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  • Year 2000 US National Climate Assessment - Assessed 2021


    The year 2000 US climate assessment predictions for the two decades to 2020 have been themselves assessed for accuracy of prediction.

    The result?

    (22 minutes)


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    "In all the time it's been in business... it has never gone back and asked how its past model simulations turned out..."


    "World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact

  • Netzero Wind as COP26 Wraps Up


    "yesterday, 3 November, saw a new record for the total daily cost of balancing the GB electricity grid. The previous record of £38 million, twenty times the current daily average, was smashed by a margin of £6 million, with the new record standing at £44.7m"

    Actually, yesterday was 2nd November, so I assume a spot of finger-trouble at the key-board face, but no matter. The costs of net zero are coming home to roost, both in terms of money and unwanted CO2 emissions from that dirtiest and most demonised of fuels, coal.

    The cause? Low wind. Yes, yet another confirmation that on many occasions, the wind doesn't actually blow. Tranquillity reigns. Should the nations activities also come to a stop? A few more similar days in the middle of winter will no doubt concentrate the mind in due course.

    Netzero Watch

  • GOP Rep. Donalds Shocks Room Into SILENCE When He Exposes Truth About Climate


    Pertinent comment on COP26 (6 minutes):

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  • View from the Street - GBNews Speaks for Millions


    Neil Oliver on GB News skewers the Great and the Good - done to a turn.


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  • History According to Fulford - 31-Oct-21


    A quick skip through history to set the scene for COP26 in Glasgow (without Russia, China, Japan).

    Wuhan "had 10000 5G transmitters"

    Extreme lock-down, imposition of "vaccines", global green plan.

    So the Big Corporate '99.9%' are doing all they can to stave off their bankruptcy.

    More countries are becoming independent of the globalists - this is huge.

    Will the COP26 fall apart?

    Watch the video here.


  • Regenerative Agriculture: The Catalyst for Restoring Soil Health, Combating Climate Change, And Creating Economic Resilience


    Whatever your stance on Climate Change, this presentation has much good sense to offer, so pro or anti, this presentation is recommended for you.

    Healthy soil and improved crop yield can only be a good outcome regardless of the associated draw-down of that old devil, carbon.

    What "Big Agriculture" will make of it all is yet to be determined, but clearly elimination of the over-use of pesticides herbicides and artificial fertilisers may cause indigestion in some quarters. 

    Be that as it may, this is a stand-out presentation that demands to be seen. I suspect it may change your view of life on earth for ever.

    (1hr 45)

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  • News Round-Up 25 Oct 2021 - Covid Incoherence - More £Billions for NHS


    UK Column as always give us a round-up of the current Covid situation, as well as the COP26 "climate emergency" propaganda status.

    An excellent programme which we think deserves as wide an airing as possible:


  • The Greater the Sweep of the Title, the Less the Incumbent is in Charge


    We rely on our government ministers to know what they are talking about.

    After all, if they are not properly advised then who is?

    So when they openly tell the most extraordinary fibs we really ought to be worried. And when they fib about the costs of the national energy supply upon which our economy depends and upon which we depend in order to meet our basic needs for cooking, keeping warm, and travelling, then we really ought to be extremely concerned.

    It really isn't good enough to say that "Oh, well, it's all about going green and we know that they have been spinning the yarn of all yarns about the need for change and the benefits of windmills and the need to subsidise the initial investment in order to kick-start the market and the world will end in six months if we don't JUST DO AS GRETA TELLS US"... 

    This has been going on for so long now that we are well past our brow-beat-by date.


  • COP26 - Glasgow: It's Much Worse . . .


    LarouchePAC explains what they think is going on at COP26 in Glasgow (not sure where they get the idea that Glasgow is in Switzerland - I hope they don't catch the wrong flight).

    This is a conference of the Parties - not of the nations. Who are the Parties? They are whoever is invited by the UN.

    "a giant step toward the elimination of national sovereignty... the destruction of national economies, and the killing of hundreds of millions, if not several billion people" 

    Don't say you weren't warned.

    (46 minutes)


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  • The Dismal Cost of "Net Zero" - Bank of America


    Zerohedge reports on the gargantuan costs of getting to Net Zero over 30 years, as estimated by Bank Of America's latest thematic research report "Transwarming" World.

    The five trillion dollars annually for 30 years it estimates would have to be met by - guess what - QE.

    In a world already on its uppers due to pandemics (real or imagined) and consequent public upheaval, this I think comes under the heading of "it isn't going to happen", because it can't happen.

    "... biggest QE episode in history, one wrapped in the "noble" veneer of fighting for the most important cause in the history of civilization, but in reality it's just the biggest wealth transfer scheme in history"

    "it's all one giant spectacle meant for the masses"

    There's a lot more in this article than you might think. It really does become apparent that the whole exercise is a vast

  • Road to Serfdom


    "In fact, it’s just plain stupid. And breathtakingly so"

    "But the worst thing about this plan is that it will do virtually nothing to improve the climate while it destroys much of the free-market economy"

    "In fact, what is coming to pass was best forewarned by late economist and Nobel laureate Friedrich von Hayek in his seminal 1944 work The Road to Serfdom"

    Yes, it's another article critical of "green" energy policies, and well worth reading, not for the green/ungreen arguments but for the unspoken assumptions upon which these arguments are put forward. 

    Well, they are spoken of now, and the

  • Net Zero Watch!


    We have heard a lot about Net Zero recently and we will likely hear a great deal more as COP26 bursts upon the media scene at the end of October, so it is entirely fitting that we mark the launch of a new web-site that will monitor and analyse developments in government green policy and its effects on the real world in which we must all continue to live.

    So congratulations to the stalwarts at the Global Warming Policy Forum for setting up this initiative, and we wish them every success in their quest to inform public opinion and to bring reason and logic to this otherwise largely religious debate.


  • Green Taxes on Top of Price Rises "Could Trigger Social Disaster"


    In its latest UK News release the GWPF (Global Warming Policy Forum) warns "our" government that sending heating bills sky high by applying green levies on top of high and rising fuel prices may not be the best way to endear their policies to the people, already bruised and battered financially through lockdowns, pandemic costs, and the associated closures of small businesses.

    Being also bruised and battered by the effective curtailment of NHS and private hospital services that have sent waiting lists rocketing and patients both fuming and despairing, they may not be in any mood to indulge his government's reckless pursuit of zero carbon UK, when push comes to shove and the bills drop through the letterboxes of the nation.

    Does nobody remember Mrs Thatcher's

  • Fairy Government to Step in to Save the Energy Companies?


    Government considers temporary nationalisation of energy companies to stop collapse

    "Minister warns of ‘really difficult winter’ amid rising energy costs and food shortages"

    Yes, it's that 'conservative' word "nationalisation" again. Sir Kier must be groaning at the pursuit of socialist policies so arrogantly being bandied about by the Tory's - isn't "nationalisation" supposed to be Labour Party property? Maybe (along with the Green Party) he should have a word with the Met about such blatant theft.

    Clearly failure of government to recognise failure of government policy is nothing new -  Climate Discussion Nexus has the appropriate rejoinder: "As was once said of Philip II of Spain, 'no experience of the failure of his policy could shake his belief in its essential excellence'".

    So the green zombie policies march unthinkingly on...

  • GWPF Data Fuels Claim of 'Misleading Parliament'


    The Sunday Telegraph today carries a report on the way that the costs of transitioning the UK to "net zero" may not have been transparently and independently assessed, leading to a likely misrepresentation of these costs to Parliament.

    "Committee on Climate Change spreadsheets only revealed after 2 year freedom of information campaign"

    "... analysis of their financial models by the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) shows that key assumptions were not credible even at the time the report was published"

    "... but it is now clear that the CCC’s costings were incomplete, biased, and grossly misleading"

    "The GWPF’s analysis of the CCC’s costings is ongoing, and further announcements are expected in the coming weeks"

  • Nigel Talks Hot Air?


    Nigel returns to the politico-financial fray to talk green and financial - of course the two topics are inextricable, each one feeding off the other in a symbiotic dance of wealth-transfer from the 99% to the 1%.

    Nigel being Nigel, he does not beat about the bush:

    "The biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich that we've ever seen"

    Welcome back Nigel, we have missed you.


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  • House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee 14 Sep


    GWPF gives evidence to the House of Lords inquiry into the Costs of Net Zero

    "The GWPF has repeatedly drawn attention to growing evidence that casts doubt on official estimates of the costs and feasibility of renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions to meet the targets implied in the Climate Change Act (2008) and more recently the 2050 Net Zero target that has replaced it"

    Read the full GWPF press release.

    This is a very calm and careful inquisition by the Committee of Dr Constable, well worthwhile and can be viewed either by following the link from the press release, or from the link below.

    "It's perfectly rational to have a decarbonisation policy, but the decarbonisation policy must itself be rational. In essence, this is

  • A Rare and Vital Win for the Future


    This success story well illustrates the truth that incessant propaganda over many years can lead even the finest lawyerly minds to join the most dubious of band-wagons.

    Of course if

    (a) you believe the hype about the "settled" nature of probably the most complex science known to man (settled according to the many climate science models, which inevitably perform exactly according to the wishes of their designers - we have explored how models may not be science elsewhere) and

    (b) that legal coercion is an acceptable way to enforce an entirely political agenda, 

    then you will share the delight of the climate zealots who still believe that our world

  • Monday was a Glorious Warm Day, But Brought Cold News


    I know this because I took advantage to get back into the saddle and pedal my way around the local topography, resplendent in green and brown (the farmers were busy harvesting) and generally beautiful to the eye and challenging to the legs in equal measure.

    It was a day when the call for power should have been pretty low, since no heating would be required, although perhaps there was some demand for air-conditioning. 

    Anyway, the sunshine was abundant and surely all those solar panels would be pumping the electric juice?

    Apparently not. It seems that solar was meeting less than 12% of our energy needs, and wind-power not even 2%. Gas was meeting just under 50% of demand but at a high price amid high global demand (if it's high now, how much higher will demand climb in the

  • The Search for the Ground Zero of Climate Change


    Climate Discussion Nexus investigates - the Antarctic? the Arctic? Greenland? Bangladesh? Well, no - the troposphere. More precisely, the tropical troposphere. 

    What were the 2007 IPCC predictions predicting? and what happened according to the temperature data measurements?

    "... basic problem with models is that they are not based upon fundamental physics, they are based upon approximations of what happens in the atmosphere..."


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