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The Unelected

  • "All Jabs Tested Found to Contain Nanorouters"


    Many of us have watched videos of strange particulates found in the "jabs" and have heard speculations about what they may portend.

    Ricardo Delgardo of La Quinta Columna (or for us Brits La Quinta Columna via Google Translate) explains the results of his investigations in this video.

    "Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and the toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs"

    "... this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly, using .. the new 4G, 4G plus and 5G technology... "

    "All vaccinated people send their data to an external server controlled by artificial intelligence...

  • Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave ...


    ... when first we practise to deceive.

    This article from the AIER concerns the misuse of regulation to impose rules and laws made for a different purpose altogether to force corporations to comply with what amounts to little more than the personal preferences of the regulators (or others in positions of authority).

    Nobody voted for this form of coercion, yet it seems to have become a favoured way to sidestep democratic accountability by others both within and without the USA.

    For example, who can forget Mark Carney of the Bank of England forecasting that those companies that did not embrace the "climate change" narrative would be bankrupted?

    The AIER draws attention to a not dissimilar situation within the USA: 


  • Federal Reserve or National Bank?


    The Federal Reserve is the bank that famously is neither federal nor a reserve.

    So what to do about it, and why?

    What is money for anyway?

    Does it matter who controls it?

    LaRouchePAC address this thorny problem:

    (30 minutes)


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  • The Second Declaration of Independence


    Read with emotion, and seemingly some slight intoxication, but the gist is very clear.

    "... it asserts that the UNITED STATES CORPORATION was formed illegally, that it is foreign owned and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years... "

    (31 minutes)


  • New Normal Pandemic Dictatorship


    Once again, Neil Oliver nails it. 

    (9 minutes)


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  • The Cosmic Hoax


    In Down the Rabbit Hole 7 - The Conscious Cosmos we introduced Dr Steven Greer, who has been investigating paranormal activity and the relationship with undisclosed government projects for decades. 

    Whether you believe what he has to say or not, it is a fact the Donald Trump publicly announced the formation of the United States Space Force whilst in office, and it is the stuff of legend that the US military has been unable to account for prodigious quantities of money that have mysteriously "gone missing" over many years.

    "Connect the dots" as they say.

    This is where UFO controversy meets real world politics and global conspiracy theories - and I don't use that term in any disparaging sense - nobody ever abolished conspiracies to my knowledge nor did anyone ever have that

  • The New Normal Dictatorship


    I exaggerate only slightly - this article is actually entitled "The UK New Normal Dictatorship" but in truth there is nothing UK-specific here.

    "This makes it difficult for some people to recognise the nature of the totalitarianism that is being stamped upon our societies. This is a technocracy, more akin to the neocolonialism of a mega-corporation than history's previous autocratic military regimes"

    It has actually been about the corporations for a long time, as the British and Dutch East India Companies attest.

    "The G3P is a web of multinational corporations, tax-exempt foundations (philanthropists), private investors, think tanks, governments, non-governmental organisations, civil society groups and alleged charities"

    It is now so complex (not to mention ever-evolving and mutating) that

  • EU Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate Framework - Passport to Social Control?


    Go on, admit it, you're excited to read about this!

    Brought to us by Global Research, this article brings us up to date with the roll-out of the most important development in the EU for many years - the accession by the EU to the Global Health Governance measures currently underway at the WHO, in the form of the Pandemic Treaty, which will codify into international law control by the WHO over pandemic preparedness in all the treaty countries.

    Naturally this will be facilitated by the WHO’s QR Verification Code project, which is intent upon creating a global digital data bank of 7.9 billion people.

    "Both initiatives are to be carried out concurrently by the WHO in liaison with ID2020 and the Gavi Alliance,

  • Khazarian Mafia and World History


    Visitors to this site may be familiar with Benjamin Fulford's reports, which frequently mention the "Khazarian Mafia".

    Most of us had never heard of Khazaria, so a history lesson may be in order. Whilst I have read other reports covering some of the same territory, I would say that this article from Veterans Today is one of the most comprehensive and digestible narratives.

    As VT points out, the KM have repeatedly clashed with the Russians over the centuries - maybe this simple fact sheds light on the current conflict in the Ukraine. Russia vs Khazaria has form, and neither side seems likely to back down.

    The KM has also been active in the UK for centuries (according to VT), being one of the parties that had a interest in the English

  • 2000 Mules - Documentary


    The documentary that is said to prove that the US 2020 November election was stolen.

    I expect we are all fed up hearing that there was "no evidence of voter fraud".

    Put the kettle on, sit back, and submit to another hour and a half of reminders of US election fraud matters.

    Does it matter?

    Can you imagine a bigger upheaval to world affairs than "the Donald" being restored in the most dramatic come-back in history? 

    No corner of world will escape the fall-out.

    (89 minutes)

     Correction - This video may be watched for a fee here.

  • Ukraine - The Point of Conflict


    This article posted by Terry Boardman is an in-depth tour of the history of the global power-struggle between the elites of the UK, Europe, Russia, the far East, and (latterly) the US.

    LaRouchePAC have been fulminating about the perceived influence of the imperialist UK over the USA for some time, and it is becoming obvious that an unelected elite under the umbrella of the "New Word Order" (as currently fronted by Klaus Schwab but embodied by the western world's all-powerful corporate interests and their financiers) is intent on taking control of the UN by means of medical and legal dictatorship.


    Is Ukraine the tinderbox that will ignite WW3?

    The world does seem to be at a dangerous

  • Elon - Like Him or Not


    He's the name in the news - so what do we know about him?

    Not enough I suspect.

    I don't know how much of this is accurate (can you really build a city for $20 billion?), but nothing would surprise me anymore. Elon is not a man who is short on ambition.

    So let's make a start...

    (8 minutes)


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  • Quantum Grammar - Incomprehension with Consequences?


    This is all based upon a grammar.

    This grammar is based upon certain punctuation which appear unexpectedly (to those unfamiliar with the grammar) within the video below - if we are not looking out for this we will get rather confused!

    We are all familiar with the notion of spoken languages grammar (eg: Latin, French, German), some of us are familiar with the concept of grammar as used to define computer programming languages, but a far as I know this is the first grammar specifically introduced for legal contractual purposes.

    Words to look out for in this video:




    Russell Jay Gould (AKA

  • The Bernician Shares the Latest Delay to his Private Prosecution


    We have reported on this case previously.

    Whilst the glacial pace at which many legal cases proceed is common knowledge, the latest report from Michael O'Bernicia on his private prosecution of high-ranking folk for the "Midazolam Murders" shows just how the powers-that-be are now scraping the bottom of the excuses barrel.

    I have considered the application and I have now decided not to consider it …”

    If ever there was a case that more clearly demonstrated that "the law is an ass"(or worse) I have yet to see it - although no doubt there are learned brethren out there

  • We must Reimagine and Rebuild our Government without Them


    Two articles from the Daily Sceptic illustrate this with clarity:

    Losses to “Fraud and Error” From Taxpayer-Backed Covid Loan Scheme Estimated at £15 Billion. Where Did it All Go?

    Nobody asks "where did it all come from" because we know the answer - the benighted taxpayer will fund it one way or the other.

    Sure, some minor small fry have been "caught with suitcases stuffed with cash" but what about the major villains?

    So what to do? Must we join the criminal fraternity to defraud the government in order to stay afloat? Criminal activity does not attract me.



  • UK Column on the Importance of Ukraine to the World Government Summit


    The Monday news round up from UK Column focuses on matters surrounding the conflict in the Ukraine, supported by Vanesa Beeley and David Scott. Possibly even more thought provoking than usual.

    So why does Macron feature in this edition?

    I don't think you'll find such reporting on the BBC:

    Listen to the end for coverage of the  unfolding markets crash, the "family sex show" (supported by interesting funding), and so on.

    (1st 42 minutes of 85)



  • The Transhumanist Agenda


    "Transhumanism" - what is it?

    No, it's not merely about transgendering the population (that's perhaps not unrelated - but it's really just a tangential foretaste leading us into the whole "trans" philosophy).

    "Many people regard transhumanism as turning human beings into robots, but it actually describes a social and philosophical movement that involves the development of human-enhancement technologies"

    So what is "human-enhancement", and at what cost does it come?

    At the very least it involves introducing technology within the body to connect us.

    Connect us to what and for what purposes?

    To "enhance our capabilities" - Mother Nature has taken us so far but the next step requires human intervention to accelerate our evolution. This will require us to be connected into the internet so that the controlling

  • If the Weather isn't Hot Enough, Redefine It


    The climate change alarmists are obviously getting alarmed - is the climate not obeying their models? Did nobody tell the Weather Gods? Or the weather manipulation boffins that some fear are meddling with our meteorology? Were they badly advised?

    No matter, following the lead set by the WHO (who are not backward to redefine the term "vaccine" to more accurately reflect their wishes whenever the need arises) the Met Office has evidently decided that heatwaves are not sufficiently profuse and they will now use a different definition.

    Of course this is nothing to do with cooking the books, merely a wise precaution in keeping with their ever-vigilant drive for continuous improvement, in this case to ensure that their reports are properly interpreted by the public.

    The Daily Sceptic has the

  • The Great/Greater Reset Explained?


    Sanctions on Russia - not for the first time.

    But is the West suffering more than Russia?

    Kit Knightly writing for Off-Guardian (via Technocracy News and Trends) points up the contradictions.

    Cui bono? Who benefits?

    If the NWO wants depopulation (and all things Covid failed to deliver) then perhaps food shortages will do the trick? And an open war would help too.

    If the NWO wants to stop "climate change" (but we don't want to disfigure our environment with solar farms that take out our farmland, and wind-mills that take out our bird life, and we still need carbon fuels for power when the

  • WW3 According to Benjamin Fulford


    Fulford on Friday - WW3 is coming to a head, the golden rouble will end the central baking system.

    Worth watching (modest subscription required)

    The façade is cracking up - hold the line.

    You can't terminate a millenium-old cult without unleashing a certain amount of mayhem, but the end is nigh.

    According to Fulford cool.