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Martin Geddes, interviewed by Martin Bernstein, on the nature of the world's current collective experience and where this experience is going to lead us.

Seen through the prism of his own individual awakening, his personal experiences, and his professional defenestration, he leads us on the journey that we are all facing (or worse, still having to face even if we don't yet fully realise it).

The meaning of Q, the acronyms (WWG1WGA), Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, 9/11, Geoffrey Epstein et al, Trump, the world history that we think we understand, and then the real history (and thus the knowledge necessary to reconcile the state of the world today with the way that we got here).

There's a lot of material here both historical, criminological, technical, sociological, psychological, political and indeed spiritual.

Yes, it's necessarily quite long! But he's a very open and human person and in describing his own journey, we find that we can relate to what he's saying in a very direct manner. There but for the Grace of God go we all.

(104 minutes)