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The "Died Suddenly" film recently featured on this site (and many others) is coming in for some stick.

It's true, it's a minefield out there, and I welcome the opportunity to reiterate the underlying truth of this 3-D world - there is no such thing as certainty (except in relation to "death and taxes", although even here there are some who think otherwise - and who am I to deny them?!).

Any site that claims to be able to always distinguish the truth from the falsehoods is a site that I would regard with extreme suspicion. That is why I conclude that the people with the ultimate responsibility to perform this impossible feat is the ultimate reader, since any intermediary will be subject to (a) their own individual prejudice and (b) possible subversion by vested interests.

(The same logic applies to philosophical / spiritual belief, and for the same reasons).

In practical terms anybody outside Big XXX who runs a free operation on a shoestring (as does freecitizen.uk) cannot possibly have the time and resources to reliably identify false narratives, especially when these may well be interwoven with much truth.

I never claim such capability - what you get here are articles that I deem worthy of attention, and this judgement necessarily relies on my own inclinations experiences and prejudice.

For all I know, Fintan may himself be "controlled opposition", but his presentation deserves our attention for the same reasons.

Ultimately it's your decision, but parking it in the "noted but undecided" tray until more evidence turns up can also be a helpful option .

(19 minutes)


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