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  • The Fulford Monday Report 26 Dec 2022


    An upbeat report indeed to end 2022 on - let us all be hopeful that Ben is not "controlled opposition".

    I have to say that I put more store by his earthly reporting than his insight into off-world phenomena, fascinating those these undoubtedly are.

    But it still may be true (as far as I know) that the two may turn out to be - shall we say - not independent of each other.

    As for the COP15 Biodiversity Agreement, we all know by now how the UN and its agencies are skilled manipulators of ambiguous language that can be interpreted in multiple ways according to the reader's preferences. If these last years have taught us anything at all, it is that no communication from the "Great and the Good" can be taken at face value.

    Still, the report that the US and the Vatican voted against it may be encouraging.

  • New World Order Incoming - Reminder


    This is a gentle reminder - this site covered the topic earlier in December, but another reminder is appropriate in the light of the severity of the threat.

    Serious threats certainly abound (war with Russia, unrest in the Middle East, expiring power supplies courtesy of sanctions on Russia that mostly hurt Europe, ever-growing uncontrolled illegal immigration (at our considerable expense), striking unions, freezing weather ...  )

    But just below the surface presented by the global news media, the World Stealth Organisation is moving laboriously on, expressing their intentions in verbiage of stultifying bureaucratic ambiguity which nobody wants to read, let alone attempt to decipher.

    Yup - I'm definitely a conspiracy theorist - but remind me - who abolished conspiracies and when did that

  • A New Birth for a New Year?


    This is a video you would not believe.
    Dr Brian Ardis tells it like it is (in America!).

    If this doesn't get you fired up, then nothing will!

    (54 minutes)



  • Christmas World Review from UK Column


    Friday 23rd December UK Column News covers a lot of territory, and effectively brings us up to date on many fronts.

    A review of 2022, predictions for 2023, review of the UK's Online Safety Act, of course a review of the situation in the Ukraine, and perhaps a less familiar arena - the ongoing attempts to crush the Syrian people through sanctions and direct action.

    Oh yes, and CBDCs and the digitisation of everything.

    And those are just the highlights.

    "Where are those funds going? Where are the weapons going?"

    To the laundry...?

    The disruption will intensify.

    Very pertinent (123 minutes).


  • Fulford on Friday 23 Dec 2022


    A useful update this week.

    Modest subscription required.


  • I Took my Mum for her Covid Jab


    It seems that there are none so deaf as government in denial.

    Still, some stories do show that there are still some in authority who (when pushed) will do their job.

    This is one of them

    But where are the newshounds on whom we rely to hold the powerful to account?

    AWOL doesn't reflect the enormity of their dereliction of duty - so stop buying their miserable rags, turn off the TV, and tune in to alternative media - it's the only place to find the truth these days.


  • The State Pushes the Boundaries on Sex Education


    "The High Court has ruled today that the Welsh Government’s controversial plans to force LGBTQ+ teaching on all children from the age of 3 upwards is lawful and does not conflict with parental rights"

    What part of this statement do we not understand?

    What are the implications?

    Parents in the UK have always been free to bring up our children as we see fit.

    The presumption of English (and now therefore Welsh) freedom is that the State on behalf of the Crown will not interfere with the conduct of its subjects except (a) in exceptional circumstances and (b) with due authorisation, as for instance: under a court order.

    Children are too young to be treated as adults, and so children are subject to the care of their parents (or failing that, of their guardians). So in the case of children it is the parent (or guardian) who carries the responsibility under the law

  • The Men Behind the Masks


    It is well recognised that the lie is halfway around the world before the truth has put its boots on. I suppose that in this day and age we should be using an updated metaphor - perhaps that the lie has flashed through all corners of the internet before the truth has booted up it's PC and remembered its password.

    Still, the parable of the hare and the tortoise also springs to mind - steady and reliable eventually triumphs over fast fancy and fleeting. The truth will out, as they say, just as soon as the inevitable inconsistencies occasioned by the lie become exposed. It's only a matter of time and perseverance.

    Hence the necessity for ever more censorship by those who do not want the truth exposed. Censorship that will in the end prove inadequate to the ever-expanding task of covering up all the  inconsistencies rippling from the original lie. 

    In summary - the truth

  • Merry Christmas EU! - From the British Government


    In 2016 against all published expectations and in the teeth of "advice" from the massed ranks of the Great and the Good globally, the UK voted to leave the EU.

    Quelle Horreur!

    How could we possibly succeed without being subject to the wise instruction of the EU Commission?

    Outside the infinite wisdom of the ECJ?

    And above all, without the doughty rhetoric of Nigel Farage in the EU Parliament to entertain us?

    What then unfolded was perhaps the most extraordinarily illuminating Parliament of political and legal contortionist thearter of modern times, which tried everything possible to appear to be leaving the EU whilst determined to remain within its control. 

    Ultimately, the Great and the Good decided that the only way they could achieve that aim was to allow Boris Johnson to "take us out" in legal terms whilst taking

  • 97% of Climate Scientists Agree ...


    This must qualify as one of the most infamous (or famous, according to your point of view) assertions of all time. It shouldn't matter in all truth because at one time in history I'm sure we could have identified the received consensus that 97% of all scientists agreed that the sun orbits the earth, or that the earth is flat, or that man landed on the moon (and came back again) in the 1960s, or that the twin towers (plus building 7, 3 buildings in all) were brought down by suicidal Arab terrorist trainee pilots flying only 2 aircraft, and we still haven't nailed those issues completely either.

    Meanwhile, life goes on regardless.

    Or would do if the politicians were not involved.

    Copernicus in 1543 published his revolutionary idea that the earth orbits the sun, but as they didn't have the internet in those days it was Gallileo who caught the full wrath of

  • Slavery is Optional - Reminder


    As the Christmas holiday approaches with all the subtlety of an oncoming train, it is appropriate to remind ourselves of matters spiritual.

    Since I have little faith in our temporal Lords Spiritual and hold that we each have the potential and indeed the imperative to forge our own individual personal spiritual identity and destiny, it behoves me to offer something other than another hackneyed version of the Churches' Christmas message.

    Fortunately and indeed gratefully I am able to point those of you who have not yet sussed our Rolling submenu (craftily hidden beneath the Latest main menu item!) towards Martin Geddes, who is very generously chronicling his own journey towards the spiritual so that we too may benefit from his experiences.

    I think you may agree that it is no mean thing to open up your

  • The Road to Super-Abundance?


    Jack Mullen writing for RobertDavidSteele.com provides as succinct an exploration of the world's current predicament as we might hope to find.

    Yes it's a bit long and certainly America-centred, but the UK isn't that different in most fundamental respects.

    In truth nobody has any special capacity to predict the future, but as a checklist of things we should be thinking about as 2022 turns into 2023, it's probably as good as any, and maybe better than most.

    I commend it to my readership!


  • Latest Scuttlebutt from the US 15 December 2022


    This video was posted on 15 December.

    Make of it what you will...

    (25 minutes)


  • Jeremy Promoted Chief Scientist for Tedros


    No, not that particular Jeremy (although many may think he was secretly promoted Prime Minister a while back); this is Jeremy Farrar of SAGE, the Welcome Trust, and now right-hand "Chief Scientist" to Tedros of the WHO.

    "Shortly after Xi Jinping enacted the strictest lockdown in history in Wuhan, China, and long before that lockdown produced any results, Farrar echoed his new boss, Tedros, in praising China for 'setting a new standard for outbreak response' "

    I wonder if Tedros advertised the vacancy? How many applications were received? and what selection criteria were applied?

    After all, the WHO is certainly financed by tax-payer dollars / pounds / euros, so should we not be told?

    "Farrar is the second former SAGE member who has been rewarded by the WHO with a major promotion ... the first being 

  • The Simplest Messages Are the Best


    Simple messages that can be understood in a few moments are it seems to me the way forward.

    Life isn't always complicated, and those who wish to obscure the simple truth are prone to embellishing it with unwanted complexity in the hope that the simple truth will get lost in the verbiage.

    Here is some very simple truth (3 minutes) about our national energy policy, brought to us by GB News.

    Here is another very simple truth about the Covid pandemic.

    Imagine that you have been tasked to discover the reliability of a test for a disease - how would you go about it?

    One way to calibrate the test would be to assemble a group of healthy people known to be free of the disease

  • China Breathes Again - Europe Holds its Breath


    Benjamin Fulford's Monday report this week is required reading, even if you don't have a subscription.

    " ... the planetary liberation alliance has begun a massive, simultaneous worldwide offensive against the Satanic Khazarian mafia"

    "... Spanish and Italian media are reporting the fake Pope Francis is resigning"

    "... Tass News agency reports: “Dialogue between Russia and NATO is out of the question amid the current developments"

    "... a Polish resident of China reports: “A few days ago…I woke up in a completely different reality"

    The ground is moving beneath our feet, and it's not slowing.

    Worth a

  • Fake News, Fake Fact Checkers, Fake Free Speech, and Now - Fake Food?


    Fake food? Isn't that a new category of "Fake" altogether?

    Not necessarily.

    We have been told a lot of fake news about real food over many years if you ask me.

    Take the fake news that saturated fat is bad for your heart, and we should all eat margarine (ie: fake butter). Really? That was debunked when we realised that trans fats AKA "hydrogenated fats" were not welcomed by our bodies and led to ill health. Some have likened these fats as only one step removed from plastic.

    More recently the seed oil derived fats have been marketed with "low fat spreads" and some have been mixed with (ie: used to adulterate) real butter, no doubt "for our health". There are many who would disagree with the the idea that low fat or low saturated fat is a healthy option, including Dr Jerry Tennant who pointed out some years ago

  • The Rebellion will Not be Centralised


    Catherine Austin Fitts holds a three-cornered discussion with Polly Tommey and Carolyn Betts covering a broad range of topics for CHD.TV, with emphasis on the destructive influence of the unaccountable brotherhood of central bankers.

    "... your actions and the way you spend your money can make a difference"

    "We need to be unpredictable and we need to use our imagination"

    There's a great deal of good sense here, and a useful discussion on template letters, CBDCs, and the loss of freedoms that will inevitably ensue.

    Watch it here.

    Links mentioned in the video, listed below:

  • End of Year SitRep from Riccardo


    I have no information, but I strongly suspect that what he says re Australia could equally well be said of the UK.

    Let's hope so and be ready for it.

    Once the dominoes start falling, the collapse may be brutal.

    (4 minutes)




  • The Hidden History of Man


    "The Hidden His-Story of Man, Myth & The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State"

    This may appeal to those who seek to relate the world in which we find ourselves to Biblical texts.

    It is clearly the result of much investigative work and much of it does seem to tie in with notions covered elsewhere on this site (though names and concepts may be rather differently expressed!).

    Let me say straight up however that although I have no axe to grind one way or another, and I am sure that the books of the Bible (and other ancient texts) are almost certainly founded on historical events, I don't see the need myself to investigate and firmly accept or deny their theses about the origins of man, the literal accuracy of the Bible, and about our current world - life is simply too short and I have other
