

    This first video summarises how it is being countered. (Allegedly). 

    "We are going to get every last one of them and ensure that nothing like this can ever occur again"


  • "Political Corruption at the Highest Levels"


    Jeffrey Epstein is the criminal that the justice authorities don't seem to want to do anything about.

    So he had an island to which he flew many of the (probably misnamed) "great and the good" (according to the flight logs) for purposes about which we can only speculate (although Epstein had a certain reputation and the authorities were crawling all over the place after his arrest so there can't have been anything that they didn't notice).

    So Jeffrey himself was imprisoned and died in controversial circumstances, and his right-hand accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell was also convicted and imprisoned, and then... nothing.

    Nobody else involved?

    No evidence?

    What about all the people on the flight logs?

    Well, if the authorities don't want to take any of this any further, it's up to the people, and fortunately there are people

  • The FTX Crypto Collapse - Brownstone Investigates


    The FTX crypto collapse has ruffled many feathers, lost its customers a great deal of money, and no doubt prompted many people to look a little deeper into what went on.

    Including the august Brownstone Institute, whose founder (no less) Jeffrey A. Tucker has put fingertips to keys to bring us what he has discovered (I've no idea whether he lost any money, but he's certainly been "following the money").

    "there were deep connections between FTX and Covid that have been cultivated for two years"

    "Why was a crypto exchange so interested in the debunking of repurposed drugs in order to drive governments and people into the use of patented pharmaceuticals... "

    Just the tip of the iceberg actually...

    "I think you get the idea. This is all a

  • Are 5G & EMFs another "Climate Change"?


    Arthur Firstenberg, author of "The Invisible Rainbow", probably knows as much about the effects of electromagnetism on the planet as any man alive. In his book, he documents the effects of introducing electrical technologies over the last couple of centuries, and illuminating reading it is. From the very first experiments with electricity to the rolling out of military radars and civilian cellular telephone systems, little escapes his scrutiny, and a compelling case he makes without a doubt - even if there is (as with all human endeavour) the possibility of error in regard to specific instances.

    Nevertheless there is abundant scientific literature to confirm that EMFs as we know them today can be

  • "Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off"


    This is either the biggest red herring to be dragged across the world just now, or it's the first glimpse of how things are going to pan out for the better in the weeks and months to come - no need to decide just yet, further conformation will either come pretty quickly or it will probably not come at all - I will be keeping an eye on Ben Fulford's report tomorrow.

    We have reported on Anna von Reitz's activities before, so these articles may be worth a quick review.

    Certainly there is a historical situation that after the American Civil War the (broke) Congess (illegally?) contracted with their erstwhile masters in Europe to run their government for them in return for the taxes collected by a new Internal Revenue Service, the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc was born, and a subtly revised Constitution was
