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Conspiracy Corner

  • MEPs for Non-Compliance!


    MEPs Cristian Terhes and Christine Anderson address the world:

    "... every single lie is being repeated... "

    (17 minutes)


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  • For the Highest Good


    This may not be for you...

    But for those whose minds are not quite locked shut, this may well be of interest.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

    I have no such experience, so I offer offer no comment, but it's your view that matters.

    (60 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Monday 5th June 2023


    Benjamin's report today is disappointing but not unexpected...

    I suspect that many people are reaching the point where they are losing faith, not knowing any more whom to believe, realising that in fact, nobody knows the answers that we all want.

    In many ways this makes some sense - and it has been said many times by various sources that until the world's populace has been driven to the "brink of the precipice", they are not going to be receptive to the shock of the new.

    Whilst many have been peering over the edge for a while now, there are plenty who are still oblivious - or who don't like heights and dare not look, even though they may be growing uneasy.

    It has been truly said that the Divine Timing is unknowable.

    Watch and Pray.   (Modest subscription

  • Matt Ehret Discusses the British Monarchy and Empire


    Matt is a Canadian historian of encyclopedic knowledge, with some rather unconventional views that many may feel unwarranted; but what he has to say isn't based on mere conspiracy theory, it's based on his interpretation of a great deal of circumstantial evidence - "you shall know them by their fruits".

    (See also this analysis of Britain's second empire) 

    Perhaps Matt's perspective isn't so far-fetched...

    (56 minutes)



  • Vatican, Nazis, Swiss Banks and More Explained


    This video from an event in 2000 recounts history from the personal perspective of someone who spent his life somehow becoming familiar with WW2 and subsequent events unfolding, as described in this rather unusual and engaging presentation. 

    Of course, as in all matters involving high politics and intelligence agencies, it's up to us to determine how much truth and/or disinformation is revealed...

    Nevertheless, it offers a welcome respite from some of the rather more in-your-face reporting that current affairs tend to generate.

    (48 minutes)



  • Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser


    Every once in a while we need to step back from the brink and remind ourselves just what a familiar yet naggingly strange world we live in.

    And when the reminder comes in serious form humourously presented, our cup runneth over.

    (Still, you do have first to get past the "word from our sponsor", but it's worth it)

    (56 minutes)


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  • WHO to Protect Us from "Infodemics"


    Are there any lengths to which the WHO will not go to protect us from...  well, anything they don't like?

    Apparently not.

    It seems that they noticed that during the recent "pandemic" there was a certain amount of disagreement, even push-back against their pandemic narrative, and, well, if that sort of thing happens again at the next pandemic (which we are assured is definitely incoming, although the reasoning behind that assertion remains unexplained and therefore unsupported) then who can predict how matters will turn out?

    Hence the need (according to the WHO) for PRET (the "Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats" - catchy titling still isn't their forté).

    Becker News (no, me neither, but the mainstream

  • Neil Oliver On A Roll (or two!)


    Comment from me is superfluous - Neil is far more capable than I to expess his views.

    (12 minutes)

    Watch this video on the "green agenda" here.

    (YouTube doesn't permit it to be embedded! Perhaps you should be protected from too much straight thinking?)

    (11 minutes)


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  • The Murky Waters of the Universe, Life, and Everything


    This is a bit long at 90 minutes, but he covers a great deal of ground at quite a pace - please try to keep up!

    The inimitable Michael Tellinger delves into pre-history, and pulls out some extraordinary stones,  interesting theories, and astounding connections - yes, it appears that "they" may have really lied to us about everything...  and we may never be the same again. It will be a brave new world, but not as Aldous Huxley documented it.

    Fasten your seat-belts and plunge in...

    (91 minutes)


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  • How Do You Shut Down the Traffic(king)?


    A system seemingly as old as the hills and just as hard to knock over.

    Martin Geddes brings us up to date with the view from the bottom, the view of those who have encountered the system at first hand, who have experienced it as individuals, and have been through it and know it very personally.

    "There is a national emergency that most people cannot comprehend"

    "We are stonewalled by the authorities at every opportunity"

    "We cannot let this continue ... every town and city in the entire country is the same"

    This is the story of our times, we just never knew it.


  • How Do You Shut Down the Biggest Ponzi Scheme?


    Banking crisis slow rolling to... what exactly?

    This is speculation, but sometimes speculation gives us a hint of what we might be facing.

    A financial crash has been mooted for some time now - higher interest rates mean fewer loans, fewer loans means a reduction in the available money supply - leading to deflation, and bankruptcies - and fewer loans... 

    "... for a period of time you're going to be on your own... "

    Bill Holter speculates with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog.

    (39 minutes.)



  • Where Are All the Good Guys?


    Despite appearances, this is essential viewing.

    It's short, but very pointed.

    And probably very timely.

    Or just a "conspiracy theory".

    It's not a prediction - much of it has allegedly happened already, behind the scenes.

    Do not miss, or you may find yourself flummoxed by incoming events - globally. 

    (13 minutes)


    In similar vein - The Great Awakening - Trailer

    (3 minutes)



  • The 50 year Gestation of the Technocratic Putsch


    A couple of articles from Patrick Wood arose in my inbox today, the first summarising the 50 year globalist project to turn the UN into one-world-(unelected)-government "for our own good", the second illustrating the chicanery used to further their ends: the Libor crisis.

    Whilst there is nothing much new here, Patrick provides a useful reminder of both the historical context and the underhand methodologies that underpin the unfolding plans for world domination. Now, where is James Bond when we need him?

    The Club Of Rome, Climate Hysteria And Global Governance

    It Was Central Banks That Rigged The 2008 Lehman Brothers Crisis


  • Warning - This May Happen to Those Who Read This Site!


    (13 minutes)


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  • "Do your job!"


    Saturday 13th saw people converge on Trafalgar Square to draw attention to the many who suffered and died from the jabs, and to hear from the speakers who came to share their expert testimony with the crowd.

    Martin speaks for many of us in setting out his feelings, his experiences, and his reactions. Not to mention his photographs!

    The message to the Met: "Do your job!"



  • Politicians Lying? So What Did We Expect?


    Neil Oliver again...

    But who cares?

    " If we don't demand that this behaviour stops, it will keep happening ... "

    (10 minutes)




  • What is Covid?


    After three years and innumerable deaths, seemingly hundreds of conferences and who knows how many video reports....

    Dr Brian Ardis talks to Stew Peters to explain his snake venom theory further.

    Snake venom? Really?

    What one can say without fear of contradiction is that the layers of disinformaton and misdirection over all things Covid have been legion - was it a virus? Was it 5G? Was it developed in a lab? Was it developed in China, Ukraine, Sudan, the USA itself? Was it readily treatable with existing prophylactics? Did the jabs work? Were they safe and effective? Did they stop transmission? Did they cause untold suffering and death? If so, how?

    The deep state is nothing if not determined to own all sides of the argument - if the opposition is controlled, then who can stand in their way? 

    Now I'm not asserting that the opposition is in any way knowingly "deep

  • A Reminder of How We Got Here


    This film is four years old.

    We have featured it before, but given current developments I consider it appropriate to feature it again.

    It recounts the transition of the British Empire from a territorial empire into a financial empire.

    It is a financial empire that forms a major part (perhaps the major part) of the nexus of financial institutions that has morphed into the web of central banks, global financial institutions, charitable foundations, NGOs, think tanks, etc which all tend to be based within and around previous British colonies.

    (78 minutes)



  • Migration Explosion


    Mahyar Tousi spills the beans on the immigration situation - both legal and illegal.

    Mahyar isn't one to get overexcited about nothing, but here he quotes chapter and verse.

    This isn't a new situation - it's frankly been obvious for a while that this whole situation is deliberate.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Calais Migrant Camps - Rebel News


    It is well known that the UK pays France significant sums to prevent migrants from crossing the Channel.

    It is also well known that this expenditure doesn't appear to be value for money.

    This report goes some way to explaining what is going on.

    A significant report.

    (23 minutes)


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