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  • BBC Reverses the Science?


    Only the BBC could invent this?

    Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China

    As I recall, super-cooled water vapour remains as a vapour - until it meets a catalyst such as aerosol particles, when it breaths a huge sigh of relief and condenses around them, forming snow particles or water droplets depending on conditions.

    It's a bit like a sugar concentrate in water - when the concentration reaches saturation, any disturbance will cause a sudden crystallisation of the sugar, separating it out. 

    The same thing happens in a cloud - as warm air rises the pressure drops, the volume expands and the temperature drops, reducing the capacity of the air to dissolve the water vapour. If it was warm enough

  • Climate Change is Upon Us!


    "A Bill to place a duty on the Government to declare a climate emergency; to amend the Climate Change Act 2008 to bring forward the date by which the United Kingdom is required to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions; to place a duty on the Government to create and implement a strategy to achieve objectives related to climate change, including for the creation of environmentally-friendly jobs; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on proposals for increased taxation of large companies to generate revenue to be spent to further those objectives; and for connected purposes. "

    Seems to have passed its second reading in the Commons, and is now poised to progress to the Lords.

    Keep Calm and Carry On.

    Speaking of which - Bring back the Carry On team - Sid James would make an excellent PM, with Kenneth Williams in nbr 11 and Charles

  • Killing Shale Gas for Good?


    "Net Zero Watch has called on ministers to overrule the fracking regulator which is trying to terminate any prospect of shale gas developments in the UK"

    "Ruling to press ahead with closure described as ‘utter madness’ by Tory MPs who support controversial drilling"

    "Net Zero Watch is warning that the government’s approach to the energy crisis remains dangerously incoherent. On the one hand, the Prime Minister is openly calling for increased domestic gas extraction and has brought forward approvals for North Sea developments, while at the same time regulators are preventing lower-cost onshore fields from ever being exploited"

    Incoherence from our government? Who would have thought it.

    What's the Catch?


    Kyoto protocol.

    Paris climate accord.

    Nothing to see here...

    (7 minutes)


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  • Boris Should Scrap Green Levies on Energy Bills - and Secure Democratic Backing for Green Agenda


    We've reported on this topic before, but it bears repetition - the UK urgently needs to stave off the worst costs of "green" energy levies on our bills.

    Net Zero Watch points out that Germany is ahead of us in this.

    In support they provide a couple of download documents that make helpful suggestions regarding the short and medium term options that remain available to the UK, should any part of the

  • Removing Green Levies from Energy Bills


    With the ever higher costs associated with "green" wind farms and the ever longer cold windless spell that seems to have been cast of over our benighted Isles this winter, the news that ever-rising energy bills are driving ever-rising fuel poverty seems at last to be penetrating the hallowed halls of government.

    Pushing the contractual costs of useless windmills into general taxation will not lighten the overall load on the people but will distribute it away from energy bills and onto everything else - so it's a small gain for some and a general loss all round (unless you happen to own a wind farm or two).

    Is there no bad situation that the government cannot make worse through its pernicious meddling?

    Still. perhaps, just perhaps, this may be the beginning of the end of the green policy delusions that make no economic sense, no political sense (beyond enabling certain political groups to grandstand their green credentials), and no environmental sense

  • Smart Oceans - 5G Under Water?


    Well, we now have 5G in many cities, and 5G in space courtesy of Elon Musk, so where else is there to put it? (and don't say underground!).

    "without any publicity, governments, research laboratories, and commercial and military interests were collaborating on plans to create “Smart Oceans” and the 'Internet of Underwater Things' (IoUT)"

    "They did not consult the fishes, whales, dolphins, octopuses, and other inhabitants of those depths"

    Well, I guess they don't speak the language, so how could they?

    "The goal was to enable broadband wireless communication from any point on or in the oceans to anywhere else on the planet or in space"

    I suppose that this amounts to a marriage (not for the first time) of extreme cleverness to utmost stupidity. I wonder how long it would be before a pod of orcas would take a dislike to such equipment and

  • Lord Monckton Spills the Beans on Climate Change , courtesy of Hearts of Oak


    A wide-ranging and highly revealing discussion that lays out the origins of the Climate Change agenda as set up by the communists within the bowels of the KGB...

    Have you ever wondered where Vladimir Putin stands on this?

    "This is the final assault of totalitarianism on the West..."

    Well worth our time, and very entertaining to boot. Enjoy!

    (87 minutes)



  • We Need More CO2 - Not Less!


    Heresy! Arrest that man immediately!

    No, not me Guv - it was Daily Sceptic wot done it...

    Well actually, I must confess my sins - I did once stand before Extinction Rebellion and proclaim the virtues of CO2, so I may not have used the same words precisely but it wasn't much different. To be fair to my audience they heard me out politely enough, but it was noticeable that all the other speakers on the panel were decidedly "on-message", just not on my message.

    So it is with approval that I feature this recent article from Chris Morrison which threatens to stir up the Climate controversy just when we thought it safe to embark on 2022. At least it makes a change from the Covid narrative.

    Come to think of it, it's only really a change of complexion - they are both

  • Energy Emergency Means Economic Disaster


    "... energy bills could double or... treble next year"

    "The government should suspend costly Net Zero plans as a matter of urgency and put energy costs and security of supply at the centre of national security"

    "natural gas prices in the UK are nearly ten times higher ($35/MMBtu) than they are in the US"

    The solution?

    "If the shale gas moratorium was lifted tomorrow, it would take at least 12 months to get the gas flowing. But the Government needs to take strong steps now, in order to send out a clear signal to investors. Otherwise the energy and cost of living crises will become permanent... "

    Net Zero Watch makes the case.

    Gas in Europe Costs 14 Times the Cost in America?


    It's always tricky to do price comparisons across different countries - there are so many confounding factors to consider. Still, the recent samizdat from Net Zero Watch assembles a case from many different press articles which all point in the same direction - governmental policy based on pursuing the phantasmagorical "net zero" destination is both doomed to fail and costing us all a great deal of prosperity in the process.

    "lack of wind leaves EU on the brink in energy crisis"

    Worry yourself silly here.

    Those of nervous disposition should probably wait until after the holiday / lockdown, whichever materialises.

  • Energy Charter Treaty - Ungreen & Unwanted but Unfazed


    What Energy Charter treaty? Never heard of it

    Investigate Europe draws the veil aside...

    "After two years of dialogue, no deadline has emerged to reform and modernise this pact, which allows big emitters to sue states for enacting green reforms"

    To me, that sounds like a ball and chain around the ankle of the green agenda. 

    So it's no further surprise to know that many states are seeking to renegotiate the treaty to permit more "clean green" energy and less "unclean" energy, and still less of a surprise to learn that the "big emitters" are dragging their feet.

    "Just in Europe, the treaty protects

  • Trends in Polar Sea Ice Not Compliant with Predictions


    Another reminder that the great global warming narrative is cooling by the day arrives from the GWPF this morning. It seems that fears for the imminent drowning of polar bears due to lack of sea ice may have been overdone.

    Professor Bates (Adjunct Professor of Meteorology at University College Dublin) pours some cold water (so to speak) on modelling that predicted ever more reductions in sea ice around the poles.

    Could it be that climate models are no more accurate than Covid models? 

    Now it is true that the professor is a meteorologist as opposed to a climatologist, so he may not know what he is talking about, but I'll leave the reader to decide how much importance that factor should be accorded.

    The GWPF has the story.


  • NetZero Watch Calls on Boris to Declare Energy Emergency


    "We have only one way out in the short term, and that’s for Britain to start using the UK’s massive gas resources... "

    Red rag to the green lobby bull?

    But do we really want to hamstring the entire nation this winter by continuing to pretend that all fossil fuel is the work of the Devil, and we'd rather freeze and stay at home for the highly dubious proposition that such an act of self-flagellation will help save the world?

    More likely it will just encourage the Indians and Chinese to build yet another coal-fired power station, knowing that we in the UK are too stupid to realise that we are giving them the freedom to do so!

    Like all government initiatives, energy policies that they hope will lead us to "Net Zero" do have unintended consequences.

    If they would only get their

  • What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters


    The Global Warming Policy Foundation's Annual Lecture

    by Professor Steven E. Koonin, New York University

    Based upon the science as published by the IPPC.

    (43 minutes)

    Prepare to be surprised!


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  • Climate, All is Well, All will be Well


    CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential for life.

    More CO2 means more greening of the Earth - what's not to like?!

    The Bruges Group brings us Jeremy Nieboer, author of the book "Climate, All is Well, All will be well.

    This site welcomes all level-headed contributions to the climate debate, a debate which in my view is not a debate at all - it's just propaganda, and you can't debate with propaganda.

    Jeremy is a very gentlemanly presenter, but listen carefully. He makes very pertinent points which everybody should grasp - about the science, the pseudo-science, and the politics of

  • You will Own Nothing, and be Happy (to Eat Insects?)


    Briefings for Britain step out into less familiar terrain today with their article on the latest proposals to put a tax on meat "to stave off climate change".

    They apply the time-honoured technique of verify-by-approximation to test whether the assertions being made by various (not necessarily disinterested) parties in support of this notion actually stand scrutiny. Do the numbers stack up?

    Well, (this to be read in a slow and deliberate 'countryfied' accent!) "Oi think the arrrnser loies in the soil":

    "Soils contain more carbon than plants and the atmosphere combined, using agricultural practices to sequester carbon would be better for the environment than taxing meat. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation sustainably managed soils can sequester up to 2.05 giga-tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year"

  • The Biomass Charade Has to Stop


    The Drax power station used to burn coal. It was converted to burn "biomass" (wood pellets) at some cost because wood pellets are "renewable". But does "renewable" mean "renewed" in the aggregate?

    In any event, they are not renewable quite as quickly as they are burnable, so unless vast numbers of trees are newly planted so that the annual biomass reduction is more than matched by annual biomass regrowth...    the whole basis upon which this "netzero" "green" fuel is consumed falls apart - and that's before we consider the carbon costs of mining and transporting coal or gas against the costs of growing felling drying pelleting and transporting Lithuanian or American forests to the UK.

    Lets us arbitrarily assume that 10 million trees are pulped into biomass annually to feed a power-station. If each mature tree takes 10 years to grow, than we would require a forest big enough initially to provide biomass for ten years, in this case 100 million trees minimum.

  • Year 2000 US National Climate Assessment - Assessed 2021


    The year 2000 US climate assessment predictions for the two decades to 2020 have been themselves assessed for accuracy of prediction.

    The result?

    (22 minutes)


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    "In all the time it's been in business... it has never gone back and asked how its past model simulations turned out..."


    "World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact

  • Netzero Wind as COP26 Wraps Up


    "yesterday, 3 November, saw a new record for the total daily cost of balancing the GB electricity grid. The previous record of £38 million, twenty times the current daily average, was smashed by a margin of £6 million, with the new record standing at £44.7m"

    Actually, yesterday was 2nd November, so I assume a spot of finger-trouble at the key-board face, but no matter. The costs of net zero are coming home to roost, both in terms of money and unwanted CO2 emissions from that dirtiest and most demonised of fuels, coal.

    The cause? Low wind. Yes, yet another confirmation that on many occasions, the wind doesn't actually blow. Tranquillity reigns. Should the nations activities also come to a stop? A few more similar days in the middle of winter will no doubt concentrate the mind in due course.

    Netzero Watch
