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Free Citizen

  • Tucker Trails His Interview with Vladimir


    The much-trailed Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin has proved to be a little elusive. Some channels claim to publish a transcript - or a part transcript, but the real thing doesn't yet seem to be available.

    Tucker says he will publish on TuckerCarlson.com and on X (formerly Twitter).

    Meanwhile, here is the official low-down on this interview from Tucker himself (aided by Redacted)!

    (14 minutes) 


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  • "Governments Complicit in Genocide Will Not Be Able To Plead Ignorance at the Coming Nuremberg Tribunal"


    I'm not sure about "Nuremberg Tribunal", but the message is clear enough, and the LaRouche Organization singles out the United States and the United Kingdom as primary supporting players behind the stance of the government of Israel and its apparently disproportionate attacks on Gaza.

    As always, the waters of argument are muddied by the sheer volume of issues and weight of past history, but the ICJ's preliminary ruling was clear enough, stopping short of a direct verdict of genocide but making clear that all parties should pull back from the brink and permit essential supplies and humanitarian aid.

    The reverse appears to have happened, with western governments doubling down on attacks and cutting funding to the UNRWA which is traditionally responsible for bringing aid and humanitarian support to Gaza.


  • Martin's Estoppel Gambit - End of Council Tax?


    Martin Geddes continues his siege of Durham County Council, bringing up the legal Trebuchet to fling his Estoppel Notice to the miscreants cowering in their Council Offices.

    Which elicited a response that was essentially as expected.

    Which in turn enabled him to deliver what he believes should be the coup de grâce.

    This would mean an end to any further court actions, so it may be some time before we hear any further news on this front, since it will probably

  • Is the Age of Aquarius finally Dawning?


    ... or is this merely another absurd conspiracy theory from Ridiculous Richard with no basis whatsoever in fact?

    (7 minutes)


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  • Freedom of Expression in Legal Dystopia


    Once upon a time (and not so long ago) judges in Britain declared that freedom of speech without the freedom to offend was not worth having.

    But under what circumstances does one man's "hate speech" override another's "freedom of speech"? It's a question that our parents/grandparents would not have understood, but with which we today must grapple.

    Back in the day, Britain's judiciary used to take a robust view on people who decided to be offended by mere words. Provided that there was no incitement to commit a crime, Joe/Jemima Citizen was invited to take the rough with the smooth and grow a thick skin. It's a clear and unambiguous approach that used to put everyone on an equal footing in law, and facilitated full and frank discussion around many topics that some believe have become treacherous legal minefields

  • Urban Gardening in Dystopia


    "A new University of Michigan-led international study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce"

    They're coming for our cabbage patch!

    Patrick Wood (Technocracy News and Trends) reports...

    The totally irrational war on carbon is already destroying farmers all over the world because, they say, “the food system generates about 35 percent of total global man-made greenhouse gas emissions.” Now they are claiming that your urban garden is SIX TIMES WORSE! Brace for an all-out effort to ban or limit urban gardens for personal food production. I can already hear the climate crazies chanting, “Eat ze bugs!”

    Univ. of Michigan spun this study out of

  • Farming in Dystopia, with Natalie and Ivor


    Yes, today our cup runneth over, with Natalie from Redacted interviewing the ever-reliable Ivor Cummins about the state of farming in the Irish Republic, as well as in the UK. What a pleasure to hear two sane and competent people speaking of the unspeakable in a sane and competent, even rather light-hearted, manner.

    Of course, the farmers of the EU also get a mention... as do all the usual suspects...

    "... The only thing that can push back against that now is ... "

    (18 minutes)


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  • Actionable Intelligence?


    The Fulford Report this week purports to provide detailed information on the suppliers of the substance that it appears Big Pharma has been unable to synthesise (and for which Count Dracula might have had a penchant).

    I have no information beyond that provided by Ben in the public domain, so as always its up to you to decide whether or not to give him any credence.

    Suffice it to say that Ben is getting serious.

    (Modest subscription required for access to full report)


  • Mondo Bizzarro


    It's the same the world over - governments have abandoned the pretence of being accountable to their demos, and are seemingly actively working towards autocracy - autocracies that share a large number of unwanted features - unrestrained immigration, legal systems that favour some agendas over others, mass surveillance to remove privacy from the demos, moves towards control of individuals via CBDCs, global hoaxes to scare the demos into submission, imposition of the transgender agenda and the sexualisation of children via controls on "hate speech", the "education" system, and the "health" systems.

    ZeroHedge pulls the threads together.

  • Talky Tice Wants to Discuss "The Future"


    Dear Richard, the debate has already been had and successive Governments have committed to reduce immigration "to the tens of thousands".

    Just do it.

    A new "national conversation" to kick the whole topic away into the long grass of political chicanery is premature.

    Is there any point in talking with politicians who demonstrate clear intent to break that promise? Should we not now demanddelivery on that promise before any further talk?

    Is Richard showing his true colours - controlled opposition?

    It's your decision.

    (9 minutes)

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  • "War Is the Goal"


    Neil Oliver:

    "War is the goal of the governments of the west"

    (11 minutes)


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  • How Not to Respond to a Pandemic


    Yes, this is new news of past events, but sometimes we need a reminder of just how "our" Government operates, and no doubt still operates.

    If the government would wish to reduce wasteful expenditure that clearly lies within their power to control, then maybe ensuring that their procurement systems are protected from interference, and prosecuting those who did interfere "pour décourager les autres" would be a good place to start.

    And the excuse that "there was no time because it was an emergency" does not wash.

    In any emergency, the very last thing you need is product that isn't fit for purpose, so the procurement rules on quality control should have been tightened up and rigorously enforced.


  • The Pact for the Future!


    Yes you've guessed it - this is another UN initiative to bring more levers of power within its grasp.

    Duck dive or weave, there will be no escape if you live on planet Earth.

    All for our safety and enjoyment of course.

    "... this year’s Summit of the Future... will be held September 22–23 at the United Nations headquarters in New York"

    To "take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations"

    "We are at a moment of acute global peril" etc - you get the drift.

    Jacob Nordangård comments.


  • Why Should We British Worry About German Politics?


    Our newspapers and media stations don't report on what they don't see as relevant, but German politics, like seemingly all nations' politics these days, is apparently controlled by the WEF-UN "partnership". It is very similar to British politics, in as much as the political classes are all parroting the Climate Change propaganda as though they unquestioningly believe it. Diversity is good, except for diversity of opinion, and especially diversity of politics.

    It's a religion, or perhaps more accurately the biggest cult we have ever encountered, whereby the cult leaders brainwash everybody to believe (and obey) their leadership unquestioningly, and heretics (those who do ask awkward questions) are not tolerated. They have the cheek to call this new form of politics "democracy". "Autocracy" might be closer to the truth.

    Germany is the stand-out example of a leadership that brooks no opposition and ...

  • The Green Revolution Exposed as Not Even Hot Air


    "The racket at the heart of wind power is even worse than we thought"

    The Nick and Nigel Show delves into the latest revelation from Bloomberg - we pay when the wind blows, we pay for base load power for when it doesn't, we pay when they turn them off because the wind blows too hard or the demand is too low. We assume all the risk, the wind farms assume all the money.

    How much? Well, it depends on the assumptions... and guess which party the assumptions turn out to benefit?

    (17 minutes)


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  • Fight the Climate or Fight Putin?


    The penny is dropping, so to speak.

    We can fight the climate (and lose!) or fight Mr Putin (and lose). Or of course we can pretend to fight both, but everybody would see through that...  wouldn't they?

    War requires energy and in quantity, but "green" doesn't deliver.

    And it isn't merely about steel, although that comes into it depending upon whether Mr Putin would allow us time to prepare. 

    But why would he? He wouldn't. He strikes me as being very rational, particularly about defending Russia and the Russian Federation. So unless we believe that he is only bluffing about defence (which flies in the face of his track record so far) we would be well advised to negotiate a proper defence understanding with him - you stay out of our back yard (which doesn't include the Ukraine) and we will (for a change) stay out of yours. And allow "mutual" inspection...


  • Is the WHO Actually Legally Established?


    Dr Tess Lawrie relates a convoluted story about the events that led to the "founding" of the WHO, a story which Is frankly too complex for me to corroborate.

    Still, if true then it is indeed a tale of remarkable manipulation that drove a coach and horses right past any normal ratification process that would be required by a democratic system of national governance.

    As a basis for annulling our membership through the courts it would likely be possible to spend an eternity in the courtroom painstakingly delving into all the events that are alleged and whether or not they would affect our membership, so it all boils down to whether either (a) we believe Dr Lawrie or (b) we don't believe Dr Lawrie or (c) we decide to check all the details out for ourselves (or can get someone to do that for us).

    Over to

  • No Such Thing as Green Steel?


    The closure of the blast furnaces at Port Talbot has caused the usual ruckus from those who value home-based steel-making. They make good points, but steel-making doesn't exist in a vacuum, it exists in an energy market.

    Our energy market has been (rightly or wrongly) severely skewed over many years by the closure of coal mines and what is euphemistically but inaccurately (in my view) termed the Green Energy agenda.

    (Call me old-fashioned, but any agenda that seeks to restrict the (currently tiny) amount of the primary plant-growing gas in the atmosphere cannot be regarded as "green")

    Now coal has well-known undesirable features and I doubt that anybody seriously wants to go down the mines again to hack it, so it's not as straightforward as reverting to coal-fired power plants, but nuclear is certainly an option, as is gas (if we could abandon our obsession with the Russians being the devil incarnate and rebuild/build a pipeline). Windmills are simply

  • Democracy on a Knife-Edge


    Financial advisers and their newsletters are not normally regarded as founts of political truth, being not primarily concerned with politics, but with investment opportunities.

    That seems to have changed, and I don''t apologise for featuring this piece today, since it is 99.9% about the current state of world politics (and you can pass over the 0.1% investment note without really noticing). 

    Why so? The truth these days is that political overreach has far more sway over investment returns than the usual economic and commercial factors. In fact, almost everything you can think of has been politicised for better or for worse, including your sex at birth, your pronouns, "pandemic preparedness" and climate
