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  • Charles - The Great Reset Champion


    King Charles has a history of support for the WEF. Indeed, not just support, but active involvement in promoting its aims and agendas.

    On the face of it, that is now a huge conflict of interest for a monarch of the United Kingdom. 

    We are supposed to be a democratic country under a constitutional monarchy, but there is nothing discernably democratic about the WEF.

    Are we worrying over nothing?

    The People's Voice provide a short summary of his involvement with the WEF, featuring the (as he was then) Prince of Wales himself. 

    So we can judge for ourselves.

    (11 minutes)


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  • War by Misinformation


    The Chris Hedges Report delves into the whys and wherefores of media reporting purposes in the Ukraine war.

    War will inevitably be affected by public opinion, as was demonstrated by the Vietnam war when a great protest movement helped to bring it to an end.

    Chris Hedges interviews Patrick Lawrence, both of them veteran reporters of previous conflicts who can compare current press methods and practices with those of yesteryear.

    Some of us remember the BBC's intrepid war correspondent Kate Adie - the absence of front-line reporters such as Kate from the Ukraine is remarkable for any leading news organisation, but unforgivable for our "national treasure". I'm not necessarily saying that Kate was an unbiased war correspondent (my memory isn't that good and I was less critical in those days), but she was at least nominally reporting from the front.

    This is perhaps a bit laboured, but if you stick with it I think

  • Ze Big Enchilada


    Clif High ruminates on the expected failure of the deep state to comprehend why their plan for world domination will eventually fail.

    Failure upon failure.

    (41 minutes)



  • The Ukraine War According to Tucker Carlson


    Tucker has a reputation for plain speaking.

    A negotiated settlement? We have previously stated our conviction that the UK should support the principle of self-determination for the people of Donbass (just as we allowed a referendum for the Scots to decide whether they should leave the UK). A negotiated settlement should be feasible.

    But Boris / Biden had different ideas.

    Tucker spells it out:

    "... we're funding this war, we could end it, they're choosing not to"

    (18 minutes)


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  • Yes, CO2 Is Green!


    The "Green" movement may need to be renamed - maybe the "Browns" or perhaps the "Yellows".

    As everybody used to know before the days of global amnesia, carbon dioxide is the very fuel that enables plants to survive and indeed to thrive. If atmospheric CO2 were to halve from current levels we would be perilously close to plant die-off and staring at global starvation.

    Since it appears that many of us need reminding of this basic truth, the Daily Sceptic reviews some of the latest scientific studies (where would we be without them?) which purport to show that the world is becoming greener than ever despite CO2 levels that still remain stubbornly close to their all-time (geologically speaking) low. It seems we might comfortably withstand an atmospheric CO2 level an order of magnitude higher than the present, although we might need to take a machete to the jungle growth in order to get to work.


  • Injections Under Coercion Are Illegal


    So what's new you ask?

    And anyway, the UK isn't demanding coerced injections any more...   but if any employer in the UK is so doing (or tries it on once more), the law (according to "down under") is on your side.

    No, it's not really anything new, but it is a new twist that potentially evens the argument. Instead of arguing against your possibly remote and effectively faceless employer, you can argue with the person waiting to inject you.

    This could even the odds up considerably.

    Of course the Australian precedent may not be recognised in a UK Court, but coerced medical intervention (especially with a needle) has always been considered assault and battery under Common Law (in my understanding).

    So ask the person wielding the needle their identity and tell them that you are being coerced to take the jab, pointing out that they will be guilty of assault if they do

  • Fulford on Friday 23 Sep 2022


    With the world in flux the Fulford report this week is particularly relevant.

    Will the real Donald Trump please step forward?

    Last rites for the Khazarian Mafia? Push is coming to Shove and it may not be elegant.

    "... a lot will happen between now and [next week]

    As always, a modest subscription is required.

    Plenty of food for thought this week.


  • Greecing the Wheels of Democracy


    Yanis Varoufakis, one time Greek Finance Minister, author, economist, philosopher, and improbable politician working tirelessly for truth and the people (and virtually an honorary Englishman thereby, and also by spending some formative years in Mrs Thatcher's Britain) brings us up to date with some unhappy undemocratic unaccountability issues at the highest level in the politics of his native land.

    Many enter politics for power, but Yanis entered politics for the people. He is a all-too-rare breed, and in my view his books are highly to be recommended.

    His latest article in Unherd recounts the murky political goings on in the pursuit of power in Greece.

    Why should such events in far-away holiday destinations matter to us in the UK?

    We might also ask why events in even-further-away and less familiar Ukraine should matter to us.

    Although Yanis doesn't mention the

  • Peace Through State Care?


    I don't think there is anything new in this video that has not been said elsewhere, but sometimes its useful to recap on past events that would otherwise be swallowed up in the maelstrom of past history.

    "... it all makes sense only when you force yourself to think the impossible" - Dr Mike Yeadon

    (85 minutes)


  • Peace Through GITMO?


    Janet Ossebaard (of Fall of the Cabal fame) is not your average conspiracy theorist, but a dedicated researcher of the truth who has done far more to spread the said truth than any mainstream media.

    I don't suppose she gets everything right, but I accord her huge respect. If this video came from anybody else, I would hesitate to feature it, but maybe it's time to face facts.

    Yes, truth is stranger than fiction.

    And it's your view that counts...

    (2 hrs 38 mins)



  • Peace Through Lockdown?


    Globalists seeding the narrative?

    Not sure that all the arguments presented are valid but the thrust is in the right direction.

    (27 minutes)


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  • Peace in Our Time


    John Rappaport is an infamous blogger whose prodigious output results from many years of investigative journalism.

    This piece reviews past wars and how they were financed and supplied - maybe we could do with a similar review of where the warring parties in the Ukraine are getting the wherewithal to pursue their murderous intent.

    "War, what is it good for? With the same elites backing both sides, it’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. 

    It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. 

    It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade

  • Daily Sceptic - Just Too Sceptical?


    And not just the Daily Sceptic - the Free Speech Union and Toby Young himself have been adjudged too free with their speech - or something; the reasoning behind this is about as clear as mud, so it's pretty obvious that it doesn't stand up.

    In this case it is Paypal that is reportedly acting as judge jury and executioner, no appeal possible.

    So if you had a regular donation to either the Daily Sceptic or the Free Speech Union, you will have received an email from Toby directly - if you haven't had the email then you are not affected.

    Under Law it should be open to Toby to sue Paypal for restitution and damages. It would be for Paypal to demonstrate that their terms and conditions had indeed been broken. Under our official legal  system this is inordinately expensive, but in a Common Law Court it should be feasible, and simple enough, although enforcing judgement would be

  • Worldwide Rally for Freedom - London


    Rebel News UK covers the latest march last Saturday 17th September.

    (13 minutes)


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  • The New World Religion Gets the Go Ahead


    I suppose it's entirely logical that after the NWO we now meet the NWR - the New World Religion.

    What is a "religion"?

    Maybe we should start by asking what a religion is not...

    A religion is not based on logic and irrefutable scientific evidence. It may be based upon ancient scriptures, but humans are notoriously fallible and so cannot be trusted to transcribe the "word of God" without deliberately or inadvertently corrupting it. So we must make the best of what we have and create dogmas that reflect our intentions. 

    Organised Religion is based primarily upon dogma. Doctrines that may or may not be true, but are held to be true as an act of faith. You accept them or you don't.

    Organised religions (Catholic Church etc) lay great store by their dogma, and control their adherents by priests who have been carefully trained to indoctrinate their flock in their dogma.

  • Vladimir Putin Uncut


    The Russian president explains his thinking and his actions in escalating his approach to the Ukraine conflict.

    (22 minutes)


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  • Are the Current Happenings Scripturally Predictable?


    Whether or not one puts any store by scriptural prophesy, the analysis of cycles temporal or scriptural isn't necessarily defined as prophesy. 

    Greg Hunter interviews Bo Polny, who (we are assured) has a good track record in such matters.

    As he is forecasting a financial event (OK - crash) at the end of this month (and other sources also indicate this); he could be about to be proven right once more. Especially since he assures us that he was shown this in a dream by God - at least that is his interpretation of his dream, and of course other interpretations could be advanced - but does it matter?

    "We are going to see impossible things happen this year"

    So, make of this what you will -  and just for the record, as the bard himself remarked:- "there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy" (Hamlet) 

    King Charles in Hot Water?


    Announcement by the International Common Law Court of Justice.

    This site has no opinion on such proceedings, except to say that the charges are indeed extremely grave and the function of the Court is to try them in public to see whether there is any truth in them. If there is none, then the charges should be rejected.

    Let justice be done and be seen to be done. 

    Certainly it would be impossible for the King as constitutional monarch to be tried by his own Courts in the UK.

    In this instance, this does not appear to be a trial, it is simply an investigation by a tribunal. Presumably if the tribunal concludes that a trial is necessary, it will be called for a later date.

    It should be stated that

  • And What is Nancy Pelosi Up To in Armenia?


    Recent clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan have made the Guardian, and now we hear that Nancy Pelosi is visiting Armenia, but to what purpose? Is Armenia-Azerbaijan to become another proxy war between Russia and NATO like the Ukraine? And what does Iran have to do with it?

    What is the underlying linkage? It's complicated...

    (16 minutes)


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  • The "Russian Spring" in the Ukraine


    The Redacted channel brings us up to date with the likely next moves in the Ukraine.

    Starting with a review of the last 8 years of unhappy Ukrainian history, and following on with a report on the latest attack on civilian targets in the Donbass.

    A review of the Minsk agreement(s) is included.

    "... a declining US dollar, declining US hegemony, and rising power in Eurasia"

    Meanwhile the US is bolstering its forces in the region, and Putin is drawing his red lines over which infraction will result in additional action.

    The omens do not appear propitious.

    (28 minutes)